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Hatchlings OoC Thread

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He couldn't really do that suffocating thing, last time I checked. All he could do in my previous RPs was really that cyclone thing, and it wasn't all that devastating. He had more of a scout role back then. And the katana, it was like Muramasa, sort of. He had to slash himselfbwith it everytime he finished using it. A deep cut, too. Not like a tiny wound.

Edited by Harizi

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Still, it's no that you won't, it's that your charrie could.

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Still, it's no that you won't, it's that your charrie could.

I don't quite understand what you said.

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Still, it's no that you won't, it's that your charrie could.

Still, it's not that you won't, it's that your charrie could.


I'm saying that you have the ability to. Whether or not you will, that's still something that has t be scrutinized.

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Okay, let's just come to an agreement here.


Cyclone never actually hurt anyone, although it can knock em' out for a few seconds.


And I already mentioned about the Katana.


So, thats all he does. He had a generic sword too, but now he doesn't have arms to use it anymore. So thats useless.

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Alright. Agreed.

Accepted when you make that change to the form.

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Small change to his appearance section due to the fact that I forgot he was red, and power fixed. Done and done.


On a new note/topic, what forum level do you need to be in order to give yourself a title under your avatar?

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I haven't been on lately and I'm still trying to figure out what's happening - correct me if I'm wrong: Crisie is taking a serious turn for the worse, maybe going insane, it's two days since Sul'Ves was defeated (around the time Thrymzen agreed to heal Crisie) but nobody's showed up at the Citadel yet?

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Shadow Beast will be in my next post.


Crisie sensed him while he was spying and is now unconcsious in a state Moon can't read her mind and is blocked out. She sees Metamoor creatures and something like Metamoor, so she is getting suspicous.


Cryna plans to go to Citadel too.

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It's been two days? Man I should start reading the other's posts.

If someone will confirm that for me, I'll move Scuta to get this going.

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I really really really need to get back into this, but it seems so jumbled and crowded. If I do somehow manage to get back into the groove I might drop Oracle. Anyways, how has the RP been going?

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If ya drop Oracle could ya do it so Crusher knows about it some how?

Edited by little lost dragon

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Maybe she could say things would not worked out, say she's moving onto other lands and tell him (nicely of course) thats its ok for him to move on to another if he finds another one to. Death (though I think we'd rather avoid that)... and thats off the top of my head lol.

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Thrymzen isn`t going to the vault. We`re waiting till the nex day to heal Crisie indefinitely. This is all I`ve gathered from the slight sonfusion.

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I will join

Name: Cyprus

Gender: Female

Type: Seawyrm Pygmy

Power: Water/ Life

Job: Mentor

Personality: She is shy around large dragons but will fight to the death to protect friends and young hatchlings.

Appearance: Just regulast like a Seawyrm pygmy but there is an oval shaped lavender colored stone attached to her neck.

Age: Adult.



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Ok the water powers include making ice and a small amount of healing as well as being able to controll it to an extent such as forming a water shield or whip. The life is being able to cause plants to grow instently such as causing a wall of vines to sprout out of the ground and being able to communicate with animals and temporarily taking over small animals like mice or frogs.

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Stupid school trips... final got a decent posting schedule though!


Now... for a bit of plot-clearing-up.


Say... two/three month's worth of explanation?

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-pops in-

Hies people! Now that I'm just left with one miserable paper (which I have no intention revising for), I can update the thread! Huzzah!


Okay, first things first. Who's currently still active? Any new players?


Second, I think I'll just mantain the thread, but I'm not RPing anymore >~<" There's too much plot to advance from, my poor characters are now hstory. I'll drop by from time to time though! biggrin.gif


PS. You can find me at my -kinda non-existent- art thread.

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