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What is the very first video game you ever played?

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I'm thinking it was either Zelda: The Ocarina of Time on Sega...maybe... blink.gif or pokemon on a gameboy color...

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Hmm.. As far as I remember it was Chip 'n Dale.. The Rescue Rangers on the Sega smile.gif That was a nice game!

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Hn. I can't remember.

Some Mario games, probably. o3o


Though my earliest memory of getting seriously addicted to a game was with Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, on PlayStation. And that was when I was like 7 or something.


I'm still addicted to Harvest Moon though, but with the newer series. <3

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Super Mario Land on the Gameboy.

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It was either a disc of classic games including Mancala, Doom 1 & 2, or Chutes and Ladders for PC. And back then my aunt and little cousin lived with me and my mom in our trailer. Our dining room was converted into the computer room. I mean, we had like 3 of those giant white dinosaurs called Dells. We had to cram like two long tables in there and cords were everywhere, including big plastic lock chests full of games and documents. Ah, those were the days ^^

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I think it was the Sims, my sister didn't get how a 4 year old could get addicted, but has shared the love of games with me my entire life since.

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I don't know what counts. The first game I ever truly played was either Super Mario 64, or LoZ: OoT. But when I first played those, I was too young to do more than run around and die.


The first game I played where I actually knew what I was doing was Super Mario World on the SNES.

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My very first game was Ms. Pac Man on a Commodore computer. (Yes, the computer is older than I am.)


Then we got a Windows 98, so it was those Jump Start games - 2nd grade, I had - and Deer Hunter and Rollercoaster Tycoon.


My first portable game was my cousin's Pokemon Blue, and my first console game was my other cousins' Mario Kart on the SNES, I think.

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the netendo, the first model of it. Zelda the Ocarina of time and some bug killing game were the firsts it think that i played. its been so long.

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The earliest that I can remember is pokemon crystal. Though, I know early on I played Final Fantasy 8 and Threads of Fate.

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