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2014-09-20 - September Release

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I don't see any gender differences on these guys at all...


Kinda plain, but yay for more dragons.

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Darn, so not different wing markings. I wonder what the difference is, then? This is most unusual because TJ's egg numbers and subsequent dimorphism has always been very predictable. *squints suspiciously at TCA* Tell us!


Hmm, on a side note: looking at them I feel like I can definitely see Process' touch in there a bit. Very distinct style <3

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I think TJ was trolling. These were never dimorphic.

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Spessartine isn't dimorphic? Maybe only one of the other two yet to grow is. I'm not a fan of Homestuck, so any references or hints are going to be lost on me. Ah. The Homestuck characters are trolls, hence the trolling. Edited by Jazeki

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Thanks Process and TCA for the dragons! :3 (process said they did most of the adults and that TCA only edited the head and recolored)


I looooove orange dragons~ it's nice to see more!!!!!!!

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Maybe he forgot to put the other gender sprite in


-shrug- I don't understand the math to arrive at nine, if we count different sprites, there are 3 eggs, 6 different hatchlings (2 for each color because gendering) and 3 different adults. That's 12, if we're going by purely sprite count.

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TJ doesn't normally freeze S1 hatchies (I don't think)


and thus Im horribly confuzzled as well

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Wonder if it could be an error? TJ's never had two adults unless they were different.


Another night/day change or something doesn't really fit the theme.

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I think TJ was trolling. These were never dimorphic.


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Maybe he forgot to put the other gender sprite in


-shrug- I don't understand the math to arrive at nine, if we count different sprites, there are 3 eggs, 6 different hatchlings (2 for each color because gendering) and 3 different adults. That's 12, if we're going by purely sprite count.

Eggs don't count because you can't freeze them, so it still is 9.

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I think TJ was trolling. These were never dimorphic.

Wow, really? So TJ totally changed his usual system of egg numbers? I wonder why.


~But then, we all do know he's a troll anyway. Fits the Homestuck theme too.

Edited by Dimar

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I love that I've seen people saying Almandines are their favorite, Pyropes are their favorite, and Spessartines are their favorite. I've succeeded if there are people who love each kind~

ohmy.gif Wow, just wow. I love them all! The sprites are absolutely gorgeous. The colors are amazing, and the pose, and just...gah. Congratulations! I think you and Process have really succeeded with this one. I really, really want to hoard them now.


unsure.gif Uh... sorry if I went a little overboard there, but seriously...they're gorgeous.


*darts off to go catch more*


Edit: Oh hey, I got Level 2...

Edited by StormNSnowflake

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Wondering if I want to stay egg-locked if there's not dimorphism, now.


Passed up some nice cave catches during the release. sad.gif

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I think TJ was trolling. These were never dimorphic.

April Fool's again?


I had to go back to other release threads to see that there should, indeed, have been just 6 eggs.


and I expect you ought to know what's true laugh.gif


EDIT: forgot to say, even if not dimorphic, that I really like these dragons, kudos on the good work!

Edited by daba555

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I think TJ was trolling. These were never dimorphic.

That's a good way for him to sour a release, that's for sure.

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Oh 8D


Well, I'm glad to see the coloring on the Alpine and Volcano ones look much more different than each other as adults at least (I could barely tell with the S1 hatchies D8 ). I like the wing pattern on the Volcano one, but I think my fave is Alpine (the color is GORGEOUS)~


Noooot quite what I was expecting I have to admit (I think I'll just breed what I have now from here on out and go back to hunting rares hehe), but as my the first release I've experienced here it was still exciting! > 7 <


Thanks TJ and the artists!

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Welp, that's disappointing.


Still, great job to Process and TCA~

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