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I'm going to reserve judgement until I see the rules.

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I guess it could go both ways. It's really nice that all the feedback, polls, etc. were taken into account =)


However, I have to admit... posting the re-revised rules in the Stop SOPA thread would've made me laugh =P

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I love how we can finally quote quotes. (: I don't know if this was implemented a while ago, but I just noticed now.

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I don't know if this was sugested before, but I would like something that shows if members are online. Something, small-green dot by the avatar for the example, if the member is online.

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I don't know if this was sugested before, but I would like something that shows if members are online. Something, small-green dot by the avatar for the example, if the member is online.

there was for a short time, but there were problems and it hasn't been back sad.gif

but at the bottom of the "home page" there is a list of who is online at the moment, click the "members" link and there is a list in alphabetical order

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I don't know if this was sugested before, but I would like something that shows if members are online. Something, small-green dot by the avatar for the example, if the member is online.

Please only as long as you can come in anonymously when you don't want to be instantly bombarded with PMs !!!

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Please only as long as you can come in anonymously when you don't want to be instantly bombarded with PMs !!!

Of course. I wouldn't like it either without the choice of being anonymus. It's just that being able to say if person is on site can come in handy when you want to trade or gift, especially if you are short on egg slots, or dont have time.



there was for a short time, but there were problems and it hasn't been back sad.gif

but at the bottom of the "home page" there is a list of who is online at the moment, click the "members" link and there is a list in alphabetical order




I know there is a list, but when you check out any topic, list doesn't show up anymore, instead you can only see members who are curently checking out that topic. Maybe the list visible at all pages, not just a home page, could work.

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OOF. Don't think so... look at the length of it. Anyway - a sign by their name wouldn't help, then, either - as you could only see whoever was on line in whatever thread you have open...

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OOF. Don't think so... look at the length of it. Anyway - a sign by their name wouldn't help, then, either - as you could only see whoever was on line in whatever thread you have open...

I'm not tehnology sawy, but couldn't it work like this: if the person is anywhere on the site (unless it's is anonymus), there is a mark on its profile, indicating it's on site? Ex: I see a trade offer, and the person offering the trade is in dragon requestes. But there is still a sign indicating that person is on site.


Again, I don't know if this is possible, but I just happened to think about it as making it easier.

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Oh yes - that would work, but you did suggest the list at the bottom of each thread... !

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The list was just a seond option since dragonpuck pointed there were problems with this previusly. But my first idea was same as the example I gave. I'm more for the first idea with an icon, since it doesn't consume space and you don't have to look through 90 names if the person is still on the forums.

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Well - there is always that useful thing called "find" smile.gif (not the search here; the KEYBOARD one (ctrl + f for firefox...) That's what I use when I need to know and there's a wall of members staring at me !

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Didn't know about that one. When you look at it we already have everything we need at forums. Everything else is just suggestions for making it easier to navigate and use the forums. I've propositioned something I think would be usefull. Now, it's on the rest to decide if they like it or not.

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I'd like to see a 'Got Questions About Breeding?' Topic opened up. I have one, and don't feel that the 'Help' Forum is really the place to put it. I'm not asking for 'Help' I have a question about breeding, and have had other questions about breeding with no place to put them. Is this a viable idea?

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Well, if it is about breeding mechanics, the help section is the place to post. If you don't want to open your own topic, post in the Tiny Little Questions thread.


However, if it is about breeding requests, check gifting threads and people's signatures. Many people offer to breed on request, and many others will breed even if they don't offer. Also, you can put your request(s) in your own signature. Sooner or later, someone will contact you about it, if you post often enough for people to actually see you siggy.

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I'd like to see a 'Got Questions About Breeding?' Topic opened up. I have one, and don't feel that the 'Help' Forum is really the place to put it. I'm not asking for 'Help' I have a question about breeding, and have had other questions about breeding with no place to put them. Is this a viable idea?

If you think a general discussion thread about breeding would be useful, contact Z rubyshoes, she's the breeding subforum mod. If she thinks your concerns are viable, she'll allow you to start a thread in the breeding subforum.


EDIT: scratch that, looks like Z got a promotion to global.. contact rubyshoes instead

Edited by Cinnamin Draconna

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Just want to mention that you can PM globals for any section. _Z_ still knows more about SD than I ever will, Khay about RP, and me hopefully about Suggestions. =p

But yes, the section mods are great resources and ruby would be just as great to PM about that as _Z_. ^^

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Just bringing up another random grievance here...


I don't really like how in S&R, the OP can request that a thread be closed on a whim. I don't know about other forums, but here, discussions often balloon into things the OP didn't intend. I can understand OPs requesting thread splitting, but I don't think they should be allowed to shut down discussion in "their thread" just because the thread didn't go the way they planned.

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Just bringing up another random grievance here...


I don't really like how in S&R, the OP can request that a thread be closed on a whim. I don't know about other forums, but here, discussions often balloon into things the OP didn't intend. I can understand OPs requesting thread splitting, but I don't think they should be allowed to shut down discussion in "their thread" just because the thread didn't go the way they planned.

I agree. Sometimes it comes across as the original person just wanting to avoid the discussion, while others are still interested - and nobody ever starts a second thread, probably because they don't want to appear as though they're stirring things.


Obviously if there's a resounding no, etc, then it's okay to shut down a thread. But sometimes a debate is going on and it still gets locked.

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Topics are actually not supposed to be closed by request of the OP (with the exception of things they 'own' like dragon requests, lineages, and RPs). There has been some miscommunication within the staff regarding this, but I believe we are (hopefully) all on the same page now. :3

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I'd like to see something that either deletes the Trade thread once a trade has been made, or somehow changes it to let the reader know that dashing to her/his Scroll, checking to see what s/he has and dashing back to make that offer on the CB whatever is totally useless.


Thank you.

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Well, each user can and should either strike through their posts, update them to say the trade is over or simply delete their trade post. Personally, I prefer deleting because it unclutters the thread.

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Well, each user can and should either strike through their posts, update them to say the trade is over or simply delete their trade post. Personally, I prefer deleting because it unclutters the thread.

Yes, that's what I (try to) do too (if I don't forget). It would be good if the trading threads came wit a rule that forces people to delete their post after accepting a trade, but I think that would be a pain to moderate...

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