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CPA Duels (OoC/HQ thing) [Almost Always Open]

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Seacat, he hasn't mentioned it since a few pages ago. .-.

Anyway, the star is made of plasma, but the supernova doesn't spew out the plasma in the explosion. According to wikipedia. It doesn't mention what actually happens to the plasma, but it isn't part of the nova

Edit: ninja'ed. ninja.gif

Edited by Melomancer

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I looked it up essentially a supernova is an intense fusion reaction. So unless you can withstand the force of 500 nuclear bombs the supernova will kill you. Hooray.

Hooray Melons forever!

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I love it when a thunderstorm knocks your power out and you have friends over to play videogames, the power goes out and your friends are all "Let's go for a walk!!" so you have just become /that/ group of kids who walks around town at midnight in a thunderstorm laughing up a storm of your own at how stupid you all are xd.png


Anywho, I'll go check the link TUM sent before to see what we've got on the chat.... if it's there....


if not, someone send a pm of what you two decided- please


Found it smile.gif I'm in the chat looking it over


My input has been added. If the arena is what I think I gathered, I'm fine with it biggrin.gif totally. And if it's not, I'm still fine with it xd.png

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Have you seen the Google Docs document? That's where we have everything thought out.

I believe it's in the chat, though, so most likely.

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You guys are using Google Docs? o_o Let me come with you~


Well then. After Silver's done her math, we can begin. Okay, after I get the arena sent to me.


Now I'm making a Google Docs. xd.png Heh...

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Probably... ^^' Good night, though.


I have a feeling the duel will be started around 4. Over here, at least. (No clue what my timezone is.)

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What time is it for you, seacat? And you, Melomancer? It's almost midnight for me.

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It's 11:58 in the morning for me. I'm on all day usually though so it doesn't matter that much. Anyway, I did a page of math, that's good enough for now. I'm going to go write up the last description.

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10:22 AM. I'm two hours behind Silver, and I just say I'm 8 hours ahead of MP. (In reality I think he's some random number ahead of me.)


Timezones. o_o I think this will mess with a lot of duels...


EDIT: Also, once TUM sends the arena description to me, I'll start the duel. c: Thank you, Silver, for your help! And thank you to both teams for getting along and only requiring a few tables thrown into your faces!

Edited by seacatsmew

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Oh, and could you add minor fire control to my form Seacat? Minor fire control being:

I'm able to produce small flames and move minor amounts of fire.


And for the underwater arena, I assume everyone gets an air bubble created around their heads with arena magic. That way we don't just have a boring fight of waiting for the other person to drown.

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Have you seen the Google Docs document? That's where we have everything thought out.

I believe it's in the chat, though, so most likely.

I've read both, and responded in the chat.


I'm also going to be on/off for the day, as this is my only day off work and school and I've missed the outside so very much.... and it finally stopped raining!!! biggrin.gif *DH wants to go outside and stay there forever*

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Added up, Silver.


...Yeah... We all get air bubbles around our heads... *can breathe underwater*


Okay. Have fun, DH. Don't leave me here with them!


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Ummm... so here's a thing.


Username: Takhesis

Nicknames: usually Tak, occasionally Evil Queenie

Species: Elf-blood

Looks: *glances at avatar* Just take away the staff if its not being used as battle weapon.


Crystal based magic: Magic that involves crystals in some form or another. More powerful if channelled through an already existing crystal - such as that on her staff.

Healing Trance: can accelerate natural healing of herself and others. Healing others takes more energy and while in a trance can't do anything else.

Crystalline Shield: calls up a bubble shield of crystal. Defensive power - usually used before healing trances. Can be broken by attacks.

Skills: Like a stereotypical elf: Good vision and better than average balance.

Rank: High Priestess of the Dark Crystal Temple

Preferred Weapon: Crystal-channelled magic/staff.

Other: Extra cookies if you can guess where the second nickname comes from.


Also sea... if Alice wants to come out and play, then she could fight my namesake.... that is if you want..... though it would mean a second form. My namesake would be good as a sort of boss battle for the other dualists.

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Added up. ^^


Sure. >: D Alice enjoys battles. And can be creepy as heck once her legs are broken. Don't break her legs.

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I live in singapore, and it's about 6:30 here for me. I'll probably be able to get on earlier than usual, since school ends at 10:30 today. National day FTW! Anyway, I think we should compile everyone's time zones so we know when people are coming on.

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Well, here's my namesake. Toned down from the source material.... the Chaotic Evil Goddess in full power would almost certainly be OP.


Username: Takhesis

Nicknames: Tak/Evil Queenie

Species: Technically a deity, so umm.... Outsider?

Looks: Has two forms: human, a female with piercing green eyes

and shoulder length raven hair. Wears DnD style plate armour that's lacquered black. [Not much of it lol. For some reason female armour operates under the assumption that less is better tongue.gif]

The other form: A five headed dragon. Each head is a different colour, and her torso is black. Too heavy to fly. Also not very manoeuvrable and slow....

Powers: Can switch between forms - once per battle. Wounds transfer over.

Dragon breath: Each head has its own breath weapon. Only one can be used at a time: Red=Fire, Black=Acid, Blue=Lightning, White=Ice, Green = Poison. Can easily be dodged/blocked. Though poison is a cloud and the acid will eat through stuff.... eventually.

Elemental Resistance: Dragon form is tougher due to scales.

Skills: While she can be killed, her essence will flee back to her Realm, and she'll slowly regenerate there.

Rank: Dark Queen of Krynn, aka the Five-Headed Dragon of All Colours and of None.

Preferred Weapon: (Human) Sword. (Dragon) Natural weapon.

Other: Lances and Paladins will deal extra damage to her. She can be challenged before regeneration.... she'll just be easier to beat lol.


[Dragonlance YAY!]


Edit: Timezone = GMT. But am on at odd hours anyway.

Edited by Takhesis

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I guess mine's called UTC or something. ^^' I'll add all the timezones to the first post.


Adding up. (I had to tone Alice down 50 times. She was waaay too OP.)

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Adding up. (I had to tone Alice down 50 times. She was waaay too OP.)

blink.gif 50?


Though that should mean she makes a good match for the Dark Queen.



I suspect they'd actually be pretty good pals if they actually met....and weren't working at cross purposes at the time.

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My time zone is...uh. It's 4:19 PM here now and 7:19 PM back home. (I'm at Mathcamp.) I'll be heading back on like Sunday so yeah. And can you not advertise me on the front page I'm gonna melt


Okay let's be honest though all our duelling avatars are morally-questionable versions of us. Pretty sure none of us would sign up for a fighting ring in real life.

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Probably more... Alice is scary.



They probably would.


Took your challenge down. Also, yup. (I'm still a cat. Meow.)

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It's 11:12 AM here. I'm in China so yeah. If I was back in NJ it'd be nighttime.

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