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Books That You Want To See Made Into Movies

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im very angry Twilight was made into a movie when Meyer's true work of art was hidden from a poorly written teenage so called love story.


I think The Host by Stephenie Meyer shouldve been made into a movie, way before Twilight shouldve even been thought of

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There are two candidates in my head for this:


1) Otherland, by Tad Williams.


Unfortunately, there's so much material in this epic that it would either have to be several movies (which I'd rather not) or undergo heavy editing removing whole swaths of plot. I wouldn't actually mind latter, though of course the chance of the result not butchering some of my favourite bits would be vanishingly small.


2) Schild's Ladder, by Greg Egan.


This. This so very much. :| It's an epic sci-fi tale and with how strikingly visually it reads in the first place would make a truly excellent movie; you could practically use the book as a script, providing you found a way to display inner monologue. Again, some editing would probably be necessary for length (and personally I'd ditch the entire second half of the book, to avoid pulling a Kubrick/2001 where the audience goes "...yeah, um... what does this have to do with the movie?")... but man. I want it so badly.


It's set in a transhumanist far-future culture, where people's minds have been transferred to 'Qusps' (QUantum Singularity Processor), which control the body they're embedded in with a module called 'Exoself'. There's also a piece of technology called Mediator that serves as a sort of babel fish transparently.


It has the best 'zombies' -> (transparent text to hide spoilers, highlight to view)


As he crossed the final walkway, Tchicaya asked the ship for a view of the entrance to the shuttle. There was no one visible, no one standing guard. He was on the verge of asking for a sequence of images covering the entire remainder of his journey when he spotted a group of people with his own eyes, ahead of him on the walkway. Four of them hung back while a fifth approached, carrying a long metal bar.


Tchicaya slowed, then halted. The rebel kept walking toward him, briskly and purposefully. Tchicaya's Mediator could detect no signature, but the ship put a name to the face: Selman.


Tchicaya caught his breath, then called out amiably, "Talk to me. Tell me what you want." Selman continued towards him in silence. His face was even more damaged than Santos's; there was a ridge of scarlet running along the side of his nose and a massive edema around the eye socket. His four companions were similarly marked. If this was a sign of internal disputation, the whole group should have torn itself to shreds weeks ago.


Suddenly, Tchicaya understood. Selman wasn't withholding his signature as a gesture of hostility, or in an attempt to conceal his identity. He had no signature, and no Mediator to send it. He had no Exoself. He had no Qusp. The rebels had improvised some kind of crude surgical tool and plucked each other's digital brains out.


Tchicaya said, "Talk to me and I'll find the right translator! We still have all the old languages." He wasn't expecting to be understood, but he could still provoke a response - assuming Selman hadn't lost the power of speech entirely. Tchicaya didn't know how much neural tissue a Homo sapiens needed in order to be fully functional. Bodies like the Rindler's had plenty of neurons in reserve, since the precise delegation of tasks between the digital components and the central nervois system varied widely from culture to culture. He suspected that even this reserve was less than the size of a complete ancestral brain, but a careful redesign might still have packed everything in.


With ten or twelve metres remaining between them, Selman stopped and spoke. Tchicaya couldn't even parse the speech into separate words; to his untrained ear it sounded like a continuous flow. This was the first time in his life that he'd begun a conversation with a stranger without the ground being prepared in advance, without two Mediators conspiring to bridge the gap. A moment after the utterance was complete, though, he recalled the sounds and understood them.


"Turn around and go back, or I'll beat you to a pulp."


Want. Want so very much. *ties herself into knots* D:

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if they manage to know screw them over:


Warrios (I think it'd make a cute movie series)




Eragon, that piece of fecal matter they produced did not count. They need to redo it... I can dream. ;C



The Sight + Fell



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I think it would be really cool if they made the Artemis Fowl series into movies. I read that they`re working on it, but skipped it for the Chronicles of Narnia or stopped for it. I`m sorry to say that I disagree with their actions. I have been waiting for trailers to show up for around two years.

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i would like them to redo eragon and maybe make all the books into good movies. thats my dream. also i think it would be cool to see graceling by kirstin cashore made into a movie

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I agree with you blood fudge, they need to make Redwall into a movie. I would love to see Maximum Ride be turned into a movie. I thought Guardians of Ga'Hoole would be totally aweesome. They messed up the entire movie.

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Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters


Willow by Julia Hoban


I love it when they make books into movies, it's always so interesting biggrin.gif

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) Otherland, by Tad Williams.


Unfortunately, there's so much material in this epic that it would either have to be several movies (which I'd rather not) or undergo heavy editing removing whole swaths of plot. I wouldn't actually mind latter, though of course the chance of the result not butchering some of my favourite bits would be vanishingly small.


^This. They could do what they did to Game of Thrones, and make it a mini series. I wouldn't mind that.

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Trudi Canavan's Black Magician Trilogy.

I think those books would make great movies, since the story isn't very complicated and could easily told in a movie.

Of course, the main reason why I'd love a BMT movie is to see which actor would be chosen to play Akkarin xd.png

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I know Hayao Miyazaki already made a Howl's Moving Castle Anime Movie, but I would really like to see it as a live-action and where they go to Wales.


Another would be Scott Westerfelds' Ugly series. If only just to see the hoverboards.


Lastly, I was originally going to say Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, but I think it would be a better mini-series. Kind of like Game of Thrones.

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Another would be Scott Westerfelds' Ugly series. If only just to see the hoverboards.

I believe they are making an Uglies movie and it comes out soon. C:

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Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters


Willow by Julia Hoban


I love it when they make books into movies, it's always so interesting biggrin.gif

I've read Luna by Julie Anne Peters and I think if it were done right, a movie would be wonderful. I haven't read Keepng You a Secret, though. I'll have to look for it.

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In no particular order:


Anne McCaffrey's Pern series


Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan series


Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, especially the Granny Weatherwax books


David Weber's Honor Harrington series


Tanya Huff's Blood series -- speaking of which, I know there was a short-lived TV series based on the books, but it was short-lived and made for TV -- mostly for the Lifetime channel, and so they changed some stuff. I'd like to see a movie which doesn't change so much.


Brian Jacques' Redwall series, yes.

Edited by Jennie

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I tried reading the first book of the Pern series, I had no clue what was going on. The Pendragon series needs to be turned into a movie

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Skulduggery Pleasant.

It would be SO easy to adapt.

seconded, along with the dragon chronicles by chris d'lacey


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More Discworld novels need to be made into books and what I can't wait for are movies to the Temeraire books. That would be awesome!

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skulduggery pleasant/ the alchemyst, by michael scott

This is the third time you have said that(and on the same page), I kind of get the point now.


A book I would like to see made into a movie is War of the Flowers, by Tad Williams.

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I wouldn't want to see any books that I've loved turned into movies....it's just never the same.

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Anything by Brandon Sanderson at this point - that man is a fantastic writer. I believe a Mistborn movie is already in the works, can't wait to see how that ends up. Hopefully good.

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I would like The children of Hurin - J.R.R Tolkien, the rest of the inheritance cycle to be made a movie.

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Children of Hurin is a difficult one - on the one hand, it is probably the one Tolkien adventure that really feels like a more modernly written story; it has a consistent a focus cast, the pacing is great, it isn't as long winded as most of Tolkien's works, and it really is just a nicely lengthed adventure. On the other hand, that ending... I don't think it would go over well with modern audiences at all. That or several other scenes, for that matter. Although I guess Game of Thrones is a thing, so maybe it would be great? But in the end, I don't see it ever becoming a film, honestly; simply because the Tolkien estate refuses to ever sell anymore film or adaption rights to any of the works they protect. The only reason LotR and The Hobbit rights were floating around is because Tolkien sold them off himself at one point as he was low on money. He hated to do it, too.


That said, I would love to see maybe short films going over the Silmarillion - the Tale of Beren and Luthien, the Fall of Numenor, the Vala, Feanor and the Silmarils.... so much awesome materiel there.


On the Cycle, I highly, highly doubt another adaption will ever be made at this point. No studio wants to gamble on something that won worst film awards and was completely hated, and yet coast an extraordinary amount, again. That aside, the changes were originally made because it was deemed the book was too similar to other films and that it was too noticeable. So another reason for a company to not make a true adaption. Basically it's a huge gamble capitalizing off of a book that is no longer as popular as it once was, with core issues concerning translation to film, and a historically terrible and historically expensive release.



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I actually haven't read the Silmarillion but it would be good for it to get a movie adaption after what my step-father told me about it(he said it was good).

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It would be interesting to see Robin Hobb's trilogies made into several movies or TV series. The Farseer Tilogy, the Liveship Traders Trilogy and The Tawny Man Trilogy have been fascinating, and as long as there was some narration throughout the movies/series it could be very awesome.

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