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2012-05-21 - Happy 6th Birthday!

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Sigh...... I can never get these new release Dragons....... I suck at catching new eggs..... Well I better get my self lame eggs...

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Why does TJ have so many...? Aside from the dimorphism, do you guys think that these eggs will have alternate sprites?

the S2 hatchlings are probably different.




and omg, the wave hatchlings are so adorable. they look like a chubby cross between blunas and water dragons. wub.gif and the hybrids are looking kick censorkip.gif. It's good to see a new dragon that's primarily white(other than the snow angels).

Edited by WestWindReborn

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the S2 hatchlings are probably different.

They are, just look at TJ's. :3


4 eggs = adult dimorphism & hatchie dimorphism

3 eggs = adult dimorphism

2 eggs = no dimorphism


Anywhosit, the little white-silver hatchlings are so cute! And the blue ones look like they have roller blades under them, haha. Interested in seeing how all these guys turn out. X'D

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The sunlight hatchies scare me. ;~; The other two are cute.

Why? ohmy.gif


Other than they pick out their scales like how a large parrot plucks out their feathers when they're stressed? :I

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Ended up catching a Leetle tree while out hunting for more of these guys. xd.png

(Also spilled Kool-Aide on myself, my couch, the floor, and my laptop while hunting for these. XDDD)


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I've breed 3 ''This egg is very warm, as if it has been sitting out in strong sunlight.'' but which dragons make the two other eggs?!

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Yay! I finally caught my "sunlight" eggs! So now I have 2 each of the new cave releases. :-D That's all I ask for CB - a male and female, assuming they breed. *crosses fingers*


Not too shabby considering I only discovered the release when I came home from work today.


I'll work on the mysterious third once I have the room.

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I've breed 3 ''This egg is very warm, as if it has been sitting out in strong sunlight.'' but which dragons make the two other eggs?!

The other two are found in the Cave.

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I wish we could freeze eggs I Love all 3 of these new ones they look like they belong in an easter basket. smile.gif

2 of mine are cracking yay! smile.gif

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Well I have the 2 breed-able ones but when do the others drop? Is it only at the top of the hour?

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Well I have the 2 breed-able ones but when do the others drop? Is it only at the top of the hour?

I don't think they drop in massive drops now, they drop with the other dragons. sad.gif


The puddle (blue) one drops in the Coast, while the Golden sunlight one drops everywhere.

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Well I have the 2 breed-able ones but when do the others drop? Is it only at the top of the hour?

They drop as all the other dragons now.


They are all mixed up. sad.gif


But new dragons are still a little more than other dragons.

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Is it just me or is this particular batch of eggs especially pretty? Not to mention how cute the hatchies appear to be, but the eggs themselves are so pretty.

I agree- I almost don't want to hatch mine. xd.png

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The thing I don't understand is - why are these new eggs lessening so quickly? Don't get me wrong, they are still coming on strong, but...it hasn't even been a week and the cave is already returning to normalcy? :/

Edited by Plant

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Why? :o


Other than they pick out their scales like how a large parrot plucks out their feathers when they're stressed? :I

No, it's because of their totally blank eyes. -shivers-


That's more amusing than scary. XD;

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Well I have the 2 breed-able ones  but when do the others drop? Is it only at the top of the hour?

Even mixed in with the other dragons , the top of the hour drop is the best time to catch them. With so many hunting the biomes empty out quickly

Edited by dragonpuck

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When I heard that the one dragon can only be bred between those two types of dragon, I went and bred one, as well as a Geode and a Two-Finned Bluna and a Shallow Water Dragon, simply because I was reminded of them.

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@ Saloiq: Oh D: But so do many of the others! xd.png



@ Plant: Someone hypothesized that they may be uncommon earlier in this thread. When ratios are evened out, thats when drops go back to normal. While I'm not TJ or the spriter and cannot say for sure, but I think they might be rare or uncommon dragons, since it hasn't even been 24 hours since the release started and the drops are starting to mix again.

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Wow, I just realized that today is the 2nd day they have been dropping, and I still manged to get some. I am so happy now.

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Wow, I just realized that today is the 2nd day they have been dropping, and I still manged to get some. I am so happy now.


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