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5 minutes ago, AngelsSin said:

 I hate to say it but it probably won't matter he would just rule completely by executive orders.

unfortunately, yeah. :( 


5 minutes ago, AngelsSin said:

I put a request for a mail in ballot and yesterday I got an email from the supervisor of elections stating they got my request and sent a link so I could start tracking my ballot, it's my first time voting by mail in ballot, it's exciting to see the process here and know I don't have to brave the polls.

we've all (there's 4 of us) put in requests for mail-in ballots here too.

there's a tracker on the county website, and for the primary, it did tell me that my ballot was received.  i really hope that there's a ballot drop box near me, and then when it gets to my county seat, my vote actually does get counted!

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2 hours ago, trystan said:

another 4 years of his BS, and we won't be a democratic republic anymore.  IF he should win the White House, i honest-to-goddess hope the House AND Senate are Democrat!!


He's been working around Congress anyway if they don't give him what he wants. Stealing construction money from the Pentagon to build "his" wall, etc. And he is defying the Supreme Court's latest ruling against him.  He will do what he wants somehow.

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Which includes stealing the election.


Not to mention....



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there's just so many things that have gone wrong in the last 4 years, i really hope he's voted out by a landslide.


Edited by trystan

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Another sobering (a.k.a. scary) article.


Biden, then, should go immediately to Wisconsin, the crucial state that Hillary Clinton infamously ignored. He should meet the Blake family and give them his support and comfort. He should also meet Kenoshans like the small-business owners quoted in the Times piece, who doubt that Democrats care about the wreckage of their dreams. Then, on the burned-out streets, without a script, from the heart, Biden should speak to the city and the country. He should speak for justice and for safety, for reform and against riots, for the crying need to bring the country together. If he says these things half as well as Julia Jackson did, we might not have to live with four more years of Trump.

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Yes - YES. Why does he not think of these things himself ?

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4 hours ago, Fuzzbucket said:

Yes - YES. Why does he not think of these things himself ?


Because he's a career politician.


Mind, I'm not saying Biden is stupid or a bad person or anything. He's not. But, he (and his campaign in general) has what looks to me like the same blind spots Hillary's team had back in 2016. IMO, he's running on a "safe" platform - I honestly couldn't tell you what, if anything, he's for or against. As with Hillary, the DNC seems to be operating under the idea that Trump is so offensive, all their candidate has to do to win is exist and appear reasonable. He's so used to operating within "the system" that he really doesn't know how to think of these things for himself anymore. He smiles blandly, he's generally inoffensive, he knows how to handle himself on the world stage. He doesn't know how to connect with Joe Average.


Trump, unfortunately, does have charisma, of the same sort Hitler had. He understands that the best way to deflect attention from his own failings is to give Joe Average another target, and he's done so with his racist, divisive tweets, speeches, and outright lies. Joe Average gets all riled up about the immigrants stealing jobs and the Democrats coming to take the guns away, and is too busy worrying about that to be bothered with Trump embarrassing the country on the world stage.



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That's exactly what I was afraid of.... It's all about charisma these days.

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As much as I'd loooove to believe that we will take a different course from 2016, I'm still wary of the Democratic Party making the exact same mistakes as in the last general election. Four years ago, we were all convinced that Hillary would win, that Trump was simply unelectable, and that we didn't need to campaign as rigorously in certain places because we're secure in our position. Well, we're not secure. The last presidential election proved that with however many countless opinion polls being defied. Biden can win, but he can't play it safe, not like Hillary did. One of the deciding factors in the election was the turning of the typically blue-voting working class (especially around the Rust Belt) who were disgruntled with economic hardship and the collapse of local manufacturing. I'm no economist, so I can't say for certain what's the best course of action, but Trump's protectionism has an appeal that internationalism of free trade simply can't obtain. Certainly not on the same level.

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Yeah - complacency. That was part of what got us Boris Johnson. Tell people this. Tell them a LOT ! And someone - for god's sake tell Biden.

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I don't believe he is playing it safe, I believe he is being methodical. He understands that if you give too much in depth info at once people start to tune out and his message doesn't get heard.


It's like a 7 course meal if you put each course out all at once most goes un-eaten but if you pace the courses people tend to eat each course.


People are already overwhelmed with all the many many lies and all the b.s. and disinformation, all the many issues that need to be addressed.


The fact is there is only a small fraction of people whose mind isn't already made up on who they are gonna vote for. Trump cultists aren't gonna change their minds, neither are the Trump haters, it's those who voted last election outside of what they normally voted or those who didn't vote ( I assume a good portion of those know their minds already as well.) So just a fraction of the voters need to be reached and those who just didn't vote who need to be reached so they are motivated to vote this time.


He  (Joe) made a better/smarter VP pick than Hillary did. My take on Joe is he is cunning don't discount that as him playing it too safe. He still has plenty of time to get all his policy beliefs, his ideas, all the necessary info out there. If he puts it out too soon then he has nothing left to hit Trump with during the Presidential debate. Since both parties will be watching that, that is when he needs to put the most important info out. If he puts it out too soon he either gives Trump ideas to use or info to hit Biden with. It also gets over played in the media which people will start to tune out and possibly forgotten because of that. 


So I think Biden is keeping people wanting more which I think is a very good strategy. If he is out there everyday blasting us with info and facts constantly it will be too much for people. He  realizes a lot of people have a short attention span and is trying to work with that.

Edited by AngelsSin

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He SHOULD have gone to Wisconsin and talked to the Kenoshans. That's easy to do and would make a big difference. Even Trump is going there - crass though he is. A lot of ex-Dems in Wisconsin are going to vote Trump again, because they feel he is paying attention to them. Biden does risk a lot with the complacency - just as Hillary Clinton did. And to get rid of Trump for SURE, you're going to need a landslide.


Demagogues win. GHASTLY fact of political life. Don't let him.

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Trump isn't going to address the family of Jacob Blake, (nor do they welcome talking to Trump as Blake's father has stated, that if Trump was gonna talk to them it should have been done a week ago, now he says it's too late for them being open to talking to him, they did welcome their talk with Biden) or the unrest there he is going to see the police and some small business owners, it's nothing more than a political stunt ( much like the church photo op). Biden has already talked  to Jacob Blake's family and from what I understand he does intend to go there and address the Kenoshans. And he just had a press briefing addressing some of these issues. IMO, He is not being complacent.





I'm trying to find a link to the full press briefing Biden just had but my internet is being spazzy





Also I personally don't believe he needs to physically go there to address the situation especially given COVID and all. IMO.

Edited by AngelsSin

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Your president (#NOT MY PRESIDENT) is a stoker of race division and hate in our nation. His words and deeds say volumes about what he stands for (nothing) and what he truly is (a demon.)

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Not my President either. Not ashamed to admit I'm definitely a Never Trumper. 

Edited by AngelsSin

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Scary as he...



This is your last chance to hear our warning.

It is happening here. Exactly — exactly — the way it happened there, to us. In our childhoods, to our parents, in all those distant, strange broken lands. This is how a democracy dies. This is how it all collapses. This is how the fanatics seize power for a generation or more. This is how the fascists win.

Kenosha. Portland. Washington, DC.

This is how it happens. We survivors feel a sense of deja vu right now terrible that most of us can’t sleep, can’t focus, can’t…breathe, sometimes. I want you to understand how powerful this feeling of deja vu is. It is one of the most frightening things we survivors have experienced. Where will we go now? What will we do now? America never really accepted us, and now, it’s collapsing. That leaves us in a worse place than anyone else, really. We feel the price of this implosion acutely. That is one reason we try to warn you — but the other one is that we can’t not warn you. Nobody — nobody — should live through the horrors we knew as children, as parents, as human beings.

Never again. It’s the vow every survivor makes. That’s why we are trying to warn you. It is happening all over again, here, exactly — exactly, precisely, absolutely — the way that we saw it happen before, and before, and before.

Hear our warning. None of us have the time left now for petty divisions, intellectualizations, the games pundits play, the way I lost my column when I began to warn of all this. I didn’t pay the bigger price — you did.

You don’t have another mistake left to make.

This is it, and you’re blowing it, sleepwalking into collapse, letting the fascists steal your futures.

Do not let it happen here.

August 2020

Edited by Lagie

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oh i know, he's scary.  i know my choice.  but i hope others see it too.  all i can do it put this information out there, to show that none of this has been normal.  some people are slowly waking up... but is it enough?

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Where was that charming (NOT) timeline that compared Trump and Hitler's activities....


It was like this but scarier as it was more of a timeline with detail....:



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It bears repeating - but sorry !


Did you see the timeline one ? I am DESPERATE to find it.

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Post I just saw from Ridin' with Biden:

Trump says you'd feel safe if he were President. HE is President but he doesn't seem to know that.

(And ya'll certainly aren't safe as things stand...)


And he hasn't had several mini-strokes, days the orange buffoon, but since no one says he did, why is he denying it?

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1 hour ago, Fuzzbucket said:

Got it:





Well, we're at the end of 2020 now, so a bit further down the line. There are already riots going on, as well as suppression of certain minorities (looks at people of color).. Which pretty much catapults Trump beyond or around Hitler's year 1938. WWII started in 1939... Just saying.


Other similarities - and I know I posted some of them before, but they bear repeating or being added to:

  • Control of the media. Hitler seized total control over the media. Trump has made some attempts - threatening facebook and twitter, forcing tiktok out of Chinese hands...
  • Lots of speeches for Hitler, lots of (endless) press conferences for Trump. Hours upon hours of self-glorification.
  • Which leads us to a cult of personality. Which both Hitler and Trump perfected.
  • Focus on national economy. Both do/did it.

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