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2020-10-25 - Halloween Event Begins!

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Silly little thing that has me irrationally happy with this: mad props to whoever did that bat on the treats banner this year. Looks an awful lot like a grey-headed flying fox, one of my favorite bat species! ❤️

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27 minutes ago, HeatherMarie said:

Wait how are you guys playing the game? I'm just getting a black screen, I hear the music but see nothing but black.


Same here! :( Either the game is still glitched, or there are too many people playing it right now. Hopefully it will be better in the morning. *crosses fingers*



8 minutes ago, HeatherMarie said:

Does this mean that whatever was wrong in the beginning is supposedly 'fixed'? I'm still seeing a black screen, I hear the music but it's just a black screen with a few grey bars at the top that I think might be the menu but nothing happens no matter what I click or press. edit: I have cleared cookies/cache and hard-refreshed.


This too, the menu is completely unresponsive for me.

Edited by Duysterwald

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The game works for me, but it won't let me walk off the screen into a new area. Just freezes up after that

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What am I suppose to do in the prison? I got out of my cell and now I just running around trying to figure out what to do.


edit:nevermind i got free.


edit2: and now I'm stuck on the sewer after i walk past the boot. lol

Edited by Lady Dragoon

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SO EXCITED about the older treats.  I did just pick up an older one, but I am not complaining at all about it.   It was the tiniest little mouse & I wasn't quite sure if it was even a thing.  I couldn't find it on my page at first but then realized it was from a year that I didn't have any at all. 🤩😍🥰



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17 minutes ago, Niyaka said:

The game works for me, but it won't let me walk off the screen into a new area. Just freezes up after that


The same is happening for me.

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1 minute ago, DragonRookery said:

my character got stuck in a closed area of the desert need to be able to reset to the last screen or something


Mine did too. I squeezed between a rock and a wall and can't get back out!

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Was just looking at the discord and noticed at least two people taking part in the Halloween Trick or treat for the first time have two Halloween badge buckets. 

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26 minutes ago, HeatherMarie said:

I'm still seeing a black screen, I hear the music but it's just a black screen with a few grey bars at the top that I think might be the menu but nothing happens no matter what I click or press.

I'm also experiencing this.


When I open the game, the option says "Continue Playing", but then it gives me a black screen with some gray bars near the top and a blue progress bar or something (full) across the middle of the black screen.  I hear music, but I can't figure out how it to do anything other than play music.

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On Chrome, I can get through the event in that i stuck on in Edge, but then I can't move anywhere.


And Edge, I can't get through the event but I could move around otherwise.


(It's uh the zombie sitting in front of a door event.)

Edited by Lady Dragoon

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Got 3 out of 4 runes from the temples, but stuck at the one with the creepy voice. I got that I have to keep running at the same door again and again, but after 10 rounds of 3 tries I'm starting to suspect there's something else I'm missing xD


For the black screen at the beginning, I found pressing the space bar several times got the whole thing moving. The character is unconscious, so it takes a few space bar whams on the head for them to wake up...

Edited by Screech

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Yeah, I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do in this game. I just keep wandering the desert and now I'm stuck between a tree and a cactus for the past 30 minutes and I can't get out. 

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5 minutes ago, thalassophobic said:

I've got all the runes, but now that I'm at the runes puzzle all my brain cells are being drained


Gosh, how did you get the 'creepy voice maze' rune?


Edit: Nevermind, I think I got it...

Edited by Screech

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9 minutes ago, ComatosedRoses said:

I am uhm, stuck in the game - Literally. I entered a spot, but I cant leave the spot now. 


This is exactly where I am stuck 

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10 minutes ago, ComatosedRoses said:

I am uhm, stuck in the game - Literally. I entered a spot, but I cant leave the spot now. 



It appears we're stuck in the same spot. It's driving me nuts. 

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