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Pern: A World of Dragonriders and Dragons

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Talnor nodded lightly at Gora's comment. He agreed entirely of course, but felt obligated to add something. "I guess it beats hostility" He shrugged at his own comment. It was true enough for the most part. At least friendly people didn't attack you. Well...with the intent of causing harm anyway he amended silently. The recent playfulness made that addition all too evident. Still...at least he knew how to deal with hostility a little better than over friendliness. He tried not to seem relieved as most of the others in their little group began to vacate. That many people did, and always would, set his teeth on edge.

He turned his attention to Heedana as their little group disbanded rapidly. He bowed respectfully. "I meant no disrespect, Lady" he said calmly. He was admittedly a bit shaken however. F'nor...? he thought silently. He wasn't particularly familiar with dragons, riders, or their actions other than what he saw and aided with when thread fell. But even he knew a few names and the name of F'lars wingsecond was among the short list. How could he have made such a mistake? He was mildly alarmed at the thought that such a well known and respected rider might be able to make such an obvious, to him anyway, mistake. He still entirely considered his journey here to be a mistake and the chances of him doing little more than gaining a change of surroundings seemed minuscule. He didn't allow that small glimmer of hope in the back of his mind to cloud his judgment of reality for a second. He was still distracted with contemplations about his current uncomfortable predicament and almost missed her next words. He wasn't precisely familiar with weyr protocol but he did know enough to listen to someone who everyone else seemed to obey. Always better to blend in than stand out. Less of a target that way He bowed once more to her as she turned to leave. "As you wish, Lady"

He turned back to Gora who was now moving towards him and giving Heedana a rather unfriendly look. "Problem miss?" he asked, curious. Well, whatever her concerns were they disappeared fairly quickly and seemed to accept her task. He nodded in acknowledgment and gestured politely for her to precede him. Talnor didn't blame her for not wanting to get stuck with 'the new guy'. She seemed to prefer the sidelines as much as himself. At least now there's only one left he thought ruefully. There were advantages and disadvantages to both crowds and a single companion. In a crowd it was easier to go unnoticed but you also had to put up with them being there. With a singular companion he felt more comfortable and was oft more open but one had to choose ones companion carefully. Before more could be said or done however Vance, his little champagne firelizard, popped from between and flew at Talnor and began crawling around his shoulders. The minor pricks of the creatures little claws was something he was used to and instead he just smiled gently at him. "There you are you little chow monger! I was wondering if you'd bother following me" He stroked the little reptile's cheek as it nuzzled his own. "Father must have forgotten to feed ya" He chuckled to himself knowing the little creatures love for food. Then he glanced back at Gora and the look of gentle kindness vanished replaced by the calm, distant mask once more. "Sorry" he said simply, embarrassed at his lapse.

Edited by Genius

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When they popped out of between E'ran stood up in the straps and moved behind Sesania to put his arm firmly around her waist. He looked to Plummet with a question as his three blues popped out as well while chittering excitedly about their new home.

((Alright, Ethril, send me PM with your reply on Sesania smile.gif ))


Heedana smiled and nodded with agreement. "He is, but I think Gora will be a good compatriot for him. She ahs her brothers' kindness and yet she is quiet. The poor girl was stripped form her childhood you know. Poor child." she said and sighed. Gora had taken care of her family since she was 9. G'lor had already been sent to Fort and K'leb had been taken to serve underneath Manora with Mirrim. Her mother had contracted sickness after sickness as had her father. SHe spent her childhood nursing them, taking care of her siblings and earning what money she could. Heedana vividly remembered walking down to the lower caverns and seeing the frail creature huddled in a corner trying to calm a crying babe. She turned around a corner and started walking up several flights of stairs. By the time she reached the top, her face was slightly flushed and they were standing on a blacony overlooking the entire weyr, particularily the hatching grounds. This was where she was to meet the Weyrleaders.


Gora sighed to herself and looked at Talnor. "Please don't think that i am prissy, or a snot nosed wherry. It was just unexpected. And I don't mind showing you around." she said with a wry grin as her own firelizard, near black Gloriana. She watched him as his kinder side showed through when his firelizard landed on his shoulder. She looked at him with her eyebrow raised. "kindness behind a face of stone, gentleness behind a hand at work." she said and blushed. She regained her composure and started to walk towards a tunnel with a stride accustomed to walking with longlegged people.


K'leb nodded mentally and started to jog to the kitchens to grab them a spot.



Edited by LoveLost

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Talnor nodded. "I am glad my presence is not a burden. I would hate to become one for anyone" he said honestly. He always prided himself on his self sufficiency and would probably die of shame were he to ever become a burden on any others. It was just who he was.

Of course she had to see! I couldn't possibly have been missed he berated himself silently for his slip. His face turned a deep red at the unwanted attention that was now firmly fixed upon him. The words were nice though, he figured they were something out of a book or poem. Though his father always said 'smiths make poor harpers' Talnor always had a love for the written word. In his mind it could be as elegant and beautiful as any gold wrought works. Even still, he had read few books (despite his efforts) and did not recognize that particular snippet. He would have asked where she heard it, possible even seen if he could find a copy of the item himself, but he did not want to draw any further attention to his blunder. At least she seems as embarrassed about speaking out as i am about hearing he thought ruefully. Vance glanced between his master and the strange girl before them and sent cautioning looks at her back. Not that the little scaly softy would ever hurt anyone, he just liked to look protective it seemed.

As they passed through the unfamiliar passages, Talnor decided to at least attempt small talk. If nothing else it might suit two purposes. On one hand it would distract both of their minds from the recent source of discomfort and on the other...well, he really was curious about the weyr. "So...as you probably heard i didn't even get here till last night. What's it like in a weyr? How long have you been here? Are you another Candidate?" He knew the rapidfire questions probably didn't win him any points in her book as she seemed as accustomed to solitude as he was, but it was the only way he could think of to get the ball rolling so to speak. After firing off that short burst however he fell into a silent stride behind and to her right.


((finite! Not much i know but...there it is smile.gif ))

Edited by Genius

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Sesron smiled as he held onto Heedana's hand while she lead the way. "Poor girl. Suffering so much and trying so hard to make things right." He sighed and shook his head. He couldn't understand how someone could go through so much without any help. Of course, he and Sesania had been lucky all their lives, never having to worry too much about what could happen. Maybe things would have been different if they hadn't gone off to become Harpers.


In fact, when was the last time they had contacted their parents? A turn ago, two turns ago? Perhaps he should send them a letter telling them of his and Sesania's new status? That could wait for later. For now, he needed to focus on the beautiful Heedana.


"Well it looks like they have a better life now here at Benden," Sesron gave Heedana one of his radiant smiles as he squeezed her hand gently.

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Soria moved through the halls at a fast walk, but was careful not to run. She giggled at Ananke who displayed cheer at seeing K'leb and going for a flight. The kitchens were a burst of sound to Soria when she acknoldeged her surroundings. She walked through, snagging some food as she walked. A meatroll was tossed in the air for each of her fire lizards to catch and carry to where they would meet K'leb. She made sure she'd grabbed plenty of food while walking to sit next to K'leb. "Good morning, K'leb. How goes it for you?"

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K'leb smiled as he watched Soria walk in. Her firelizards always seemed happy to see him which he thought was just an extension of her own consciousness. He laughed to himself at that thought and made sure there was enough room for all the firelizards as Etanor jumped onto the table to stand next to Soria's golden wonder. K'leb stood up as was customary as she sat down then sat down next to her. "Things are well...my sister is as usual a sad shell of her youth and my brother, the usual vibrant and rather obtrusive fellow. How have you been love?" he said and kissed her jaw.


Gora smiled at his first comment. Here was someone such as herself. Self-sufficient and wishing to blend into the background. It was rather refreshing to be around one that shared the some opinions in that respect, but he seemed withdrawn almost self-centered actually, but she was sure time would prove his character. When he had asked her so many questions, it was all she could do not to smile to herself and his inquisitiveness. Gloriana chirrped quizzically at Vance which just made the girl blush even further. "As for your first statement, no I didn't. I would welcome you to the Weyr but I am sure the welcome you had back there was enough to last you a life time. Weyr life, at least in the lower caverns can be rather rough. When thread fall starts, the lower caverns become secondary as we assist the riders in any way possible. Money becomes short and lives are lost. But when the tithes come in, we tend to be able to survive even if it is a meager living." Her smiling eyes faded to a rather bleak sadness. She glanced back at him and motioned for him to keep step with her. "I, like the rest of family except for K'leb, have been raised here at Benden Weyr...and no, I'm not a candidate unfortunately. I have far to much to be done in life than ride dragons." she said her face becoming pained. Her childhood was filled with dreams of being a great queen rider until her mother grew sick. Any dreams she had were mercilessly crushed beyond any recognition. Now her only goal in life was to take care of her family, study and work. With a second glance her voice became slightly admonishing. "Never be afraid to ask questions. Even if your tendency is to be a quiet person, gain the courage to ask or you'll never be told." she said as they continued to walk through the tunnel. At the end was a small focal point of light.


Heedana held onto Sesron's hand as they awaited the presence of the Weyrleader's. "Never say that to her face, or she'll drop you to the ground like a felled herdbeast. She is a self-sufficitnet person and will never be considered anything less...trust me. " She listened to his next comment and sighed. "They were raised here at Benden." those words were enough to explain her laothing of the condition of the lower caverns and the reasons why she hardly visited there, the reason she ahd parchment to read every night.

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((please PM me if I have forgotten anyone!))


K'leb smiled as he watched Soria walk in. Her firelizards always seemed happy to see him which he thought was just an extension of her own consciousness. He laughed to himself at that thought and made sure there was enough room for all the firelizards as Etanor jumped onto the table to stand next to Soria's golden wonder. K'leb stood up as was customary as she sat down then sat down next to her. "Things are well...my sister is as usual a sad shell of her youth and my brother, the usual vibrant and rather obtrusive fellow. How have you been love?" he said and kissed her jaw.


Gora smiled at his first comment. Here was someone such as herself. Self-sufficient and wishing to blend into the background. It was rather refreshing to be around one that shared the some opinions in that respect, but he seemed withdrawn almost self-centered actually, but she was sure time would prove his character. When he had asked her so many questions, it was all she could do not to smile to herself and his inquisitiveness. Gloriana chirrped quizzically at Vance which just made the girl blush even further. "As for your first statement, no I didn't. I would welcome you to the Weyr but I am sure the welcome you had back there was enough to last you a life time. Weyr life, at least in the lower caverns can be rather rough. When thread fall starts, the lower caverns become secondary as we assist the riders in any way possible. Money becomes short and lives are lost. But when the tithes come in, we tend to be able to survive even if it is a meager living." Her smiling eyes faded to a rather bleak sadness. She glanced back at him and motioned for him to keep step with her. "I, like the rest of family except for K'leb, have been raised here at Benden Weyr...and no, I'm not a candidate unfortunately. I have far to much to be done in life than ride dragons." she said her face becoming pained. Her childhood was filled with dreams of being a great queen rider until her mother grew sick. Any dreams she had were mercilessly crushed beyond any recognition. Now her only goal in life was to take care of her family, study and work. With a second glance her voice became slightly admonishing. "Never be afraid to ask questions. Even if your tendency is to be a quiet person, gain the courage to ask or you'll never be told." she said as they continued to walk through the tunnel. At the end was a small focal point of light.


Heedana held onto Sesron's hand as they awaited the presence of the Weyrleader's. "Never say that to her face, or she'll drop you to the ground like a felled herdbeast. She is a self-sufficitnet person and will never be considered anything less...trust me. " She listened to his next comment and sighed. "They were raised here at Benden." those words were enough to explain her laothing of the condition of the lower caverns and the reasons why she hardly visited there, the reason she ahd parchment to read every night.

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Sesron was at a loss for words. How could weyr bred be treated so badly? In their own homes? He'd heard and seen such treated in holds, but...weyrs were always thought to be above such thing. He just couldn't believe such a thing had happened. "I'm positive you've made things much better," he said sincerely. After all he had gone through Heedana growing up, he knew she was capable of so much. If he remembered right, she would often volunteer their group for little parties or events.


How he got suckered in was easy, she would have given him her puppy eyes and he would never be able to say no. Sesania on the other hand, thought she had better be around to make sure nothing bad happened. "I'm here to help now too if you want me." He smiled warmly as he squeezed her hand lovingly.

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"I can't complain. My headache is gone for the most part and Rebekah is well tended." Achronos peeked his head out of Soria's pack again and made a pleased chirp when Soria handed him a piece of her wherry meat. She chewed on a bit of her own, before continuing. Between the food and the memory of the sunrise, Soria felt relaxed and calm. Well, for the most part. "The sunrise was lovely this morning and Atisith slept right through it. Oh, and have you seen Achronos?"

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((Cool! biggrin.gif I'm the top of the page again!))

((xd.png Sorry for forgetting Soria, Mijikoi. I didn't see your post. Wow I'm way behind. Sorry if I missed any additional references to any of my characters.))


Rebah avoided a collision with Blira to his head. He gave up all hope of giving the entire bowl of soup to Rebekah, and hurried to give her most of it. When there was only a quarter of the original contents left, he set it on the floor. "Okay, Blira, since you're so hungry, go ahead. Just quit that noise." he said. Immediately she stopped, dove to the bowl, and started slurping up the contents. He knew meat was really best, but he didn't have any right now. In a few moments the fire lizard was done and perched on his shoulder, shrieking right in his ear. He stared at her in disbelief. "You're really going to make me go find the kitchen? And try to explain that I have to feed my sister's fire lizard?" he muttered. "Okay, okay, I'll see if I can find food, you crazy little lizard." He picked up the empty bowl, glanced at Rebekah, and walked out of the room. Blira was circling around his head, so he wasn't sure if anyone was still there. He roamed about, trying to make his way to the kitchen, but he couldn't smell anything. Blira zipped ahead, went back to him, and shot ahead again. He just kept following her, hoping she knew where she was going.

Finally, he stopped. He couldn't smell anything, and his legs were getting tired. "Blira, come on, this is pointless." His statement was ruined as she flitted around a corner and he followed to see the kitchen. "You silly thing. I wish Rebekah was awake to help me figure you out!" She darted around, obviously looking for meat. She spotted some, and dove. He rushed ahead and held her back. "Not this time. We need to ask." He looked around. Thing was, he wasn't sure who to ask.

Edited by Pigegirl 2

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((atomicdragon... um... why exactly did you put that there? I read it as spam. It doesn't have anything to do with this RP at all...))

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((atomicdragon, I know I'm not an admin or anything close to it, but use (()) and no more spam please? Thank you!))

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((atomicdragon, please delete all your posts in this RP...thank you...it is that or I will have to talk to one of the Mods.))

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((Hey Ethril...you wanna play one of the Weyrleaders?))


Heedana looked at him a cheeky grin spreading across her face. "Oh I'l always want you." she said and kissed his cheek before turning around as she heard footsteps. She watched as Lessa and F'lar, two of the most oddly paired couple, walked up the stairs to see them. In her arms, Lessa held their son Flessan to whom she was cooing gently as F'lar guided her up the steps. Heedana bowed out of respect then held her arms out to the little babe. Lessa grudgingly handed over her child and watched carefully for a moment before turning to Sesron with F'lar and bowing to the new Harper. Heedana rocked the young one gently in her arms her eyes alight and face shining with maternal love even though the babe was not her own.


Manora followed the pair and laid a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder. "Rebah, that poor thing has only been alive a day. Come this way." she said and started to move surprisingly fast to where the kitchens were. As they drew nearer the smell of potato soup filled the air.


K'leb looked at Soria thoughtfully and shook his head in a negative manner. "No I haven't seen the fellow lately." He looked to Etanor who aslo shook his head impatiently. He was ready for the day to begin and instead they were stuck here eating. "Did you try and call him with your mind? That's always how I get Etanor to come when I can't find him."

Edited by LoveLost

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(( I call F'lar, cause I'm so much better at playing the serious type rather then "I'm female and I get my#*$& way ))



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Rebah nodded and followed her. "I know she's young. I just wanted to see if she would respond to me at all. Turns out my answer is no." He grinned at the little green one affectionately. He inhaled deeply, smelling the soup. It smelled wonderful, but little Blira probably didn't care about much except meat, at least for the moment. She had perched on his head, digging in her claws. He caught another whiff of the soup. Well, there surely was meat in there too.


((Sorry about short post. Yay Love's on! ^^))

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((KK ur turn to post Ethril dear smile.gif ))


Manora smiled at the boy knowing he was hungry and walked into the kitchen to come back out with a rather large bowl of soup and a bowl of meat for the young fledgeling, "Here you two go." she said and pulled out a table and a chair for them to sit at and eat in peace. "Now, you two stay right here and I am going to go check on Rebekah." she said and dashed off her skirts flowing around her legs.

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Sesron returned the bow with a big goofy smile on his face. This was the second time he was getting to meet two of the most famous people on Pern. And of course, Lessa was just as beautiful as the songs depicted her as. It amazed him that she had accomplished so much and she was still so very young.


"Weyrleader F'lar, Weyrwoman Lessa, it is a pleasure to see both of you once more," If there had been a prize for being over dramatic, Sesron would have won it. He didn't just bow to them, he took a step forward and took up Lessa's hand to kiss it gently as he knelt before her. "Masterharper Robinton has told me of your beauty, but there are no words to express just how amazing you are,"

F'lar sighed and shook his head. "Last nights performance was quite enjoyable," he said quickly changing the subject. The last thing he needed was either Lessa getting flustered or an ego boost.


"Yes, one of my sisters best compositions from our early years," Sesron, taking the hint, took a step back to stand beside Heedana once more. He just couldn't shake his rather playful grin.


Sesron watched from the corner of his eye as Heedana rocked the small baby. It made him wonder, what would she be like with her own children?


"Heedana, how go things?" F'lar asked as he turned to the younger weyrwoman.


((give me a couple posts to fall better into character. I'm skimming through the first couple books as we speak to get a better understanding of F'lar ))

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Lessa nearl y jerked her hand from Sesron's grasp as she stepped slightly closer to F'lar. Not necessarily for protection, but out of annoyance. She did however, smile as graciously as she possibly could in the situation.


Heedana looked up at F'lar from the baby after glaring at Sesron. "Things are alright Lord F'lar...but not as well as I had wished." She shifted the baby with practiced ease and looked him in the eye was Yenay's eyes whirled redly from her rider's frustrations. "Yesterday, I found the boy that Zee has been talking about for years, the dark one as others call him. While there, I noticed the depravity that you and yours had promised to undertake. The peoples clothes are shabby, and to be quite frank sir, they have forgotten to respect us, because we have forgotten to respect them. You know good and well where I came from, but it cannot hold a light to what you are letting slip underneath your nose." she said and calmed the baby as it seemed to tear up. Huzah dangled her tail in front of the baby to let it play so that Heedana could concentrate.

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Rebah sat down and watched Blira begin eating the meat. He just let her eat straight out of the bowl, figuring she'd nip at him if he offered to put them on the table so she wouldn't have to dive into the bowl. She was done in a surprisingly short time, but she didn't appear to be hungry any more. She walked off the edge of the table, and lifted her wings. She was barely gliding, and then she disappeared.


Blira reappeared in Rebekah's room, perched on her head, and contentedly settled down to doze.

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F'lar watched Heedana with a calm eye as he listened to her. Had it only been a turn or two since it had been the weyr that had been disrespected and in disrepair? Now the roles seemed to have been reversed. "It takes a long time to fix mistakes Heedana," F'lar glanced at Lessa as he said those words, he remember saying something similar during the first turn she had been weyrwoman. Of course, she had then proceeded to convince one of the younger Bronze riders to go and raid the holders so that the weyr would have enough food for winter.


"The weyr is still low on supplies as well as man power. What we can do, we do. But even then the holders need to be able to take care of themselves," F'lar began to explain. "There is only so much a weyr can do before the holders start to make unreasonable demands." He had seen it happen many times, and each time the weyr had catered to the holders or had tried to keep its distance, things had only gotten worse.


Sesron kept quiet as he listened to the exchange. He could see both sides of the argument. On one side Heedana wanted to help the holders more so that they could be happier, but then again if the Weyr acted like a parent and gave everything to the holders then the holders would start relying solely on the weyrs. It was a tricky balance, one that Robinton had told him F'lar and Lessa were maintaining better then most of the previous weyrleaders.

"From what I saw during my journey here," Sesron began to say calmly as he smiled at F'lar. "Is that there is a divide among the Holders. There are those that do not need help because they are fat and lazy, and then there are those that suffer because they are not getting enough." He shrugged. "I'm just a journeyman harper, but perhaps you could better figure out just who it is that needs assistance? I'm sure great Weyrleaders such as yourselves could easily find ways to spread the wealth of the land a little more equally among the holders." His eyes glittered with mischief. "Perhaps instead of using Weyr supplies, encourage," Sesron stressed the word. "The more endowed Holders to help out with those that are in need."

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