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20 Week Breeding Challenge: 2022

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7 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

annnnd somehow my recent green egg has died. great.

Oh no! So sorry!



Fuzz's egg is now at 3 days and 19 hours.

There are still eggs in the AP at under 3 days, but the bottom two rows now have higher time eggs -- 3 days and 14 hours.

I have a feeling that her egg will surface while I am asleep. But again, these things are hard to predict.



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I HOPE it makes it in time to influence.... (If we manage to catch it...) The grandson is feeling a bit better so he may be able to watch too...

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Wow! Can't believe the AP is still so blocked. Defies prediction. Crossing fingers for your egg, Fuzz!

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It's getting close. It's at 3d 10 and parts of the AP are at 3d 8...

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6 minutes ago, ravensunset said:

@Fuzzbucket I got your egg! I'll send you a transfer link !

Yay! I was probably a bit late getting there and refreshed for awhile but didn't see it. Glad it got returned! :D

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YES -0 than you SO much @ravensunset



The lineage gets longer

Proof (as if everyone hadn't see it) new razor

What generation: 26


Edited by Fuzzbucket

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The Lineage gets longer!

Proof (link to egg's lineage): EGG

What Gen are you on now?: 13

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The Lineage gets longer!

Proof (link to egg's lineage): Egg-lette

What Gen are you on now?: 14


Fuzz, glad you got your egg back! IzzyCat91, so sorry your egg died. 

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Sighs resignedly. A day and 8 hours till my poor baby can do her thing. Her mate is raring  to go :lol:

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Standings are updated.

Hard to believe, but we have only one week left!


@trystan, @ravensunset, @mishhelle. @Fuzzbucket, @nerys, @BringsTheSnow, @Aizaka, @Long_Before_Sunrise, @Ytak, @missy_, @Lagie, @holycottoncandy, @yanderella, @Mow, @LadyAngeliki, @DraconicDetective, @stormydreams, @Mochi, @IzzyCat91, @galleri I believe you are all eligible to earn a prize at the end, but you will need to post an offer of what you are willing to breed to give as a prize. There is a form for that. Please post your offer ASAP. The egg does not need to be bred until after the Challenge ends, but it is very helpful to me to have the list of offers ready when it is time to give out prizes. @ginks123 and @vivaldifollia I believe you have both dropped out, but if I am wrong, post your prize offer and you will receive one, too.



I would like to offer a prize!

Description of What You'll Breed/Have Bred: Your choice of an egg from my Challenge lineage or an offspring of this pair (2G Thuwed x 2G from CB Hellhorse Winya)

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The Lineage gets longer!

Proof (link to egg's lineage): hwOLR

What Gen are you on now?: 10



I would like to offer a prize!

Description of What You'll Breed/Have Bred: 2G prize/prizekin from my gold prize EdeIgard with your choice of caveborn mate!

Edited by yanderella

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16 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Hard to believe, but we have only one week left!

How do I squeeze ten more generations out of my dragons in a week?

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I would like to offer a prize!

Description of What You'll Breed/Have Bred: 

I'm willing to breed literally anything off my scroll, including offspring from this lineage, but noteworthy dragons I own are:

2 pairs of Golds 

1 AoCh (Female)

2 AoCr (females)

1 AoD (male)

2 GoN (Females)

1 Ice (female)

a breeding pair of Magmas

a breeding pair of Thunders

All of the Shimmer Scales (Gold- 2, breeding pair: Silver- 3, 2 male & 1 female: Bronze- 1 male)

1 Gold Tinsel Western prize (male)

3 Silver Tinsel Western Prize (2 female, 1 male)

a breeding pair Bronze Tinsel Western Prize

1 Blue, 3 Pink, and 5 Yellow Sapphires (Female, Female+2 Males, 3 Females + 2 Males)

2 breeding pairs of Silvers

34 Thuweds and/or Dorkface

Edited by IzzyCat91

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I would like to offer a prize!

Description of What You'll Breed/Have Bred: 


1) 2G offspring from my CB Silver Tinsel (female). I will gift the first offspring from the chosen pair so it will most likely be a tin-kin (unless the chosen mate is a holiday dragon). CB potential mates can be found in group/154684.




2) SAlt-kin (offspring from your pick of my SAlt descendants) or PB Thuwed (offspring from your pick of my Thuwed descendants)

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I would like to offer a prize!

Description of What You'll Breed/Have Bred: 


2 gen offspring from my CB Silver Tinsel (male) to your choice of mate. I will keep going till I get a tin for you, if you like.


Any other pair from my scroll

3 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

How do I squeeze ten more generations out of my dragons in a week?



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I would like to offer a prize!

Description of What You'll Breed/Have Bred: I have a CB gold tinsel and can offer a tinsel, a mint, or an arcana from her. Or pretty much anything else from my scroll, bearing in mind my dragons have set mates and don't sleep around. ;)

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this challenge has been fun, but I’ll be relieved not having to worry about forgetting to breed on time or whether or not the cave will give me another damn peach floret on time 😅


I would like to offer a prize!

Description of What You'll Breed/Have Bred: 

I can breed an egg from my “Sweet Treats” challenge lineage, or anything from my scroll.

my scroll is sorted by breed in reverse, so feel free to take a look. I don’t have a cb stat or prize, but I do have a few 2g prizes and some beautiful saltkins. I also have cb golds and silvers— however, I don’t know what egg they will give me because they have been stubborn. I also have cb dragons of most everything including holidays (except wintertides, snow angels, and grave). if you need help finding anything, just ask :)

I’ll also link a couple lineages of mine (I haven’t had time for many) that you can request an egg from. 

my prizes/prizekins

my saltkins

my first lineage ever - The Black Pearls

my 3g Tutela x Pharos lineage

my 3g Speckle x Silver lineage (which has failed to give me a Silver so far)


also, @yanderella, I think your prize is gold, not bronze? forgive me if I’m wrong— I have a bad headache and the coffee machine didn’t start this morning so my brain is also uncaffeinated. 





Edited by mishhelle

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I would like to offer a prize!

Description of What You'll Breed/Have Bred: literally anything is breedable on my scroll - trystan830. anything. pick a pair.



(and this is where i'm just a little (lot?) different than most people here on DC):

i'd like to pass on my prize, and give it to someone else who might not have a chance to get something shiny.

(call it my weird glitch.)

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I would like to offer a prize!

Description of What You'll Breed/Have Bred: I'm happy to breed absolutely anything off of my scroll, here , anything requested will be done! However I don't have too many cool dragons just yet, so my main thought was an offspring of my lineage

Edit: I've got a SAltkin and a Prize group. In addition, if you like named parents, I'll happily name the dragons on my scroll I'd breed


Edited by ravensunset

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