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Pern: A World of Dragonriders and Dragons

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"I'm seventeen also," Delom said. He thought for a moment, remembering the dragon that had tried to talk to him earlier. Maybe G'lor knew which dragon it was. "G'lor, there was a dragon that was talking to me earlier. Do you know which one it was....and why it found me so amazing?" Delom threw in his last words for his own personal humor and his ego, but he still was rather curious. Voren gave G'lor an imploring gaze, wondering what had made his companion so important in the first place.


Talea saw a boy in the corner that looked like that girl, Rebekah, that she had been with earlier. She finally stepped away from Delom and approached the boy. "Are you related to Rebekah at all? I mean, I'm sorry to interrupt, but you look rather lonely," she said to Rebah.

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G'lor laughed and slapped Delom on the back. His strength was usually unchecked...unfortunately. "That would be my dragon Xitith. He is a friendly fellow and seems to take a liking to you...probably because of that champagne firelizard you have." he said looking at the small fellow.


Heedana regretted him pulling back from the kiss but was thrilled to be hugged again. She giggled which then grew into a full laugh as she hugged him back. "Alright....you are tired so set me down!" she said while laughing.


Tilleth and Ramoth chuckled in unison and watched the two playing around. Ramoth rumbled and said to the both of them that even she was tired and told them to go to bed.


E'ran looked at Sesania his face vacant but his eyes shouting volumes. He adored her and thought she was rather ravashing and gorgeous. Gusto leaped onto his owners head and chirped gently that they were all tired. "Cummon then miss." he said and started to walk her to her room.

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Soria blinked when she realized that she had not walked to her weyr and had instead walked to stand knee deep in water. Looking around, she noticed she was outside in the Weyr bowl. When she spun around to look at exactly where she had walked, her foot came out from under her and she landed on her backside. After reorienting herself, Soria huffed and went to carefully stand up. In front of her Atisith watched in concern. "I'm fine, Atisith. It wasn't that hard of a landing."


Atisith shook her head and helped her rider out of the water, lecturing Soria the whole time about not paying attention. Soria listened to Atisith trying to reassure the dragon that she was not hurt. When she realized that Atisith had passed what had happened onto K'leb, Soria cursed. Her head ached from where she'd rapped it, but it wasn't swollen just a small knot was forming. Atisith huffed. She will need you to look at her head, since she refuses to "bother " the healers."

Edited by Mijikoi

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Sesania hefted her bag onto her shoulder and followed E'ran. They walked in silence for a time, and Sesania didn't mind. Silence was comfortable and she actually felt relaxed in E'ran's presence. What is it about him that makes me like this? She thought to herself. Plummet licked her cheek gently and reassuringly that there was nothing wrong. She smiled, of course he would think nothing was wrong.


It didn't take long for them to arrive at the rooms Lessa had told her about. They were nice, larger then her old room back at the Harper Hall. Sesania looked around for a moment and then turned back to E'ran. "Thank you for walking me here. And thank you for...for everything." She blushed.


Sesania definitely needed time to think. Especially about E'ran and why she was reacting this way to him. Never had she ever felt this way before, in fact she didn't even understand it. Sure she had male friends in the past, but they had only been friends. Sesania sighed mentally.


Sesron grinned and lifted her up so she was partially over his shoulder. Even though he was skinny, he was still strong. He grinned. "I just got my hands on you, why would I let you go so soon?" He laughed mightily. He did set her down after a minute though, as she had asked.


He looked around then and realized two things. One, his sister was no where in sight. And two...he had no idea where his room was. "Um...Heedana..." he laughed nervously. "I'm already lost..."

Edited by Ethril Dragon

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K'leb had finished bathing and was already dressed for the night in softened weyrhide pants and no shirt. he couldn't stand sleeping in a shirt...at all. It was far to irritating to him. His hair was still slightly damp but brushed back from his face and held in it's traditional leather thong at the base of his neck. He became slightly alarmed when he heard Atisith. I will be at her room before she is. He said grabbing a bit of numbweed from his shelves. He had already fully oiled Hethath and Etanor so his arms were rather sore, but he would be able to apply numbweed if needed. With a long legged stride he was at Soria's room and leaning against the bedpost his fingers tapping on the wood.


Heedana was giggling fiercely when he put her down and him being lost just put an irrefutable smile in her lips. "That is why you have me." she said and grabbed his hand so that they would start walking to the bedrooms saved for such important guests. "Do you want a room near Sesania? or what? I have all the bedrooms memorized, so just tell me and I'll take you there." she said with a grin as she walked. She was glad to be able to use her longer stride for once.


E'ran bowed at his waist to Sesania. "It is a joy to do them for you." he said and smiled. Gusto and Lyre chirpped a quiet good night before disappearing between and going back to E'ran's room. Kyl however started to trill but didn't hear the sound of his brother's voices. He squwaked angrily then flew after them. He was about to walk away after bidding good night when he turned around. "And Miss Sesania...be ready after the first meal when the sun is in a northern eastern position." he said then bowed again and walked to his weyr. He could tell the Gleanixth had fallen asleep on the sands so he woke his dragon up with a sharp call and met him at the weyr to oil him. Once oiled, and once the three blues were oiled, he sighed and pondered what had happened that day.


Ezran stood up from her seat and said good night to T'lom and some of the weyrlings that were around her. With sleepy movements, she started to make her way back to her bedroom only to be caught by her constant follower and annoyance, G'sint. He grabbed her arms so that she wouldn't be able to hit him and stood so close to her that she could feel his warm breath on her forehead. He reeked of wine. "Let go." she said calmly at first and her mind called out to Jubilath in panic. No no no! not again!. Ususally she would have been able to get free, but since his Impression, G'sint's strength had nearly increased ten fold, making her the weaker one.

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Soria only need Atisith's help out of the water. Once her feet were on dry land, Soria was able to walk to her room. While it did take several minutes to make it to her room, Soria used the time to go over her packing list and to try and fight off the headache. She stepped into her own room rubbing her temples. Looking up, Soria gave K'leb a grin. "Hello, K'leb. Ah, you do know that Atisith is a worry-wherry, right?"

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((Two notes. One, BlueApollo, do you mean in the dining room corner or a hallway corner? I had put him in a hallway, but should I go back and change it? Either way I'll have him answer. And the second. Love, um, Rebekah said something to Manora...))


Rebah looked at the girl, shocked. "Yes... Rebekah is my little sister..." he stammered. "How do you know her? Where is she?" He was amazed that someone from the Weyr could possibly have met little Rebekah, who, as far as he knew, was still in Benden Hold. Then he corrected himself. She wasn't so little. By now she'd be Turned twelve or so. He blinked at the girl. "I haven't seen her in so long..." he murmured to himself. At least if this girl had met her at some point, he might get to see his sister again.


((edit: having trouble with colors))

Edited by Pigegirl 2

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K'leb took in her wet appearance and the growing knot on her head. "And so am I." he said and walked over to her quickly. He brushed her hair back from her forehead gently and looked into her eyes which seemed to take on the look of a slight concussion. He couldn't be to sure though. "Do you have a headache?" he asked already knowing the answer. His muscles rippled tensely underneath his tanned skin as he gripped the pot of numbweed and held her hair back from her face.


Manora grimaced. "Can you deal with a bitter taste that is bitter enough to make your eyes suck back into your skull?" she asked knowing the answer. The girl had obviously not been accustomed to the ways of the weyr. Whenever you were ill, a person drank felis to put them to sleep and had it with wine. it helped it work faster and expel the sickness with ease.



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Sesron pouted cutely. "You mean I can't go to your room with you?" Of course when they were growing up together he, Heedana, and Sesania had often times spent the night in each others rooms. Sesania had been there to make sure they got some sleep. "I'd be fine no matter where you put me Heedana," He grinned. "As long as you help me find my way in the morning."


Sesron was pathetic when it came to trying to find his way around. If it hadn't been for the fact he had been living in Harper Hall for nearly 10 turns, he probably would have gotten lost. Of course he did get lost the first two turns.


Sesania smiled and bowed right back. A curtsy wouldn't look right since she was wearing her usual green pants. "I'll be ready," She called back as E'ran began walking away. Once he was out of site she set her bag gently on her bed. Sesania looked around her and went to where she guessed was the bathing chamber. Her face lit up as she went back to her bag and pulled out her night things.


"Well Plummet...I told you being here would at least be interesting." Plummet couldn't help but agree as he and his lady went to go take a bath. As she bathed and got ready for bed, she thought about E'ran. Why was it she was so...attracted to him? He was handsome, sure, but never had she been like this around any other man. Perhaps she could talk to Heedana later, now that she had the option. Sesania laughed, this would be the first time she would go to someone else for advice. Sesania sighed and closed her eyes. It wasn't long until both were comfortably sleeping.

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Heedana laughed then thought momentarily. "There is an empty queen's weyr two doors down from me." she said avoiding the subject of him staying in her room. She wanted him too. She ahd always felt safe and protected when they had spent the night with each other and loved it when Sesania had to tell them to be quiet. She said and decided to take him there. On a dime, she turned around dragging him with her to where Tilleth was already flaring her wings, ready to take off. She climbed up easily and Tilleth raised her foreleg so that Sesron would get a better advantage to climbing the large queens back. Heedana stretched down her hand to him and smiled desirably at him. Her shirt ties hung down in Yenay's face and the firelizard pecked at them. Huzah and Tricky had disappeared and went ahead to Heedana's room.


E'ran soon felt hismelf starting to relax and took a rather quick bath then crawled into his bed with a tired body. In a matter of minutes, he was fully asleep with his three firelizards settled around his shoulders, snoring.


((Hello blue? you here?))

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Sesron was a little disappointed. He had been hoping she would take him up on his offer. He wasn't planning on doing anything, but he would have enjoyed sleeping next to Heedana again, after all these years. "That sounds good," He said with a laugh as she dragged him over to her dragon. He let her dragon him of course, since he could have easily broken away.


Sesron eagerly took her offered hand and swung up onto Tilleth. His eyes went wide as he realized he was now on a dragon. Never had he ridden on a dragon, not even when there were dragons at the Hall. His smile was huge as he wrapped his arms loosely around Heedana. "All ready."


((Sesania's asleep...))



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Heedana could easily feel his disappointment and thought of doing something crazy. She was going to let him stay in her room until he was firmly established in the Weyr. "You can go there once you get your directions set around the Weyr." she added to her last sentence. She signaled to Tilleth to take off and felt Sesron's exhilaration. It was a rather hard flight on Tilleth since she had to go straight up to the top of the weyr where Heedana had a rather ravishing view of the entire weyr. Once there, she slid off of her dragon without taking into account that Sesron's arms were around her.


Ezran tried to scream as Jubilath was detained by the strong young man's blue dragon. His blue pushed Jubilath back to the bowl and then drew her into a flight. Jubilath flew strong and hard with passion. She had been trying to not fly for the past few nights and here she was doing it. She had been eating on meat all night and had not told Ezran. By this time Ezran had bit into his hand that was covering her mouth and blood dripped into her mouth and down her chin but his resolve was extraordinary. Ezran could feel her body rage with extreme passion and felt G'sint pull her closer and closer to him almost desperately as he took her back to his weyr. With desperation she tried to keep her dragon away from his but the mating of the two was inevitable. She could feel him near her the passions of their dragons overflowing into their own bodies and minds. Much against Ezran's will, she was soon fully in his embrace and being lead to his bed chamber.

Edited by LoveLost

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Rebekah blinked. "If you say so." she said quietly. She really was making a mess of everything she said or did today, not to mention she was already tired. Then she winced as Blira assaulted her mind with more pictures of the lone, diving dragon, except now, with every change of scene, it was a different color. Now green, now black, now brown, now gold, it cycled through every color she had ever heard tales of, and then some. Finally the barrage of images stopped, without Rebekah even knowing which color had been predominant. Then Blira nestled down again, not showing any signs of disturbance. Rebekah stared at her until she reluctantly opened the lids of one eye halfway, chirped, and closed them again. The girl sighed and turned her attention from the young fire lizard.

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Manora smiled. "Alright then..." she poured a teaspoon of felis onto the spoon and gave it to Rebekah and awaited the girl's reaction. Her mind whirled with thoughts of what she had to do the next day because thread was due to fall over at Fort and their weyr was still not up to par.

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Rebekah swallowed it. "It's not so ba-" she was cut off by the after-taste. Her tongue had schooled itself to not notice anything but the worst because of what she had had to eat, but this went above and beyond the worst she had ever had. She bit the inside of her cheek and tried to keep her expression as bland as it had been. She failed miserably. Her face had the appearance of one who had sucked on a very, very sour sweetball or three. (Or are they gumballs? Sorry) She certainly felt its affects fast enough, but she knew that never again would she even think of plain fellis juice. Her eyelids became weights, and she allowed them to shut. The last thing she did was make sure she wasn't going to lay on Blira, and the last thing she thought of was the Hatching. Then she was asleep, evidently not dreaming at all.


Blira cocked her head at Manora, and seemed to wink. She flew to her shoulder, rubbed her face against her cheek, and flew back to Rebekah, protectively landing on the front of her. Her lids shut and she too was asleep, though she enjoyed dreams of flying wide and far.


((I'd add Rebah, but he's waiting for Talea to answer. ^^ Take your time, Blue, but don't leave him standing there for all eternity. xd.png))

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Soria hesitated to answer his question. On one hand she didn't want him to worry and on the other, she didn't want to lie to him. She chewed on her lip as she thought over what to say. While her headache was overly bad is wasn't pleasant. Sighing she went for the truth, but left a detail out. She felt Atisith's disapproval, even as the queen kept queit about it. The dragon had confidence that K'leb would pick up on it eventually, even if Soria didn't say anything. "Yes, I do have a headache, but I promise it's fine."

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Sesron clung to Heedana as they went up to the weyr. He couldn't help but laugh as the air whipped past them. He couldn't help but look around at the beautiful sight when Tilleth landed. He was about to say how beautiful the sight was when Heedana slid off of Tilleth. With his arms till around her, he lost his balanced.


With a surprised eep, he fell from Tilleth and landed on his back. He blinked for a moment before laughing hysterically. It had hurt, but the entire situation to him had been funny. "Just like old times!" He said as he sat up. Back at the Hall, he usually got hurt because of Heedana.


He yawned again as he stood back up. He was definitely ready for some shut eye.

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K'leb looked at her sternly as he would a child that was lying. "The whole truth." he said and picked her up to place her on her bed. He sat down beside her his worry growing. Atisith what is she leaving out? he asked as he started to pack for her. Hethath grumbled from his weyr and looked into Atisith's with a slight strain on his neck. What is going on with SOria? K'leb's worry is big in his head...he's hiding it to well...


Heedana helped Sesron to his feet and dusted him off. "i am sooo sorry!" she said trying not to laugh. She couldn't stop and walked to the curtain that separated Tilleth's weyr and her bedroom. She pulled them back and secured them to a needle in the wall and sighed happily and the low lighted room. Glows were placed strategically to allow the most space and light because she had mirrors around her room to reflect all the light. She walked in and took off her cap and gloves to reveal her bandaged hands. She grabbed a brush and started to brush through her silken ringlets. "If you want, you can take a bath..."

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Sesron grinned brightly as he followed her. He took this as an indication that he would get to sleep in her room tonight. Not that he'd do anything. He was too tired to do more then fall asleep. "Yeah I'm so covered in dirt and dust I could probably fill a mine," He grinned as he shook his blue vest jacket out. A little bit of shook loose.


Then he noticed her hands. Slowly, carefully, he touched her hands. "I don't...remember your hands being bandaged." he said softly. Sesron frowned slightly. No, he couldn't remember her having bandages on her hands...maybe she did, but he just couldn't recall them. Of course, it had been a couple years since last he saw her.

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"I am telling the truth it's not that bad. I have had worse headaches and I didn't break anything." Soria looked at her hands and pouted. She contemplated getting off of the bed, but Atisith advised her to simply take off her hands. She sighed and set about doing as told by Atisith. "Oh, fine, Atisith. I'll tell him. I'm a little dizzy when I stand and my ears keeping ringing. Not a lot, though."


Soria tossed one of her boots onto the bed next to her and started on her other boot. She listened as Atsith spoke to Hethath and Atisith. Well that's what she didn't want to say the first time you asked. Although the headache is worse then she's admitting. She did tell the whole truth about the rest. She didn't fall as hard as she could have, but it was hard enough.

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Heedana pulled her hand away just as gently and a deep blush crept onto her already rose complected cheeks. "A mating flight is hard." she said and continued to brush her hair. She found a knot and started to tear at it the memory of Tilleth's last flight, only days before, running through her mind. "I haven't allowed her to be around other dragon's when she is about to mate...I take to the lush mountains near Fort..." she gulped back the helplessness that she felt and heard Yenay chirp comfortingly from her spot on Heedana's pillow.


She finished brushing her hair and turned to Sesron. "Ezran's hands are just like mine at the moment...poor thing." she said her face clouded with sheer misery only for a moment. She looked up at him with a smile and handed him a towel. "Now go bathe!" she said and pushed him to the bathing room and shut the curtains behind him. Once the curtains were closed she let the held in tears slip down her gentle face as she changed from her showy clothes to a cotton shirt and exteremely soft wherhide pants. She washed her face in a basin and slipped into her bed and moved Tricky and Huzah over to her other side so Sesron would be able to sleep without them pecking at him. She slipped some black rimmed glasses on and picked up a scroll that had the updates from the day. The holders weren't giving all of their tithe yet, but they were getting close. Yenay flitted around the room and put the glows out save for two.



K'leb sighed and looked at Soria. "That's not exactly good." he said and tossed her some night clothes. "You'll need to sleep and if you can't I'll go get some felis from Manora." he said and finished packing everything he thought she could possibly need

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Sesron watched Heedana as she continued to brush her hair for a moment. If he had his way, he wouldn't let such things happen to her. Before he could ask her why flights were so hard on her, She handed him a towel and pushed him towards the bathing chamber.


With a sigh, Sesron let the subject to for a moment before heading into the room with the steaming water. Still thinking, he slipped out of his bright clothes and waded into the water. He couldn't stop thinking about what Heedana had said. Why were mating flights so hard on their riders? Sesron sighed as he stepped free of the water and reached into his bag for his night clothes. (heh, he had his bag with him the whole time...yeah...)


Silently, he left the bathing chamber dressed in his sleeping shirt and pants. As quietly as he could, he slid into Heedana's bed and wrapped his arms around her. "What are you reading?" He asked as he set his chin on her shoulder to look at the papers.

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Heedana shifted so that she was partially on his chest and so that he would be able to see what she was reading. Yenay chittered at Heedana and she recieved a message to wipe her face where the tear stains were and she did so quickly while lifting her glasses to make it seem as though she was just itching her eyes. "Just the days reports. Lessa is having me start to take over since she wants to retire so early. The Lord Holders haven't completely given their full tithe and today the weyrfolk seemed in a rather aggressive mood. It's also the predictions for Thread over the next few weeks." she said and turned the top part of the scroll slightly while releasing the bottom. It revealed a note from her father. She nearly dropped the scroll as if it was venomous but instead took the letter in her hands.


Dear Lady Heedana,


Yes I do address you as that. The time has come for you to marry a man of heritage. I have repaired the relationships with Rugta and he is willing to accept an apology and re-engage himself to you. If you do this, the Hold will forever be saved from the Holdless, if you do not, I do not know how long we will last.





Heedana tore the paper to shreds and tossed it at a glow causing it to ignite. Tilleth roared gently in her weyr as her rider clenched her hands and trembled with anger. "That slimy, manipulative b*stard of a father!" she said through clenched teeth. "I made it so it would not fall...." she said and then rolled over and buried her head into Sesron's chest her broad and burdened body finding comfort in him being there.

Edited by LoveLost

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"I promise I'll sleep, K'leb." Soria offered K'leb a smile but grimaced at the feel of her wet clothes. She winced as she looked down at her sopping form. Deciding she'd wait until K'leb before changing. A thought to which Atisith snickered. Her cheeks flamed when she remembered she'd have to ask him to step outside. "Um, K'leb, would you step into the hall for a moment? I need a minute."

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K'leb realized that she needed to change and blushed as well. He nodded and stepped out of her room. He had never considered seeing her change utnil she said that and the thing was rather humerous. He stayed outside her door but continued to speak. "Soria, don't be worried about tomorrow m'kay? I think things will be just fine and perfect for us and well....i can''t wait to meet your family." he stopped himself before saying, 'and my neice.' THey weren't mates and he knew that... but he could dream.

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