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Akane blinked slightly, slowly coming to consciousness.

"Are you all right?!" Rilain asked worriedly, jumping to her side. "Does it still hurt anywhere?"

"Just my pride.." Akane said, chuckling. She groaned slightly as she shifted her weight. Her dress moved slightly, revealing all of the tears and cuts. Her underclothes were visible through some of them. Thankfully, she was wearing another dress under the gown.

"If you would not mind, I'll take that from you." Rilain said, beginning to remove it. "I'll go try to fix it."

She took it off and handed it to him, revealing a pink/violet kimono. She stood to her full height, rubbing her head slightly. She then adjusted her braids and her hair, pondering for a moment.

"I heard Vlad's voice... did he come here?"

"Don't worry about it." Rilain assured, patting her shoulder gingerly. "Just rest a bit more and get yourself something to drink. My home is always yours."

"No. Did Vlad come here? What did he want?" Akane demanded.

"...His sword." Rilain finally admitted sheepishly, shifting from foot to foot.

Akane's eyes were cold.

"Did... did you give it to him?" she asked, her voice beginning to rise in tone.

Rilain turned away, ashamed.

"He threatened your life." Rilain replied.

"THAT IS NO EXCUSE!" Akane backhanded him across the face, furious. "It does not matter if I had died! You know how much work it was to wrench that cursed blade from his grasp! What he did with it was unspeakable! And you gave it to him for such a trifling reason?! My life is not worth thousands! Not millions!"

"It is to me!" Rilain replied, grabbing her collar. "He also threatened Leon!"

"How is that important?!"

"Because he's the descendant!"

Akane froze, turning to look at Leon and Roxy. She then turned back to Rilain, eyes narrowed.

"Are you certain, Ri-kun?" she asked, her voice a bit more composed. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"His blood matched the lineage when I was healing him. I checked. It's the only explanation for it!"

"....Perhaps you made the right choice then... but now the weight of your choice lays on both of us....if you did indeed release him for me."

"I'm sorry. I couldn't lose you."

"You could have. You're stronger than that." Akane responded flatly. "Romanticism isn't worth the destruction of all we've worked to create and allow to flourish."

"I need you in order to help me save it. Your death wouldn't have served anything. He would have killed any amount of people to get his sword back."

"Then why didn't you kill him now?"

Rilain shut his mouth, refusing to answer.

"Rilain. You had the chance to kill him. Why didn't you do it? Why didn't you end his miserable existence?!" she grabbed HIS collar this time, bringing him close. "Why didn't you destroy him? You know he's no longer able to be saved!"

"Because I still think there's some part of him, something!"

"THERE ISN'T, RILAIN! Look what he did to me! He loved me, once! He no longer cares! He's mad. He's insane. He needs to die. You must find him and end him."

Rilain looked at the ground, embarrassed. Akane was right. Rilain knew what Vlad.. no, Dracula.. had been capable of. What he had done. What he could do. He looked back at her, his face full of resolve.

"....I shall." he answered "I shall, Akane. And then I will seal him and that godforsaken sword forevermore."

"Good. Then I must return to my district. This is not my place." Akane said, turning to fly out the window.

Rilain grabbed her arm. She stopped, sighing.

"I can't stay here."

"You can." Rilain said. "There are enough supernaturals in the world now that follow us that we no longer have to be the only ones helping the world."

"But.... I've done it for so long, and they look to me for prayers.." Akane said, turning.

"They can find a new god. They don't need you like I do." Rilain stated.

Akane turned back to the window, then looked back at him. She looked at the ground, defeated.

"Very well, at least until Dracula is gone... Perhaps when he's gone... our reason for fighting will go as well...."

"Then could we...?" Rilain began.

"Perhaps." Akane smiled wistfully. "Perhaps. What about them?"

She gestured at the room, looking at all the inhabitants. Aaron had left for now.

"They will help us. We must protect Leon as well. His life is important."

"Indeed. Should we tell him why?"

"You can. You're better at explanations."

"Awww... Arigato.." she said, blushing slightly. "You do me too much honor. But very well."

She walked and for the first time it could be said every step was nearly a dance. There was no falter, nothing but fluid motions. She sat down in front of Leon, wings folded on her back, her hair falling down around her.

"Hello, young drake." she said kindly, cocking her head. "What's your full name?"

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[[|D Okay


pad, it's perfectly fine if you didn't want to google x3 If you'd like, I can start providing answers in my post and you can choose whether or not Skinner get's the questions right (if he does answer anything).]]


Judgement for Skinner. A majority of students in the class snickered or laughed openly while showing thumbs down. "Okay. Three of you got your composers right. William, Susan, and Jeff. The three of you can take your seats. Mark and Skinner, remain standing. Class? Who can correct these two on the eras that their composers were from?" Casani stated


A young woman raised her hand, correcting Mark on the fact that Otfrid von Weissenburg was from the Medieval era. "Good, good! Now, what about Skinner's? Felix Draeseke?"


Another hand timidly lifted after a few moments ticked by and Casani nodded for the young man to speak. "Wasn't he from the 20th-century? A classical composer?"


"Precisely!" the teacher beamed, motioning for Mark and Skinner to take their seats again. At that moment, another boy came in with an unnecessary comment before sitting down and laying his head on the desk. "Young man, the one who just entered. I don't really care if you're late but, please do remember that I am teaching a class and any commentary you make to the class is disruptive. Please remember to enter the classroom silently the next time you are late. I do not want to kick you out for disrespect to your peers and myself."

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(( censorkip.gif happened.

Dracula showed up, had a fight, Akane showed up, now it's all right.

Someone's teaching classes, learning about the world, the musical era genre, that's the teacher girl.

And now Aaron went to class, and he's just messed it up. Everyone wants a drink in here. Who's gonna fill the cups. ))

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[[Erm... I don't know where your character was last, Makenziec. However, if I've been keeping up well enough...


Rilain, Akane, Leon, Tanner, Roxy, Rain(?) and Rena are in Rilain's apartment. Aaron just left for class.

Vlad made an appearance and some drama happened between him and Rilain before Vlad left. Akane's finally woken and some drama has just happened between her and Rilain. Before Akane woke, some quick love drama happened between Leon and Roxy while Leon's been quite the dramatic human-dragon hybrid with Tanner as a third wheel.


My Wendigo is hunting through the city, trying to fill its endless hunger and bitter at having lost Skinner as a meal when Skinner went to class. Casani is teaching the music class Skinner and Aaron are both in.


Arlham is being pestered by my Ying-Yang entity on the crown of Lady Liberty.


Did I get everything?]]

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Tanner looked at Leon with a raised eyebrow. "Relax." He mouthed at him, so as not to get Roxy's attention. What was transpiring now was better than a soap opera, if you asked him. Not that he watched that sort of thing.


Roxy was thinking. What had Leon meant when he said that he liked her? Did he mean as a friend, or something more? It couldn't mean something more, right? All her life, people had always said that she was a freak, an abomination. That no one would ever love her, that she would never have any friends. So Leon probably meant he liked her as a friend. It was impossible that he wanted to be something more. Right?


((Yes, I believe so))

Edited by polaristar

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Leon knew if he sad his full name that things could get ugly quick. Leon's eyes darkened, he looked at Roxy. Before he answered Akane, he put his mouth to Roxy's ear.

"When i said i liked you... i meant it as i love you. I know i barly know... for some reason it feels right." said Leon gently in her ear. lifted his face from Roxy and looked at Tanner as he was about to say his full name.

"My name is Leon Varus Jensen, last of the Emerald Wyvern House. A hybrid" said Leon as looked away from Tanner. A tear ran down his face, for he cared for everyone and hoped nothing will change.

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Akane flinched slightly when he said his name but quickly regained her composure.

"So you're very important." she whispered, unable to believe what she had heard. Jensen. That was one of the last lines of divine dragons in the world. They who controlled the sway of supernatural energy in the world. The ones with the key to the fonts.

They, unlike most creatures, could actually absorb the fonts themselves, becoming living, immortal sources of magic. Depending on the size of the font, they could become keys to either revitalizing dead lands or causing cataclysms. Back in the days of mythology, Ragnarok had become the name for what sort of cataclysm had been caused by one of them. One of the first, Fenrirus, the feral dragon, had devoured the font of magic, Astyr, the fist of Tyr. After becoming a living embodiment, he had caused a cataclysm that had wiped out half of the known world.

He was then sealed away. It was said that Fenrirus would cause the end of the world should he ever return. Now, another font of magic sat nearby them, not as large but still quite potent, and one of the last divine dragons sat in front of them.

All of this ran through Akane's mind as she stared at Leon with concentration.

"If someone offered you the chance to change the world, for better or for worse, how would you respond, Leon Varus?" she asked, curious. "You don't seem the type for wanton destruction. But now know that there are beings that are hunting you. You are the key to a great cataclysm, one that could tear the supernatural world in two, and the mortal one as well. You know this, correct?"

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Tanner stood up suddenly, striding over to the three. His eyes were dark. He saw the fear in Leon's eyes. He stood directly behind the girl, in case things got ugly. His tail was poised and ready. There was no poison on it... yet. Protect! The dragon snarled. A growl rumbled in his throat. Tanner wouldn't let anyone touch his friend. "I'm deeply offended." He half growled. "You didn't ask my name."


Leon's confession hit Roxy like a wall. Love? No one had ever loved her before. She sat up, her tail flicking back and forth. Her normally friendly green eyes had hardened. Roxy knew she was small. But she wouldn't let anyone touch him. The stench of fear hung in the air. Leon was, in a word, terrified.

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Leon knew he would say yes, he began to cry. What about everyone else, he just made friends for once in his life. Now he might lose them all. His wish came true, he wanted to finally end his loneliness. He feared that he might be chained and dragged back to his despair and emptiness. He does not know what to do.

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Tanner growled. "You don't have to go with them, buddy." He said. "And if they have a problem with that, then they can come to me." Tanner snarled.


Roxy whined, pressing close to Leon. She didn't want him to cry. And that... lady... made him cry. She flattened her ears and growled at Akane, showing off her dangerously sharp canines.

Edited by polaristar

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Leon heard the words and felt the feelings of everyone. He wiped his tears and took Roxy's paw.

"It was not her that made me cry it was me. I was afraid i would have lost you guys if I accepted her offer. I realized it now, that i never would have lost any of you. I accept Akane." said Leon. As long he had Rilian, Daniel, Tanner, Arron, Akane, and of course Roxy there was nothing he couldn't do. Leon reassured himself and felt a whole lot better.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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((Umm... Roxy is still in fox form. So technically Leon would've grabbed her paw. xd.png))

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(( I do not what you speak of it says paw xd.png ))

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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((LOL xd.png))

Tanner sighed, his muscles still tense. "Darnit. I was kinda hoping for a fight." He looked down for a moment, and his eyes were drawn to his hand. A vein of silver had intermixed with the gold. "Where did that come from?" He murmured to himself.

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"Tanner. I know your name. Don't worry." Akane assured. "I knew Leon's name as well. I just wanted to know it was true. He is very important."

She grabbed Leon's hand in both of hers and began to perform a spell.

"I'm going to seal up some of your energy releases. Should you accept this spell, you will face your inner draconic form and truly awaken your powers. This, however, comes with a consequence - you will be hunted by those who want to use you as a key. We don't. Unless you wish to be used in order to help the world and it is your choice. Should you devour the font of magic in the center of this area, it will drastically change the amount of supernatural energy in this region and alter the number of entities herein. But, you would be able to wield that power to aid the forces of good. This is your decision." she swore, her face honest. "No one will force you to do it in this room. We will do our best to make it possible for you to choose it on your own. You could avoid it for your whole life if you wanted. Live the rest of your days with this young woman. Do what you desire. This is your existence. The first choice you make is this one. Now close your eyes, and allow me to open the doors to the inside of your mind."

Akane stared at him for a long while, awaiting his response.

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Roxy scooted back some, changing into human form so she could speak. "It's your choice, Leon. But Tanner and I have your back, whatever the choice you make." She told him.


Tanner shifted a little. "Would you be able to solve my little inner dragon problem? Apparently, I haven't accepted it or whatever, so now it has a personality of its own." He paused, glancing at the small silver scales in his hand. Was that the beginning of accepting his dragon as part of him? Yes. And many changes are to come, when you and I become one. The dragon hissed in a way that said he knew something Tanner didn't. Tanner groaned. "Stupid voice." He muttered.

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Leon listened to Akane's words, deep within himself he knew this was his path. He turned towards Roxy, and grabbed her hand as he closed his eyes. For before he did this he wanted to see one last time. He closed his eyes and nodded to Akane to begin.

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Akane began channeling some form of magic into Leon, sealing tight the escaping magical energy that was leaving him. As she did so, she also began to open up doorways within his mind to the dragon form lost inside him. Soon, she sealed his consciousness inside of his own mind, forcing him to face his draconic half.

"Fight him, or talk with him. The choice is yours." Akane said to him, smiling. "But know that how you conquer your dragon half will show me what you truly desire."

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"Facing your dragon in combat reveals you are an honorable warrior who desires might over tactical maneuvers. You pride yourself upon your inner powers in battle and thrive upon the smell of a fight. Your inner dragon shall reflect this.." Akane said, her voice echoing through the confines of Leon's consciousness.

Almost as she said it, the dragon formed itself from memory fragments of Leon's mind. A large abomination of draconic flesh and scales became reality, staring at Leon with calm appraisal.

"I shall be your opponent." he cracked his knuckles. "Come forth. Show me that I chose correctly."

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Leon smiled as his eyes darkened.

"You told me that i would fight you one day. I have changed since then, I AM NO LONGER ALONE I WILL YOU AND WIN!!!" exclaimed Leon as summoned his power. Leon's body became poison scales, and purple poison surrounded him as a aura.

"I hope you are ready Emerald Dragon the person you knew changed. I will fight to change this world. So one else will feel my pain and loneliness. FOR ALL I LOVE, FOR MY FRIENDS, FOR ROXY RIGHT HERE AND NOW I WILL PROVE TO YOU I AM THE ONE. TO RECEIVE YOUR POWER." Leon said with passion in his words.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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(((Nah its alright. I think I can figure it out. Besides, Skinner is just in there to learn syllable flow)))


Skinner shrugged at looked back at the professor, "Well that's why I'm here I guess", he said, referring to his lack of composer knowledge. He was about to speak again, but was interrupted when Aaron burst innto the room and exclaiming something. He couldn't believe this kid. He has never seen him do something right. It was always too over the top or too little. Oh, now he is putting his head on the table. Even worse.


Skinner couldn't help feeling second hand embarrassment for the kid and professor Casani "I'll just take my seat now". Skinner slunk back to the upper levels of the lecture hall and took his seat. Luckily, he was a good distance away from Aaron. Good thing too. Professor Casani knew his mom after all. He didn't want any reason to think he was hanging out wit someone like that".

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He sat there looking up occasionally to see what was going on as he saw skinner give him a were look and move to the back of the class " what's his problem jeez he needs to chill out and stop being so serious all the time."he gave him an award grinning and set his head back down onto the desk not even slightly embarrassed.


(Kinda rude don't you think haha?)

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