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Broskii Region [OOC Thread]

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Is anybody else noticing how slow this RP is moving? I mean, it's my favourite RP, but it just is so laggy. We're only on the first town, and it's been two months since it was created. Don't judge me!

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yes, I know, that's why I didn't waited much for Leopard and dracoon to post. But from now on, I want you people active, enybody who misses posting for three days will be left alone and we will move on without them. Not that I like this idea, but it is better if we want to keep this alive and that can only happen if we advance...

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As a suggestion, is there any way that you can move ahead days without everyone having a going to sleep post? As in, you decide when you want the next day to start, and you have a post saying something such as


"You may begin day x, now." With sort of a disclaimer like-

"Unless otherwise stated**, you must move on to the next day within 3 posts or one, maybe two (depending on how low on the page this post is) pages."


As in, for the people who aren't ready to 'call it a night' they have a few posts to finish up what they are doing. For those who can't post every day, they can see that they have a limited amount of space to move on to the next day. If those people can't/don't move on, the at the end of the specified limit, it is assumed that they have moved on to the next day and they can add that in to their next post. I think it may keep everyone moving a bit faster without some people having to wait days for others to 'get to bed.' I strongly believe that you give us plenty of time to do everything we may want to in one day, and that a limit shouldn't hinder anything.


**What I mean here is that if someone is in a wild encounter, perhaps they could finish it with more than the limit says (within reason). This wouldn't apply to player vs. player battles, they would have to be settled within six posts (three and three, respectively) and can be talked about what will happen between them through PM.


It's just an idea to help things move along. You can totally disregard this if you don't like it or if you think it won't help or work. I was just hoping to be helpful! :]

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I'm so sorry for neglecting this D: I tried to keep up, but I've been feeling under the weather lately... appears I missed what I've been looking out for >.<


I'm catching up, and I'll figure out what to post... may take a little while though, I've been in a severe writing block.

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Dr. Paine ~ its ok, I understand that, but try to post between now and tomorrow night so we can proceed to Day 4 ASAP


Shijou ~ you know what? I think your suggestion is just great, it would let us advance faster and people won't be set back, which could be a problem if someone can't post in a few days.


I guess I'll use your suggestion. From Day 4 and on, everyone will have the amount of encounters posted before as a max, and when you think you are done for the day, you call it a day and then begin with the next one, this way, we will be able to move on faster, which will help the RP to move faster too.


And I was considering something else too, how about, if you don't want to catch a pokemon, you can control it. As in, you found a Patrat, but you have absolutely no intention of catching it, then, I'll allow you to control the pokemon so you can end the battle in one post, and then continue. That way, everybody's days will be also faster. Of course, if you choose to do this, you'll have to post in the beginning of you post that you won't be catching it.


And yes, if you want to catch the pokemon, I will still control it. And if you encounter a evolved one, like the lvl23 Gyarados that terrorized some of you in Route 1, sill still be controlled by me.


What do you think of that?

Edited by RyuKaiser

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I think it's reasonable to say that we both want it. xd.png I say we let it play out in the RP and see how it goes.


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I think being able to control (non-catching) battles is a great idea. I completely agree that it will shorten the days, and it could leave more room for character interaction. I mean, instead of having an extra 10-20 posts about fighting a pokemon you don't plan on catching, you can have a few where you interact with the other players and all. Up until Pring town, I didn't actually have a chance to do that.


Also, Jeimuzu, if you're reading this, I'm going to wait for your reply post to akiraa so you can return to your pokemon and Mia can then leave, calling it a day.

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And I was considering something else too, how about, if you don't want to catch a pokemon, you can control it. As in, you found a Patrat, but you have absolutely no intention of catching it, then, I'll allow you to control the pokemon so you can end the battle in one post, and then continue. That way, everybody's days will be also faster. Of course, if you choose to do this, you'll have to post in the beginning of you post that you won't be catching it.

'Tis a wonderful idea indeed. It will speed things up.


Just for the record, I'll be moving into my dorm on Saturday and starting my first college class next Wednesday. I'm not sure how much time I'll have to roleplay after that, but I'll let you guys know if I get too overwhelmed with work.

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ok, and I need the rest of people to finish their day so we can advance to Day 4, otherwise, we will be stuck here...

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there is a reason why I posted "end day" and not "moving to night" do you really think that after what happened a pokemon would be in the mood to battle at midnight? mad.gifblink.gifhuh.gif

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We'll mebbe if it was a night pokemon...and it didn't see the whole thing that happened..or somethin...mer

Edited by stromzone

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Hey storm, I was wondering if maybe Zaak and Akira could start traveling together, she needs a buddy smile.gif Also, school is starting next week for me, and my mom already has me on school schedule. Anytime before 5 or after 8 or 9 on week days is sneaking on, so either don't suspect quality posts, or don't suspect me to appear, even if I am posting in free form role plays wink.gif I usually don't like to do other role plays when I'm on the phone xd.png It's a pain in the butt, and most likely will have A LOT of typo's. (I forget some of the easiest words sometimes xd.png Or i accidentally hit the wrong thing xd.png

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Ya I'll travel with you, you can probably find my charrie in a tree the next morning.


And I post a lot, but i don't mind if you don't. Maybe my charrie will go ahead sometimes, and wait for yours.

Edited by stromzone

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New Update!



1- I was cheking the lists, and the activity and noticed that: theHPfreak, Scott-the-wolf, Rainbow_Joy and monkeyboy haven't post in about a month, so I guess we can call them out of the RP, so, unless there is any objections, I'll erase them and their characters from the lists


2- dragoon1234 has been out for about a month. I know he said he wouldn't be on for some time, but I guess a month is enough for him to contact us. SO I guess I'm taking him out of the lists too


3- I will be updating the lists with all those changes, along with the addition of poke11 and Alicia-Jewel's characters


4- I want to say that all the pokemon that participated in the tournament's battles, will gain a level, doesn't matter if you won or loose, you gain a level just for participating so, be happy! laugh.gif


5- Finally, the pokemonns levels update


Everyone's Pokemon




Snivy lvl 7

Zigzagoon lvl 5




Pansear lvl 7

Sentret lvl 3

Pidgey lvl 3




Mudkip lvl 8

Bidoof lvl 5

Lotad lvl 6

Magikarp(s) lvl 4




Phanpy lvl 8

Pidgey lvl 3




Solosis lvl 10

Patrat lvl 6

Goldeen lvl 4




Houdour lvl 8

Zigzagoon lvl 4

Pidgey lvl 3




Sandshrew lvl 8




Skitty lvl 11

Rattata lvl 7

Spearow lvl 6

Poliwag lvl 6

Patrat lvl 5




Mareep lvl 8

Lotad lvl 2

Sentret lvl 3




Ghastly lvl 8




Deerling lvl 5




Bagon lvl 9

Pidgey lvl 6

Magikarp lvl 6

Zigzagoon lvl 5




Shinx lvl 7

Rattata lvl 4

Spearow lvl 3




Wooper lvl 6


Update up to Tuesday August 16, 2011 / 2:07 pm / my local time



haven't considered the current battle poke11 and Alicia are in right now

Edited by RyuKaiser

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Did my pokemon not level up for beating your guy? And does the contest have anything now? What will happen with it?

Edited by stromzone

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why don't you read the entire post? dry.gif


about the contest, no, after what had happened, the tournament and contest wont continue since both tents have been destroyed and most of the participants were abducted or are beaten up

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I did this time! Fine about the contest, but it says my gastly is level 7. He defeated a Wild Patrat, won two battles against hermione and beat your guy.

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yes, but when you battle Hermione I told you I would count them as one since they were too fast to understand... at least for me


though, I think I did messed up in the counting, it is one level stronger... sorry about that, I've fixed it

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haha, too fast. Ok, I guess that's fine! I won both against Hermione, just sayin...

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Name: Conrad (no last name)

Age: 10

Gender: Male

Appearance: Average height, wears shorts and t-shirt + running shoes/ Blonde hair and hazel eyes.

Personality: RP'ed

History: Lived with his Mom and older brother and sister all his life. Sometimes he visits his Dad, who lives quite close to him. he can't wait to start his journey.

Starter Choice: Charmander, Tirtouga, Absol

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By my count, my Mareep should be at level 8.

I have battled Sentret, Lotad, and a wild Patrat that I did not catch. (Patrat was pages 15 to 18, in case you want to know where) If Mareep started at level five and won three battles, that should put her at level 8.


The reason I'm being so picky is because all of my pokemon are a little lower level in comparison to everyone else's who started around the same time. I'd like to be a competitor and all, so every level counts! :]

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Rad ~ accepted. Though, you'll need to wait a bit before beginning. We move in RP days, and we're about to finish the Day 3, so you will start on Day 4. Please check on the thread from time to time for the momment you can start RPing.


Shijou-san ~ yeah, sorry, I don't know why I don't had it at level 8, but I've fixed it

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I think my pokemons' levels are a little under-calculated as well. At last update post, my Solosis was level 9, my Patrat was level 4 and my Goldeen was level 3 (Page 20 of the OOC thread). Then I had a battle with Serena (LeopardDragon), after that battle with her pokemon, would all of my pokemon have gained a level? If so, my Patrat would be level 6, my Solosis would be level 10 and my Goldeen would be level 4. Sorry for all the trouble. sad.gif

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