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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Will blinked at them in confusion. He looked from one to the other then frowned. "Who are you people?" He asked. Just then the straps on the saddle came loose and he came tumbling to the ground with a yelp.

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Astraea nodded and trotted over to Will. She used her mind to try to get his attention, she showed him some pictures and even some sounds to introduce herself. She then asked if he was feeling alright. ((I'm assuming everything is not alright and that he's under a spell.)) Within the first second of contact she sensed something was wrong. Will seemed to be in a hazy state of being half asleep and half awake. The hatchling waited for a response. She was concerned and it the feeling showed in her facial expression.

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Akira frowned hearing Will and said "Will... You know everyone here... except for Stoy and the two hatchlings... Are you OK?" As she also made sure he didn't hurt himself when he fell by sniffing him. Elbereth came over with a frown and said "I have a feeling he is in some sort of spell... Will... what all do you remember? Do you remember Akira? How bout your wolf? What do you remember?" As she crouched down by him and Astarae.

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Will blinked at them then sat up. "Of course I remember Akira and Shadow... I don't remember you quite so big though Akira" he, frowning up at her. The spell might be someone else's doing or, it could be his own doing. Being a half-elf made his magic rather unpredictable... Maybe at some point a spell backfired and was just now effecting him, but with how everything had been going lately, it was hard to tell.

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Akira frowned and said "I'd agree with some sort of spell, Elbereth..." She sighed then said "I grew awhile ago Will. So you remember me and Shadow, but everyone else not so much..." Akira sighed again and said "This is going to be a problem..."

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Will blinked up at them all then he stood up and staggered a bit, feeling dizzy. His normally very alert mind didn't even notice that Astraea was trying to communicate with him mentally. Suddenly he started and looked rather frantically around. "Wait, where are the soldiers?" He asked, clearly thinking this was still the night when he found Akira and when the group of soldiers found them and chased them into the forest.

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Astraea was saddened that Will could or would not answer her. The hatchling was pretty sure that he would answer her if he could, but she actually hasn't seen him do that much. He just sat on Akira's back! This means that this sort haziness has been going on for quite some time. She hoped that whatever was causing this was not poison. But if it was not posion and some sort of magic then who cast it? Surely nobody in the group did, was there anyone in the group of soldiers who could do such a thing? The group needed to do something soon. She told Elbereth about her discoveries and then Akira.

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Stoy scratched his head. Who would make such a thing? Amnesia, most likely. But who? The soldiers? He sat down in frustration as Topeznite tried to soothe him.


Henry saw his men groan. "We'll stop at a town... and lose the trail of the enemy though." he grumbled. His whole unit feared him... well he did stand 9 inches taller than most of them. Maybe that's why he was assigned one. Angry at defeat he untied his horse.

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Draith noticed after Will had asked who they were that something was up. He seemed to be remembering past events instead of the present. Especially when he mentioned Akira being smaller. Then asked he where the soldiers were. He seemed more scared than before.

The shade got off her horse, half annoyed and half perplexed as to how this could happen. There were many spells in her knowledge that could do this, though she hadn't sensed anyone cast those. A spell could have backfired perhaps, but they would need to know what Will had cast if that had actually happened. She walked over with this in mind. "They're gone, though I can get them back if you'd rather have them come." She stated, standing and watching his reactions. There was magic involved, that was obvious, but it was going to be hard to figure out what exactly was involved with his amnesia.


Zailik had followed Draith off his horse but didn't go over to Will. Will probably would attack him if he did. Instead, he walked over to Jayes who wasn't too far away from either of them but at a respectable distance from Akira and Will to give them the needed space. Jayes was thinking of the possible causes as Zailik interrupted him.

"Some great time to have amnesia." The soldier muttered, knowing it would put Draith in a worse mood. He stood by Jayes and watched.

"Did you sense someone else doing this to him? Or do you think he could have done it himself?" The soldier seemed somewhat confused to Jayes. "Himself probably... he's gotten himself into trouble before when Draith and I were actually bent on getting him and Akira back to the King." That information didn't help his thinking much. Jayes sighed, shaking his head. "There's a myriad of possible things that could have happened. Heck, someone could have hit him with a rock for all we know!"

"But rocks don't do this to people. You know that." Zailik commented. They both wished it had just been a simple rock. Easy to solve, less stress on everyone and less time spent waiting for Henry's men to come back.

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(My internet is basically nonexistent plus I have ropes training for work today and tomorrow... I'll post when I can)

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((*coughs* Someone's gotta post. It can't be me because I already posted what I had to respond to. Technically double posting is a bad thing... especially when nothing new has happened at all))

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Will's face pailed and he shook his head. "No, i'd rather they staid away" he said to the shade. His personality had changed as well, after all he had been through a lot, it had toughened him up but now... Now he was a bit of a sissy and his dark eyes flicked around before he realized hi hair wasn't in his face and he frowned, touching his red hair, after all it used to be pretty freak'n long.

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Akira whined a little and said "Will..." She nuzzled him and said to everyone else "I wanna know what happened. If someone else did this, I'll eat them." Elbereth sighed and nodded at Astarae then said "I can scan and see what spell hit him, but it could take some time. We need to get moving as well though." She sighed and scratched her head then said "We need to decide what to do though. Memory loss or no, he should still be able to move. If I must I'll put him on horseback if he can't seem to ride Akira anymore."

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Will started when she juzzled him but he smiled and gently rubbed her purple neck, his fingers gently gliding over her scales. He blinked at them then his head turned and a clearness came to his eyes. "We should follow" he suddenly said, his normal stiff tones coming back before suddenly his eyes snapped back to being hazy and he blinked.



(As you can see, I'm just making things up at this point xd.png )

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((Making things up is always good DS. That's all I ever do.))


Draith half debated sending a few soldiers here. Though she also suspected Zailik's presence might be enough to set Will off-the-edge the way he was acting. She knew Zailik had thought of that, that's why he was further away, and didn't bother making a spectical out of nothing. Without another word, she mounted her horse again. "If he must, he can ride with me, Zailik or Jayes." She offered as the other two she spoke of also got back to their horses. Having Will ride with someone would be easier on him. She figured having him ride with another male might be easier yet as he wouldn't be so distracted in his more fragile state of mind.

"Whichever we do choose, we're going to have to move before Henry's men come back."



Zailik wasn't so sure having Will potentially ride with him was a good idea. His horse was no doubt the easiest-going of the three offered by Draith, though his position as a soldier probably was still lodged somewhere in the Rider's mind. He wouldn't set him off just by his cloths, but Zailik was sure his actions would. Or he bet his poor luck that something about himself would make Will worried.




Jayes didn't mind being offered as a type of watcher. He'd watch Will on the horse as needed if put to the task. He wasn't so sure his horse liked the idea- it barely liked having him riding it to begin with until Draith persuaded otherwise- but he would make best of the situation.


((You're welcome to join if you wish guy person. It's always open.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Henry sighed. He started to drink to wash away the failure of killing a group of Varden soldiers. They had stopped at the inn to murk away defeat and to clean up and head to bed.



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((Ok, anybody else gonna post again??))

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Akira nodded and said "Yes..." Before looking worriedly at Will again. She sighed and said "Can you still ride Will? Or do you need to ride on a horse with someone?" She was extremely worried about Will, as well as sad at the possibility he wouldn't be able to ride her till he re-learned or remembered.

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Will looked up at the saddle with all its loops and he bit his lip. "Uh..... I don't know" he told her and glanced from her to the horses. He saw a man standing back from the others and simply blinked at him, thinking he looked familiar.

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((*isn't entirely sure who Will's starring at but has a hunch* I'm probably wrong about the hunch too...))


Draith wasn't willing to wait much longer. If they did, she knew Henry would be back and having Will in this condition wasn't a good vantage for the fight. "If you're unable to ride Akira, I'd suggest riding with Zailik. His horse is the least ornery of the three of ours. Unless someone else has a better idea." She suggested, gesturing to Zailik for a moment.


The soldier stepped forward his horse a bit from the small line they had accidentally formed. It was true; his horse was the least mindful of an extra weight on its back, but he wondered how Will would react to that. He already seemed bothered by something.


Jayes was half glad Draith didn't just grab Will and throw him on her horse. She seemed like she was ready to do that, or was ready to throw Will on anything to get this small group to leave. Her quickness on the matter was partly justified though. If Henry came back now, they'd be tasked with worrying about a fragile Will who might in fact take off running at the sight of the soldiers. He doubted the Rider could, more so would, actually fight them as well as he could have before. He'd be in more danger and that wasn't something Jayes knew to be a good idea to put someone through with memory loss.



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Elbereth sighed and whistled, her own horse appearing soon after. She then said "Or you have the choice to ride alone on mine, if you can ride bareback. Midnight is a very calm horse though, as long as you are nice to him, and I tell him to be." She said as she stroked Midnights nose. She then shrugged and said "Up to you, but if you are not sure about riding bareback, I'd take Zalik's. Decide soon though." She then looked at Akira and said "If Will can not ride on you, may I? You have more room for Astarae then Midnight, so you would be the better choice, and I do not wish to try and run to keep up with you guys while holding Astarae." Akira sighed and said "Very well, if Will can not ride, you may ride with me. Or ride on your own horse and I will take care of Astarae till we are done."

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Will glanced between the man and the elf then he hesitated. The man seemed... Off. But he couldn't ride bareback, or remember if he could ao finally he pointed to zailik. "I think I'll be better off with him" He said softly, though something tugged at his mind, telling him not to.

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Zailik walked his horse closer to Will. The stubborn thing wasn't resisting this time. Good, perhaps it would listen better with two riders. He allowed Will to choose his preferred spot of sitting then, while keeping his horse still. He noticed Will seemed a little apprehensive, though the soldier did his best not to bring that to light. It would probably be better for them both.


((quick post is quick... I'm at a graduation- been practically all day- and this was the only time I had break.... plus I was rather bored... nothing's going on at the moment, but I gotta go again.))

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((*pokes so everyone sees it hopefully*))

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