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Warriors: The Beginning

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Oakpaw mimicked Dusteye, making his weight as light as he could, holding his tail off the ground. He took a few steps and held his breath, trying to keep silent. As he took another step, he jumped when he saw something he'd never seen before. It looked somewhat scaly and even a bit slimy. "Wh-what is that?" When the words were out he realized he'd said them louder than he should have and the creature noticed him. It's pink tongue flicked out at him and it seemed to be hissing that them. The snake lunged at Oakpaw and he jumped. "Ah!" He tried to run away, but the snake snapped at him again, grabbing hold of his back right leg. "Help me! Help!" he cried in pain to Dusteye.



Lunapaw took Ashkit from Sky and brought him to the nursery where a queen would watch over him while she finished with Sky. "I have no idea what's gotten into him. He's usually so quiet and calm. Maybe that old elder's tale someone told me is true!" she laughed. "They said that the full moon makes some go crazy, and I'm beginning to think that may be true from all the raucous he's making." Pausing, a look of realization planted itself on her face. "Tonight's the full moon!" Then remembering that Sky may not know what that means to clan cats, she asked, "Do you know what's so special about full moon nights to us?"



Pidgeonstar padded back into the camp, two large rabbits in her mouth. Wow, I can't believe how long that hunting trip took... That's the last time I'm going hunting on my own on the day of a gathering night! she thought to herself. Padding over to the freshkill pile, she plopped her catch on top and looked around for her deputy. "Galeheart!" she called as she spotted the gray and white tabby. Bounding over, she scanned the cats padding around camp again. "Did Foxthunder and Dusteye's training patrols come back yet? I should have told those who are going to the gathering sooner. I was thinking Foxthunder, Dusteye, Oakpaw, and Hazelpaw should go. Input?"



Sock's ears swiveled as she heard her mushy slop 'food' splat into her dish and looked over her shoulder. It was so nice outside that she didn't want to go back in so soon. Either now or never, she thought to herself, remembering a day when she'd been locked outside because she didn't come in when her twolegs called her. "Why do I even bother staying?" she meowed to herself.


A feminine twoleg voice called her name and, reluctantly, Socks jumped off the fence and padded into the house. "SOCKS!" a twoleg kit screamed, scooping her up and pressing her head into their chubby arm. How bad Socks wanted to bite them, but she kept her mouth shut and didn't. When they finally let her go, she ran like her life depended on it, but the kit grabbed her tail and she screamed. "Let go of me! I'm not some toy for you to play with!" She turned around and swiped angrily at them, claws unsheathed. The kit sat down and started crying as if she'd clawed them.


Its mother came into the room and snapped at her, a large stick with straw-like strips attached to the end. Grabbing the broom tightly with both hands, her skin turned yellow. The mother twoleg lifted it in the air and swiped it at her, Socks jumping out of the way just in time. Turning tail, she ran for the door again, the father twoleg screaming at her as his black shoes shook the ground when he stomped after her.



Lion flicked his golden brown tail, mouse nibbling on an acorn in front of him. Taking a step forward, he hissed in aggravation as his paw snapped a twig and the mouse skittered under a root into a dugout home. Turning around, he padded towards the twoleg nests. "Stupid mouse," he grumbled, sat down, and began cleaning himself.

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"Um... No..." Sky muttered, very confused at what Lunapaw was talking about.


Scar narrowed his eyes. "Just now, I picked up two familiar scents... They could be of a help..."

"Dew and Drop?" Fall asked, "Oh yes, two polite, nice, youngsters..."

"You think we should go find them?" Fluffy asked Voodoo.

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Dusteye reared back on his hind legs, hissing when he caught sight of the snake. "Oakpaw! Get away from it!" Too late. The snake lunged for the young apprentice, latching onto the feline's back paw. Yowling, Dusteye stomped on the snake's tail, getting it to release Oakpaw and lunge for him. Quickly, the warrior stepped out of the way and batted at the snake until it left. "Oakpaw! Are you alright? That was a poisonous snake!"


Circling around his apprentice twice, Dusteye pressed his flank against Oakpaw's. "We need to get you to Fawnlily so she can have a look at that bite..." His first day with an apprentice and the young cat is already injured. His heart dropped into his stomach, his ears flattening with dismay. He was horrible as a mentor and it was only the first day.


((:C Aw Dusteye. Gonna do a little skip to get Oakpaw back at the camp so we can get the Gathering started sooner.))


"What happened?" Fawnlily, called out of her den by the raised voices of clan cats, hurried towards Oakpaw and Dusteye. She lowered her head, sniffing briefly at the snakebite on the apprentice's back paw. Looking up at Dusteye, she laid her tail tip on the injured cat's back. "Pigeonstar stated Oakpaw would be going to the Gathering tonight but, not anymore. Not with this injury."


Dusteye dropped his head, ears and tail drooping in guilt. "It's my fault really. I misjudged the safety of Outlook Rock tonight and he got bit by a poisonous snake because of it..."


Fawnlily sighed, shaking her head. "That's not your fault. Come on Oakpaw. Dusteye, he'll be fine. I'll have him taken care of while you're at the Gathering. Now, go eat something before Pigeonstar leads the patrol out. Go on. Oakpaw's fine, I promise."


Dusteye nodded slowly, getting up and walking elsewhere to stand ready. He wasn't hungry at this point.


Fawnlily sighed again, glancing at Oakpaw. "Let's get you settled and taken care of." With that, she led the apprentice to her den where she could treat him.



Nightstar nodded in response to Crystaldrop's question. "Yes, I'll be well enough. I shall announce who is going to the Gathering and then I shall return for those herbs." Stepping away, she headed towards Talking Spot and called for her clan's attention. "Silentpaw and Wildshade, you two will be accompanying myself, Lightningstreak, and Crystaldrop to the Gathering tonight. Lightningstreak, I trust you have spoken to the one or two cats you have chosen to guard the camp while we are away?" After whatever response Lightningstreak had to provide, Nightstar continued. "Those going, I trust you are rested enough as we will be departing very soon." With that, she dismissed herself and headed back to Crystaldrop's den for the strength herbs. She planned to have her patrol leave as soon as she had finished eating the herbs.

Edited by Narvix

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Silentpaw stood up as Nightstar appeared, but then sat back down as she retreated. His tail flicked with an unusual calmness; most apprentices would leap in excitement. “…” Silentpaw looked up to the sky; the sun was dropping faster than expected; like a drop of water.


Galeheart was tracking down a rabbit. Staying as still as a rock, Galeheart watched the rabbit with narrowed eyes. Suddenly the wind changed direction, and the rabbit went scampering into its hole. Mousedung! Galeheart looked up worriedly, padding away to a different location. As he walked, Galeheart mewed to himself, “What if…what if there was no more fresh kill in Windclan, and Pigeonstar gives away all her share of fresh kill to the other cats, and, even in my best efforts, she dies? But then, rest of the clan, lacking food, will catch Whitecough, which turns to Greencough? What will I do if the other clans might decide take this chance to eliminate our clan and take it for their own? Then what?” Worried, Galeheart padded forwards until he realized another fact. “Oh, foxdung, it’s almost time for the gathering!” He sped towards camp, panicking even more than before. What if……Pigeonstar gets really impatient and appoints another deputy? Then, when I get there, I’ll be punished for being late and will be forced to do apprentice duties for the rest of my life? What’ll I do? Galeheart soon arrived in camp. “Pigeonstar! Um…” He panted. Before he could say more, Pigeonstar asked him a few questions about the gathering. So much for that, Galeheart thought. Then he mewed, "I don't think that they have returned yet. I'll see to that. Your choices are well balanced, too..."


“You ready to go?” Sunpaw mewed to the others. "I'm kinda tired of waiting."

Edited by ChocoBrownie

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"Sure! Come on!" Moonpaw squeaked loudly. Again.


Spirit just stood there and watched the kit walk into her camp. Looks like I'm not that bad at guessing, she thought as she walked back to her den. Suddenly, she smelled ThunderClan cats. And they were headed her way.

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"Why don't you all get some rest first? You'll be up all night." Leafstar suggested, smiling. Then she noticed Darkkit. "Ah, Darkkit. Did you go out playing in the forest again? You know you shouldn't be out there alone. Are you okay?"


((Dew and Drop shall chase Spirit into getting caught by Thunderclan, is it okay?))

"Hey, one on the right, are we there yet?"

"Of course we are, can't you see the trees stretching before you, or are you blind, left side?"

"Blind? Of course not, stupid right side. I'm not so sure this is it... There are twoleg nests over there."

"When were we told there wouldn't be any twolegs, you deaf left?"

"You're not very nice, one on the right."

"When did I say I was nice, cat to the left?"

Two identical cats padded into Thunderclan territory, their steps matching each other, making it look as if it was a cat walking against a mirror. They paused.

"Do you hear something, tom to my left?" Dew asked, looking to the right.

"Yeah. Amazing that we agree, huh, cat on the right?" Drop questioned, smirking and turning his head to the left.

They began walking again, at a slower pace. Dew stopped, making Drop stop instinctively.

"You hungry, left?"

"You bet, right. You see food?"

"I see food," Dew answered, licking her lips.

"Freshkill or Roadkill?"


Drop turned to look as well. The two cats had their gazes locked onto Spirit. They exchanged a meaningful glance, and, trying not to look too menacing, walked side by side towards Spirit.

"Greetings," Dew called as soon as she was close enough.

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((sorry for inactivity, but then again, check my siggy...))

Wasting no time, Crystaldrop brought out a neat package of sorrel, ragwort, and daisy leaf. "Eat up, then," she meowed. "This should give you enough strength, even if you are skipping a meal."


Slash shyly approached the rogues. It had been quite a while since he roamed around the Twolegplace so freely. My Twolegs must be worried, he thought, before banishing the absurd thought from his head. These rogues seemed to know something about the forest cats that he was dying to get his revenge on. Some small voice in the back of his head told him that this was the right crowd to hang out with. "Um... I-I think I may be able to convince others to help..." he stammered out, trying to think of all the cats he had met on the streets before in the two short moons he had lived on them. A faint smile tugged at his lips when he found the perfect cat.


((And yes, I made a new character. When it is approved, I will jump her right in. ))

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Voodoo closed her eyes for a moment. "Depends. How good are they at battling and listening to orders or directions? And How fast can you find them?" She meowed after a moment to Fluffy. The black she-cat turned her head to Slash.

"That's great, Slash. How soon will you be able to find them?" she paused for a moment before adressing the cats in front of her. "I believe I know a cat who would be willing to help us too. He's my brother who still lives in the Clans. However, he hated ShadowClan ever since I left. One of you may come with me if You wish to." She crawled back out of the lavender bush." When you've found new recruits, report back here in my garden. We'll speak more of our plans then." The she-cat bounded back the way they came without another word. Leaping onto the fence and jumping down, staggering again before dashing off towards ShadowClan Territory.



(I'll make the character app once I post this and jump him right in once he's approved.)

Edited by lunarmyth897

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Robintail looked to Mountainmist. "Soon, I hope," trying to push back his excitement. You're a warrior now. Act like one, he mentally scolded himself.

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Mountainmist let out a light laugh. "Yeah. I hope Leafstar reports about those rogues. They've been getting real troublesome lately. It won't be good if it continues." She looked towards Sunpaw. "We'll go soon. Be patient."

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Not wanting to bore Sky with all the details of the truce's history, she skipped right to it. "Well, every full moon, there is a truce between the four clans that they will not fight. The leader from each clan takes some cats to the place we call Fourtrees and they have a 'gathering' and they talk about... about... I'm not really sure what they talk about. I was supposed to go to the last one, but I couldn't because I got sick." She frowned upon that memory and then shook it off. "Maybe someone else can help you with that."



As Oakpaw painfully limped into the medicine den, he hung his head. "Fox dung..." He didn't put much effort into saying it, he was focusing too much on not bursting out from the pain as he laid himself into a nest, turning on his side so that Fawnlily could get to his leg easier.

((unsure.gif I'm going to pause my end between Oakpaw and what I was going to write for Pigeonstar for a bit... Hopefully Stunning will be able to make it! I'd sent her a PM when I sent you your's, Narvix.))



((I'm hoping I read correctly for the other rouges/loners/etc... If not, let's just say I meant to write Lion and accidentally put Slash.))

Socks frantically scrambled up a fence and landed on the other side, not knowing who's garden this was. Her legs kept moving and pushing her onward until her body hit something. Bowling over, she coughed as her body hit the ground and she looked up to see an unknown rouge, Slash.

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((Slash is a Kittypet...))

Fluffy nodded and followed Voodoo out of the bush, casting Slash a glance. Fall and Scar followed.

"So, Scar, what do you think?" Fluffy asked quietly, watching Voodoo's tail disappear beyond the fence.

"What do you mean?" Scar asked.

"Of Voodoo," Fluffy said, rolling her eyes to emphasize the fact that it was obvious.

"She has potential, I'll give you that. A different kind of leader from Icefire... Very different... She's seems to be reliable..."

"So we're staying loyal to her then?"

"I guess... If this turns out well... And if she proves to be trustworthy..."

"Of course she's trustworthy. She's not a city cat like us... I can hear honesty in her voice," Fall suddenly cut in.

Fluffy looked back at Slash to make sure he wasn't eavesdropping on them. "Hey Slash, let's go," she said, jumping up onto the fence, followed by Scar, who helped Fall up. Then, without waiting for a response, she jumped off. Scar followed.

"Come on, youngster, that she-cat won't wait even if you begged her to," Fall said, waiting for Slash on the fence.


"So... There will be a lot of cats?" Sky asked.

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"What do you want? I have no quarrel with you." Spirit laid back her ears and said as calmly as she could, while trying to keep her fur under control. Show no fear, she said to herself. She didn't have a very good feeling about those two twins. They looked...menacing. Hopefully they wouldn't consider her a threat and kill her. She just wanted to get back to her den for nap before the Clan cats had their meeting and she had to move.

((That being said, when is the Gathering going to start? Also, the kittypets and rogues are the main antagonists here, am I right? So what are they trying to do?))

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"Okay!" meowed Slash. He dashed towards the fence, almost tripping over in his haste.


Nettle crouched down low as she stalked a thrush. Slowly, she started creeping towards her prey. With a great leap, she ended the bird's life. She bent her head down to eat her well-earned food. Life was good living out in the local park. Yes, there was the scent of Twolegs everywhere, but at least there was plenty of cover and prey. Still, it always lacked the excitement of the streets. The streets she would refuse to go back to after that incident. Looking up from her meal, she remembered that it was time to visit Slash- no, Chairman Meow again. She loved calling him that kittypet name, even though he hated it. Just made it all the more amusing. She yawned. Oh well, maybe I'll go visit him after I finish eating. Wait, why am I so... sleepy? Must've been that strange-smelling Twoleg catmint thingie I saw earlier... With that, she dragged herself away from the remains of the thrush and fell asleep in the shade of a shrub.

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((Read the last few of mine, GGG and LunaMyth's posts))

"Oh, we were lost. Do you know where we are?" Drop asked with a grin.

"Drop, what a lame excuse for trying to flirt with a she-cat..." Dew commented, shaking her head with mock disappointment.

"What!? Hey, I was NOT trying to flirt, Dew!" Drop said, turning on Dew.

Dew rolled her eyes, keeping up her act. "What he's trying to say is 'Do you know a cat named Fall around here'?"

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Voodoo raced down the path to outside the Twolegplace. She turned sharply at the end of the path and into Tallpines. Bounding through the shadowed forest and past some large rocks, the black, short tailed cat reached the Thunderpath after several moments. She padded alongside the foul path, panting after running, searching for the tunnel to the otherside. Her green gaze locked onto the tunnel entrance. Letting out a soft mew of delight, she trotted toward it. She ducked inside the dark tunnel and quickly exited out the otherside in ShadowClan territory. Voodoo sighed deeply. She felt more at home here on the marsh than in the Twolegplace. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts. No time to think like that... Voodoo thought.

The black cat headed towards the Burnt Sycamore. She knew that her brother spent a lot of time here when she used to live in ShadowClan. She could only hope he was there now.





Whitefeather gazed around the marshes from his perch on the Burnt Sycamore. He knew that a few of his Clanmates would be heading to the Gathering soon, so he decided to head out of the camp to get some space. The dark cat's thoughts ran to his sister, Shadowspirit. He wondered how she was faring inside the Twolegplace. Suddenly he heard snapping branches on the ground and he climbed down the burnt tree to investigate. Whitefeather called out,"Who's there? Show yourself!"

There was no reply. instead the bushes nearby were rustling violently. A cat erupted out of the bush and barreled into Whitefeather. With a quick glance, he saw that the cat was black and a she-cat. Growling, he launched himself at the black cat. She leaped out of the way with ease and rammed her head into Whitefeather's side. He was knocked to the ground and pinned. he looked up with a gasp. He stared into the bright green eyes of his sister.






"Come on brother! Is that the best you got?" Voodoo let her brother up. "My name is Voodoo now, you know." She meowed. "I didn't come by just to visit, Whitefeather. I came to ask you for your help."


Whitefeather tilted his head."What do you need help with?"


"A few other cats--rogues, loners, kittypets-- that are like me want to teach the Clans a lesson. I was hoping that you would help."


He looked uncertain for a moment then nodded." Of course, Shado-- Voodoo. I will stand by my sister's side. The Clan won't miss me."


Voodoo brightened, her short tail twitching with excitment. "Great! let's go!" She dashed off the way she came, her brother in pursuit.

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"Alright..." Sunpaw yawned, then looked at Moonpaw. "Looks like we can't go yet...what a disappointment. Want to share a vole?"


"That seems fine, Pigeonstar." Galeheart mewed again. "And it seems as if they're not back...oh, there is Oakpaw and Dusteye, but...it looks like Oakpaw can't come..." He bounded to Dusteye. "What happened, Dusteye?" Galeheart then looked up in worry, exaggerating once again about what will happen.

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"Sure! Thanks, Sunpaw!" Moonpaw mewed gratefully. She hadn't realized until now how hungry she was.


"Fall? The name rings a bell, but no, sorry." Spirit shook her head uneasily. She wanted those strange cats to leave her alone. They didn't seem nice.

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"Aw... Is that so? What should we do now, the one on the right?" Drop asked, faking disappointment.

"I thought you said you were hungry, mouse-brained left," Dew replied, looking mildly agitated.

"Ah... You're right... right," Drop said, standing up. Dew stood up as well. The two cats parted, circling Spirit from different directions. Suddenly, Drop lunged at her, Dew following in suit not longer after.

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Spirit saw them leap and immediately darted for the opening in the middle. She ran and ran until she was sure they wouldn't be able to find her. Then she stopped to catch her breath. They said they were hungry...were they going to eat me?! She thought fearfully.

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Slash looked to Fluffy. "Should I go f-fetch my sister? I'm pretty s-sure she will happily join us... I guess..." he asked. "Or should I stay here? I mean, I already memorized th-the way here, b-but I dunno if you're going to go somewhere else or something..." He looked at the ground shyly. Sure, he was decent at fighting, hunting, and battle tactics, but the great Chairman Meow was never the best in the confidence department.

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(I know Slash is a kittypet, and so is Socks, so that's why I had her run into him...)


As Galeheart mentioned Dusteye and Oakheart coming back, she turned to see Dusteye padding from Fawnlily's den. Oakpaw? she thought worriedly.


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[HELLO GUYS! I AM HERE! Many apologies. ._. I kind of lost track of Foxthunder/Hazelpaw; Star, are they back at camp now?]


Starlingleaf smiled as Icefire mentioned how everyone seemed so nice. ThunderClan always had a reputation for being a welcoming Clan, and other cats made fun of them for being so close to outsiders, but Starlingleaf looked at it differently. ThunderClan saw no reason to turn away potential warriors and worthy additions to the Clan. They didn't start a fight or discriminate without a just reason to do so.


A moment later Leafstar listed off some cats that were going to the Gathering, and Icefire turned to Starlingleaf and asked about it, confused. "A Gathering is what it sounds like - a gathering of the Clans. We meet once every full moon, under a truce, to discuss the happenings in our Clans and share news such as new warriors, kits, apprentices, or attacks from foxes and badgers and such." Starlingleaf glanced at Leafstar, who seemed to be ready to hop onto the Highrock [that's what it's called, right? I forgot] and make an announcement to the Clan.


"I'm not sure if you're going, Icefire," Starlingleaf mewed. "The other Clans might be a little fidgety about a former loner, who just became a ThunderClan cat today, attending a Gathering. However, Leafstar will probably make an announcement about you there, so she might want you to be there as well." The medicine cat flicked her tail. "Anyway, I'm going - medicine cats have to go every Gathering." Starlingleaf glanced at Leafstar again. "I think she's about to have you formally join our Clan," she added to Icefire.


Lightningstreak returned with her patrol, satisfied. The borders were just where they'd always been, with no sign of cats trespassing or any intruders. They'd renewed the scent markers and one of the cats had even caught a mouse on the way. All in all, a good day's work. As she entered the ShadowClan camp, Lightningstreak glanced upwards and saw that it was almost sundown. There's a Gathering tonight! she realized, and quickened her pace, gesturing for the cat who had caught the mouse to drop it on the fresh-kill pile.


The deputy saw the Nightstar and Silentpaw had returned from their training as well, maybe a few minutes earlier, and the leader was making her way over to her. Lightningstreak nodded after she was done speaking. "All right, Nightstar. Consider it done." Nightstar padded away to Crystaldrop's den and Lightningstreak padded over to a couple of warriors sharing a frog. [NPCs, if anyone's wondering.]


"Hello," she greeted them as they dipped their heads to her respectfully. "Would you mind staying here tonight, during the Gathering, and guarding the camp?" It wasn't exactly an option, and Lightningstreak knew that they knew it. She could see in the she-cat's eyes that she would much rather be going to the Gathering, but the two cats nodded nonetheless. Satisfied, Lightningstreak thanked them and left them to finish their frog.


She made her way to the fresh-kill pile and chose a small pigeon. Gulping it down in a few quick bites, Lightningstreak stretched out on a nearby rock and lapped at her fur, allowing herself to rest after today's work. Her eyes closed and it seemed as if only a heartbeat had passed before Nightstar was calling the Clan together. Lightningstreak got to her paws and dipped her head as the leader addressed her. "Yes, I have," she meowed, listing the two cats from before. The cats in question nodded to confirm this.


Nightstar finished up her announcement and padded to Crystaldrop's den. Curling the tip of her tail slightly, Lightningstreak headed for the camp entrance, excited and apprehensive as always for the Gathering.

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( Hmm... Where to start off... Lunapaw has a new mentor :/)


The gray tabby looked out from the leaders den. This was RiverClan, and they ate fish, he reminded himself. Not like anything else comes here, he thought to himself bitterly, kicking a stray pebble. The RiverClan leader decided to just go and hunt fish, to kill time. So he did. The tom padded up to shore, waiting, and making sure his shadow wasn't on the water. When he saw a silver flash- Splash! A silver fish landed on the shore, flopping about until Blizzardstar killed it. It went on for a while, then he came back with three medium-sized fish, dropping them with the others in the pile.

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