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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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Shadow frowned. "No. I was trying to get you off topic. I, I am not a huge fan of getting help with my scars. I actually normally just cover it with snow but there is no snow here, at least none that would stay consistent with its form." Shadow looked back at Rika with a defeated look on his face. "Ok. Give your friend a call, I guess it would be better to have a hole in my leg."


((I will do Kyl's part later after work.))

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All three of them looked confused and Chasilin was the one to speak up.- "What's...and inn?"


"It doesn't matter!" Intergected both Lunarissa and Palemphius, both quite drawn to the idea of warm food and shelter. Chasilin looked to them like 'crap, you're not helping' but sighed and then shrugged.-


"Alright, lead the way..." Coins, she thought, I think Father had those before...round things you can trade for stuff. She frowned, why? It's not like you can eat them? She paused, Or wait, can you?


Chasilin stood and Palmephius fluttered his wings to hang on properly, Lunarissa leapt up and Chasilin caught her, cradling her in her arms and smoothing back her cold, damp fur.


((It's alright x3))

((I feel bad posting every once in a blue moon, I'll try to post more))

Nick looked at them quizzing as they asked about inns. "Never been to civilization before?" he asked before starting off in the direction of the local inn. "An inn is, hmm. I don't know how to explain it. You can sleep and eat there for a price paid in these here coins." the coins jingled a bit as hey patted the bag at his belt. He started to set off towards the in before stopping "Ah shot, I can't remember if this city is friendly towards dragons... ah well. If anything goes wrong I'm sure we'll think of something. Lets go" he continued walking, this time more alert.


((Also is "

"Alright, lead the way..." Coins, she thought, I think Father had those before...round things you can trade for stuff. She frowned, why? It's not like you can eat them? She paused, Or wait, can you?"

is nick able to hear that or not?))

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((Yes, he can, haha but Chasilin doesn't know that. Also, don't worry about it, as long as you reply I'm happy ^^ I can easily occupy myself with something else so that the wait doesn't bother me.))


"Civilization?" -Asked Chasilin. She thought, Strange, his vocabulary is very unusual. Though, in reality, her's was just lacking.- "Uh, Nick, what do you mean you don't know if they are dragon friednly or not?"


In her arms Lunarissa had gone stiff. Suddenly, she was not fond of Inns.


Palmephius snorted- "I can handle myself..."


Chasilin was not convinced but she continued to follow Nick anyway. He'd saved her life, she had reason to believe he wouldn't go and put them all in mortal peril so soon after.-

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The rescue aid group was now in the southern part of Dominina. They were walking through a savannah. It had been many months since they've started traveling in Dominina. "It's sure been a long time, hasn't it Aeolus?" asked Cantarella. "It is sure, Cantarella. And not to mention the plantlife has been returning," Aeolus as he looked at the wide range of the tall grasses on plains. "It's doing pretty well near the equator, but up north, it's going to be very slow because of the winter season," Aeolus said.


With Fayt's support, Nell started to walk on her two feet. "Wolk!" she said as she tried her first attempt at the word 'walk'.


'That's very great, we'll all be happy to have you back at home,' said Atlas. Sapphire suggested to spy on THEM to which Androcles replied, "That's a great idea! We can go see if THEM is good or not!" "Yeah, but how are we going to climb down from our cave? It's too high up. What if we accidentally slip and fall?" said Danielle who was concerned about the possible dangers. Kylie thought about asking her aunt, Atlas, to teleport to the place near THEM's base and then sneaking off there. But then she figured that Atlas was going to get worried about them being gone for a long time and trying to cast tracking spells on them. So that idea wouldn't work. Sapphire was a magi hatchling though, so maybe she could teleport them there instead. "Hey Sapphire, do you know how to teleport us to THEM?" Kylie asked.


((I'm going to try color testing again



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((Lol, poor Kuna, no one saw his post.


If you hit 'post preview' I think it will show you colors. Saves time X3))


"Aww" Meracle laughed, "Isn't that cute. Then I suppose that's only fair, for both statements" she grinned at Ayos. She had to admit she really did like the little black dragon. He was probably one of the best friends she would get in this world. Especially with the resistant thoughts toward hybrids.


Fayt slowly let go of Nell, but kept his hands close in case she fell. "Quick little learners" he uttered. Jaden returned with his own growl that was mediocre at best. He hunkered down on all fours. Young hybrids were much faster on four legs due to their legs not being very strong yet. Jaden lept forward toward Kayla.


Rika rolled her eyes. "One moment" she went silent, using telepathic speech to reach Miko. That was one helpful thing Icefire had left at least. After a moment she looked back to Shadow, "There, she's coming" Rika sat down in another chair. "Nothing wrong with accepting help, mind you. What's up with that? Ego too big?"

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((Nick, Sai, or Red is nicks tent still up? And is Minerva still living in the other dimension. I don't have an answer to Kuna's question.))


Sapphire shied away at the question. "Errr...no. I can barely make more than a short gust when it's winter and I just started to be able to move medium sized rocks in summer." Sapphire said feeling embarrassed that she couldn't help with her own magic. "I guess we'll have to think of something else." She said seeing the immediate flaw in her plan that Danielle had brought up.


Malice contacted the recruiters in mid flight and instructed them to head out to Gyewner and Haynias to start recruiting there. Malice landed in the cave again and smiled when he saw Atlas. "I'm back again." He said making his way over to where Atlas was. "I told you I would be home soon didn't I kids?" Sapphire grumbled her agreement, she wasn't fond of being wrong. "And I here for the rest of the day too." He said warmly to Atlas sitting down next to her.




Brian had arrived at the sign shop a little while ago and was currently paying the man for the posts he had picked out. "Thanks a bunch. You have no idea how much this helps out." Brian left the store man handling the posts "Pfft, no idea is right." The clerk muttered as the door closed. Brian on the other hand was the picture of joy, practically skipping down the streets he drew the attention of more than just a few people.




Earl awoke with a headache and blanket still on his face. "Rest well?" "I don't remember getting punched in the head as part of the contract." Sylvette shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever, the next batch are ready for your attention. I copied your spell, hard to get it just right. Still if we work together we should have them done by the end of the month...end of the week if we get more magi dragons out here." Earl seemed to consider this. End of the week would mean no more getting beat up by Sylvette and getting back to his actual task at hand, which was supporting Brian. Hell he was willing to bet Brian would chose to hold off acting until he had his entire team back. "Fine but make it snappy." Sylvette put in a request to Tria for more magi dragons.




Ayos smiled and glided over to Meracle and planted a kiss on her cheek in return although it was a little more reserved than hers had been. "Glad that you agree." He said smiling at the hybrid.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Richard was walking along with others from rescue aid group, ignoring the cold. He was writing in his diary as usual. The only thing that has frustrated him so far is that he's been running out of paper. Sooner or later he had to change the writing to gesturing, and he knew it. He hated the fact that he had no voice whatsoever, and he always dreamed to get his voice. The strange thing was that he had a feeling that he once had a voice.

((I don't know where I should pilut Rina in Rudvich... Yea, Rudvich, as she wanted to go there.))

Edited by TheTron852

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Tria pause midstep and turned her head as a request for Magi dragons came in. She walked toward the barracks and ordered 50 magi dragons to head toward the destination. A moment later, they arrived, ready for orders.


Kayla jumped out of the way and dived for him, growling between cries of enjoyment. "Little learners!" she said, now knowing the word little wasn't her name. It must be what they refered to those smaller then themselves or something like that. "Little, try again!" she gigled at her brother.



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Fifty dragons arrived and Earl was astonished. "This could very well be done at the end of the month. Alright Sylvette teach them how it's done, make sure they understand that if they go too fast it will screw things up and we'll have to start over." Earl said as he made his way over to the bits mismatched bits and peaces he had set aside for his unique projects. "While they are doing that you and I can spend some quality time together." He picked out a torso that looked as though it belonged to a bull at some point and began his gruesome work. Sylvette began teaching the other magi dragons the magics and theologies that Earl was employing to make this army. "Why doesn't he just animate them like other necromancers?" "Because then you just get what you get. There is no design, no customization, no passio-oh god I'm starting to talk like him." Sylvette took a pass on the question and resumed her instructions. After about three hours of teaching the magi dragons seemed to understand the procedure itself even if they didn't really understand why.


((Earl is infectious xd.png))

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(*Blinks* You really go into depth with your necromancers ENK.

Will post later)

Edited by warewolves

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Nell walked on her two feet for a bit after Fayt let her go. She took a few steps until it looked like that she was about to trip and fall over. Minerva's mouth dropped as she anticipated that her daughter might fall down again. Nell fell forward, but then she stopped when she suddenly regained balance using her tail. The baby hybrid went back to walking around.


((I'll post more soon.))

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((I need zome 'elp 'ere... Alright, I have to agree that I am bad at accents.

Now about the help: I don't know where I should land Rina. Yeah, thats a typical 'Newbie Syndrome'...

Continent is Rudvich.


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((Windfall is always a safe bet to start. I have a few Charries meandering there with nothing better to do if your interested happy.gif [that would be Brian and Co]))

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Rina landed in a forest near Windfall. She felt the scent of a human town nearby and walked away from it. "I can't let humans see me, if I want to stay alive." - she thought. She didn't knew at this moment about Windfall's reputation, as she was new here, and haven't been here before. Right now she was busy with her target - to find at least one of representatives of her clan.

((If something's wrong in the post - I'll fix that.))

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((Nick's tent is still down, Enkie! And Minerva's family is still in the other dimension.))


Sapphire said that she couldn't teleport in the winter. (Hope I read that right.) Then Malice returned to the cave and said that he would be home for the rest of the day. Atlas miled and purred (dragon-like, not cat-like. Do dragons pur?) as her mate sat next to her. Kylie and the other hatchlings went to Malice and she asked, "So what did THEM needed you for this time?" "Is the super soldier serum thing getting better yet?" asked curious Androcles.


((I need a plot for Aeolus's group, but I have no idea in mind.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"Well now that that's out of the way" Meracle murmured awkwardly. She chuckled at his shyness though he did seem much more confident in the air. It felt good to have someone close. Well, close an not try to kill her like Albel did. Or so she hoped. "Hmm. Fuzzy hybrid and little black dragon. Think of the children" she teased with a grin.


Fayt watched as Nell was able to keep balance on her own. At least she was with the others now. Since they seemed to be able to speak, he pointed to each of them, "Nell, Jaden, Kayla" he stated, fixing them with their names. Jaden was tackled by Kayla. He latched softly on her arm with his new little teeth and growled. Fayt sat on the edge of Minerva's bed. "They're doing well enough, how about you?" he asked.

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Kayla's ears flicked and she turned as her father pointed to her and said a word. "Kayla?" Was that what she was called. She turned to glance at her brother and tilted her head, "Jaden?" She paused, absorbing this new information, her thoughts not focusing on her arm. "Jaden you go! Go Jaden!" she cried, noticing the sharp pain sudenly. Her tail swished at him and she swiped at him, claws instinctively coming out as she cried out in pain. "Jaden go!!! Jaden!"

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((Nah your fine. Tackeron is an Electric dragon, currently working on recovering the profile...kinda had an accident with him and Earl.))


Tackeron was meandering through the woods. The electric dragon felt like getting out of the clustered city of windfall. It was just too...wierd for him, even if the unity of all peoples was part of Brian's goal it felt strange to be around that many humans for so long that weren't also in the cult. As he meandered he almost walked smack dab into Rina. Stumbling backwards a bit he sighed. "Sorry about that, I was lost in my thoughts." He said sitting down, his legs only now protesting to how tired they were.




((thank you red happy.gif and close enough, she can't teleport at all since she is young and inexperianced but your statement is just as correct. And I have not heard of a dragon purring but they look like they would don't they, I can totally see a purring dragon happy.gif Plus even if tehy don't purr seems like the most appropriate word anyways since it is essentially an affectionate rumble.))


Malice was immediatly bombarded by quesstions from his nieces and son. Sapphire stayed back and stayed quiet, she was still mad at her father for going back to the lab. "Redfire wanted to show me a new development and yes the super soldier serum is progressing, in fact that was what redfire wanted to show me." Malice said happily to the children. he saw Sapphire being moddy and sighed. "Sapphire why don't you come and sit with your mother and family." malice was cautious to avoide saying the word 'I' since he knew Sapphire was not happy with him. sapphire hesitated a moment and then uttered an ok and made her ay over to her mother's side again and nestled up against Atlas.




Galamonaro saw into the cave and saw that the tent was down. "Oh, that can't be good." he said worried. He lead Laura into the cave to inspect the tent with a grim look on his face. "I'll bet dollers to donoughts that the portal linking the two worlds has been severed. I wonder what happened to bring this down." He wondered out loud as he poked at some of the cloth.




"Kids? Uuuh.....what? Like....now?" Ayos was a bit bewildered and totally caught off guard by meracles statement. He thought that everyone went through a period of courting before they mated. But maybe it was differnet with Hybrids. Although, he had to admit the thoguht of what their children would look like was amusing. But now was perhapes a bit fast for him, he hadn't even tried courting a mate of his own kind much less any other. Of course Ayos was now jumping to conclusions and thankfully caught himself when he considered the tone in Meracle's voice. She was definately teasing him so he played along. "I wonder...little furry black dragon hybrid...hybrids." He chuckled at the name.

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Laura followed Gal as he went to the tent. She frowned and sighed. "What do we do now? Go home and cut our losses?" She sighed, as if that option didn't please her. "I don't like loosing, what else can we do, ask around?" she asked. She glancd to Gal and smiled before looking away. "Whatever's fine with me, you're normally the smarter of us two."

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Rina almost fell, when someone all of the sudden walked right into her. She was about to attack, but immediately canceled it, when she saw an electric dragon and heard his excuse. "It's ok. And sorry for going to attack you. Reflexes, you see." - she said and asked a question, looking straight at the dragon: "And who are you?"

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((Yes, he can, haha but Chasilin doesn't know that. Also, don't worry about it, as long as you reply I'm happy ^^ I can easily occupy myself with something else so that the wait doesn't bother me.))


"Civilization?" -Asked Chasilin. She thought, Strange, his vocabulary is very unusual. Though, in reality, her's was just lacking.- "Uh, Nick, what do you mean you don't know if they are dragon friednly or not?"


In her arms Lunarissa had gone stiff. Suddenly, she was not fond of Inns.


Palmephius snorted- "I can handle myself..."


Chasilin was not convinced but she continued to follow Nick anyway. He'd saved her life, she had reason to believe he wouldn't go and put them all in mortal peril so soon after.-



Nick looked back at Chasilin "What, never heard of the word civilization before?" Smiling at her thoughts he realized she didn't know he could hear her. "Is there a problem with an unusual vocabulary?" he said, voicing her thoughts. He continued leading them towards the inn listening to her next question. "Some towns and cities don't like dragons. There was a war, I think I was in it, but I can't remember, I only took part in a few battles." As they were nearing the inn he looked back at Lunarissa, noticing she had gone stiff. "Is something wrong?" he questioned.

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-Chasilin had the grace to blush as the fact that Nick could hear thoughts came to life. Frowning she followed his look towards Lunarissa, since she knew the feline was currently reliving her past she looked up and caught his gaze with her own.- "Luna hasn't a pleasant relationship currently ongoing with those who oppose dragons. Someone dearest to her heart was unrightfully sentenced to death by their hands." In her arms Lunarissa seemed to shrink as she slumped her shoulders and dipped her chilled nose tot he ground in reflection. Sympathetically Chasilin ran a soothing hand over her ears and down to her shoulder. Looking up once more, Chasilin smiled as if to say that it was best not to ask more.- " So, this Inn, are we there yet?"



Edited by Chasilin

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Laura followed Gal as he went to the tent. She frowned and sighed. "What do we do now? Go home and cut our losses?" She sighed, as if that option didn't please her. "I don't like loosing, what else can we do, ask around?" she asked. She glancd to Gal and smiled before looking away. "Whatever's fine with me, you're normally the smarter of us two."


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