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The Forgotten Island

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"Haha... A dream telling me lies..." Cerise said in a weak voice.

She flicked her tail and continued onward, this time holding onto nearby trees.


Daralis laughed. "I'm fine, Alatum. Let's get back to our race." She said simply, still thinking about the unicorn as he left.



Errapel just smiled. He decided it was not the best time for this, not when the black pegasus was here. "It was nothing."

He bowed and left the two to their plans. He took off, letting his horn lead him to his destination. When he arrived, his simply dug and found a decayed mouse body rather quickly. He put his horn to it, concentrating with all of his might. Last time the magic simply flowed out into the dragon's body. Because of that, there was too much energy wasted. He had to control the flow, and most importantly, try to get it out. A white gas slowly emitted from his horn to the body, making him very dizzy. When he felt his work was done, he stopped and looked at the creature. It moved about, staggering. It slowly moved towards him, broken teeth jutting out. Errapel quickly blasted it with a purple mist, thinking it would kill it. But instead, it stopped moving towards him. It looked intently at the unicorn, as if waiting for orders. Errapel shifted his hooves, and pointed at a large beetle. The mouse sprinted at it and ripped it to shreds. Errapel was stunned, and took the magic away from the mouse causing it to become lifeless again.


The hatchling opened it's bright, green eyes. The smell of her inclosed space was pleasing. She almost wanted to stay in there, but it was very cramped. She kicked hard at the egg shell, but it only made a large crack. Light seeped in, startling her a bit. She picked at the crack with her claw, making it slowly open. When she finally decided it was big enough, she crawled out, looking at the huge world in front of her. She gasped in awe, taking in each of the beautiful outside and it's crisp, fresh air.

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Mangg turned around when she heard cracking, and saw a hatchling tumble out of it's egg and gaze in awe at everything. She decided to talk to it. "Hi! My name is Mago! What's your name?" She asked, eager to make new friends

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The hatchling yelped in surprise, and turned around. She saw a green hatchling who was greeting her. "I'm..." She started, thinking hard.

"Saffron. My name is Saffron." She decided, satisfied. Her stomach rumbled rather loudly. "What's that?" She asked curiously.

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Mango heard the hatchling's stomach rumble, and her question. "Oh! I know! You're hungry!' She said, and grabbed a piece of prey for the hatchling to eat.

(What breed is she?))

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((Citrus Wyvern))


Saffron tilted her head in confusion when Mango said she was hungry. She looked at the dead thing in front of her and sniffed it.

It didn't smell too bad. She took a bite out of it's stomach. It didn't taste too bad either, but it didn't satisfy. "Is there anything else to eat?" She asked hopefully.

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Mango nodded and got some berries. She ate three, and gave the rest to Saffron. "We have berries too! If you're still hungry, we can go outside and look for other stuff to eat!" She said.

((I love citrus wyverns!))

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Saffron sniffed the berries, but those weren't the ones she was looking for. "Sure, let's go!" She said, walking out of the cave.

She looked around and saw a yellow fruit hanging off a bush. She sniffed it carefully, the sweet aroma filling her nostrils.

She bit it whole, making her make a slight face. "This is the most amazing thing ever! Try it!" She exclaimed to Mango. She ate some more of it, filling her stomach.

((To Saffron, lemons and limes aren't that sour to her, but to Mango, the skin would be bitter and the juice would distort her face. tongue.gif ))

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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((I actually like lemons and likes in real life, and don't find them that bad. I'll just make her not love it, but she would eat it if she was hungry.))


"Okay!" Mango bit into the fruit. It was sour, and the skin was a bit bitter, but it didn't make her want to spit it out. "It's not that bad, but not delicious either." She said. "Hey, how about we go into the forest and bring back and try all the fruits we can!" She suggested. Fruits were yummy to her, all of them, even the weird one she just ate. The weird one was just less yummy than some of the others.

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Volter heads closer to the storm 30 minutes before it would hit the cave. His body sparked as rain hit it, but it didn't hurt him. It felt wonderful to feel water without being harmed. He moved forward. The wind was strong, the rain fell heavier and thunder filled the air. This was his calling. This was his power.

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((You're doing present tense again tongue.gif ))


"Okay!" Saffron agreed happily. "That'd be fun! Let's get a whole... Mountain's worth!" She suggested.

She looked at a mountain far off, making the word pop into her head. She ran into the forest happily, grabbing every fruit she saw with her feet, cupping them into her wings.

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Mango followed not far behind, jumping from the branches and gathering the tree fruit. Soon, she had so much she wasn't able to hold it all in her arms. "I think we have enough, lets stop to taste some!" She called out to saffron

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"Alright." Alatum replied.

As he followed Daralis away, he glanced back, glaring at the unicorn. He helped him, and now it felt like he was being betrayed by him.

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(( Sorry for being away. Normally when school starts I put more time into playing on my XBox and less time on my computer, so I might not be on as often as I used to be.))


Tatha looked up from the stream, that she had been drinking from since noon, and scented the air with her tiny beak nostrils. She scented something, but didn't know quite what. She followed the scent and found herself back at the entrance to the cave.


((SOMEONE, walk up to Tatha, and do something, She needs something to do other than drink. Also, Narath what is your new avatar?))

Edited by guy person

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Saffron, too, soon had her share of fruit. Not hearing Mango, she yelled, "Let's go!" She bounded for the entrance of the cave.

Unfortunately, there was a tree root sticking out of the ground. Saffron tumbled and fell, making the fruits pelt a griffin.

She pulled herself up and apologized, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"


Errapel drank up some cool water to soothe his dizziness. He looked into the stream and saw strange, black patches on his snout.

Those weren't there before... He thought. He went back into his clearing to practice something he called 'necromancy'.




Daralis nodded, and looked at Alatum while they were walking back to the meadow.

"You look miffed." She commented. They were entering the meadow.

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The storm was strong, strong enough that it made it hard to walk. Volter made his way to the top of a mountain. The thunder was loud and the ground shock when it rang out. Volter closed his eyes and embraced this feeling. Suddenly the air went still, the rain fell quietly, and all sound disappeared. The air sparked and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck Volter, the blast sent him flying backwards off the mountain. The thunder was extremely loud and rang across the island. Volter blacked out from the overcharge of energy. The storm started to cover the rest of the island.


((Sorry for the weather change, but an island in the middle of the ocean is bound to have bad thunder storms))

Edited by Dotzrus

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Mango noticed that Saffron wasn't responding, and concluded that she had gone back to the cave. "WAIT FOR ME!" She yelled so loud, a echo could be heard through the trees. She ran back, and just so happened to also dump her fruits on the griffin by accident.

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Troulce continued walking, still annoyed from the general insanity all around, when he heard Cerise somewhere in the forest. Tuning in on her location, he walked up to her, and said tersely, I am sorry for slashing you with my horn. Do you need help, or shall I leave you to get to the cave on your own? Troulce looked around for something else to do. Maybe, if he calmed down more, he could ask Sparsus to explain at least basic magic to him. After all, Troulce knew that he wouldn't be able to fight the magic-users as adults without some magic of his own.

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The griffin rolled the fruit back to the citrus wyvern "It's Okay, My name's Tatha by the way" She said.

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"It can talk?" She exclaimed. She had thought it was a colorful statue, which was why she dumped her fruits on it. "Hi! Sorry I dumped my fruits on you too, I thought you were a colorful statue!" She said.

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((Sorry for ignoring the storm, I meant to add that.... but I forgot to.))


"A colorful statue?" Tatha asked "Really?... Anyway I'm going inside, It's too wet for me, you coming?" she said as she walked into the cave.

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"Okay! You want a fruit?" She asked, holding out a fruit once they got inside. She then turned to Saffron. "Come on! Lets try the fruits!" She said happily. She chose a sort of cylinder ish fruit with yellow skin to eat. The moment she bit into it, juices flowed out. "Mmm, this is good!" She exclaimed

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Cerise reached out and touched his face. So he was real. "What?" She asked, not quite hearing him.

She felt small droplets land on her face, then a whole shower pouring over her. She simply sat down, not moving anywhere.


"I'm Saffron!" She greeted.

She picked up her fruit and carried it all inside. "Okay!" She said to her. She bit into an orange fruit.

The sweet flavor exploded into her mouth. "Mmm!" She exclaimed, "You've got to try this!"

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