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The Calling

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"Hey, don't worry about it Umbra. You guys are all still in one piece, so what's the problem with him saying you did a good job at protecting the city?" Roark asked, looking down at the beautiful girl's dark grey blush.


"She seems strange, but so far she just seems to be sweet and cute, and it sounds like she can hold her own in a fight too." He smiled, both at Umbra and to himself.


((Sorry I'll post more in a bit I'm in two tabs at once. Lost my train of thought tongue.gif))

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((OOC: Good news! I don't work till thursday night!))




Tovan looked at the girl trying to lead him off, and gave her the nicest smile one could summon when they were around someone that they found rude.

"I'm sure you would like to get to know me better miss, but right now, I'd rather talk to Meira." He said overly politely, stopping before they got to the door. "Now, if you don't mind, I think that you should apologise to your sister. And right away too if you don't mind."

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She blinks for a second at the one who was retreating. "I wasn't offended!" She turns back to Roark her eyes curious, "So how'd you get that fancy armor of yours?" She asks concentrating enough to dismisses her anxiety and her skin returns to the pale porcelain it was.


Siksta and Welun:


They spot another harpy as their flying towards the gates. Sneaking in they cause their illusions of making them seem as if they were two beautiful exotic parrots.

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The two sisters blinked in surprise at almost the same time. (Then their eyes turned red and a demonic voice filled the room -insert evil ghastly laugh-)


No one had ever turned down Victoria before.


The younger girl (Victoria, even though they are my characters I still get confused over who is older and who is younger xd.png) quick analyzed the situation, before figuring it out. She let out a laugh, even that was lovely, like the tickling of delicate, silver bells. "Honey," She offered another flutter of long lashes, "This isn't a brothel, you can't just come in here and demand to buy whichever girl you want." She leaned up to his right ear, her next words, short warm wisps settling on his ear and disappearing within the next few seconds, "However, if that's what you want, I'll let you take me."

Meira blushed at that, she had finished cleaning the floor. She didn't really want to see this. Picking up the platter of drinks again, Meira existed the kitchen to meet the mob, still wet and rather grumpy from the rain. To her, serving was like walking through hell, and she was expected to smile and like it. For a little while, she smoothly answered to calls, wall as smoothly as she could delivering the drinks. (Meaning she almost tipped a few over.) However, as she gained confidence, that maybe this night wouldn't be as bad, a man casually shifted his feet, right in front of her. She didn't see as she was serving the table right next to his, she took all but three steps before her shoe hit the man's shoe. She stumbled and the rest was history.

On instinct, Meira squeezed her eyes shut as if that would somehow stop, or slow the fall. It didn't, she was sent hurling towards the ground, her knees and the palms of her hand took most of the impact, the platter dig into her stomach- not enough to do much damage, but it would probably bruise for a day or two. Only a millisecond had passed before all the remaining drinks rained down on her, it was the strangest feeling, some parts of her body was freezing cold, others stung from the burning heat and others were just wet now.

"Its you!" A shrill voice accused her, Meira looked up, she was staring into the green eyes of the aristocrat girl she had met several years ago. The very one she had spilled tea on. Her lovely pink dress had several stains from the various drinks Meira had been serving earlier.

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((LOL, I don't think that Seyle had told anyone her name yet. And this'll be my last post for the night.))


Snapped back from her thoughts and the curtain of rain that was outside the window, Seyle turned, brushing a few strands of hair out of her eyes to look up at the person who had made a bow, his cloak lightly burned from the acidic rain. Better then what I had faired, anyway. With a smile, she returned his bow, then offered her hand to shake.

Another question had her looking back at Umbra, pondering how she would be able to tell a story with no voice. Then again... I could just use water for characters to act out what had happened. The only problem would be to distinguish the people... Or not. Maybe.




In the Badlands, a large yet fairly inconspicuous boulder trembled slightly. Then, the boulder started to rise up, revealing a pair of crystal that formed what looked like tree trunks. A large shudder went through the rock still there, and out burst two arms, with hands and claws of crystal that smashed repeatedly at a location until a head emerged from the rock, *blinking" heavy jewel eyes. In the light of the Badlands, the horror's body refracted a million lights.

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(she didn't I just thought about what someone posted earlier saying that it would be ok for the 'narration' to say her name, to know that is the person they are talking to)


Navir smiles and shakes her hand "My name is Navir Rondook, pleasure to meet you miss?" He said as in asking for her name, as he shook her hand he readjusted his coat and hood to make sure both were ok and the hood was still up "also may I ask if you are waiting for the border guard as well to get in the badlands or waiting out the storm?" he said curious as he stopped shaking her hand and leaned against the counter. he cast a quick glance to the servant girl who had tripped and covered in drinks "Oh my.." he thought to him self as he saw her, hoping she was alright after that nasty fall.

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"Yes, this is not a brothel." Tovan said, firmly pushing the girl away. "That means that I can say that I'd rather not be with someone so impertinent and bratty as you. Now, I am going to go after your sister, and when I get back with her, you will apologize."

Saying that, Tovan quickly walked out the room in time to see Meira spill her drinks. The young man rushed over, and helped her up.

"Are you alright Meira?" Tovan asked. "You haven't harmed yourself, have you?"

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(I'm going to try third person again)



Zeruk frowned at the scene. He was too far away to have seen the spill that had occurred, but from the way Meira had looked when she had left, she was upset.. Seeing the guy in those stuffy clothes go after her, he wasn't sure what to do. Why had he even gone to find her...?


She was just so... pretty. He found himself blushing, as thoughts alien to him raced through his mind. Shaking his head, he tried to clear those thoughts out. It was hard.


Deciding, he walked around the corner and approached Victoria, who seemed to be fuming. Unmindful of it, he walked up to her. "Hey, what just happ-"


"GO AWAY!" She yelled as she turned to face him. Zeruk flinched back. How could a total stranger just... He sniffled, but tried to push down the tears and be strong.


"I-I just.. I wanted to know... " He sniffled again. "Nevermind..." he said lowly, but Victoria was already ignoring him again. She mumbled under her breath about how that girl thought she could get whatever she wanted just because she was older. He wondered to himself what she was talking about, but he felt uneasy being near her.. He went out to where Meira had spilled stuff to try and keep in the loop, forgetting that he was supposed to be hiding for now.

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(Navir was not talking to Talibah, he WAS at first, then talked to umbra, heard that there were horrors in the city from her, made her mad a bit and did a 'tactical retreat' as to not make her mad anymore. Navir is now trying to talk to the mute girl... who he doesn't know is mute.)

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Darien came downstairs just in time to see a group of Callers talking about different things, and what looked to be the scene of an argument. "So, what's happening?" asked Darien. ((Sorry for weird post, I just am trying to quickly read and understand everything, quickly make a post, and get in a car. I'll put Carbus in later.))

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"I told you this inn was familiar!" The girl with strawberry blonde ringlets accused her lover angrily.

"This was the closest one I could find dear." The man held up his hand, like he had been caught red handed, committing a crime before wearily backing away from his enraged lover.

"You just love to mess with me don't you servant girl!?" The angry aristocrat turned back to Meira, her green eyes cold and unforgiving.

"N-no miss... I-I was just- just..." Meira trailed off, her blue eyes scanned for a way to escape, her heart was thumping so loudly she was sure everyone in the room could hear, she was like a cornered animal.

"Don't your employers teach you not to talk back!?" The girl demanded angrily, raising a hand a striking the cowering server girl.

Meira lowered her eyes, not responding as tears threaten to burst out as her, pink lower lips trembled, pulled into a pout. She let out a yelp as pointy heels dug into her sides, the waterwork gears begun to turn and hot tears started pouring out.

"I don't care if I have to stay in the carriage, I am not staying here!" The aristocrat girl threw her hands in the air angrily before dragging her lover out with her to meet the rain.

Meira was roughly yanked to her feet by her mom, and dragged into the privacy of the kitchen. There she received another hard slap to her other cheek. "What do you think your doing?! Spill on the nobles why not? I have, again and again convinced your father that we shouldn't just sell you off to some rich lord, but I can't take it anymore!" She screamed, eyes narrowed and hair mused from the stress of keeping the inn.

"You are a disgrace to the family name, why couldn't you have found a husband yet? Do you know how bad it looks? That our oldest daughter hasn't found a husband yet- is it because she has some kind of mental disability? Physically? Worst of all, will she open her legs up for anyone? Yes- I know all the rumors and I am sure now that it would be better if we just got rid of you!"

Edited by mipuppy1

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Tovan could barely suppress his anger as the noblewoman beat on Meina, so when another woman came over, who judging by what she said was Meina's mother, came over and slapped her he just could not take it any longer. His eyes began to turn as stormy as the roughest seas as his anger grew, and he pushed the woman away from Meina.

"Get away from her." Tovan growled. "How dare you strike her like that! It was just an accident! Why would you ever treat a person this way? Espessially when that person is your own daughter!"

As his temper and voice continued to rise, sparks of electricity laced up and down his hands. Normally, he could remain rather polite, but this woman did not deserve such kindness.

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((Man, snipped! Hey Narath, where exactly did Jacen go? I'm having a hard time keeping up with everyone xd.png I never thought this would be so popular smile.gif ))

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((OOC: he's still by Talibah. I haven't posted with him though, cause people keep changing the subject and I have no idea as to what to post with him.))

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((Same. I think I'm going to close apps soon. You guys can make up to four characters, but I'm only gonna take the next two or three new people (as in real people) ))


Talibah turned to Jacen.


"Well this place sure has gotten awfully busy." She commented.


"I wonder what would happen if that group of Giants not too far from the border came in right now. The gates are unguarded, so there wouldn't be much to stand in their way..." She trailed off thoughtfully.

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"We will happen." Jacen said with a slight smile. "We are here to defend the people, are we not? That's our duty, and so we shall. If Horrors attack this place, we will defend it with our lives, and the battle will be so fierce that win or lose, our names will be sung for centuries to come."

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Talibah laughed, her hand on Jacen's shoulder.


"Hahah! Jacen, I don't know about you, but if that does happen, I'd rather be around to hear those songs and celebrate with all of my friends. I have no plans of letting that happen any time soon." She smiled, then turned to peer out of a less crowded window nearby.


She watched as small flocks of all kinds of different birds flew in from across the border, strange flames and wolf-like creatures danced just at the edge, and huge shadows hulked around in the darkness provided by the clouds.


A frown grew across her face.


"Do not fear, Seeker of Truth. Your time shall come, and the tides of this war shall turn. Have patience and persevere, and you shall have what is promised to you." The voice in her head soothed the young wanderer as she stared at the enemy line.

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Her wings seemingly meld back into her back as she exits the house. Walking upon all fours she looks like a huge wolf. Her eyes fall upon the acid stained ground. "Interesting.." She mutters and walks forward, infront of an inn like building. She looks in, her unnatural eyes glaring at the girl who Wounded her, the girl with the Strange Tattoo's.




Looking eye to eye with the wolf like creature Umbra shivers and murmurs softly to herself "I knew something was up with that thing.." She shivers again and steps closer to Roarks' side.


Siksta and Welun:


The two harpy girls look around and spread their beautiful wings before flying to the shelter of a over hang porch with a roof. They still look like two exotic birds to the humans.

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The angry woman glared at Tovan, "How dare you!" She spat out angrily, "Clearly your parents didn't teach discipline you properly!" She seethed, turning towards the noble. "I as the host, can have you out of here in a second, so behave boy." Her voice was deadly calm as she snapped to show her power over him- everyone.

While she was screeching at Tovan, Victoria had made her way over to her older sister, cradling the sobbing girl in her arm. "Shh.." She soothed her younger sister, pulling back her hair and gently petting her blonde hair.

The enraged wife of the innkeeper turned back to her two daughters, "Take her to her room, she'll have no dinner tonight, she leaves in the morning." With those few words, the room somehow chilled as she walked gracefully out.

"Come on, that-a girl." Victoria helped her sister to her feet, then leaned down, "Don't worry, I'll sneak you some of my food." She left those words in her sister's ears before helping her upstairs.

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Darien stepped down to the inn to find a huge wolf-like demon creature standing outside, looking in on the girl who called herself Umbra and the boy named Roark. Darien stiffened and grasped the magical source, preparing to fight if he needed.


((Also, could someone please explain what's going on? I know Horrors are invading, but I don't know what all the other Callers are doing and where they are.))



Carbus slinked stealthily into the city, not making a sound. These humans really had no idea how to defend themselves, for the gate was completely unguarded. Not that it mattered. Carbus could speed by them so fast that they wouldn't see anything coming. He laughed and raised his long, deadly claw-swords. There was going to be bloodshed tonight.

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While he was still holding her hand, Seyle quickly wrote her name with water on the back of his own. Angry shouting made her look to where Navir was to see a serving girl get kicked by another woman, before said woman dragged a poor man with her back out into the rain. Soon, yet another woman came and dragged the poor serving girl away. Concerned as she heard still more shouting, Selye started to make her way to there until a sudden shock went up her spine, pausing her mid-step and making her oddly uneasy. Was it magic?



He turned in the direction of the darkened sky, where unnatural clouds were gathered over a city. Lumbering slowly from his years of sleep, he tested his legs and sniffed the air before making his way slowly in that direction. He did not know for how long he was sleeping, but he could sense that something was happening there. Excitement was always good for stirring up old, yet-unused muscles an+ get the blood flowing. Figuretivly, of course.


((Everyone's at the inn, waiting for the acid rain to stop. The horrors are getting into the city via unguarded gates due to the rain, and one of them is currently... Well, staring at Umbra.))

Edited by beiningtian

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"What is clear here, is that you are a selfish mother." Tovan said angrily. "Why would you treat her like this? If you just gave her some care, maybe she wouldn't be 'clumsy' and would have more confidence. Have you ever thought that you might be responsible for how she is now?"

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Roark flinched in surprise when he saw the Horror standing outside the window, drawing his bow and preparing to fire even through the glass.


"Umbra, stay behind me." The soldier ordered, his eyes not once leaving their target.


"Now what?" He asked the remained of the group. One of them made it inside the city. Do we go face it outside and get our skin burned off or try to attack from here?" He asked, watching as it paced along the side of the building.




Talibah stiffened and slowly drew her khopesh blades as the Horror paced outside the inn, its eyes seemingly fixed on Umbra.


"Jacen..." Talbiah called him quietly, making sure that he was looking at the window. At the beast.


"Well, that didn't take long. I don't think I've ever had two seperate Horror encounters within such a short span of time in this city before." She thought to herself.




((Nevermind! One sec...))


Amanda jumped back when she saw the feathered girl(Selye) use water, the memories of that day coming back full force...


She didn't have time for that though, as the scream of one of the other guests at the inn brought her back to the present... with a Horror staring in through the window.


"...Well, shoot. Guess this'll be my first fight with a real Horror." She muttered to herself.


"Wait, where's Darien?" She thought, glancing around until she spotted the ice magician and quickly making her way over to him.


"...We gonna fight that thing?" She asked, though she could already feel the magic surrounding her friend.

Edited by makenziec123

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Jacen stood and looked out the window. His eyes widened in alarm as he saw the horror, and whipped out his blade.

"Why is today going so bad?" He wondered aloud.

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