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Pokemon X and Y

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Starting an in-game competitive team, but I can't find any of the pokemon I need.


If anyone can help me find a Skarmory, Gliscor, or Blissey, it'd be much appreciated.

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Starting an in-game competitive team, but I can't find any of the pokemon I need.


If anyone can help me find a Skarmory, Gliscor, or Blissey, it'd be much appreciated.

Skarmory is in Victory Road and is within those dark shadows that drop from the ceiling.


Gligar is on Route 19, but is in hordes so make sure to bring someone with sweet scent or some honey.


You can get Chansey in a normal type Friend Safari.



I'm afraid that's all I know. Perhaps someone else knows more than I do.

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Anyone on here wants a Shiny Skarmory? It's a trophy shiny.

I love Skarmory! Sign me up. x3


Is there anything specific you're looking for in exchange for it?

Edited by Athkore

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I love Skarmory! Sign me up. x3


Is there anything specific you're looking for in exchange for it?

Nope, you can trade me whatever you want. Just PM me when you're online and I'll trade it to you. smile.gif

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I'm trying and trying for a Shiny Male Vulpix and Eevee (need 3). If anyone has any extras, I would absolutely love you. I only have a Shiny Mr. Mime that I could trade in return. He's my first shiny, and a wild one at that. PM as I don't get to check the forums much.

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I bought Nintendo 3DS for just this game. Have been playing for 2 days. All i am doing right now is wonder trade. I even got a shiny psyduck from it and so many nice IV pokemon xd.png. Not gonna stop unless i finish my starter collection and some pokemon i want. That game sure rocks.

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I got Pokemon X. Haven't beat the Elite 4 yet, but I'm challenging them soon. As soon as I get past Victory Road...


Only thing of interest I have is a Meowstic duo who I can get you a Espurr from.

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I have Pokemon Y. Beat the game in about two days if you don't count that short time I played during the night. Right now just trying to find shinies so people will actually trade with me outside of Wonder Trade.


Breeding is so hard. But that's probably just my impatience speaking. Still, it's very time consuming and I only have one friend safari ditto from wonder trade. I don't know what Pokemon I have in my friend safari. If my friend safari has a ditto, I will be so mad.

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I've seen lots of Dittos... Do you want me to catch you one? I know where to get them; I'll just need a bit of time to get there and find one. I know where to catch most of the Pokemon(Never been in a Friend Safari though). Plus, I need one anyways, because I want to get a Fennekin egg. And a Charmander egg.


...But seriously. Do you want me to catch you one?

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I got japanese female charmander with decent IVs and attacks from wonder trade, got all x/y starters with decent IVs also, some proto froakie and magician fennekin also. Got a japanese ditto also, i am new to nintendo stuff i mean about friend codes and such, but can breed some pokes for people if anyone wants.



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...Anyways... I have a few things to trade. All are from the wild. In random areas on the map. I have no friends.

1. Ditto

2. Ditto

3. Ditto

4. Zoroark(Male)

5. Garbodor(Female)

6. Jigglypuff(Female)

I can catch more Dittos. And by more, I mean I could get a hundred Dittos and still be going.

They're out to get me...

Anyways, if anyone's interested, I'd be glad to give them one of those.


...Yes, they're Pokemon Village Dittos.

Edited by seacatsmew

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If you're looking for a breeding ditto I have some 6IV foreign shinies I can clone, and one with a 30/30/30/30/30/30 spread for HP breeding, and I'm on the hunt for a 0/0/0/0/0/0 one for time machine breeding. If you're doing competitive breeding the Pokemon Village ones are pretty much useless since it's so hard to get a hold of one with good IVs that way.


Of course, if you're just breeding for the sake of breeding and don't care about stats, those are fine. Ditto safaris are hard to come by these days anyway.

Edited by Lythiaren

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Oooh, what would you want in return for one of those Ditto's, Lyth? Because I'd really like a decent IV Ditto, it would make things so much easier!

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Could I have a ditto? I don't have anything good though. Except starters and Vivillion. I need some to make breeding easier, especially since I'm not patient. And I do have a Pokemon Village Ditto, but it does nothing useful except sit there and be a ditto. Well, it was holding a Quick Powder too, but that's not very useful.

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I haven't even traded a single Pokemon yet on my Y....Well, I can't use Wireless for my 3DS because we got a new Wireless. My parents are too busy to enter the Pincode (Or whatever it's called x3) for me.... But I'm hoping to find someone from another region who could give me a ditto so I can try the Masuda Method. So can I have a ditto once I fix my wifi, Lythiaren? :3 I don't know what you want for it though...

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If you're looking for a breeding ditto I have some 6IV foreign shinies I can clone, and one with a 30/30/30/30/30/30 spread for HP breeding, and I'm on the hunt for a 0/0/0/0/0/0 one for time machine breeding.

Note, though, something I recently discovered -


If you clone a Japanese Ditto on your game (an american/european/australian, aka 'english' game), the ditto's OT becomes yours, rather than the actual Japan trainer's. So it still has use for IV breeding, but becomes useless in terms of masuda methoding for shinies.


I realised this when I had hatched 785 Treecko eggs with my cloned 'Japanese' shiny 6IV ditto, so then I got another Japanese ditto that I traded for, and within 60 eggs I got a shiny.

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Otherwise I'm going to take your anecdote as "RNG smiled upon your second ditto", since MM + Shiny Charm = 1/1024 chance of shiny (Source), which also does not guarantee a shiny within 1024 eggs, since it's a chance per egg.


I mean, I've gotten a rare mount on WoW on my first try and I've gotten a different rare mount on my 92nd try, but that doesn't mean the one mount has a higher droprate than the other.

Edited by Lythiaren

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it took me two days to finish the game :/ it is a cool game but when i relised that i had to go on the internet to transfer pokemon it took me down way down felt like to stop playing why couldnt be simple? i dont know i just want it to be normal tranfer not internet tranfer 4.4 xd.png 0.0)X3 lol wub.gif

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Very well...


Here's the 6IV shiny "Japanese" Ditto I used first;


user posted image


Note the OT (original trainer) says "Nauten" instead of the original japanese owner's name. Because the ditto was cloned on an english game, the game reads the ditto as an english one rather than a japanese one. It may have the japanese stamp, but in truth it is no longer a japanese ditto


Here's the 2nd Ditto I traded for and used;


user posted image


This is the ditto that got me the shiny. Its OT is the regular japanese owner's, so therefor the game reads it as a true foreign ditto, making the game activate the masuda method.


And please don't tell me to "find an internet source!!!", because the truth is right there in these photos. The cloned ditto does not activate the masuda method, because it is not a foreign pokemon to the game.



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No, I'm going to have to ask you for an actual internet source. Decompiled code, numbers from MM breeder communities, anything to suggest that it changes any kind of data when someone clones a foreign Pokemon and that yours was not just RNG doing its thing. That it can even tell the difference between a Pokemon that was just banked and withdrawn, and a Pokemon on a restored save file.


Because from the looks of things the first was just Powersaved to change its region, which I can also do, but it will keep my OT data if I do because it just changes the byte that determines region (which is what activates MM), and therefore it won't put random Japanese gibberish in place of my trainer name or anything. In fact the only feature available in Powersaves that changes anything about the OT data is the shinification process, which changes the Trainer ID number so that the OT TSV matches the Pokemon's ESV, and it never changes the trainer name under any circumstances. My Adamant 6IV I know for a fact was cloned on a NA cartridge and still has the Japanese OT. All my Dittos are region swapped and some shinified via Powersaves (except possibly my Jolly, which has Italy as its region) or Pokegenned, and in fact I have the exact same clone as you do. But when I clone it, it still says Nauten 52283, it doesn't change to Lythiaren 31124. I've cloned innumerable Pokemon and they keep their OT data every time, even their foreign names, like my German VGC Mamoswine, which is still named Mamutel and its OT is still Arash and the ID is still 05034 despite being a clone, and despite me having cloned it for people in the past. If you want proof I can send you a clone of my Prismillon and post a photo of my copy in front of your next post in this thread after the trade to prove I didn't pre-photograph it. I doubt that I got the original every single time I puked a Luvdisc on the GTS for a giveaway if your theory was correct; I deal in cloned event Pokemon and if the cloning process screwed with OT data like you claim, I wouldn't be able.


And those photos are also not proof of whether you just had really bad luck MM breeding with the first and really good luck MMing with the second. I mean, my friend bred a shiny Froakie in three eggs and her dex isn't complete, does that mean the Shiny Charm is useless? Certainly not. The numbers you've given certainly fit in with the 1/1024 chance given by MM + SC breeding (reddit trainers' experiments suggest 1/800 and your experience still fits...) so I'm definitely not buying this idea that cloning changes the region and OT, especially when my own experience with clones is very much to the contrary.


tl;dr: [citation needed], photos only prove the first was Powersaved before cloning.

Edited by Lythiaren

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No, I'm going to have to ask you for an actual internet source.


Because from the looks of things the first was just Powersaved to change its region, which I can also do. My Adamant 6IV I know for a fact was cloned on a NA cartridge and still has the Japanese OT.


And those photos are also not proof that you just had really bad luck MM breeding with the first and really good luck MMing with the second.

Yes, you can get many diffferent nationatilities of pokemon and they stay like that xd.png. I think its cool.


read this omg lol... an exam question and the answer of the student


user posted image

Edited by rayheart

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That answer is epic, except that the person forgot to include the possibility of using Elixirs, Max Elixirs, Ethers, and Max Ethers tongue.gif

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