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Warfare of the Salizdorian Races

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((My characters are kinda stuck right now... I know! Kaeti can come find you. Where is your character?))

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((He is roaming the land around his undergroud forge with a small band of mechanized soldiers searching for new materials.))

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Jason then slowly walks backwards holding his assault rifle then looks at Sphy and runs to him then looks at the blood on him "Im sorry Sphy I disobeyed a direct order but I cannot let a dragon die on my watch." Jason says as he looks at the wound and puts his assault rifle on the ground then opens his backpack and pulls out the medkit and opens it showing medicene, bandages, gauze, medical needles, spool of thread, and medical thread then Jason picks up a shot that has morphine in it and looks at Sphy "Now please be still my friend." Jason says as he pushes the needle of the shot into his wound and releases the morphine into Sphy's wound then looks at Kaeti "Kaeti I need you to keep the wound closed so i can sew it together." Jason says as he pulls out a medical needle and a spool of thread

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Now you can see why your Steel Eagle mates wanted you to kill me Artaxes thought to himself when he had the thought of Jason. It wasn't too long in till he was in the middle of a clearing of the forset as the dragon kept on running, his legs were getting to exhusted and he knew that it was time to go into flight. Flapping his great wings, he shot off into the air like a rocket with a powerful stroke. Artaxes soared above the treetops swiftly, he can feel the wind rusting past his face and his own blood dripping from his shoulders from the dagger of that human. His thoughts changed when he thought of his half brother, it still nagged him a lot on how he attacked him just so he could get his gold spared. He liked shiny stuff, a lot. So much that he could attack his own half brother. A low snarl rumbled though his lips, caused by his anger. Artaxes gave another strong stroke of his wings to get higher into the sky.








Rasi headbutted the iron door again, with another bang. Her scales were still a very dark color, looking like it didn't change for a long time. She wasn't chained up, just in a dragon-proof room were there seemed to be nothing to do but headbutt the door all day. There wasn't much room either, but enough to spin around without hitting anything but it still wasn't very much room. Flashback of murdering the human attacked her without warning, she jerked away from the door while spitting her flame at it in rage. It didn't seem to have any efect from the fire, it just burn't away harmlessly. She was angry with herself, her scales flashed to a dark red color as she attacked the door. Slamming into it with strong force but it barely done anything but made another loud bang noise. Rasi calmed down after making herself exhusted from attacking the door, sinking back into a corner and hid her head under her wings along with her legs with her tail wrapping around herself protectively. Her spines down her back stuck up like poisonese arrows getting ready to shot anyone whom come close. Her scales flashed back into a black color as she crouched around herself tighter.

Edited by Tiffashy

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((Kaeti's not with Sphy. Lief is))

Sphy shifted as the needle entered his skin, but tried to stay still as possible so the human could stitch up his wound. "I was fine," he growled as he involuntarily jerked his head upward as Lief jumped on his wing to keep it from moving and hitting the human. He half rose, but managed to stay down and let the gash be connected back together.


Kaeti grabbed Cornick as soon as Lief was out of sight, and rode back toward where she thought they had left the dragon. However, after about ten minutes of riding she realized that she was going the wrong direction. Well, this is just great. I guess I had better keep moving, she thought as she urged her tiring horse forward. Suddenly a strange clicking sound interrupted her thoughts, and she frowned, thinking, That noise sounds just like those kind of robots the village saw once. I wonder... Heading in the direction of the sound, she hid behind a tree and saw another human, directing the robots. He didn't seem like an enemy, so Kaeti stepped out from behind the tree and cheerfully stated, "Hi! I'm Kaeti. Who are you?"

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Garth held the reins of his Oocala as he sat atop it to direct the specially designed robots that mines ores from the earth to be used to create their comrads. He than heard hooves on the ground and turned Flick to see a girl riding on a horse step out from behind a tree.

"Hi! I'm Kaeti. Who are you?" The girl told him in a cheerful tone. He gestured toward the guard robots to not engage. "My name is Garth DorVack. What brings you out here? I don't normally see people out here." Garth told the girl as he looked around on top Flick to see if there was anyone else besides Kaeti hiding in the shadows of the trees.

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Jason starts to sew the gash back together and looks at Sphy "Sometimes a hero needs to have its backup." Jason says as a wise man "Let me tell you about the Steel Eagles, The Steel Eagles is an anti-terrorist and military group to stop any 'Mutants' in retro-spect any race that is not human but I rejected that idea and embrace the idea that every race is equal including the Steel Eagles but the Eagles can do other missions,for example peace missions, and relief missions." Jason says as he finishes sewing the gash closed "There the morphine should were off in about an hour trust me I am a medic." Jason says as he hears machines coming "What the heck is that?" Jason asks Lief in a authoritive tone as he picks up his assault rifle and waits to see what it was

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Sphy stuggled to get up, fighting the effects of the morphine. "No," he groaned, "I cannot wait any longer. I must fight!" With an enormous effort, he half lifted himself off the ground but failed.


Lief pricked up when he heard the Steel Eagle talking about killing every race that wasn't human. "We would crush you before you could even try to destroy our races," he grunted through clenched teeth as he gestured to him and the large, ice-blue dragon. "And as for your last question, I have no idea."


Kaeti stepped out from behind the tree, leading her horse along with her. "Well, I was traveling with an elf and a dragon but got lost," she said, not knowing how odd that sounded.

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Garth raised his eyebrow at Kaeti when she said she had been traveling with an elf and dragon. "Your a human yet you were traveling with an elf?" He shrugged and looked at the girl through his goggles. "Well any way it's not safe to be out here with elven and nomad raiding parties roaming about. You may want to come with me to be safe." He gave a whistle and the mining bots packed up the supplies they had gathered and formed up as they were ready to leave for the his home. In their wake there was a hole dug in the ground where ore had been taken from and several trees had been cut down for wood. There was a hiss as their joints filled with steam and started to move toward Garth's underground house while Garth stayed were he was on top of his Oocala looking at Kaeti. "You will be safe and well fed at my home." He told her as he waited for her response.

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Jason looked at Lief "Look I said that I rejected the idea I think it is just plain wrong and I treat every race with great respect except for those Nomads they will be struck down." Jason says as he looks at Lief with great concern "But like i said the new Steel Eagles leader promised to me that he try to stand by incase of an all out war." Jason says as he looks at Sphy and runs to him and checks to see if he had done more damage to himself "God dang it look you are not fit to fly yet and also sorry for me attacking your friend or brother I cannot stand to see another dragon die!" Jason says as he looks off into the distance "Look it was about a month ago and I was a corpral at the time and a deep fasenation of dragons, I was traveling with my squad to a human village then we saw this hatchling and the sarge pointed his rifle at the hatchling but I stopped him before he fired but he pushed me away and he fired, killed it by a headshot I felt anger and sadness consuming me and the sarge gave me a warning if I stopped him again so when the sarge died due to a mysterious death I stepped up." Jason says sadly still remembering that day and that truamatized him

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((@tiffashy: Um, could I borrow Rasi for the post after this one? Feel free to PM me any stuff you think I need to know about her character.


@ubbydubby: For an idea of how bronze age forces (which the elves of this setting are to an extent, at least so they seem to me) fare against a modern military machine complete with subversion tactics... oops, spoilers, I guess... read The Salvation War. Alternatively, you could find a hamster and jump on it, the effects are similar.))


Lancer Base Peacekeeper


Eterne Samuels was one of nature's striders. She moved like a stormtrooper, purpose emanating from every step and forcing even the heavily-armed security teams out of her way without so much as a word from her. It was like watching a valkyrie on parade.


In a little booth overseeing the captured dragon Rasi, Vincent Graleder heard the clack of Eterne's heels closing in and sighed softly to himself. This had been brewing for a while. He was about to push the intercom button when the door slammed open, disrupting his train of thought and forcing a little sleight of hand to drop his notebook into his jacket pocket.


"Where is she." It wasn't even a question.


"Dr. Samuels, we both know-"


"Don't tell me what we both know, tell me what I want to know." Her voice was the dangerous hiss of an angry cobra, itching for an excuse to strike. "What have you done with her?"


"... She's safe. Rosa's training her in overwatch and backstage work on a mission abroad." There was a slight hint of fragility in the big man, like an old and oft-repaired piece of fine china.


"I'm sorry, Vincent, that seems like the polar opposite of safe. Especially considering her psychological state at the moment." Out of nowhere, Eterne paused, a smile crossing her delicate features like a silvered dagger across the neck of a sacrifice. "Oh. I get it. You planned this-"


"No I did not plan this-"


"Don't you lie to me! Don't you dare! This was a little girl, you sick fu-"


"I worked with what I had, Eterne. You know how pressed for resources we are. There aren't any RRs showing promise that we know about and the Ezekiel strain took out almost all the facilities we had. I don't have anything else. I wish I did, by every god going I wish I did, but Violet is all I have left."


"I can round up the other vets! You've got me!"


"And you've got a family now. I can't ask you to risk them for the sake of a job you left behind. You or anyone else."


"That... that's a pile of rubbish and you know it, Vincent! Emma Lisbon's husband died the winter before last, and I know that Sue Caldicott would be up for it - and you know she was, ahem, a confirmed maid. The others'll be brought round, I can find them, just let me try-"


"Combat specifications of a Mark 15 H-ACE." Vincent's voice had gone cold as chipped flint.


"Um, what?"


"What are the combat specifications of a Mark 15 Heavy ACE unit? Or a Light ACE unit, for that matter. How long can a Seraphim-2 distress beacon last on 62% battery power? What's the range on a standard Mansfield & Gosford Type 20 attack rifle? How long will a QE-Visor's control setting last in an ambient magic field of 72 millithaums? What's the operational lifespan of a negafractor cloak in a desert environment?"


Eterne reeled back. "I - how could I know any of that?"


"They know it," Vincent spat. "Violet knows it. Sue doesn't, none of the old guard know it. You're the only one of them who knows that we can forcibly take over someone's mind using quantum entanglement full stop. This is a restricted area and you have a class to teach."




The dim light in the room concealed the expression of abject hopelessness on the commander's face. "... Goodbye, Dr. Samuels."


The door slammed shut. The heel-clicks subsided. The big man's fist smashed into the brushed-steel of his desk, once, twice.


Then he pressed the intercom button.

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((@colourcoded: Elves have ents on their side, and the dragons would probably have banded with them until the humans and nomads were defeated, and then the races who had banded would probably split apart, leaving all 'bronze age' beings to battle among themselves. The elven queen is smart, and would make alliances before a war could ever erupt. Also, they are not entirely helpless. As a reason for Lief's actions, he is very proud of his race. In his mind, they are invincible and the greatest force in their little world of Salizdor.))


Sphy growled softly, spitting out the words, "Artaxes is neither my friend nor my brother-of-heart. He is my greatest rival and cause of my suffering. I wish him dead. You did right to attack him, but this was not your battle. It was, and still is, mine. About this hatchling... What did it look like?"


When the Steel Eagle started to talk, Lief stiffened slightly. "You first said you respected all races. Now you hate the nomads. Do you humans always change your minds so fast?" He whistled to his horse, Ionocrest, but didn't move. Soon you could hear a horse's hooves clopping across the forest floor.


Kaeti smiled again, feeling like she was about to giggle for no apparent reason. "Sure, I'll come with you." She swung onto her horse and, being over-trusting as she is, lowered her guard a bit. "What are those robot things?" she asked curiously, glancing toward Garth, "And I was with the elf because he dropped by my house asking for a place to rest. I ended up traveling with him. What about you?"

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Garth's chest swelled when Kaeti asked about his robots as she had fueled his ego and he swung his Oocala around to follow after they mechanical troops. "Those are a technical marvel created by yours truely." He said with a smile on his face. "Just wait till we get back to my house. You will see plenty more of them there. Hmmmmm that's interesting, I've never heard of a human traveling with an elf before. I am out here collecting material for my robots." He explained to the girl as they drew closer to the hidden opening to his underground house.

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(( @colors sure, it would be fun to get some action with Rasi. Kind if boring rping by myself, wanting for your chars to take action. If you have any questions then feel free to PM me smile.gif))


The sound of scales and metal being rubbed togheir squecked loudly across the room when the small, black dragon leaned on it. Sliding to the floor slowly and it squeaked even more loudly in till she reached the floor on her chin. Rasi stared at the blank wall dully. Her black scaled tail flicked side to side and she crunched her claws into balls when another flashback strikes without warning. Rasi reared up angrily before unleashing her fire onto the wall to try and burn off her terrible memories of becoming a murderer. Images of the human laying on the floor with a blood puddle surrounding it attacked her mind. Rasi shook her head hard, trying to shake off the thoughts before lying back on the ground, watching her flames die out slowly with her deep green eyes watching the flame flicker away.

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((@colourcoded: Elves have ents on their side, and the dragons would probably have banded with them until the humans and nomads were defeated, and then the races who had banded would probably split apart, leaving all 'bronze age' beings to battle among themselves. The elven queen is smart, and would make alliances before a war could ever erupt. Also, they are not entirely helpless. As a reason for Lief's actions, he is very proud of his race. In his mind, they are invincible and the greatest force in their little world of Salizdor.))

((Oh, yeah, forgot about the ents (seeing as I'm the only bugger playing one). Those would be the big things made of tree, yes? Fighting against humans with incendiary weapons and alongside dragons? In close combat? Yeah, ents aren't going to be as much of a force multiplier as you think they are. And that itself assumes that humans aren't going to conduct mass bombing raids and/or missile attacks on elven and draconic power centres to prevent the orders getting through, or just area-bomb somewhere that looks like it might possibly have or at one point had military, industrial or agricultural works there. As for alliances with the dragons, well... you put a big army like that against a big, modern human army and you know what you've got? A target-rich environment, that's what. It would be silly to stand against humans when they get their war hats on... which is why I have a plan to make them not. Wheels within wheels.))

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((@CC: Reminder- Ents are huge, like redwood size when full-grown. Also, elves aren't completely stuck in the bronze age. Plus, dragons can fly. However, let's say that the humans might win if put against all the other races. Elves also have some knowledge of mechanical things, and some humans would be on the dragon, elves, ents, etc. side like possibly Garth, Kaeti, and probably others. However, you do have a point.))


"And I've never heard of a robot-making human. Except for that other guy, Connor..." Kaeti trailed off into thought. "Oh well, I would love to see your home! Lead and I will follow."

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((@ubbydubby: Er, according to the first post, ents are four times the height of a man. If we're going by the assumption that a man is generally six feet tall, that's twenty-four feet. That's big, but not (as you so eloquently put it) redwood-size. Also, wood burns. All it'll take is a little bit of Greek fire or jellified petroleum and bam, you've got a scene from Apocalypse Now playing out where the elven main battle line used to be. As for dragons flying, well, woohoo. That fire breath isn't going to have the longest of ranges, breath weapons rarely do; the only worthwhile thing they could do is close air support for the ents, which would probably not be all that beneficial for things made of flammable wood. A human fighter contingent's only problem against groups of dragons would be running out of ammunition; there's a reason that ASF stands for Air Superiority Fighter. Perhaps the big bombers would be taken out by the dragons, but since bombers never travel without a fighter escort and are pretty obsolete since the rise of the hypervelocity missile, kills would be rare. The big problem for your ent forces, though, is very old. Very, very old. And very angry.))


Peacekeeper Base




Vincent's voice, coming out of thin air, startled the despondent-looking lizard back to life. "What? Who-who's there? Where are you?"


"None of those are important. What is important is that you tell me what I want to know. If you do, you will be freed and repatriated. If you do not... the consequences will be severe. Consider it a form of plea-bargaining."


"Why should I tell you anything? You don't show your face, you... you coward!"


"We're still cleaning up the mess you made of one of my top operatives. If you want to add more work for the janitorial staff, you keep silent. If you want to see your family, your friends, and anyone else you hold dear again... you tell me what I want to know. Starter for ten: Where. Is. Skulblaka?" Vincent's voice was a low growl, shot through slightly with static over the intercom unit. It carried years of carefully-crafted menace and a deep, black hate that spoke of nothing but how good an idea it would be not to make the leader of the Grey Lancers any angrier than he already was.


"... I don't know." Fair play to her, the dragon was sticking to her guns. Vincent sighed softly to himself.


"Alright. Since we don't have the time to deal with this like civilised people, I'll have to bring science into the equation. For what it's worth, I don't like doing this. Everything I do, though, I do for my people." He pushed a lever forward on his control panel and momentarily cut power to the intercom unit.


He didn't want to hear the scream.


Reading someone's surface thoughts via quantum entanglement is fairly simple. Actively manipulating someone's brain via that process, on the other hand, is a tricky and disturbing business. Get it wrong and you get at best an annoyed but cocky prisoner for your trouble and at worst a gibbering lunatic and no useful information except on the subject of the King of the Potato People. Minds are delicate things, and outright control for long periods of time is extremely detrimental to them; neurons burn out at an exponentially increasing rate and the damage (what advanced interrogators called "brainburn") never quite healed right.


Vincent sat in his chair idly, trying not to watch the dragon as she thrashed around in the cell. Instead, he focussed on the computer printout; Skulblaka was a floating island, the size of a large continent, and it hung in the sky at - he scribbled down the co-ordinates - with a velocity of approximately fifteen knots in a south-easterly direction. He, turned the output protocols to erase, monitor the printouts, thanked his colleagues for installing soundproofing in the walls, switched the beam off and brought up prisoner records. She'd been taken by a SecTeam from the Adar Yannareth HDF taskforce twelve days ago, which meant that it could be anywhere between - he scribbled down some rough notes again, then paused to sharpen his pencil and turn the intercom back on.


"You've been very helpful, Rasi. Are you hurt?" The big man received only a surprisingly extensive course in draconic expletives by way of reply, the shouted obscenity of a dragon in pain without knowing. "Maybe next time you'll think before you act. But what do you know. You're just a dangerous animal."


He switched off the intercom and walked out of the little room, a plan forming in his head. The pencil skittered madly across the cheap paper, a dark-grey plan of action forming on the yellowed pages. An airship would be chartered on government business; one of the new nuclear-powered ones that didn't have half of the damned gondola taken up with fuel that would burn itself out in a few days anyway. His identity would be the standard Ambassador persona, courtly and brown of nose. Ideally, he'd have wanted a couple of intel-gatherers with him, but the Nomads had seen to that. Of course, there was always the possibility that the bloody elves had found the place first, or that the dragons had gone to them; his pencil blurred again, sketching out contingencies and counter-ripostes to every action possible, and as many impossible as he could dream up. It all hinged around them believing he was an ambassador, though. That was the easy part, though. After all, though, it was his gift. Being all things to all men.


In the dark of the unlit steel room, Rasi welcomed the opening of the door. For some reason, she could see blood and gore soaking into grey cloth, and it hurt to see it, but she didn't know why. The not-knowing compounded the hurt, a feedback loop of misery in her brain that made her welcome the sweet embrace of the chemical darts.


Some time later, she awoke in a field. Her head buzzed with pain and she felt a bit woozy, but otherwise fine. She didn't feel like feeding, though. Maybe she was sick.


She flew off for home, and remembered nothing of the Grey Lancers.


((AN: Okay, tiffashy, Rasi's free from my control. Do whatever you want with her now, and thanks for letting me have my vengeance.))

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Jason looks at Sphy when he asked about the hatchling trying to remember the coloration "Um.....ah it's body color was a firey red and and it's wing color was a dark maroon." Jason says as he looks at Lief when he asks about his kind about changing minds quickly "I would rather not talk about it." Jason says as he hears hoofs hitting the forest floor "Ah I see you have a steed what is it's name?" Jason says as he hears metal boots walking toward them and Jason aims his assault rifle at the source of the noise and it was another squad of Steel Eagles "Sarge is that you!?" one of the soldiers said as they walk up to Jason "Fixer is that you?" Jason says as he looks at Fixer as they did a friendly handshake "Fixer it has been a long time sense boot camp." Jason says as Fixer nods in agreement "Yes it has hey you remember Scorcher, Echo, and Hunter right?" Fixer says as Jason looks at both Lief "Guys I would like you too meet my squad this is Fixer tech specialist, Scorcher heavy weapons expert, Echo head medic, and Hunter scout and sniper we are pretty much like the A-Team." Jason says jokingly

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((I'm guessing that Rasi forgotten about Talon and Akira as well?))


Artaxes's attention turned to the smaller dragon flapping its tiny wings to fly, it was almost painful to watch it but on its face showed the look that it didn't care at all. Its scales flashed to an orange color as the smaller dragon spreaded like a kite and glided above the treetops. Artaxes moved from his spot steathly, his silently beeping rythum of the clawsteps wasn't heard as it crushed the leafs and his blood red eyes locked into the other dragon. Not a single sound was made from the much larger beast. He crouched down lowly, creating a pouncing postion before lunging into the sky like an arrow with an powerful screech. The other dragon turned around but failed to avoid the black, much larger dragon heading towards it. Artaxes gripped his large claws around its wings, holding the wild, flapping pair of wings still as the low snarl of the other dragon filled the air and it faced him with its scales flashing into a light red color, almost pink.


"Rasi?" Artaxes spoke in his cold tone, sounding surpised to see her. Instantly he letted go of the smaller dragon's wings and Rasi flew away from him when she saw her chance then circled the black dragon and pulled to a stop in midflight to met face to face with him. Its scales flashed into light violet. "W-What are you doing here?" He hissed at her, almost sounding angry. Rasi shook her head, without saying anything else. Then shortly afterwards she spoke "I don't know."


"Were is Sphy? Arn't you mean't to be with him?" Artaxes flew slightly closer towards the smaller dragon, it was about 3 times smaller then himself. Rasi just shurgged her shouders then looked up to him playfully.


"You wanna play?" she spoke excitedly as her tail lashed side to side playfully. Her large green eyes were staring at his in a hopeful way.


"No sister, you need to get back to our other brother, Sphy," Artaxes frowned uncertainly at her. Rasi's tail stopped wagging like a dog and she putted on her frown. Artaxes was scanning her body quickly, it wasn't long before he managed to spot a mark on her head. "Rasi? Are you hurt?" he glided closer to get a better look. Rasi just stared at him confusedly.




"Whats this then? You are covered in scars as if you were beaten up or something," Artaxes was starting to change his cold tone to sounding more angrier. Rasi just looked down herself and looked back to him like as if she didn't care at all. "Who did this to you?" he asked her icy. Rasi moved away from him like as if she, herself was getting threatened. "Rasi, look at me. Who did this to you?" his voice was getting softer, trying to not scare off his sister.


Rasi stared up to him with her wide eyes and spoke in her small voice, sounding childish "I don't know, why are you acting like this, Artaxes?"


Artaxes said nothing back to her, slowly moveng away from her. "Find Sphy," Artaxes told her. Not going to tell her twice, he was off like a rocket being fired, shotting off into the distance at great speed. Rasi took one last look at the black dragon flying away before heading towards the scent of Sphy.

Edited by Tiffashy

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((So whats going on with Talon and Akari? We never discerned what happened to them really. tongue.gif Also gonna wait for Connor to do something before I post. Probably take Arie out of the room with THE EVIL MAD MAN. That might just be a good idea lol.))

Edited by athania

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Connor heard the scream and followed Arie at a slower pace. He watched as the door shut itself. He didn't hear the gasping but new something was wrong. He reached for his sock and pulled out a safety pistol. He shot one at the lock, braking it, and the rest of the clip into the top of the door to let out the gases. He reloaded an slid open the door, unable to open it with the lifeless weight blocking the door. He saw an elf like nomad across the room with a human player that looked crudely modified. He looked at the fake human near the shut door. He put on a gas mask seeing no wounds or darts near her. He strapped another gas mask but a weaker one, hoping it would at least wake her up and remove some pain. " Sir, I understand that you probably have some hatred but there are a few bouncers coming." Connor said, able to hear the scream and the gunshots. Boots shook the floor as the lead nomad and humans with single-shot pistols came. Connor had a smoke bomb and threw it directly at the nomad villain. It his him square in the crotch but didn't explode. The shell was to hard to brake and Connor only tested it on cement. " Oh.... Um. I stunned him I think. Wow dude, way to add some laughables into this story. Nice work."


(( Just a recap.))

Edited by 9pmg5665

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Rasi flew around in her odd flight like way with her small wings, surpisenly they can surrport the dragon's body weight and Rasi seemed to not even care about it. The small dragon covered in orange scales scanned the area for the other much larger, blue dragon whom her brother told her to find. This dragon was called Sphy, she doen't remember him well and hadn't met him in a long time so she didn't think that she would recongise her other brother. She can also smell other humans then the first thing in her mind was 'Ohhhh! More friends to play with!' and she flapped her wings faster, even more excitedly.


It took a while for the small dragon to reach the area of the scent filled up with humans, a strong smell of metal and Sphy.


"Sphy!" Rasi called out as she almost stumbled onto the ground on her clumsy legs and did a horse like gallop to the blue dragon -without knowing that she is rudely pushing past some Steel Eagle members- and pounced at him like an wild cat playfully, not even big enough to tackle the great, blue dragon down and her scales flashed to a bright pink color, showing off her happyness.

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Jason and his squad looked at each other then at Rasi "Um....Exscuse me but what is your name if my ask my young friend?" Jason asks kindly as Scorcher looks around and Hunter gets in the trees and keeps a look out for Nomads then Echo and Fixer set up a parimeter "Area is clear Sarge what know?" Fixer says Jason looks at Fixer "Keep your eyes open and be on look out we dont want to get jumped by Nomad scum." Jason says as Fixer nods in agreement and keeps scanning then Echo approaches Lief "So where were you guys heading?" Echo says as Hunter sees something "Hey Sarge I see humanoid targets coming to this direction could be a trade caravan." Hunter says as he pulls out his sniper rifle out and looks through his scope

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