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[[oh, I know that. However, Arlham and the Entity are overlooking the city. So, both of our pairs would spot each other as Tanner and Daniel approached. I'm just making sure you guys are aware of the fact that, at some point, our characters will notice each other and that's typically upon arrival if not sooner x3]]

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"Nice!" Roxy grinned. "I'd give you a high five, but..." She said, motioning at his hand.


Tanner sighed, turning towards the two. His eyes were angry, but sad. "I'm fine. In complete control. Just having a little identity crisis, is all. You could call it daddy issues." He said, chuckling. "We probably should head back. Make sure Leon's alright. I'm not gonna go all King Kong on you, if that's what you're worried about." He said with a grin.


((I wasn't saying Tanner was on the head, just somewhere on the statue.))

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Daniel landed on top of Lady Liberty's head

(((Uhhhh I thought it was pretty clear)))

Edited by padfoot

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Leon put away the poison, he looked at Roxy. He gave her a highfive and then joining his hand with her's.

"Thank you Roxy for not leaving my side." Leon said smiling at her.

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((It's okay I'll edit it later for now let's just pretend they're all somewhere else... maybe on top of the torch? Idk))

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Rilain nodded approvingly.

"Well. It seems now you're capable of defending yourself. I'm going to go on patrol for a bit - double check all of the prime areas that get targeted." he said, beginning to stand. "Don't worry. I'll return shortly."

With that, he flew out into the night, unaware of the events unfolding all around him.




Akane stared at Leon for a long while before shrugging.

"I cannot tell what you did nor can I suggest. It was your decisions. I was not watching. All I know is that you are awake and seem to be more powerful than before. The first seal placed upon you was broken. I'll try to help you do the same with any following seals that may have been placed upon you."

She stood to her full height. She watched Rilain leave with a hint of interest. She then turned back to Leon and Roxy, then bowed.

"I will stay here and protect you both. My wings will be your shield. My blade will be your sword." she promised, her sword forming in her hand.



(( In case it wasn't obvious from the spells that have been cast so far...

Rilain is a cleric/paladin while Akame is a shaman/priest. She can assist in spiritual and mental health as well as physical. She can empower her blade using elemental and spiritual attacks based on the gods.

This is why she cannot beat Dracula - his attacks are pure offense and illusion, making it hard for her to have a clear mind to attune herself to the spirits. ))

Edited by Thaelasan

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"Thank you Akane." Kein said gratefully. Leon still holding Roxy's hand. Leon was thinking about what he wanted to do next. Where should he go, he had an idea. He wanted to show Roxy something beautiful and out of this world. He looked back at her hoping she was not afraid of heights, and he thought about this smiling at her lovingly.

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(( I find this situation with Leon and Roxy funny and fitting because of personal reasons.. biggrin.gif ))


Akane smiled blissfully at the remark.

"It is no trouble at all."




Rilain flew out among the sky, heading towards the tip of the font - the Statue of Liberty.

No one really knew the reason they had built the statue right above it. Whether humans had known or not was unknown. Maybe they felt it. Maybe supernatural beings had assisted. Either way, the statue's materials had sealed the font away, using several keys in order to keep the font from being used for wicked intent.

Rilain had been there when the statue had been built. Before then, the supernatural energies which had flooded from the font had impacted much of the known world. The city had boomed. More people had arrived there. Population growth and general satisfaction had been good - on the surface.

Under that, dark, supernatural forces had begun to move to take advantage of the font. People grew sick and died from the presence. The city was both a blessing and a curse.

Then, when the statue had been built, the font had been trapped underneath. Ever since then, the energies had lessened.

But it was still a dangerous place to be as a supernatural.

Rilain noted that something was going on at the statue. A hint of Daniel seemed to linger, follow by a few of that ink girl. But a few other beings were there, two which Rilain felt immediate power from, and one which seemed.. out of place.

He landed at the base of statue. Chains to keep trespassers out were ironically placed against the chains at the statue's feet.

"What the hell is going on?" Rilain asked as he began to approach.

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Aaron wandered around wondering were everyone went " what happened it just got quite here all of a sudden?"he walked home opening his door with which he had forgot to lock " Damn I hope no one came in and took my stuff."he walked in seeing nothing was taken throwing his stuff on the couch and locking the door and laying on his couch flicking on the TV and clicking the channel button.

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Tanner gulped when he heard Rilain land below him. "Let's bail, guys. I don't wanna be caught in the wrath of Rilain." He said, shooting off into the air. He flew back to Rilain's apartment, soaring over the bustling city. "If they knew who was among them, they might not be so willing to come outside..." Tanner mused.


Roxy raised an eyebrow at Leon's expression. "Umm... you're smiling kinda creepily. Should I be concerned?" She asked jokingly.

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Daniel nodded and took off with a quick beat of his wings, making good time back towards Rilain's apartment with Luna running on top of her ink off to his left.


When they arrived, Luna quickly shifted back into her previous human form, though her ink had calmed and was now hidden under her clothes and spiraling beautifully down to her wrists.


"Hey Tanner, what makes you think that Rilain is going to "unleash his wrath" or whatever on you? He said his job was to protect the city, and so far you haven't done anything to harm anyone, so...?" She trailed off as Daniel found a nice perch on top of the building's roof for him to preen at his feathers.

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"I have just one question are you afraid of heights Roxy?" Leon asked wondering.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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Rilain watched with a hint of satisfaction as the trio left the tower. He then proceeded to continue up as if nothing had happened, allowing them to leave.

It felt like something was still wrong. Who was actually up there?

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[[Thael? Who was Rilian talking to specifically at the end of your previous post? Things are a bit confusing so I'm trying to figure out if I should be responding with my Ying-Yang Entity or not.


After all, I'm not intending to leave Zakku behind.]]

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(((Narvix, I posted a few pages back. Think it got buried before you could see it though)))

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Skinner looked at Aaron's stupid grin with the opposite of his smile. Skinner gave him a middle finger salute and went back to writing. Professor Casani A final project? With electronic recording equipment? That wasn't good. Exotic Matter does not like electronic equipment. Hasn't figured out why though. He gave up after his fourth cell phone caught on fire. He would figure it out, eventually.


Skinner looked at Aaron with out a word as he informed him that he was going back to sleep in a emptying class room. Skinner rose from his seat and slung his bag over his shoulder. He left Aaron behind and walked to the front of the class. He approached Professor Casani's desk with a smile. He skirted around the opposite side that held her computer, he didn't want to fry her motherboard after all. "Hello professor, Mind if I ask you something about this group project?", he asked, "I', sure you recognized my last name when you were picking on me earlier. I'm Dorthey's son." He smiled warmly. He had never met Casani but he remembered his mother talking about her when he would hang out in her office. He continued with the reason he came up to see her, "Ok, if you know my mom as well as I think you do, you know my whole...situation, with electronic equipment", he said, "Recording equipment sounds fun and all, I just don't want to break any of it". He was hoping he could get out of this project. Especially if he was paired up with Aaron.

[[sorry, pad |D I saw your post when you made it but trying to sort out the Lady Liberty encounters got confusing and I never responded .-. That was my bad.

Anyways, Music 302 is fine x3 I can always change up the class ;D]]


"Ah! Yes! Dorthey's son! Hmmm...," Casani paused, considering Skinner's words. "Now that you mention it, yes, your situation would make it rather... difficult, to complete the project." She thought a few moments longer before leaning in towards the boy a bit. "How about this? If you can make it look like you're doing the project like everyone else, I'll let you get off with a short essay, no more than three pages and no less than two, about a composer of your choice. All you have to include are a few of his or her's most famous works and analyze the pieces. So, provide me with information about their tempos, their tone colors, pitch, meter, and whether or not they possess syncopation. Think you can do that?" she asked, smiling faintly.


The professor had seen how Aaron left, a slight frown crossing her otherwise bright features. She would have to make a note about docking his points alone to avoid punishing the rest of the student's group.

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(( No one, really. He was talking to himself. I apologize. However, I'm pretty sure by now your Yin-Yang character would have noticed him. To me, if that's the real Yin-Yang (Yin has no g in the original mythology), it's an almost godlike entity with a playful yet serious personality. Basically, the embodiment of Gemini - one reason I love it so much. As a Gemini, the idea of perfect balance between two individuals is fascinating to me. I used to - and sometimes still do - sketch it on my papers.

However, back to the topic at hand, Rilain noted that the entity is superpowerful, almost omnipotent. I'm pretty sure you're not planning on making Yin-Yang fight any battles - they wouldn't. They would watch, they would observe, and they would calculate. They are a pair of gods who represent heaven and earth. For them to participate in the affairs of mortals on more than just a conversational level would be insanity.

Just saying. I love them, and you're playing them well so far. biggrin.gif

The best part though is that now we have the God in the Machine and Yin-Yang, as well as a legendary spirit (Akane) and a godlike angel-human (Rilain).

Even though Weyland is nowhere near us, I can feel him in my heart. Hims dere. He is a glorious character. ))


Rilain ascended the statue in leaps instead of just flying to the top. He was trying to get a better view of the individuals on the top floor. It was strange - two of them actually felt like a singular entity, not just two people. What in the world were they?

As he headed up, he kept his presence as masked as he could. It was difficult on the statue. Because it was so attuned to the supernatural flow, it messed with the flow of magic that naturally passed within all things.

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[[Odd.... I had come to be under the impression that Yin was the misconception and it was truly spelt with a 'g' at the end... No matter x3 I'll switch back to spelling it without a 'g.'


Anyways, yes. That is exactly how I planned the Entity to be. They are non interferers in the lives of mortals. However, in the lives of supernaturals, it's a wee bit different. They are, to the core, keepers of balance within the world. This being said, they'll leave the world alone (albeit having a bit of mischief that wouldn't severely affect the lives of people) so long as the Balance isn't in danger.


To be fair, I'm not perfect in the mythology of Yin and Yang but I do know, with complete certainty, of the misconception that Yang represents evil. That is where a lot of people go wrong. That being said, I plan to try and follow mythology as best I can. My Entity is in New York because of the sudden increase in Supernaturals. This surge in energy, obviously, captured the Entity's attention because too much power in one place could possibly shift the Balance. They are here to make sure things remain aligned. If there is too much good, they will add some evil. If there is too much evil, they will add some good.


This might not be 100% true to the mythology but I feel that this was the exact purpose of Yin and Yang. My Entity has no plans to partake in any battles, just watch and calculate as you thought, but that won't stop them from going on the defensive if someone attacks (typically just darting around and away from attacks unless running is not an option). If the Balance is threatened, they'll use indirect means of correcting it unless they absolutely have to be direct.]]


"Angel Rilain tries to hide from Meztli and Kirit but Meztli and Kirit know Angel Rilain is there! Has the Angel come to play with the Twins?"


Mismatched eyes peered over the crest of Lady Liberty's crown, the child's face lit up with a smile that almost made a person want to believe they might be up to something. The child, clad in black and white, spun about briefly before focusing on Rilain once more, Arlham not forgotten.


"To what does Kirit and Meztli owe the Angel this meeting? Angel's mind is troubled but Kirit and Meztli are not mind-readers. Kirit and Meztli only know how to recognize Balance." The child separated into two once more, the bolts of energy moving to circle around Rilain at an arm's length in radius.


"Too many special energies in this city. Meztli and Kirit came to investigate, make certain that Balance was not threatened," Meztli expressed.

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(( I want to draw this scene because it's probably gorgeous. An angel, standing at the base of the statue, with black and white orbs rotating about him.

Also, Rilain probably wouldn't agree with the orbs methodology. If there is only balance, there is never any true purity, even if there is never pure corruption. ))


Rilain's eyes widened as he began to realize just who - no, what - he was dealing with.

A god. Not just any god. The god of balance and peace. A god which favored order to chaos yet still managed to have a good amount of both. The god which prevented Rilain from achieving a truly good world, yet also protected him from one of utter corruption.

"Ah..." he began, unable to really speak his mind in their presence. If they were here, that meant something was TRULY wrong. The very presence of Yin-Yang meant that something quite unbalanced or out of order was soon to occur - or was occurring.

Truthfully, they weren't the real god - the real god was an idea, a concept, a belief. This was just his/her manifestation in the mortal/immortal plane. His/her true form was the very earth and the very skies above. Every living creature was Yin-Yang, if the philosophy was to be believed.

This was just his/her pure, living form.

"I suppose I'm just here to ensure that the font is still sealed. Something has been amiss recently and I need to know what." Rilain responded, still awestruck. "Yet, if you are here, that means something really IS wrong. What has happened? Who is still up there?"

He spread his wings, preparing to ascend.

It was unsure what he would do if he saw the wendigo.

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[[The Wendigo isn't at the Statue. That's Arlham. The Wendigo is hunting in the city. Or did I simply read your last sentence wrong?]]


"The Angel is smart but Kirit and Meztli do not know how smart he is. Is something wrong in this city? Kirit and Meztli are not yet certain."


"Meztli and Kirit cannot predict the future so the Twins are here to observe. The Twins have felt a surge of energy in the city and around it. The Font is not of dire concern so Angel should not worry his young head over it yet." The two energies circled him a short while longer before coming to a rest before him, separate figures forming out of the energy until a small girl and a man stood facing Rilain. Meztli had a frown on her delicate features while Kirit looked at ease. "However, the Font is not Meztli and Kirit's specialty. Does Angel Rilain know more than the Twins?"


The Entity watched as Rilain prepared to fly higher up, two sets of eyes focused on his figure. Steely grey eyes blinked in sync with dark ones. "Angel will be disappointed in knowing who is on the crown but, if Angel wants to know, the Twins will not deny an answer. Dragon child, Arlham, is sitting and watching the city. The Twins originally came to have fun with Arlham but then many more showed."


"Other angels and another dragon child interrupted the Twins' fun but the Twins are not upset. The Twins are, instead, curious. Too much shifting between Balance within dragon children. They do not know yet which side they must align with. Angels mustn't interfere, mustn't try to influence one side or another. Dragon children want to be good but not all children can be good. Someone must be not good. Good and not good, bad and not bad. One must be while the other must not." Meztli looked troubled now, a grave tone hinting her words. Did she speak of evil doing that must happen? Rilain likely wouldn't be able to understand her riddle-like words.


Kirit held his hands out in front of him a bit, palms facing skyward. "There is strong evil in the City; Kirit and Meztli can follow its energies but Kirit and Meztli will not interfere. Balance knows what it desires and it desires that Kirit and Meztli do not touch it yet. Not evil is also strong, able to counter evil. Good can be countered by not good. Except, too many try to be good. Kirit and Meztli may have to give someone a gentle nudge to be not good. Or Kirit and Meztli will have to make not good stronger or good weaker. Balance will decide future but future can still be changed by mortals and immortals. Gods are bickering like siblings. A tug-of-war may begin between Gods."


"Meztli and Kirit intend to watch, observe, and calculate for Balance. Will Angel Rilain join the Twins and not interfere?"


[[Just trying to help add to the other side of the growing plot line x3]]

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(( Save that post. That was one of the best posts I've ever seen - especially that last line. ))


Rilain considered their words for a moment. It was true. The current set of events seemed very dire. The dragon hybrids had powers beyond understanding. With the situation growing more in favor of darkness rather than good, Rilain knew that certain actions had to be taken to prevent the abuse of the font.

That was one reason he had approached the statue tonight. He had done it in order to appraise the state of the statue so that he could determine if the seal was still active. Thankfully, it was. On the surface, and with thorough scans, he had determined it had not been targeted yet. So long as the statue remained, the geyser of the font had been stifled, closed like a mouth of an ancient, dangerous beast.

The font was truly an enemy of the Twins, to be sure. It did not discriminate. Good, or evil, it allowed a single individual of indeterminate morality to abuse its power freely. In the days of old, fonts had been used to transform men into gods, creating legends such as Hercules, Zeus, Thor, Odin, the ancient dragons of China, and the spirits of Japan. The largest fonts created titans such as Kronos and his followers. The smallest of them simply shifted the tide of battle every so slightly but enough that balance was obviously not maintained.

As such, Rilain had always assumed the statue was just one of many seals the Twins had managed to coerce the placement of. The Twins had taken on many forms in order to continue the balance. As mortals had changed, so had they. Like himself, they had a duty to keep the peace. After all, balance was just as good as pure good - so long as evil did not hold thrall.

But Metzli's words - as the wiser one of the two, yet cryptic - weighed upon him heavily. Unlike her outspoken but simple brother Kirit, Metzli's words were like the fountain of Mimiron (which, it was theorized, she had been a part of) - both cryptic yet wise, riddles that were the greatest genius.

Metzli, the sister representation of white, of good, of purity, had a spot of darkness within her. Though her words were filled with the wisdom of the ages, she was unable to say them without using cryptic riddles. Kirit, however, could say what he wished, but had ignorance for what truly needed to be said. As such, their information was always vague or unnecessary.

Rilain understood for the most part what she was trying to say - there had to be evil. It was always present. As he had come to know for fact, you could never truly remove the blot of cruelty from the world. As long as someone good was getting things in the world, someone evil wanted to undermine them and take it all. There was no way to purify everything, so Rilain had tried his best to achieve perfect good that he knew could never be gained.

So, in some cases, he had been one of the Twin's worst foes. He wondered what they had thought of him as the eons had passed, with his pure intentions. Had they laughed, knowing that in some cases they had made him fail? Or had they been simply filled with the knowledge that they did what had to be done? Sometimes he had cursed them. Other times he had praised them. Of course, his favorite was Metzli, but he knew Kirit was not cruel-hearted. He just did what had to be done. And in the eyes of certain people, that was wrong.

Now, the situation required them to ensure that they had an equal amount of evil and good. If they were trying to get him to help, that meant evil was surely rising at a great pace. Someone, or something, was being far too malevolent.

What could possibly have them so worried? In any case, though Arlham was not Leon, he still had a small attunement to the font. Should he be used as well...

Rilain thought about all of this for a long moment before speaking.

"I respect the both of you - immensely. You're unable to choose a side. Unable to do anything except achieve balance - even if it means allowing death or birth or do as it will. You have no real choices. You are the embodiment of fate." Rilain remarked, hands in his pockets. "You both are indeed powerful beings. I respect you. Really, I do.

However, I cannot say that I will join you simply to achieve balance. Call it human of me, but though I know that I cannot truly achieve purity, I want to try. For some godforsaken reason, I wish to attempt to do that which cannot be done, even if it means dying for a cause I cannot see fulfilled. I have no quarrel with you. I will not fight you. I will help you as I may. But the moment you say I must allow something evil to occur, or that I must commit an atrocity, I will not serve you. I will forsake you."

He spread his wings wider, turning to the both of them in kind.

"But for now, there are things more important than the balance. We must help the children who cannot choose to live lives of their own. I won't allow anyone - good or otherwise - to make choices for these young ones. They have their own powers and their own decisions. I'll be damned if I let anyone, even you, tell them what they have to do in order to make the balance right. They will do as they will."

He adjusted his suit, sighing.

"My life was my own decision. I will stand by it. I chose to become a Paragon of Light. Dracula chose to be a Herald of Darkness. I will kill him if I must in order to relinquish his grasp upon our world. If you tell me I cannot kill him, I will have to defy you." he said sternly, his face grave. "But you already knew that."

He then turned back to the statue, gesturing.

"Think about it. If he were to use these dragon children to break the seal, then all that you've done would be undone. I suppose we do both have an equal interest in this venture. So, as I said, for now, I will serve with you. But we will not make any child 'not good' while I watch. I will show you why true purity is better than balance. I will make you change your ways, even if you cannot. I will make you desire to do as I do. And if I cannot, I will die doing it. We are both eternal. I have eons to teach you the beauty of true good. The touch of a mother. The love of a father. The bond of a family. The work of a community. The survival of a species. These are things I defend with a body of steel and a blade of flame. Should these things be endangered, I will fight until my last breath to make them as I see them."

He then suddenly seemed to think about something again.

"You know, I once considered shattering the seal myself - breaking what was created and taking the power for my own. I admit it - I was once filled with avarice. I wanted nothing more than to use the font to wipe the shadows from the world as though I was a sun incarnate. I wanted to make children able to look into the darkness of their rooms and not fear there was someone there. I wanted people to be able to walk past alleys and not have to clutch their wallets and purses out of habit. I wanted to be able to have someone see a gun and only think of hunting for their families, not defending them or killing for sport. But then I realized that victory through such means would be tasteless. It would be without true earning. No one would ever be able to say my name with glory. I would have no honor - no pride.

Victory through means other than someone's own personal power is worthless. But that does not mean I would allow someone else that pleasantry. I will defend this statue - like my beliefs - with my life. I don't doubt it is the same for you."

Edited by Thaelasan

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[[Why thank ye ^///^ I've never had a character(s) that truly spoke in riddles or in a cryptic manner so I've been trying my best to write as such.

I actually had them backwards .-. I accidentally aligned Meztli with Yang and Kirit with Yin. |D Oh well. I suck at names but I do like the idea of the two wearing the opposite colors so I'm keeping Meztli all in black/dark blue with a white bow while Kirit wears white/cream with highlights of grey. Oopsies.]]


"Rilain and Vlad have always been destined to balance each other. Fate may be absolute but the present will forever determine how the future unfolds. Rilain could have been bad while Vlad was not bad but Rilain became not bad while Vlad was not bad. Rilain had determination, a powerful will, so Balance influenced Vlad just enough to make Vlad bad. Akane is the middle hand for Angel trio, a force that has dipped into both bad and not bad, good and not good. She leans towards good but is haunted by not good." Meztli appeared to smile sympathetically, her tiny form starting to age into an elder woman.


Beside her, Kirit aged differently, growing much younger until he was a toddler with his arms outstretched. "The Twins know Rilain is respectful, know that Rilain understands how the Balance must work. But Twins can never change their nature, even if Rilain will's it. For there to be new life, death must take old life. Balance sends destruction when there is too much thriving. War counteracts peace and likewise brings advancement. Rilain may not want it but the Twins pity Rilain. The Twins understand Rilain's inner torment, his desperate struggle for one side to win. Rilain may serve Twins and Rilain may go against Twins; the Twins cherish Rilain no matter which he does."


Meztli clasped her hands together, wrapping her arms around Kirit's small form as the corners of her eyes wrinkled with a soft smile. "The Font will not be released. The Balance will make certain of that. Even if Twins have to be direct as a last resort. For now, all Twins need to do is make certain no one influences dragon children too much. One will come to be good while the other will come to be not good. However, Twins do not know if the not good child will be bad. Not good does not have to be bad just as good does not have to mean not bad."


Kirit reached out for Rilain, grey eyes fixated on his wings. "Kirit and Meztli have always admired Will as the Twins cannot have a true Will of their own. Rilain's Will is why Twins cherish him so much. Twins cherish all of the World's children and it saddens the Twins when children must struggle in vain. But Twins cannot always allow children to have what they desire so strongly."


Their forms shattered into sparks, realigning until they were united in their child-like figure. "Evil does not exist. Not in the way Rilain perceives it. There is no evil as everyone believes they do good for the world. It is the concept of good that changes from one to another. The Twins must be the final vote, the one that draws the line for Balance between good and not good, bad and not bad. In Time, bad and not bad will cross paths in an event that further blurs the lines for mortals while good and not good struggle to meet the same point in Time. The Twins are beginning to feel the shift that the Balance may take but the future might still be something unexpected. Meztli and Kirit must watch, must observe and calculate the likely paths that all sides will take.


But Twins will need help. Will is a strong force that mortals and immortals possess while Twins can not. Rilain may hate Twins but Twins need Rilain's assistance and, in time, Twins will need opposite assistance."

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Rilain stood still for a moment. The Twins were admitting to him that something was coming - something major. But why? Why now? Yet, they were also admitting to him that they would turn upon him in order to ensure the balance, when the time came. He didn't know how he felt about that.

Still, they did say that the dragon-children would make a choice... but only one would become truly good. What of the other? And what about the third? Did he not matter? Or would he become the evil one? Would it be like he, Akane, and Dracula? One of purity, one of neutrality, and one of corruption? How would it all come to pass?

He stared up at the sky as the statue almost seemed to stare back down at him, calculating, appraising, scrutinizing.

He sighed. The Twins needed his assistance. Darkness was swarming. Though he hated the idea, he would have to help them, even though he knew they were going to betray him for the good of the balance.

They would only help him insofar as to ensure the peace and order of things, then, they would decide if it was enough or if good had done too much. Once good won a battle, darkness would need to win as well. As they had said, war led to enlightenment. Newly formed countries always broke into civil war, then were redeemed in the ages to come.

But still, he felt like currently he needed their wisdom as much as they needed his will. They would guide him and direct him as needed so that he could protect the balance. If that meant defeating the darkness and letting balance reign for a time, then so be it.

"...Very well. Though I don't need your pity, I understand it." he responded. "My concept of good is when people earn what they desire, when people can stand still and allow the air and scent of the world to enter them without worry for those of an evil nature. Evil to me is getting something at the cost of someone or something else, without giving something back. Evil is a broken promise, a fragmented truth. It is imperfect good."

He bared his sword at them and then turned to face them, smirking.

"Evil is ignorance that doesn't wish for wisdom."

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Roxy tilted her head in a distinctly canine-like way. "I don't mind heights. Do you really think I would climb up who knows how many stories on a rickety fire escape if I was? Anyways, why do you ask?" She asked, smirking slightly. So she had a slightly skewed sense of humor. It was nothing out of the ordinary, though, considering she lived alone on the streets most of her life. Though, she tried not to think about her life before. Remembering, especially her human life, was painful. So she tried not to remember. It didn't always work, but it helped a bit. Enough that it didn't hurt. Most of the time.


Tanner shrugged. "I'm not saying he's mad at me, just that he didn't seem very happy when he landed. And, am I the only one who sensed another dragonic entity on the statue?" He asked. He noticed Leon and Roxy talking. So they had sorted things out. "Took him long enough." Tanner mumbled to himself, chuckling.

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