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Warriors: Return to the forest

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Name: Fernpaw

User: Sinder

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/fernpaw...tar/fernpaw.jpg

Bio: Fernpaw loves to battle she is very good with coming up with differnet moves because she listens very well when cats are taught. She also is very protective and can be stubborn but will do what has to be done if it important and is nessecary. She can be shy at times around other apprentice's and will sometimes mess up if she feels at all embarrassed or under huge amounts of presure.

Clan: River

Position: Apprentice (Ashfur)

Gender: Female

Password: StarClan


Bloodclaw looked at the mouse and shook his head and burried it for later when he came back to pick up the prey if they caught more. He scented Ashfur's prey also but let her go after it and let himself look around the surrounding area for food. Then about four tail lenghts away he saw a small rabbit, he tilted his head not ever have seen one in Riverclan. The thought raced through his mind only for a second before he was in a hunter's crouch and advancing not the rabbit who was nibbling at small shards of grass. With a final twitch of his tail Bloodclaw made a blow with a unshethed paw and brought down the rabbit finishing with a bit on the neck. He sat up triumph in his green eyes as he took the rabbit by the scruff and dragged it to where he had burried the mouse.

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((accepted sis happy.gif))


Ashfur crept up on the squirrel and then pounced on it, killing it with a bite to its neck. She carried it back to where she had left Bloodclaw and buried it a few tail-lengths away from his pile. She then headed back to the woods to see if she could catch anything else. A few minutes later, she scented a mouse and went after it. A few more minutes later, she carried it back to where she buried the squirrel, buried it with the former and then said to her mate, "Let's go on patrol now and then catch anymore prey that we can."

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(( thanks sis! ^-^ ))


Bloodclaw watched his mate bring in prey after prey and burry it away from his pile. At her statement he nodded and finished burring his rabbit and stretched his paws out in front of him and yawned. He had not hunted in a while and it felt good to be back outside and hunting again more so with Ashfur beside him. He purred and started walking beside her his tail held high in the air beside her's his ears perked and his pelt brushing her's. "Race you to the Shadowclan border" he challanged already knowing she might win cause she was leaner than he was, but he wanted to race and play around. He got into a running postion and smiled at her light and playfullness in his eyes like he once had when he was a kit.

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((np happy.gif; Bloodclaw in that position remind you of anyone who also likes to race?))


Ashfur purred as she felt his pelt brush hers and then said in reply to his statement, "Ok." She giggled at the position he was in and at the playfulness that she saw in his eyes, taking off running soon after. She felt the wind brush her pelt as she ran, enjoying being out of camp for awhile. She didn't like being cooped up in one spot for too long. It feels so great being out of camp for awhile and with someone I love and care about.

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(( blink.gif I didn't even think of that ))


Bloodclaw pelted off his red cost flying through the air his ears back to help him run faster. He loved to run, he was good at it being the fastest in his litter. He saw the Shadowclan border up ahead the flat landscape never amazed him he didn't like Shadowclan. The red tom raced faster and waes about to jump to the finish line when a white streak raced at him pushing him to the side. With a yowl he and the white she-cat rolled away from one another each one as confused as the other, "Fernpaw!" Bloodclaw meowed getting up. The small apprentice got to her paw's and shook her fur her ears perked, "Did you guys see a squirrel...?" she meowed not even noticing the race.

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Ashfur looked behind her to see that Bloodclaw got into a tangle with Fernpaw and decided to go over to where they were instead of crossing the finish line. "No we haven't," she said when she was close enough to them. She then sat down beside her mate with her tail over her paws and wondered what the apprentice was doing this far from camp. I can see that she's hunting but without a mentor? She sighed and then waited for her to reply.


((hehe I did happy.gif))

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((Silverstreak's out hunting; you can have Demonstar go join her if you want))

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Fernpaw jerked her head down in a disapponited motion and hissed, "Mouse-dung! I better find a mentor soon or else ill never be a good hunter." The sadness clearly showed in Fernpaw's eyes and she scuffed the ground with a paw and then got back to her feet and looked at the two warriors. "You wouldn't happen to know a cat who has not trained or anything yet...have you?" she asked hope raising in her voice her small green eyes shinning. Bloodclaw looked up at the sky to think, "Well I have had an apprentice already thats how im a deputy..." he meowed. "Ashfur? Have you had an apprentice?" he asked looking at his mate wondering if she could possibly be a mentor for this apprntice.

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"No I haven't," Ashfur said to Bloodclaw's question and then to Fernpaw said, "I'll be glad to be your mentor Fernpaw." Her tail wagged a little in happiness about finally getting an apprentice. It's been awhile since she's been an apprentice but she hoped that she could be a good mentor. Hopefully Fernpaw will be patient with me while I figure things out. Her tail slowed at that thought but it still flicked back and forth.

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Fernpaw's tail twitched back and forth and her eyes flooded with happiness as she got to her paws. "Really?! You would do that?!" she meowed dancing on her feet and then out of pure joy playfully tackled her. "Thank you thank you thank you!" she meowed loudly ignoring the humorous looks from Bloodclaw as he held in a laugh. "Well Ashfur looks like you got a paw full" he smiled and instantly Fernpaw got off and turned on the deputy with innocent eyes. "I'm sorry! I just got excited!" she dunked her head and laid on the ground in shame.

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Ashfur nodded with a smile and then laughed as her apprentice tackled her in her excitement. She nodded at what Bloodclaw said and then quickly said to Fernpaw, "It's okay. You didn't hurt me so it's fine. I'm excited too because you're my first apprentice...ever." She then walked over to her and nuzzled her a little to give her comfort.

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Fernpaw's pelt tingled with excitement and she almost tackled her mentor once againg but held herself in place. "Your gonna be a awesome mentor!" she meowed excitment in her voice and her body that was shaking. Bloodclaw backed up sure the little apprentice could blow at anytime with the excitment she was showing, she must love to learn or something. Fernpaw then as he said jumped straight into the air and spun landing back on her paw's letting out a happy yowl and she sat down calmly in front of her mentor smiling. "Wow...yea thats a full energy one" he whispered playfully loud enough for Ashfur to hear and licked her fur "you will be a great mentor" he promised.

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"I hope I will be," Ashfur replied with a small sigh. She then smiled as she saw Fernpaw's excitement. She watched as her apprentice jumped into the air with joy and giggled. She nodded at what Bloodclaw said and purred as he licked her fur. "Thanks love," she said in reply.

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((meh k mellow.gif getting off soon to go to bed; just letting you know happy.gif))

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(There you go Lady. And nobody told me that TMD claimed making a Clan! I think I go on more anyways... happy.gif (I even put the colours that I know! Well... I think Goldenpaw’s colour is yellow. And I don’t remember what Goldenpaw’s warrior name was going to be. I put Goldenclaw, but you can change that too.) All set~ Oh, and Lady, if Soulborne becomes ShadowClan leader; can Tawnysky (paw) be deputy? (Change it as you like. I’m not trying to god-mod; just trying to help. tongue.gif) : ))

Copy...: Silkstar called, “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the High rock for a clan meeting.” She paused as the cats gathered, and beckoned Thunderpaw, Goldenpaw, and Tawnypaw. The young cats were quivering with excitement. “I, Silkstar leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Thunderpaw, Goldenpaw, Tawnypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?”


Thunderpaw meowed, “I do.” His voice was sincere.


“I do.” Goldenpaw dipped his head.


“I do.” Tawnypaw’s voice was barely above a whisper.


Silkstar nodded seriously, then continued, “Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names. Thunderpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Thunderstorm. StarClan honors your courage and strength and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan.” She rested her muzzle gently on the newly named Thunderstorm’s shoulder.


Thunderstorm licked Silkstar’s shoulder, and stepped back.


Silkstar turned to Goldenpaw. “Goldenpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Goldenclaw. StarClan honors your prowess in battle and cunning; now we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan.” She rested her muzzle lightly on Goldenclaw’s shoulder.


Goldenclaw’s eyes brimmed with joy as he licked Silkstar’s shoulder.


Silkstar set her eyes on Tawnypaw, and began again, “Tawnypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Tawnysky. StarClan honors your wisdom and hunting skills; now we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan.” She set her muzzle on Tawnysky’s shoulder.


Tawnysky sighed softly with content, and then leaned forward to lick Silkstar’s shoulder.


“Thunderstorm! Goldenclaw! Tawnysky! Thunderstorm! Goldenclaw! Tawnysky!” ShadowClan chanted, welcoming the new warriors.


Thunderstorm, Goldenclaw, and Tawnysky were welcomed as full warriors as the sun set, its rosy glow spreading across the clearing.


Silkstar said frostily, “As tradition speaks, our new warriors will guard the camp in silence during the night.” ... Paste!


(This is my personal post~ (Tawnysky’s confessing!))


Tawnysky smiled, remembering the moment she had been made an apprentice, just a few moons ago. She turned to her best friends, and glanced around. Night had not yet begun. She could speak. “Thunderbolt, Goldendawn,” Tawnysky gulped. “I just wanted to let you guys know you’ve been the best friends a cat could ever had. ... And Thunderstorm... I’d like to take you somewhere tomorrow, and tell you something. I think you’ll like it.” Night fell. Tawnysky watched the cats retreat to their dens as she gazed at the stars.

Edited by Hollyleaf

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((aaah holy you didn't reply to my post as Duskstripe with Spiritset; here it is again:


Duskstripe was now back to fighting the rogues that invaded her home. She eventually went back to back with Spiritset as she attacked more rogues. She hissed at one as it scratched her leg with its claw but she immediately killed it before it could get anymore attacks on her. She did yowl, though, when another one scraped its claws down her back like the leader of the rogues, Shadestar, had when she first met him. She instantly pinned it to the ground and killed it.


^she got injured by a rogue and it was same exact way that Shadestar did when they met him^))

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((Lalalalala, epic missness.....))


Snowpelt smiled, then sighed as he saw the storm peak. He had always found them to be so beautiful. Just like Sandfur. he though, stifling a laugh, then burying his muzzle in her fur. Just to be out here with her was so wonderful, just like it always was, before... before nothing. He told himself firmly. He focused on her scent, and looked at her eyes, and the world could have been destroyed around him while they wat there in the storm. He was blind to all, and his head was buzzing like a little bee.


((Oh yeah, pownage come back of course, and DUH it was random, so was the concert! I was thinking of goats, and spazztic tongues through the concer too; thank you Erika(section leader; a right clown I do say.)))

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(Right... oops. I meant to post as Spiritset, but right before I click Add Reply, my computer just happily decided to shut down. Isn't that wonderful. smile.gif Here it is.)

Spiritset fought his way through the cats. He could smell Duskstripe, mingled with the scent of blood. Spiritset spotted Duskstripe, a gash down her back. He spat angrily at the cats around her, and started fighting alongside his mate. They were a deadly pair, slashing in unison at the rogues.

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[@holly: ...

also @ holly: urgh... sorry but thunderbolt's going to reject tawny o_O just thought you should know ahead of time... also soul's not going to be leader of shadow, i mean geez, silk was JUST made leader >_< plus soul is more of a pascifist... i spelled that wrong... anyways just wanted to let you know it's only Ninjakit that's trying to take over riverclan wink.gif also like i said, speak to TMD about this new clan thing, maybe you guys can create a new clan together?]


Silkstar called, “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the High rock for a clan meeting.” She paused as the cats gathered, and beckoned Thunderpaw, Goldenpaw, and Tawnypaw. The young cats were quivering with excitement. “I, Silkstar leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Thunderpaw, Goldenpaw, Tawnypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?”


Thunderpaw meowed, “I do.” His voice was sincere.


“I do.” Goldenpaw dipped his head.


“I do.” Tawnypaw’s voice was barely above a whisper.


Silkstar nodded seriously, then continued, “Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names. Thunderpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Thunderstorm. StarClan honors your courage and strength and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan.” She rested her muzzle gently on the newly named Thunderstorm's shoulder.


Thunderstorm licked Silkstar’s shoulder, and stepped back.


Silkstar turned to Goldenpaw. “Goldenpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Goldendawn. StarClan honors your prowess in battle and cunning; now we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan.” She rested her muzzle lightly on Goldendawn’s shoulder.


Goldendawn’s eyes brimmed with joy as he licked Silkstar’s shoulder.


Silkstar set her eyes on Tawnypaw, and began again, “Tawnypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Tawnysky. StarClan honors your wisdom and hunting skills; now we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan.” She set her muzzle on Tawnysky’s shoulder.


Tawnysky sighed softly with content, and then leaned forward to lick Silkstar’s shoulder.


“Thunderstorm! Goldendawn! Tawnysky! Thunderstorm! Goldendawn! Tawnysky!” ShadowClan chanted, welcoming the new warriors.


Thunderstorm, Goldendawn, and Tawnysky were welcomed as full warriors as the sun set, its rosy glow spreading across the clearing.


Silkstar said, “As tradition speaks, our new warriors will guard the camp in silence during the night.”

Edited by Ladynightstalker101

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(Oops... I just remembered that you in OOC that you were like: Thunderstorm: But I like... and stuff. So I just assumed that it would be that. What's in store for Thunderbolt?)

Tawnysky watched the moon intently. It was round, and would soon be full. She hoped she could go to the Gathering. Tawnysky would be able to see her parents... if they came. Silver- Silverbrook, yes, that was her mother's name, but Silkstar had probably been more of a mother to her as well has her mentor than Silverbrook ever would. And Bramble- claw, no wait- frost. Bramblefrost. That was her father's name. Tawnysky sighed softly. She hoped that Silkstar was proud of her, and of course her real parents. Even if she didn't love them as much as she loved Thunderbolt, and Goldendawn, and Silkstar, she would hope.

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Thistleclaw was asleep. Again. He drowsily lifted his head, realizing he had missed a cermony. He expected punishment, yet anticipated aiding the Clan. His fur was well groomed; he had done nothing else for quite some time, yet he still was sleek and muscular.


(( Yes, my computer was finally fixed.))

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[@EG: yay biggrin.gif

@holly it is thunderstorm... i wrote thunderbolt at 12:00 at night >_<]


Thunderstorm padded up beside Tawnysky. "Hey." he said with a large grin, hardly able to contain his excitement. "We're finally warriors!" he exclaimed, and, not being able to help himself, he jumped up in the air and turned in a circles. " Gah! I'm so excited!" he squeeled cutely.


Silkstar rolled her eyes as she saw Thunderstorm run amock in the distance. She felt a sense of pride well up inside of her chest. Then she headed to her den for the night.

Edited by Ladynightstalker101

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Fernpaw looked at Bloodclaw and then her future mentor and purred, "I'm gonna go tell my sister!" with that she pelted off so fast Bloodclaw had to blink. "I'm telling you now Ashfur she has really been wanting you as a mentor for moons she wont hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable and will follow your orders," he meowed after sitting back down next to his mate. "She is already doing work most apprentice's would hate including taking ticks off the elders," he said a little discust in his voice. He looked at his mate purring, "I'm just saying I think you made a good choice for picking her" he said licking her fur once.

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