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2023-04-30 - April Dragon Release

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2 hours ago, Stirfry said:

People are asking for the silver/grey Sonata in the trades. Am I way behind the curve? 


My guess is they're people who don't use the forums much beyond just checking the first post of the new thread, and therefore haven't seen that the silver isn't something they can get yet.  Some of them may also be people who saw others asking for the silver, and started asking not aware that there's no way to obtain them right now (such as back before we were pretty certain that they weren't going to be available regularly)

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So has anyone caught a blue Sonata today? I was curious if maybe they'd start mixing in with a smaller chance than gold, but if there seem to be no blues whatsoever now, maybe that's not the case. Could it be simpler and we only get one variant at a time depending on which moon is more dominant? Then maybe only if they're on the same phase we get 50-50?

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2 hours ago, MissK. said:

So has anyone caught a blue Sonata today? I was curious if maybe they'd start mixing in with a smaller chance than gold, but if there seem to be no blues whatsoever now, maybe that's not the case. Could it be simpler and we only get one variant at a time depending on which moon is more dominant? Then maybe only if they're on the same phase we get 50-50?

Just missed one in the hourly drop but it was still the gold ones

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21 hours ago, Mewtie said:

Last of all, I made some head portraits and a sprite of their tail feathers to show parts of them in a little more detail.

ddbcl6r-41afe3a6-005f-4829-babb-cfcd1978 https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/d1a77056-386c-44e9-88e8-df1d78af87fa/dd96thz-980ca485-9fad-4209-9fe3-68f137753f66.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2QxYTc3MDU2LTM4NmMtNDRlOS04OGU4LWRmMWQ3OGFmODdmYVwvZGQ5NnRoei05ODBjYTQ4NS05ZmFkLTQyMDktOWZlMy02OGYxMzc3NTNmNjYuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.5PcQFd4Cr-nkvUnYUhGduW3Fycqh4jkUQ_4hEehBe9c ddbcl5b-f5807970-addb-44a6-bf77-d1c2da00

these colors are so pretty, I wished we could have huge Pygmies to really see all the details, especially of the beautiful feather^^

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I've been clearing out "blockers" from the Alpine* and Coast* every 5 hours or so to try and uncover them for others.


Hoping people have been finding Sonata eggs - do we have confirmation that the current drops are the gold/orange variant only?


*Know they drop in all biomes except Jungle but Alpine/Coast have other breeds I like and don't mind keeping instead of dumping them to the AP

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Literally every Sonata egg ive seen in cave has slipped through my fingers. But their designs are super lovely 💙 gotta get back into the groove of anticipating new releases

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11 minutes ago, ShorahNagi said:

do we have confirmation that the current drops are the gold/orange variant only?

Not really confirmation, but all the ones I have clicked and missed today were gold -- about 4 or 5 of them.

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38 minutes ago, ShorahNagi said:

Hoping people have been finding Sonata eggs - do we have confirmation that the current drops are the gold/orange variant only?


I've checked over a dozen or so and they were all gold...so I'm inclined to think that there are still no blues.

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i think it's probably better to wait till the golden moob starts to wane? for a better chance at catchling blues

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1 hour ago, MissK. said:


I've checked over a dozen or so and they were all gold...so I'm inclined to think that there are still no blues.


The current theory is that the blue eggs will show up when the blue moon is full and the orange moon is waning.  But we don't know if there will be a time that they mix of the two colors, or if they will just swap out one color for another.


I think the advice given by @Meruru is the way to go.


Here's a DC Lunar chart done by @Millie_Azure.

Valkemare Lunar Calendar


The moons change at 8pm, dragon cave time.

Or 7pm if you're on daylight savings time.


Edit:  here's the link to the lunar calendar if someone wants to save it.  I'm how it's done, but it's always current.



Edited by Mystic_Halo

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Now everyone's eggs have hatched, the competition has gone back to how it was the first couple days, and now the eggs are barely dropping. At least the sprites are beautiful, it just sucks they have to be associated with this much stress.

Edited by Ashywolf

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4 minutes ago, Mystic_Halo said:


The current theory is that the blue eggs will show up when the blue moon is full and the orange moon is waning.  But we don't know if there will be a time that they mix.  


Here's a DC Lunar chart done by Millie_Azure.

Valkemare Lunar Calendar



Not sure which date you mean...that calendar is really nice though. Personally I'm assuming we might get only blues on the 22nd when Cirion will be more dominant than Aurax. But of course both moons will be on the same phases several times before that, so if something is dropping during those days, I think it's likely that blues and golds will be mixed. Just a guess!

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1 hour ago, MissK. said:


Not sure which date you mean...that calendar is really nice though. Personally I'm assuming we might get only blues on the 22nd when Cirion will be more dominant than Aurax. But of course both moons will be on the same phases several times before that, so if something is dropping during those days, I think it's likely that blues and golds will be mixed. Just a guess!

Oh, sorry, yes, that is exactly what I meant.

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My eq'd Sonata grew up.



There's no BSA and breeding resulted in the other breed's egg.


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4 hours ago, ShorahNagi said:

I've been clearing out "blockers" from the Alpine* and Coast* every 5 hours or so to try and uncover them for others.


Hoping people have been finding Sonata eggs - do we have confirmation that the current drops are the gold/orange variant only?

Thank you for this ❤️


I finally got a second sonata, mine was gold from the volcano habitat caught at the 12:55 refresh


ETA: I got another gold from volcano at 1:40 drop

Edited by autumnbrandolyn

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I'm currently working on getting 3 gold moon eggs so I can trade them for 3 blue moon eggs when I can. Just thought I'd let people know in case they are looking for gold and are running out of luck! ❤️

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1 hour ago, FortyTwo said:

My eq'd Sonata grew up.


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There's no BSA and breeding resulted in the other breed's egg.


Not sure how marketplace works, but now that you have an adult, do you see the egg in the marketplace? If yes, can you see both variants or just one? Just curious if we can obtain them like lunars only while their cycle is on

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Thanks to the artists and other contributors! I really love both the new breeds. Looking forward to getting the final variant of the moon Sonata dragons eventually.


I know I am in the minority but I also appreciate having a release where I have to work hard to catch the eggs. Obviously, I don't think every release should be this difficult to catch but I feel like some variation in drop rates keep the game engaging and interesting (at least, for me). 

Edited by BringsTheSnow

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I love the new sonata dragons.i can't wait for someone to figure out how to get the silver one but I love all dragons

Edited by kathy5

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Those born under an eclipse are especially gifted in magic, capable of drawing strength from both Aurax and Cirion. 

I wonder if this part of the description is referring to the time the egg is laid/caught or if its referring to the time it hatches 🤔

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I gave up catching eggs, so I just traded for e'm. But I'll break my back hunting for that silver variant. It's gorgeous 🖤

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On 5/2/2023 at 3:33 AM, Jazeki said:

Don't forget to use fertility if you have purple. This will prevent your dragons refusing.



And interesting to see more people still posting that they've only caught gold. 

will do. my current theory is that the colors can all produce each other, depending on times bred, so i wanna see how it all turns out.


Also curious if anyone has caught a silver variant yet. I haven't seen any in trading.

Edited by Skadi

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3 hours ago, The Evil Doer said:

Not sure how marketplace works, but now that you have an adult, do you see the egg in the marketplace? If yes, can you see both variants or just one? Just curious if we can obtain them like lunars only while their cycle is on


I think it's based on viewed adults (someone correct me!) so they aren't visible in the market for me yet.

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