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Warfare of the Salizdorian Races

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((I'll write more later, after you guys have posted some biggrin.gif

EDIT: Me no use banner!!!!! OMG!!!))


Kaeti waited for Lief to return, watching the hustle and bustle of the city as the elves moved about their days. She couldn't help admiring their sleek grace and melodic voices, performing a melody even with everybody talking at once. She stared out into the sky, looking for any sign of those dragons that they had spotted earlier. Merchants called, looking for potential buyers, and the clattering of horses filled the beautiful mid-afternoon air.




Lief entered the palace, a small worry worming his way into his head. "I hope that nothing has happened to the Queen while I was gone," he muttered, "It has been a while since I have reported." Soldiers and royalty glanced sideways at the tall, serious elf gliding easily toward the throne room. When Lief reached the doors into the Grand Hall, the guards admitted him, acknowledging his presence. The Queen was talking with a courier, bending over in her tall throne to whisper a message. Lief walked a few steps down the plush length of carpet, then stopped to wait for her to notice him. She looks older, Lief thought to himself as he studied the Queen. Her long hair flowed over her shoulders like water, and she wore a long white gown with billowing sleeves. She had a prominent jawbone and held herself with a royal grace worthy of nobility. The Queen straightened, finished conveying her message. The courier rushed off, and the graceful royal looked at Lief expectantly, thinking that he was another courier, bearing a message from a noble. Lief bowed, sinking to one knee, and said quietly, his voice echoing in the high ceilings, "My Queen. I have returned, and I have your answers." The Queen's sharp green eyes widened, and she stood up, walking fast down the steps from her dias. "Lief?" she asked in amazement, "I thought you had died!" He stood, smiled a grim smile, and laughed, "No, but I came close to it many times during the course of my adventures, the smallest of which including visiting the leader of the mighty dragons."

Edited by ubbydubby

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((Do you guys hate the banner lol?))


Akari sat stunned as Rasi crashed to the ground. Rasi spoke barely audible at first. "Run!" Akari refused to obey, even as the dragon roared again for her to leave. Akari set her jaw and refused to run. She drew her sword, and stood her ground in front of Rasi.

"I will not leave your side Rasi." Akari snarled. When it came to her friends and family, she would never back down. She heard soft footsteps in the undergrowth approaching on her right, and shifted her guard. Then she saw a sword poke through the wall of trees around the clearing, and she took the offensive. Akari leaped high in the air and brought her sword down onto the spot her attacker's head should be. A clang of swords filled the air, and Akari was thrown to the side. She rolled, barely dodging a downward stab. She jumped to her feet and raised her sword in a guard.




Arie woke to the found of footsteps thudding down the stairs into the storage area. She slowed her breathing underneath the thick cloth tarp and slowly, ever so slowly, moved her hand to the sheath of her sword. A second pair of steps came down the metal staircase. Then two voices. The first was female, high, and slightly squeaky. It said, "I can't believe we already arrived. Winds must be high." The second was gravely, male, and extremely low. They responded,

"I know. We shouldn't have arrived for another hour or two. It's illogical." Their voices carried back up the stairs after multiple scraping and dull thuds rang across the room. Arie let herself breathe again. She had to get out soon or the ship would leave again, but the shipmates would be a problem. She threw off the blanket, rose to her feet, and kept her hand on the hilt on her sword. She crept like a cat up the stairs, hoping no one would see her. When she rose to the deck, she saw all the sailors had the backs turned to her, looking out on the water. There was a pod of dolphins, leaping and splashing. How convenient. Arie crept off the boat, down the dock, and sped to a fast walk once she reached the rocky beach. She scaled the steep cliff that led to town. Arie drew up her cowl to her mouth and drew up the hood of her cape over her head, hiding her hair and most of her skin. Arie chose to follow the less crowded side streets of the highly urbanized city. Smoke clouded the sky, and factories were spewing near opaque smoke across the countryside. Arie coughed and wheezed, wondering how anyone could live in these conditions.


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((I would put the banner into my signiture if I had enough room >_>))


Rasi watched the stubborn elf run off as fast as a cheetah, attacking the man. Rasi saw more men approaching, rasing their swords to swing a strike at Akari. The small dragon tried to get back onto her feet as hard as she can, willing to defend her friend before anything serious happens to her. Her can feel her engery getting drained quickly, she was using all of her strengh to try and get up to fight without knowing that it wouldn't do any good. She sank back down likea brocken ship, sinking into the sea. Rasi finally managed to stand up with shaking legs, they were too exhusted to surpport the dragon's weight and almost made her fall back down. Rasi tried to take a step forward. She nearly crashed back down into the mud and she gasped lowly as she saw one coming from behide Akari. No! Rasi screamed in her thoughts. She paused in her tracks and felt heat warming in her mouth. Rasi knew what was going to happen, she rasied onto her rear legs with her mouth opened like a human gasping for air when he just broke into surface after nearly drowning. Her mouth felt really hot now, she just wanted to put her face into a buckett of water to stop the pain but knew that it couldn't be done. A jet of fire shot out of her mouth, aiming straight towards the one that was going to strike Akari from behide. Then she felt another powerful wave of dizziness hitting her, making her fall back down onto her knees. She looked back up into the fight and opened her mouth again to breath more jets of flame at the grey men. Another jet of flame escaped though her lips, missing the men easily. Rasi sank lower and lower every second. The poison was pretty strong for her and she would had already been lying down dead or alive sleeping if she never got the dried up meat covered in speical herbs.

Feeling to weak, she fell back down helplessly and everything gone blurry for her. She could only see human and elf like shapes swinging swords at each other before she blacked out...

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((I was going to but I forgot...))


Lief bowed again, formally inclining himself in respect. "I have found what you asked for and more," Lief said, keeping his voice low. "This is rightfully yours," he continued as he slowly drew out Kaeti's sword, handing it hilt-first toward the queen. She gasped, immediately recognizing the sword that had been passed down through generations of elf rulers. "How did you come upon it?" the stately woman inquired, grasping the sword and fluidly drawing it out of the ornate scabbard. "A girl by the name of Kaeti found it in her hut at the northern edge of the forest." The Queen nodded, satisfied with his explanation. "Bring the girl in, if she is with you, so that I may talk to her." Lief nodded and replied,"At once, my lady."

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((*Flails arms in the air* Athenia? *bounces up and down annoyly*))

((Cannot do anything cause my draggie blacked out v.v))

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Connor left the restaurant with a full stomach." Hey, whats that over there?" Anger asked. "Nothing, lets go. I'm interested to. It doesn't look human. Yet you approach it without out caution. Hey, if we get in trouble, Red can take em'. " The body walked towards a grey skinned being. " Hey, you Nomad? Of course its not. Look at the eyes. NOT A NOMAD." He pointed to her." Now we have to discuss the dangerous armor. What ever. What's your name?" He asked the Nomad.

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Akari clashed blades with the attacker, only alive because of her elven grace and agility. Slowly however, she began to lose energy as she had not been trained very well and had ineffective energy costing tactics. Akari began to slow, and she began taking some hits from the assailant. Then out of the blue, she smacked Akari with the flat side of her blade in the solar plexis, sending her flying, out of breath as her diaphragm was making shaky irregular pumps. Akari crumpled to the ground, wondering if she would kill her on the spot or take her hostage. She was in no condition to fight anymore, as she thought at least two of her ribs were broken, and the painful pounding like a hammer into her skull made her unable to focus. Yellow dots danced across her vision and she began to fade. The last thing she remembered was her sword being stolen, and her wrists and ankles tightly bound so the rough ropes were cutting into her skin, making her bleed.




Arie froze as Connor approached her. Or she thought it was Connor. He was coming out of a restaurant, and his eyes were glowing red. Her hand went to her sword hilt as he came closer. He said this as his eyes seemingly changed colors. "Hey, you Nomad? Of course its not. Look at the eyes. NOT A NOMAD." He pointed to her."Now we have to discuss the dangerous armor. What ever. What's your name?" Arie frowned, trying to remember the correct sentence structure of human grammar. She struggled with the words, as they did not flow easily from her tongue like her own language. The vowels were harsher than hers, and the consonants more sharply stated. "My name Arie. Come to warn you. You in much danger. Come with me, I explain this when we are safe." She didn't think it sounded quite right, but it would have to do.

Edited by athania

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Connor listened as the Nomad like character tried to speak. " Yea, you might have to jester a bit." The minds thought themselves over and let the words flow. " Who votes yes? AYE. AYE Okay, girl, you have our aten- weren't you just objecting to that? Yea, Shy, you baby. Shut it, we have a guest." It scoffed." Do you mind at all? No-yes. Well why you two tend to yourselves, I'll tend to our guest." The other two hid and argued while the other one showed it self. " Fine, take me to your place. I have no place left here."

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Rasi's eyes slowly opened, she felt weak from the poison but at least she is recovering. Everything was quiet blurry for her and grey shapes were walking around. She can feel her scales flashing into a dark blue color as she blinked harder to clear away the blurriness. Trying to stand up, something strongly held her back to the ground tightly, hurting her when she tried to get back up. Her eyes shot opened and looked around herself, her claws were chained to the metal deck along with her wings and tail and neck. Rasi tried to open her mouth and had also found it clasped shut with more metal. Rasi tried to remember what happened but couldn't remember anything else apart from blacking out by the poison and finding herself in some creepy place were grey men carry those pointie things that hurt if you get poked by one. For a second she thought that she saw Akari, she excitedly trashed around her chains but when her sight got better, it was more male like and its hair wasn't as long. But he still looked like her and had a dirty bag over his face. Rasi calmed back down and layed her head down with disapointment. She tried to lisened to the grey people talking. "What do we do with the dragon?" she heard one of them say.

"Kill it and sell the scales? They look pretty valuable to me." Another grey person spoke.

"Or we could just wear it as amour," the first one told them. "Horns might be worth lots of money."

"Horns? They look like sticks poking out of its head."

She heard them aguring and almost picking a fight with each other in till another one of those grey men stepped in and pushed them apart, breaking it up. Rasi doesn't the idea of people selling her body parts for money and greed. She just couldn't bare the thought of it. Then she just remembered about Akari, she looked around herself to try and find her friend. But the closest person that looked like Akari was an elf but however a male. And she coudln't see its face so she just studyed the looks of him.

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((LoopsnLou has been removed from the RP due to inactivity sad.gif))



Akari woke with a vicious headache and found herself chained to a chair in a bland room that had absolutely no color. She tried to pull on her chains, but the more she pulled the tighter they got. So she stopped resisting and studied her surroundings for a possible escape. There were no windows, and only one door. The single metal door had a small window at the top where Akari could see into the hallway. Outside, one woman in grey stood impatiently, always looking up at the large clock on the wall. Her lips moved and her eyebrows creased together, wrinkling her forehead. Her anger fell away as another woman approached. She was young, probably Akari's age. She was short, well, compared to the elves Akari was used to. Her cheekbones were sharp and her hair was black, but did not look naturally so. She wore combat boots and the same grey clothing the others wore. The woman was explaining something in great detail, and then opened the metal door after several clicks of locks. The instructor woman waited patiently for the younger to move first.




Talon awoke in the filthy bag chained to a metal floor of sorts. He struggled against the chains but to no relief. He sighed, as much as he could sigh with the stinking rag stuffed in his mouth. He heard the his captors talking about a.. dragon? Talon's whole body stiffed and he tried to holler with rage. They caught Akari and her dragon friend. They were discussing the changing colors of its scales. His stomach did flips and he felt like he was going to vomit. Good Goddess of the Earth, they had spoken about her and interrogation earlier. He struggled harder and started flipping around on the floor, only to have his chained tightened and find himself in a position like when you're in the middle of making a snow angel. He tried to scream, but all that came out was a muffled cry. The last thing he felt was a smack from a sledgehammer to his temple.




Arie breathed out a sigh of relief. He trusted her. Sort of. She grabbed his wrist and sprinted down several alleys, through the crisscrosses of the strangely laid out city. Finally, she found the right door. It led into an old and abandoned amphitheater. She opened it after picking the lock with a hairpin, and went inside. Once in, she locked the door again. Then she pulled a candle out of her pocket she had found earlier. Then she pulled out a flint she always kept in her pocket. Sparks flew until the wick of the candle finally caught. It gave a surprising amount of illumination to their surroundings. The place was thick with dust, and had cobwebs coating the high ceiling. She let go of Connor And went to tear out two of the theater seats. Then she placed them on top of the stage at the edge, so they could sit comfortably. Then she tore out four more to make a mattress for herself by flattening them and breaking the springs. Then scavenging around the back, she found a whole box of candles. She lit four more and set them down around the stage in their brass holders. Now lit, the amphitheater looking less threatening and ominous. She went to sit in one of the seats on the stage, and motioned him to follow.

Edited by athania

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Connor sat down at a seat next to Arie. " Hey, do you mind telling us why we are here? Now stop being rude to our guest. I am so close to destroying you. Yeah, like you could even get past the first hit. Now be careful guys, there is another here. Yes. Yes there is. What ever. Now what is it you wanted? And not to be rude but with a perfectly reasonable questi- and that we deserve an answer. Why haven't you been coaght? Nomads don't exactly fit in around here much."

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Rasi sank down with defeat when she stuggled againest the chains and couldn't be able to escape from them. She heard a low muffled cry from the elf across the room from her, she curiously looked at the elf again, studying his looks and chains. It was pretty clear that he was upset about something as he also tried to free himself. She watched the poor elf roll on the ground, the guards stood up fairly fast and tighen his chains in till he looked a bit like a snow angel. Rasi looked away as it stopped moving, it was an awful sight for Rasi. She couldn't tell if it was still alive or not since she cannot tell the difference. She looked around herself for a possable escape. Scanning the area carefully. The room was oddly shaped and it was the most dullest thing Rasi had ever seen in her life, there wasn't any color and it just made your life feel like its plain and dull. Her eyes rested on the wooden door, it was the only thing with at least some color. Only if she could get rid of this jaw holder thing she would be able to melt away the chains with her fire or might be able to break them off with her sharp but small teeth. But only when the guards are not looking, so they wouldn't also knock her out with their ugly looking weopans or poison her again or worse.

She spotted a corner near by, she tried to stand up to walk towards it but then she felt a hard jerk on her back causing her to crash down. She thought she could hear the guards laughing as they watched the small dragon do an epic fail. Rasi tried her best to ignore them and look around more carefully. Only if she could make herself more smaller or someone can cut these chains. Thats it! She got an idea, a pretty risky one but its the only idea that she has. Rasi made choking noise loudly which had imentiently caught the guards attention. She threw herself at the ground, thrashing around in her chains while making the choking noise. They stood up from their sets and watched the dragon roll around just like the elf. They couldn't work out what to do so they started yelling at each other.

"Do something!" One of them hissed at each other.

"I don't know what to do! We loosen the neck or mouth chain or leave it to die!?" the other yelled back. Rasi was still rolling around making the choking noise while kicking her legs in the air. One of the guards rushed towards her and held her head still while trying to loosen the metal piece wrapped around her mouth while the other one was also helping with holding her head still. As soon as she felt the chain loosen, she faked a pant to make it sound more believeable. She can feel the guards relaxed as they heard the pant. Now she got her mouth chain loosened, she can try and breath fire and break free without alerting the place and escaping un harmed. They letted go and let Rasi's head drop onto the stone ground and walked back to their corner to lean againest while watching her and the elf whom she couldn't tell if it was still alive or not. She can feel the hotness rising in her as she opened her mouth slowly, a bright light was coming from her jaws and the guards looked at her in shock, relising what she was going to do, they quickly turned to open the door with their fingers shaking.

"Hurry up!" one of them yelled at the other. The other one was shaking with his hand wrapped around the key but it dropped to the floor as he failed to keep grip on it. The other one kneel down to pick it up but it was too late when the flames escaped from Rasi's mouth...


((Edited o.o))

Edited by Tiffashy

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"... five minutes remaining. Five minutes."


Vi sat back in her chair and shut her eyes, the very smallest of smiles upon her face. The exam had been easy; that she'd been given one of the bulky calculation engines had only helped her to plug the numbers in. All the forces, all the little details about physics that she'd grown up knowing and using... she had made them dance for her. She'd been in control.


Those five minutes passed without incident and she left the room smiling like a maniac. The results would come her way tomorrow, but for now, she had a meeting with Vincent in his office. She'd finally worked out how to navigate the city-sized concrete bunker underneath Mount Skarran, wherever that was, and so she was only four minutes late. She tended to walk briskly rather than run; for one thing, it made her look purposeful and in control (even though below the surface she was trying not to hyperventilate and/or explode into small, gooey chunks), and for another it meant her lungs didn't feel like they'd been scrubbed in acid by a madman armed with a giant cheese-grater. She knocked on the door and let herself in with a meek "Sorry I'm late, Director."


"That's perfectly alright, Violet," he said, which indicated that although it wasn't alright, it could wait. "Now, I don't believe you've met Doctor Samuels yet, have you? She's to be your Electromagnetic Propagation tutor, she's from Adar Serith, and she is not going to hurt you." This last was largely for the Doctor's benefit; unbeknownst to the tiny lancer, Eterne Samuels had read Vi's file and had been extremely worried about making a good impression on a trainee with nerves of warm toffee.


Violet's eyes widened as an extremely tall redheaded woman unfolded from a decidedly smaller plastic chair. "Um, h-hello, Doctor," she managed after a little while and a lot of scanning Graleder's ascetically-furnished office for things to hide behind. She found none, and so fixed her gaze on her shoes instead.


"Hello, Violet." Her voice carried with it the warmth of age; Eterne was pushing sixty, yet had somehow managed to maintain smooth skin and a powerful-looking build. "I'm pretty familiar with your work. Those redesigns you did on the furnace aerochargers have worked really well. The team were very proud of that."


Violet went eep.


"Okay, well, you've an EP practical now in Lab 4-10B. We don't have to run, you're not late or anything. Let's walk together." Eterne smiled again, as maternal as she could manage. Violet saw something different in her kind eyes. Something darker... crueller. Something touched off in her mind and-


* * * * * * *


"Oh, look, it's the little scientist. Had a nice day at the lab, dear? Had a nice day learning?" The laugh that followed dripped with the cold malice of someone with nothing to fear. "Upstairs. Johnny. You know what he likes."


Violet nodded and trudged up the stairs. Her feet thumped heavily on the corrugated iron landing, the flooring preferred by intelligent water thieves. In her bedroom, if you could call four slats of fibreboard and some old sackcloth a bed, was a large, greasy-looking man with greying hair and eyes like a snowman, entirely dark and almost lifeless. Almost, but not quite.


An hour later, Johnny left. Then there were others.


By the end of the night's business, Violet wasn't able to give them quite as much... sport they came to the house for. The last customer said as much, and so fast-moving, heavy footsteps clanged towards Violet's room. This is it, thought the girl, she's going to break me this time. Oh well. No great loss. Mechanically, she rolled onto her front, a cold breeze that smelled of burnt metal blowing across her flesh. Now she was ready.


The coal on the wind stung at her face, but it was not the reason for her tears and shrieks; nor was the bitter cold of a mountain winter the reason why, after the footsteps had died down, Violet's battered body was shaking like a leaf.


I'm sorry, Mother, she thought. That final thought was repeated until it was the last she'd have. At least until morning. When the cycle began again.


* * * * * * *


"... let? Violet, what happened?"


The girl's eyes snapped open. Clustered over her were Vincent and the Doctor, along with Lauren, Rosa and a few other faces she didn't recognise, all female, all clad in hooded grey field uniforms. She squeaked and tried to back out of the circle, bashing her head rather hard on the wall behind her. There was no escape.


Rosa bent down and picked her up. "Another attack, sweetie?" A slightly shiny-eyed nod was all she got. "Don't worry. You're safe now. Let's get you to your room." The muscled blonde shot a look at Dr. Samuels, who'd been on the verge of protesting. "No-one's going to hurt you." Lauren joined the pair of them as they made their way slowly back to the dormitory complex on 8-deck. The others made excuses and left the Doctor and Vincent alone.


Neither spoke for a very long time, or at least a length of it that felt long.


Vincent eventually sat down and rubbed his brow with his knuckles. "What on Salizdor are we going to do with that one?"


There was some more silence.


"It wasn't a rhetorical question, y'know."


"Oh, right. Um... is she seeing a psychologist?"


"The best we can get. It's going far slower than I'd like. And before you ask, I refuse to medicate her."


"She's got reasonable grounds for Prozium-"


"DO YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?" he roared, sending Eterne reeling back in shock. "... I'm sorry. But if we dose her up with that - and we'd need a lot of it - we'll lose her entirely. And she's important. Call it a gut feeling, but there's something about her that tells me... she can stop the wars. All of them. I don't know how, but I can hazard a guess. I'm sure you can too."


"Pax Per Tela Superior?"


"Reckon so. You've seen how smart she is. If she's happy... she'll build great things and perform greater deeds. But right now? Gah. I don't know."


"... Doctor Fitzgerald said she saw the girl hugging Operative Faust after the training session. Willingly."


"You see? That's why we can't drug her up to the eyeballs. I don't want to lose her. You know how short-staffed we are in terms of field operatives. Budget cuts, paperwork delays... the bloody, bloody Nomad plagues..." The director's head dropped even lower. "You should be getting to your lecture. I've got to sort some paperwork out."


Eterne nodded, the gesture shaky, and left him alone.

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((@Tiifashy, could you edit your last post? Its not correct with my post before it. Talon was thrashing, so the men pulled his chains tighter into the floor so he was in a position like he was making a snow angel. His thrashing wasn't like a snow angel lol. And then that grey room with the metal door? That's Akari's room. Talon can't see with the bag on his head... >_<


@Colourcodedchaos, In your next post, could you connect Violet with where Akari is? I kinda set it up for that haha. "She was young, probably Akari's age. She was short, well, compared to the elves Akari was used to. Her cheekbones were sharp and her hair was black, but did not look naturally so. She wore combat boots and the same grey clothing the others wore. The woman was explaining something in great detail, and then opened the metal door after several clicks of locks. The instructor woman waited patiently for the younger to move first."


Gonna wait for others to post...))

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((oops, i'll edit mine now >.<))

((Also when did I say that Talon could see...?))


The small dragon pushed the jaw locker hard, she twisted wildly and pulled hard while doing it. Her nose started to hurt as she stuggled to pull it off. She had enough room to breath fire but not enough to bite her chains off. Her chain chain was also not helping her, it would allow her to turn around without causing a sharp pain in the neck. Rasi letted out a small growl of annoyance and trashed around, trying to jerk it off. She paused when she heard tap tap tap. Footsteps echoed outside, straight away, she didn't dare to take a breath or make any noise in till she heard the noise getting fainter and fainter then she tried to free herself again. After a few minutes of failing to free herself, she finally worked out that only if someone had thumbs or something to open and take off the mouth chain. She quickly turned towards the elf, eyeing him and the chains. Maybe if she could breath out a little bit of fire... without burning the elf... maybe she could free him and he would be able to free her. Rasi eyes narrowed on the chain, not loosing contact with them as she slowly opened her mouth once more to breath out a small jet of flame. Rasi still didn't take her cat like eyes off the tighten chain. She slowly lashed her tail to side to side as she felt the hottness building up in her mouth, she felt the fire dancing around, waiting to bust out and hit one of those chains of the elf. She took her aim carefully, then she busted out a small jet of ruby red flame at one of the chains that kept the elf prisnor. She didn't stop to celebrate. Rasi breathed out more small jets of flame at the other chains. After she finished them all, she decided to watch them melt slowly.

Edited by Tiffashy

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((@Colourcodedchaos, In your next post, could you connect Violet with where Akari is? I kinda set it up for that haha. "She was young, probably Akari's age. She was short, well, compared to the elves Akari was used to. Her cheekbones were sharp and her hair was black, but did not look naturally so. She wore combat boots and the same grey clothing the others wore. The woman was explaining something in great detail, and then opened the metal door after several clicks of locks. The instructor woman waited patiently for the younger to move first."))

((Um... I explained why Akari's capture just straight-up wouldn't happen, but in case you missed it, here's a run-down:


1: You mentioned male Lancer operatives. The reason that the Grey Lancers are so effective is that everyone thinks it's just. One. Woman. This has been stated multiple times. Male field Lancers could not have captured your character because there aren't any male Lancers full stop. Or period, since you're likely of the North American persuasion.


2: As I've explained in a previous post, random capture isn't how they work. Akari... I forget her race (chalk that one up to the lateness of the hour in Blighty and/or my general sloth), but if she's a dragon the standard plan would be shoot it and conduct an autopsy, and if she's anything else shoot it and dump the body in a sufficiently depopulated ravine. They are not an interrogation unit. They're not really a tech unit either, not beyond personal exoskeletons and stealth stuff (while we're here, can I have metamaterials if I can link you to some papers detailing how they work?). They're assassins and saboteurs. Capture and interrogation is only a very minor part of the skillset.


2a--->: Even if they did capture her like that, tasing's more their style than just tying her limbs up and hoping. The former works and the latter generally does not without the compliance of the prisoner. One rarely has that compliant a prisoner without one resorting to beating them unconscious first, at which point... they're unconscious. Just leave the poor bugger like that until you're back at your base.


3: Including Violet, there are eight Grey Lancers even remotely worthy of the name. Really it's only seven, because Vi's a trainee and shouldn't be frontline anyway (Squishy Wizard and all that), but I thought that was a bit hackneyed. Maybe Akari got hunted by other people and then turned over to them, I don't know, but the Lancers don't have the manpower for it. Womanpower. Whatever.


4: Let's assume for a moment that all the above didn't matter. Let's assume that it was perfectly reasonable for men in big grey coats to beat someone down, tie them up and dump them in one of the human government's most classified areas. This means they're important. Therefore, what reasonable government entity, what sane government entity, would let an emotionally crippled newbie into an interrogation with a potentially dangerous prisoner who would like as not be able to run rings around her? It does not make any sense at all!


I hope my argument is sufficiently comprehensive. It does rather beg the question why you'd want to interact with a character like Violet, though... if you could answer that, I'd much appreciate it.




Footnote: Here's one of them papers I talked about: Shalaev's Negative Index of Refraction in Optical Metamaterials.))

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((@Tiffashy, my bad! xd.png Its just you exactly described the room as I described Akari's haha


@Colourcodedchaos, I never said anything about males, that might have been Tiffashy? And its kind of... odd that your character would never interact with any of the others. And I was also thinking that Akari would be a training lesson for Violet as the instructor interrogated. Idk... But metamaterials are probably a no go considering that this is in a time where machines are just starting to be manufactured, like Punter.))



Arie sighed. After hearing him speak, she understood the language better. "I just arrived here, so I didn't have much time to be caught. You don't have much time either. I just deserted the "Nomad" military. The last task they gave me was to capture you and torture you until you gave me the blueprints. They didn't tell me what blueprints, but they looked like instructions to make your latest war machine. They're coming after you Connor. You need to leave this place and find somewhere safe. If you stay, you will be doomed, and die one way or another."

Edited by athania

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(( Well then next should fit in just well.))


Connor shook his head, took a long and deep pause and thought about it again. " Huh. It might hurt you if you want to help me but umm... No. Well, even for a Nomad, you don;t exactly look like a tough one. That and the fact that your just one. You could get in and you don't have the looks of a Nomad. You could sneak in through the front gate if you needed to. You could easily be mistaken for an albino. Now I know it sounds strange but I will give you part of the schematics to Punter. No. No. Why not? Because if you do, you'll continue. I think she can put it together by herself. Exactly. Do you not care about this war at all? I have an idea. Look lady, I'll give you most of the blueprints for magic thing that can separate us and make our own bodies. I'm tired of this all together so come on and say yes." Nobody disagreed but they where in shock. " Is there such a thing? I've heard rumors in elf towns. That'll take the war hate off humans and create friction between them. For once your smart."

Edited by 9pmg5665

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A government official walked up to the elven queen, causing her to bend down and listen. Finally she straightened. "We don't have much time," she said quickly, dismissing the official. "Do you wish to see the girl?" Lief asked, tipping his head. The Queen easily shook her head no and added,"I don't need to see her. Your next mission is to go the a human stronghold and find out more about these Grey Lancers I keep hearing so much about. Go." Lief bowed, and cast a hasty retreat. "I will not fail you, my Queen."

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(You said no swearing, can I use censorkip.gif ?)

Username: ShadowMonster

Character name: Kat

Age: 15

Gender: female

Appearance: long kind of messy brown hair always in a pony tail, sapphire blue eyes, is thin, tan skin, is 5 ft. 3, has a shiny handmade gray sword in belt, old rusty pocket knife in boot, bows and arrows on back

History: doesn’t share

Personality: she is very brave and very curious, she loves to go on adventures, she is very sneaky and clever

Race: human


(is this better?)

Edited by ShadowMonster

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((@Athania: My apologies on the male lancers front, but did I say she'd never interact with the others? No. I said that she wouldn't interact with your character now, because she's a trainee. Training periods end. She'll be interacting with the others once that point has been passed; I just want to get a handle on her character first, maybe make her into something approaching a functional, emotionally stable creature before letting the dragons and elves and what-have-you loose on the poor lamb. As for machines, well, you mentioned transport units that walk like humans and quadrupeds, and that are fairly sizeable. I am doing a pure physics degree and I know a lot of people studying robotics. Even with modern technology, we aren't there yet. Such things require a knowledge of programming commands into robots and generating weak AI, even for a walking tank crewed by humans (which is basically what these Punters appear to be, please correct me if I'm wrong). This implies computers, which in turn implies advanced electronics, which in turn implies people wanting to keep Moore's law going strong, which in turn implies them researching ways to make it happen, which implies quantum theory and nanoscale machinery. Read this book for more information.


@ubbydubby: Um... you know what? If you're that determined to ignore the things I've said about the Grey Lancers (the whole "the fact that there's more than one is the human government's best kept secret" thing has an important phrase in it, and that phrase is best kept secret) I may as well go along with it. Perform an incursion into a heavily defended military installation underneath a damned mountain with the finest assassins in human history inside it and a boat-load of interesting ways of killing people. Fill your boots. Please don't expect me to sit idly by as you do, though... inventive ways of shooty death are something of a speciality at UKC.))

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Oh by the way, Athania. Rasi is melting Talon's chains now and I don't have anything to say in till he does an action or something :3))

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(( @ColourCodedChaos, Punter is the only of its kind. Connor is especially good with mechanics, and he built it himself. It is quite a bit ahead of the technological age. And pardon? If I am correct on what you meant, you are in no way allowed to kill anyone's characters without their permission. Doing so will get you a suspension from the RP. I have about had enough of your brittleness and lack of cooperation. To work with others in a RP, you have to be flexible and accept your ideas might not go exactly as you plan them to. Responding rudely to a RP owner is a mark against you. Yes, ubbydubby is an owner. Please keep her authority in mind next time before you post.


@Tiffasy, I'll get right on it.


@ShadowMonster, Could you add some more detail to her personality? ))


Talon yelped at the chains around his ankles and wrists grew warm, and smoke started to fill his nostrils. Soon, he was able to lift his limbs from the planks on the floor. He grinned at the dragon next to him on the floor as the pulled off the bag on his head. "Remember me? Or were you just being kind to a stranger?" He stood as he looked at the jaw restraint gripping Rasi's head. Then he saw the switch pull mechanism. He walked over and slid the lock off her head. "There." He said. "After you." Talon gestured his arms toward the door.

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"Remember me? Or were you just being kind to a stranger?" Rasi watched the elf that kind of looks like Akari pull off her mouth chain. Her tail trashed around in the chains excitedly, she dropped her jaw to breath out more fire to melt her own chains. They melted slowly but as soon as they got weak enough, Rasi tugged her claw out of one, breaking it. Then she finally broke off the others and looked at the elf playfully. She would had pounced on him and licked him like a dog if they weren't in some place were people held pointie meltal things that hurt if you got poked by one and arrows covered in vemon that can knock out a dragon and maybe kill a elf or a human. She padded towards the wooden door but the elf was in her way blocking him. He moved to the side and said "There, after you."

Rasi headbutted the door and it opened, letting out a low creepy noise, sounding like rusty, old fences opening as it slowly moved. She peered her head outside of the door and looked around. It was a large hallway with many doors. Rasi was never good at counting but it looked like around 20-40 doors. She took a step outside, being slow and easy, being careful to not make a sound. She thought she could hear snoring of some of the other prisnors as she walked down the hallway. Her footsteps sounded slightly louder then the other men in grey, but she didn't care. She had to search for her friend and find a way out of here. Her scales flashed to a dark green color as they walked down the almost endles hall. They had finally reached the stairs, one was heading upwards while the other was heading downwards. Rasi looked at Talon and tilted her head to the side "up or down?" she asked him, hopeing that he would know the way.

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