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gas station bathrooms

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I always flush with my foot when I use public restrooms (and don't try this before you pull your pants up... it ends badly EVERY TIME.)

Also... for the girls, learn to hover! It's good for your thighs, plus putting toilet paper or those toilet cover aren't enough. Any liquid that's on the seat just soaks up. Gross.


I work at a gas station, and I make sure the bathrooms are clean since I have to use them. Wish I didn't have to clean the men's though...

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Seen scribbled on a gas station bathroom stall wall...


"Here I sit so broken hearted.

trying to censorkip.gif but only farted.

So then later, I took a chance,

tried to fart and censorkip.gif my pants"


Different stall,


"We Are Anonymous.

We Are Legion.

We Do Not Forgive.

We Do Not Forget.

Expect Us"



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At my school, sometimes girls smoke in the bathroom stalls (they don't seem to care whether it's cigarettes or weed). There was this one bathroom in the Freshmen building where someone had smoked in one of the stalls and left cigarette ashes all over the toilet seat. And apparently, the janitors didn't feel like doing their jobs since that ash was left on that toilet seat for at least a few weeks.....

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I got locked in a public restroom once. The details are a little fuzzy, but I can remember trying to open the door, and it just not opening. I ended up having to crawl through the space between the bottom of the door and the floor.


I normally don't mind public restrooms. Not the fairly clean ones anyway. In one I went to, there was no toilet paper, and in one of the stalls, someone hadn't even bothered to flush.

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One time when I was really little, my family was going on a long car trip and we stopped at a gas station for a restroom break... There was only one restroom, and it wasn't in the store, it was outside. I (finally) got to the front of the line and this lady breezes in out of nowhere, cutting the whole line, and runs in ahead of me. She took FOREVER, and started apologizing a lot when she got out, saying "it was either the restroom or right there." Yeah, never mind that little kid you just pushed out of the way. I'm sure he could have held it forever.


I'm still a little mad about that. You may have noticed.

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I dunno, I don't get why some people freak out so much. Urine is sterile (unless you're diseased) and if you've got half a brain you can wipe yourself without getting piss on your hands. Number 2 is a different story entirely, though (although I'd still hope to heaven that you can wipe without soiling your hands!) xd.png


If you come across a toilet that hasn't been flushed, just skip it. If it's the only one, flush it with your foot and put tons of paper on the seat and flush it in small batches so it won't clog (I personally always put paper down but that's just me.)


Also, please DON'T hover. Because that's how piss ends up on the seats. If you insist on hovering, make sure you don't leave any droplets behind, because then you're just adding to the problem you're trying so hard to avoid.

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My family travels a lot so I have seen the whole range of gas station bathrooms. What is really surprising is when you find one that is really clean. Found one once, don't remember where. It was really clean, had soap and tp, and smelled nice to boot!

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I try not to use gas station bathrooms if I can help it. A lot of them look and smell like the bathroom at my old school, where people draw in various substances on the walls and forget to flush. But what I find more gross than that is mildew. The caulking around the sinks at one Chinese restaurant I like to go to is almost completely black with mildew. How hard is it to take some Bleach to it? I mean seriously.

Edited by HawktalonOfRiverClan

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I travel home for most holidays. By now, I know where the clean stations are and thats where I stop for gas/snacks.


My dad will check a restaurant's bathroom before they will eat there. Logic being, if they can't clean the bathroom, what do you think the kitchen looks like? I can't say I can find anything to disagree with on that advice.

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I try to stay away from public bathrooms, but if we're on a long trip what choice do we have if we gotta go? Especially gas station bathrooms. *Shudder*

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Ah, gas station bathrooms, one of the places where my arachnophobia gets intensified.

Edited by ylangylang

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I believe the term is 'arachnophobia', ylangyland. wink.gif


I'm ab-so-lute-ly terrified of gas station bathrooms! xd.png I live in Manhattan - grew up here - so there aren't many gas stations anyway, but whenever we go out-of-town and into the suburbs, I never go pee in gas stations. I hold it in.

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I always try not use rest stop bathrooms. I will never take a dump in 1 unless it's clean or semi-clean(little piss on seat) and i will always use the toilet covers or make my own. Btw,have u seen the rest stop movies before? It about a chick who gets attacked by a serial killer in a rest stop who also kinapped and killed her boyfriend. The sequel is pretty much the same; her older sis and boyfriend and other friend go looking for them. Not many horror movies scare me anymore.

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Ugh, I'll tell you what's worse than a public restroom... the portable toilets on Open Air music festivals. I've seen the most horrible things in those. I'm usually not very picky when I need to go, but seriously, I can't even open the door of one... just imagine four days of drunk metalheads going to those and you'll have a rough image of what I mean.



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I've seen a few that were actually quite nice. I've also seen a few that made me wonder if anyone ever used it.

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The few I've been in were okay.


I dunno what you guys are even talking about.

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I avoid public restrooms as much as possible, but when you can't hold it any longer it's your last resort. .-.


At times if you visit an expensive movie theater, something where the customers pay allot, the bathrooms are well cared for. But if you go into the more common 7-Eleven or high school bathroom, people write allover the surfaces and leave other nasty things behind.

Edited by RockinSia

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I'm surprised and relieved that this is the case for other countries, not just mine. My country being, admittedly, in economic decay, that is. I thought everything bad is here, and exclusively here. That's why the relieved feeling.


Anyway, yes, horrible experiences in the bathroom! Er, I would really hold it if I have to. I wouldn't really go to those public bathrooms. Inside the men's are bad words on the walls or crude drawings. Vandalisms in short. Also, the smell is horrible.


Edited: When I really had to go... I have to squat on the bowl and it was painful to the thighs. sad.gif

Edited by georgexu94

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I think it was 10 years ago.

At the way back from trip, me and my father went gas station restroom, and door of that restroom locked and we stuck at there 30 minutes. My mother was remain at the car and she told me that someone look inside family's car and said 'someone in that car'. And I heard that several cars are stolen at that area.

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I avoid them when I can; some of them are terribly off-putting. For instance, I was travelling once when I went into one with a load of cockroaches. Upon seeing that, I gave up and held it in.

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