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On These Wings: The Remake

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Matthew had found himself in the second row when Drac had called them all together and had listened intently. When he spoke about a meeting and Taja, he looked around in confusion like so many of the others. Questra looked up at him, held under his arm as she was still a bit weak from the encounter with Sleet's tail. Giving a shrug, Matthew decided to just wait and see. No point in asking questions you wouldn't get an answer to. Walking through the camp, he grabbed an axe from near the central firepit and moved into the surrounding forest. Fire needed wood, wood needed cutting. That was something he could do without getting into too much trouble, at least he thought so. Putting down Questra, the Horse dragon limped slowly after him while he searched for wood.

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Gelltor waited but when no notice came he made himself known again.

"Sire, Katelyn and I report that the riot is quelled. The NDK have escaped us again. I request permission to take Katelyn and hunt them down ourselves."

He continued to wait hoping that this repeat didn't piss off Hyro. The man had a tendency to not restrain himself in the way of punishment.




Rio had started to attract a crowd and soon Ayos joined in with his new violin as well. The surrounding NDK were enjoying themselves for the time being. Rio played song after song until finally her arms were too tired to continue. She announced the end of the show.

"Alright, that is all I have for today people. I am tired and besides we need to get ready anyways. So off with you."

Ayos waited for everyone to leave before speaking.

"Giving commands? Aren't you the ambitious one."

Rio slumped into the sand and sighed.

"If everyone is here how am I supposed to go back and get our stuff."

Ayos nodded approving of Rio's sudden new-found responsibility.

"Well then Rio, chop chop that gear isn't going to haul itself you know."

Rio stuck her tongue out at Ayos before getting up and leaving. It was fortunate that their hiding spot wasn't too far from the camp. In fact on her way she spotted Matthew heading into the woods directly towards the location of their stuff, with little Questra limping closely behind.

"Hey Matthew, glad to see you escaped."

She called running up to him.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Bramble hated meetings, They were boring! Normally he got out of them - after the first meeting he'd been too Taja had simply banned him from coming to another ever again. That had suited him fine. But now, now he was supposed to be the responsible adult dragon of the NDK and so he was going to have to attend this meeting. Bleh. Responsibility, who wanted it? So he lay at the back, thoroughly bored with Drac's little speech after the first 3 words and was merely sat off to one side slight dozing in the sunlight, not really absorbing what was being said. Supplies, locals, yadda yadda. Some stupid little bit about they'd either be free or dead, but released either way. If he'd been more awake he'd have snorted his disagreement but as it was he merely sighed quietly. Drac was on about more meetings and Bramble's maw had just opened in a very wide yawn, when suddenly he was being rounded on.



"Taja's last name is Thorn."


He snapped his jaws shock in the sudden shock of being addressed, nearly biting his tongue in the process.

Yeah, and yours is Stormwind. I'm sorry, is there some significance behind surnames all of a sudden? he asked deciding that playing dumb may be a good idea. Drac's expression said it wasn't. He sighed loudly this time, not really wanting to have Drac decide he needed encouragement to speak. He was similar to Taja in that respect - neither were bothered in the slightest about threatening him. How was that fair? Neither of them would threaten Cirrus or Night! Gah, so totally not fair. However, he'd stall a little longer. Speak to the NDK, seeing as Drac's total explanation had been 'class dismissed'. I apologise on Drac's behalf. He will get back to the meeting shortly. Short attention spans, they're a pain aren't they? Honestly, and he's meant to be your leader... Okayyy, maybe the jibes weren't quite such a good idea. Best get on with the explanation. An explanation he didn't want to give. In fact, wasn't going to give. No, it was his heritage, and he wasn't about to go randomly giving out free information. Especially not when asked like that! In fact, he hadn't even been asked! So no, no information for Mr. Stormwind there. The black went back to playing the dumb game. Don't you have a speech to be giving? You're already losing some of your audience.

Edited by Dragon Song

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((Oh my god, my inspiration AND my muze both decided to take a day off!!))


Just bending down to pick up a couple of dead branches, Matthew heard Rio call. Standing up again, he turned and gave a curt nod and a faint smile.


"Yeah, thanks to the wreck and confusion Drac made of the prisons. Questra here did get hit by that tracker dragon Sleet though, but she'll be fully okay again soon. You heard Drac's speech? What did you think of it, cus if you ask me, seems like Drac still doesn't fully know what to do. Vague ideas, but no real plans and I like the forest, but hiding out like scurrying rabbits is not my idea of opposing Hyro."

Edited by BlackScorpion7

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Rio shrugged her indifference to Drac's speech.

"To be honest, I thought he seemed a little bent out of shape. Like something was eating at him, but then again if my dad had gone and turned tyrant I suppose I wouldn't be any different. Personally I don't really want to fight, for me getting away from there was enough; I'm just here because Ayos thinks it’s the right thing to do."

Rio swished her tail a bit and managed to get stuck in a log. She cursed at this misfortune and recalled Ayos warning her about this when she was still in her polymorphed state. She gave it a couple of tugs and managed to pull it free.

"Sorry about that. Anyways, I was just wondering if you would accompany to get my stuff, since you’re out here collecting fire wood anyways I figured you could have the wood Ayos collected when we were camping on our own."

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Drac completely ignored Bramble's expression and sulky silence and kept pacing in front of him, his thoughts compounding together. He occasionally stopped in the middle of saying something to glare the silent dragon in the eye, defying him to deny anything, before beginning pacing again.

"Taja's last name is Thorn. I've seen the stable papers for you and Cirrus whenever the two of you did something stupid and I could deal with it before Hyro found out: your names aren't Bramble and Cirrus, they're Blackthorn Bramble and Blackthorn Cirrus. Thorn. Blackthorn... Blackthorn Ebony, Oak... Grenadier. Taja's father was considered one of the best dragon breeders in all of Chicias, bringing out the best qualities of the breeds, knowledge he learned word-of-mouth by his family. Taja once tried to teach me what she called Blackthorn magic, but I could never do it, one of the few magics I don't claim to have a mastery of under my belt. She said it was probably because it wasn't in my blood. She was referring to Blackthorn blood, wasn't she, Bramble?" Drac finally stopped, staring the big black down with his arms crossed.


Hyro looked at Gelltor and Katelyn, still a bit dazed from the rampant abuse of his powers. "Yes, thank you. Do whatever you think is best. Katelyn, my sources tell me Taja promoted you to her second before... well, before. You are now to assume her position, with all the perks and responsibilities. You'll have your choice of quarters capable of housing dragons and you are to review any executions proposed by your underlings and you have final say to approve or deny them. Discipline is also part of your responsibilities." Hyro told her and walked off to try and find some half-decent port.

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Gelltor had to restrain his smile. Finally some results, with Katelyn in Hyro's spotlight and under his wing, Gelltor could work within her shadow. Now he just needed to figure out how to resolve the next part of his plan but that could wait. Hyro had said 'before' Gelltor presumed he meant before her change, which confirmed his suspicions, Hyro had done something to Taja to steal her mind.

"Yes, sire."

He said and then turned to Katelyn.

"It would appear that I am now your subordinate. Shall we discuss how to deal with the NDK in a more comfortable location, sir?"

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Bramble's flecked emerald eyes followed Drac's pacing back and forth as he shifted uneasily, wondering just how much Drac actually knew. And how quickly he could piece it together. He growled in irritation when Drac said he'd intercepted whenever either he or Cirrus had done something stupid, and quietly thought that the only reports that Drac should have had through were for him. Unless Cirrus trying to kill him for doing something stupid warranted a report as well. He'd keep that thought to himself though.


He cringed a little when Grenadier was mentioned. Alright, so he'd never got on brilliantly with the guardian... More like not at all actually. Taja'd disliked him as well he was sure, but that didn't mean he'd wanted him... no. And Fabian too, Fabian had always been nice to him and had been a well respected man. That was a stinging loss, and if Taja hadn't lost her mind she's probably never fully have gotten over it. Would've blamed herself, even more when she finally accepted that Hyro had been going to kill her father anyway. She'd been dancing on a leash for the past however many years, causing death and destruction for nothing. Maybe losing her mind was a good thing when you put it in that perspective...


Wait... Taja had tried to teach Drac Blackthorn Magic? When'd that happened?! Well, yes, she would've been referring to the Blackthorn Blood but was he about to tell Drac that? ... Yes, Bramble didn't like the look of that face. Arms crossed meant business, always.

Well I think that we can establish Taja was an idiot for trying to teach you Blackthorn Magic can't we? he retorted, then decided that he should just come clean. Be easier, and he had a funny feeling Drac would get the info out of him one way or another. Look, cards on the table. Yeah, that's what she meant. Why she tried to teach you I'm not sure, but my guess is she wanted to see if someone else could learn it and continue the brand in people. As far as I'm aware, now that Fabian's dead, Taja's the last person with Blackthorn blood in her veins. Was a small family anyway, he mused as he settled deeper into the sand. I'll explain as much as I can that you'll need to know, but it might take a while. I suggest you sit down.


The Blackthorn are a small, in the loosest sense of the word, clan of dragons living in a particular area of land that I'm not going to tell you the location of. They... We, are renowned for having a particular brand of magic that according to legend originated from the land on which we live. I'll tell you the full creation story another time if you want to hear it. This magic is known for being exceptionally powerful, which is why the Blackthorn is sworn to peace in a very long and complicated way that, again, can wait for story time another day.


Hyro's known about the Blackthorn for years, and has been after it for nearly as long. If he were to be able to tap into this magic this war would be over in a matter of days I'm sure. As it is, only dragons of the blood, as well as Taja and previously Fabian, know where to find the Blackthorn and the clan is naturally reclusive, remaining in its lands. So it's essentially impossible to get a hold on any of the bloodline. Until that is, Hyro got Fabian and Grenadier. From there, he got me, Cirrus and Taja. That's why Taja's Hyro's second Drac. Hyro wasn't spiting you by using an old friend to try and kill you, it was her blood and magic heritage. The spite thing was an added bonus.


Hyro never managed to get a hold of the info he wanted which is why we're all still here to day I dare say. If he does get the information though.... Bramble tailed off, visibly shuddering at the thought of the consequences. He turned his attention back to Drac and watched as the very short explanation sunk in, then thought ahead.


Before you ask if we'll get them to help, the answer is a flat no. Since Fabian's capture and then Taja's choice to follow as Hyro's orders in an attempt to keep her father alive, the Blackthorn have been exceptionally mistrustful of any outsiders. That's only rumours that I've heard of course, but it seems like what would happen anyway You go too close to those lands and they'll kill you because you have Hyro's bloodline. And no, I can't go either. Sending me is about as much use as a chocolate fire-guard to be frank Drac, they don't like me. They're also aware of my involvement and Taja's servitude to Hyro so the likelihood of me getting even to speak to someone... He shook his head. There was more as well. I suspect they'd rather hear about what was going on from Cirrus or Taja themselves, and we both know that's not going to happen. Besides, they wouldn't come to my aid anyway. I'm not pure blooded like Cirrus so thy'll use that against me, and they don't fully trust me I don't think. Bramble let his head slump down onto his paws, depressed by all the talk of home and his rider. He was trusting Drac with a lot here, and he hoped he was making the right decision. Just how trust he was showing though was by admitting to not being full blooded himself. So Drac, I don't quite know what good that'll do you, but at least you know the bare bones now. I can clarify or go into more detail on stuff if you want me too but...

Edited by Dragon Song

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Hearing Hyro's words almost knocked Katelyn over. Assume Taja's position? A cold fear crept along her spine and settled at the base of her skull. For a moment, she was completely frozen on the spot and barely remembered in time to give a curt nod and bow as Hyro left the room. Even after he had left, she couldn't find the willpower to move from the spot. Her eyes were staring off into the distance as all kinds of fears and horrors filled her mind. A pull at her conscious by Sleet made her realize her surroundings again and hear Gelltor's voice. Sleet had felt her sudden icy fear and had worried she was going to be turned into a mindless puppet as well. Ignoring him, she turned to Gelltor and tried to fix her composure. In command of others? This was far from what she wanted, too much in the spotlight and too vulnerable to Hyro's mood. And if that was not bad enough, she'd have to decide on who lives and dies. This was something to be handled correctly and strictly or end up six feet under the ground. As another shiver ran through her spine, she gave Gelltor a nod.


"Yes. Problem is, there are not many 'comfortable' places left here anymore, thanks to the mass destruction. I suggest meeting at the small corral next to the horse stables in twenty minutes, less ears to listen in to our plans. I have to go check up on Sleet first." Turning, she moved to the door and turned slightly before leaving.


"Maybe we ought to delegate a couple of guards to make those prisoners who survived do some construction work. Look into the matter when you have some time, Gelltor. No point in us all living here amongst ruins while we have some arms and muscles doing nothing." And with that she left the room, through the corridors and hallways and back outdoors. Seeing Sleet crouch near the dragon stables, she could almost feel his ice cold fury for having ignored his questions and pleas. Going inside, she grabbed his grooming equipment and came back. Starting to clean and groom him, only then she opened her mind again for him.


What the hell happened? I felt rage, then ice cold fear, fury and fear again and you refused talking to me, what happened!

I'm not a puppet. Yet.


Hyro just made me second in command.

Taja's job?


Oh no.

Oh yes.

So what are you going to do?

What can I do? Nothing! Just play along and try not to anger Hyro too much. Who knows how many days I'll be able not to be turned into a puppet or get killed and revived or I don't know what!

Killed and re-what?

Revived. Yeah, apparently Hyro still has some tricks up his sleeve we weren't aware off.

I don't think I want to know.

Even the dead are not safe from him!

Calm down, Katelyn.

Calm down? How can I calm down?!

You're hurting me!

Ow, sorry. I just...

It's okay to be scared.

And suddenly I'm in command of even a man like Gelltor!

That could be fun.

You think?!

Or maybe not. Either way, as you said, there's nothing you can do at this moment. So try to keep calm and play the act. Survive.

Well, in positive news. Hyro did give me leave to get quarters for you and me. And now I should best head out meet Gelltor and get some clue on what to do next. You stay here.

No problem. Have fun.


Rolling her eyes at his sarcastic comment, Katelyn brushed the few loose scales that had come off Sleet from her tunic and brushed her hair, binding it with a leather band once more. If she was to get new quarters, she hoped they would be with a bath and plumbing for hot water. Grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder, she headed out over the grounds in the general direction of the horse stables. She had chosen the small corral, because it was hardly ever used anymore and would give them a bit of privacy to discuss their plans. If anyone would try to eavesdrop on them, they would have a hard time not being noticed. Swallowing and trying to get the cold knot below her skull free, Katelyn neared the gate to the small corral, opened it and walked inside. Leaning against one of the wooden beams, she looked around while waiting for Gelltor.




Matthew grinned slightly at the fact she got her tail stuck. It reminded him about the time when Questra was just learning to walk and got herself stuck in anything she could. Not exactly the same, but that's what you got with memories. They pop up at the weirdest times. Looking down at his hatchling, he hoped she would be fully healed soonest and back to her positive energetic self again. Hearing Rio's question, he shrugged and nodded.


"Sure thing. Deciding to put up camp near the rest of us?"

Edited by BlackScorpion7

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Gelltor bowed as Katelyn left him with his instructions, he gave a yes sir and went about doing his work. Arranging a few guards and shouting at prisoners and even stabbing one or two he managed to get a repair team on the go. He estimated that twenty minutes had gone by and made his way to the corral.

"I guess you ow Taja one. If she hadn't collaborated with Katelyn she may well not have been picked as Hyro's second."

"Indeed, I guess I will just have to say thanks to the puppet first chance I get."

Gelltor arrived at the corral and entered through the gate to spot Katelyn.

"The repairs are underway, nothing like making prisoners doing forced labor, the great thing is we don't have to pay them with anything more then their lives. Anyways, here I am so sir how do you plan on locating the NDK?"

He had deliberately put Katelyn on the spot to determine about how long she would last in her new position and how much work he would have to put into it to make sure she stayed in that position. If she proved incompetent he could feed her his methods of control and have her pass them off as her own, that way she would at least survive the post. If he could get that going then he could essentially have total control while letting her take all the blame for failures.





"Yeah, Ayos and I decided to give it a second shot, especially since last time we tried we walked into a battle. Almost freed you though, but none the less we weren't too enthusiastic about trying again. It's right over this hill."

Rio said leading Matthew over the hill to her camp. She collected her things and weapon which was a Sabre. Rio pointed out the pile of firewood to Matthew and waited for him top get it and lead the way back.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Matthew grinned at her remark about battle and followed her to her camp. Grabbing the firewood, he devided it in two packs and bound a piece of rope around each one. Hauling them over his shoulder, he looked around if there was anything else he could help carry. Matthew was one of the elder NDK and his body came close to maturing, giving him in general a bit more strength than the average NDK even still despite the bad treatment and hunger in the prisons, which had left him hollowed out. He sincerely hoped that whatever Drac was planning, he would give them all a little bit of time to recuperate. Matthew had not been the only one who had lost some flesh on his body and strength in his muscles. Going back into battle right now, would be foolish. Passing Rio on his way back to the camp, he cast a look down at Questra to make sure she was okay. The horse dragon was still limping slightly, but seemed to be working it of with the excercise. So nothing but a couple of bruised and cramped muscles. Giving the hatchling a smile, he led them all back to the main camp.




Katelyn was not stupid though. She heard the slight shift in Gelltor's voice when he talked about the repair team and just knew he had enjoyed getting those prisoners to work, whatever way. Something inside her told her she might be able to get some kind of control over the man, as long as she could give him tasks his cruel side could enjoy. It did demand from her to ignore the fact they were human beings he would be torturing, something which rallied against her still strong moral believes. But to survive, you could not always keep strong to your believes.


"Good job, Gelltor. I expect you to keep an eye on it once in a while to make sure those prisoners do not get a chance to escape or make weak constructions in the hope the buildings would fall on our heads. I assume you do not mind being in charge of this repair team?" Not waiting for his answer, she continued on to the main business. Starting to walk around slightly, her eyes occassionaly looked around to make sure they were still alone and unheard.


"The NDK. They would not be a problem if Drac was still in prison. Their resolve was crumbling, they had no leader and they did not exactly win the people's faith with their most recent actions. They were weak and it was then we should have been able to flush out the last remaining ones. Unfortunately faith decided different, whatever the causes may be. As far as I can see, we need to keep them weak. I dare guess that by now, Drac is probably rallying them and trying to turn them into a coherent force." Narrowing her eyes, she stared at the kicked up dirt of the corral for a moment and then up at Gelltor.


"Gelltor, you have you hand in a couple of spies, am I correct? We need to make sure the name of the NDK remains a sour one. We need a couple of folks who can go around as much towns as possible to badmouth them. But make sure it's done inconspicuously so people won't think it's out of spite, as spite gossip is hard to believe. In addition a few of your men have to go around unnoticed and steal things, leaving a thanks-message from the NDK to the people stolen from. A few small destructions like broken chairs or fences are welcome as well. This will make sure their name won't get cleared up and people will remain held back towards them. We can not let them get the trust of the people." Continuing to move around, Katelyn kept thinking. Step one, keep their reputation low. Step two...


"Next, we'll need one or two more of your spies. Do you still have that man inside the NDK?" Giving him an odd look, she shook her head.


"Knowing you, that will make a no. Not good... we need an insider to get and keep them out of balance. Get some kind of disagreement amongst them. That will keep them from rallying against us and will make them weak. Pull them apart and pull away their strength. Make them doubt the words of Drac, oppose him and get doubts in their heads. Once they are weak, it'll be easy to go in, extract or eliminate the strongest and capture the weakest. That is the plan. But it needs insiders. That's were you come in Gelltor." Stopping in her tracks, she looks squarely at him. Hands behind her back, head held high and eyes steadfast on his face, she looked as if she had found authority.


"Your role in this operation is not minimal. My tracking will be needed to locate them, but your spies and cunning will be needed most. I may be your commander now, but in this operation we will have to work as equals. And I shall make sure Hyro knows how invaluable your talents are." A slight glint shone in her eyes. Was she on to him or not, that remained a question. All she knew was that Gelltor had told Hyro how invaluable her own talents were and suddenly she was second in command, a position she more than loathed. Gelltor on the other hand seemed a bit too smug about it all, while a man like him should dislike having someone - and especially a woman - jump over his head. Something did not fit in this picture, so she was going to make sure he would have an equal share in the success or loss of any operation she had to run. A snort inside her mind made her aware Sleet was following the action.


You're devious. Is Gelltor rubbing of on you?

Play the act? Well, I'll surely play my act.

Better keep an eye on your back. If Gelltor realizes, I'm sure he'll do whatever he can to get you back in Hyro's spotlight.

You keep an eye on Malice as well.

Consider it done.

Edited by BlackScorpion7

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(Who wants the last NDK slot?


*squeals* MEEEEE *raises hand*


Hello! I’m applying not only because I like this RP’s plot, but also because I need to start rpying again… it really helps me to improve my English, and I will sit for an international British exam this November… and I do need a bit more practice!


Oh well, so, ladies and gentlemen, these are my characters sheets: (?)


I saw that some of the empire soldiers have two dragons… so I made two forms, if I’m allowed. I will not use the two dragons in battle at the same time, of course, and I thought it would be interesting to have these two. If I can’t, I’ll decide which one stays tongue.gif. Keep in mind that both races I chose have big weaknesses! )



Username: Mystic_Solara

Side: NDK

Name: Solara Nightshade

Age: Unknown, appears to be around 20.

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Appearance: user posted image

Personality: A hard and cold young woman, who learned through the journey that was her life that tears don’t bring either solutions nor comfort. Quiet and thoughtful, Solara is a mature one who seems to always think before taking action… but in reality, the elf is pretty impulsive, especially in times when her loved ones seem to be in danger. That is, she may be a great tactician, but when her plans don’t work she doesn’t hesitate to jump into action.


Although she would never say or admit it, her friends mean a lot to her. Solara will go to the end of the world for them if necessary.

Last but not least, it is necessary to mention this blond one’s vanity. She is proud of having been blessed with the power of beauty and doesn’t bother to hide it, but despite that she seems oblivious to the feelings she awakes inside her male counterparts. She only had a single love in her life, and after he left, she closed her heart tightly to avoid becoming hurt once more.


Other: She is Alexander’s twin sister, and has two white demon wings tattooed behind her neck. Around her neck a silver chain can always be seen, which has a round black opal with a blue spiral inside it as a pendant.


The blonde was born and raised in a family of Elves who were loyal servants of Hyro, and she was taught the ways of her race in a pretty particular way. She learned to use her natural magical abilities at a young age, and was shown the dark side of magic, which she adopted fiercely. They also told her that every single form of life is sacred… but that doesn’t mean you can’t dispose of it if it comes in your way, or bothers you. She loves and respects nature, and with years of practice she became able to practice the ability of shape shifting, alongside other particular enchantments.


For years she served the Dark Master with passion, not really knowing the outside world, and becoming a greatly well known soldier under the king’s command. But something, someday, came to change her life… and after fighting her own brother, she and her dragon managed to escape Hyro’s grasp, and fly to freedom.


Solara brought pain and death for many years, but is now willing to help the rebels to dethrone the one she had previously followed. And she will do anything she can to try to redeem herself…


The elf can always be seen with a Day Glory drake, roughly the size of a cat, riding on her shoulder. Her name is Hikari and was a gift from her mother, a simple pet.


Dragon’s name: Asuka

Dragon’s age: Adult

Dragon’s gender: Female

Dragon’s race (DC Only please): Thunder

Appearance: Like a regular Thunder.

Personality: A fierce dragoness whose only goal in life seems to keep her rider safe. She was reluctant to leave Hyro’s side because she thought that under his wing Solara would be safer than alongside the rebels… But the Thunder was finally convinced, seeing that the king wasn’t exactly one that cared too much about his servants.

Other: She has a silver chain; with a round opal that has the form of a pair of white wings inside it, as pendant. It’s a near exact copy to that her rider always carries.


During her former days as a dark soldier, she was known to enjoy using her lightning control powers to torture her victims… only for the sake of hearing them scream in agony…



Username: Mystic_Solara

Side: Hyro

Name: Alexander Nightshade

Age: Unknown, appears to be around 20.

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Appearance: user posted image

Personality: A distant young male, who learned through his life that life can disappear with the blink of an eye, and that he has to take care of his loved ones with his own hands if he doesn’t want to loose them.


A cold and merciless warrior, he isn’t afraid of neither battle nor death, and has an enviable perseverance. He will rise after falling every time it is needed in order to accomplish his goals. Alexander is a loyal servant of Hyro, and will follow his orders almost blindly.


This is at least how his enemies see him. In reality, the young elf is a kind and compassionate soul: at least with those under his protection. After all, he is a guardian of his loved ones, and will do anything to keep them protected… even if it means wiping out the existence of someone who isn’t in his circle of friends. Alexander is not a killer, but a protector whose guarded ones happen to be in the wrong side of the war.

Other: He is Solara’s twin brother, and has two black angel wings tattooed behind his neck. Around his neck a golden chain can always be seen, which has a round diamond with a red spiral inside it as a pendant. He tends to hide this piece of jewerly, claiming that it isn’t exactly the manliest accessory around; but that it was a gift he can’t leave behind.


The chocolate-haired one was born and raised in a family of Elves who were loyal servants of Hyro, and h was taught the ways of his race in a pretty particular way. He learned to use his natural magical abilities at a young age, and was shown the dark side of magic, which he adopted fiercely. They also told him that every single form of life is sacred… but that doesn’t mean you can’t dispose of it if it comes in your way, or bothers you. He loves and respects nature, and with years of practice became able to practice the ability of shape shifting, alongside other particular enchantments.


For years she served the Dark Master with passion, not really knowing the outside world, and becoming a greatly well known soldier under the king’s command. And after fighting his sister to try to stop her from disobeying his orders, and failing his task… he became even more enclosed in his posture, thinking that the rebels had brain washed her to use her in the war.


He still flies under the current empire wing, bringing the night to those hearts in which the morning sun of hope is still shinning.


The elf can always be seen with a Night Glory drake, roughly the size of a cat, riding on his shoulder. His name is Kurayami and was a gift from her mother, a simple pet.


Dragon’s name: Lord Scarlett Fangs (Fangy for friends, and Lord for foes.)

Dragon’s age: Adult

Dragon’s gender: Male

Dragon’s race (DC Only please): Vampire

Appearance: As a regular Vampire

Personality: Lord Scarlet Fangs has always had a twisted and cunning mind, but also a charismatic personality that helps him to escape unpunished after performing his evil plans. He has the gift of words and can often seduce others into falling in his traps with simple speeches…


He learned to suppress his basic instincts, and save her crevice for blood for battle…

Other: He has a golden chain; with a round diamond that has the form of a pair of black wings inside it, as pendant. It’s a near exact copy to that his rider always carries.


He was given his name, Scarlet Fangs, by his enemies. Because always after battle, his massive teeth were covered by the red of the blood of the ones he had slay…


Dragon’s name: Malena

Dragon’s age: Adult

Dragon’s gender: Female

Dragon’s race (DC Only please): Hellfire wyvern

Appearance: As a regular Hellfire

Personality: It is said that this particular breed of dragons adopt the temperament of those that raises them.


Malena was left under Scarlet Fang’s tutelage (and Alexander protection, to assure that she wouldn’t become the Vampire’s meal) and thus she grew up to become a proud, beautiful and charismatic dragoness. She can be lazy at times and especially grumpy when awakened during a nap.


In the battlefield, she also adopts her teacher’s attitude, and is well known for drinking the blood of the ones she takes down, even though she doesn’t need that to survive.

Other: She has a golden chain; with a round diamond that has the form of a pair of black wings inside it, as pendant. It’s a near exact copy to that her rider always carries. Malena is said to be bonded to Fang, rather than Alexander, though she obeys the elf.


She compensates the lack of front legs with her massive and powerful back ones and tail, and is known for being cunning and having lots of strategies for taking down prey larger than her…

Edited by Mystic_Solara

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((yay! we have more people interested))


Gelltor listened intently until she finished and then he spoke his piece.

"I don't think what we need is someone that will dislike Drac. No, what we need is someone who will support Drac with everything they have and get close to him. Close enough to plant evidence of betrayal on him, but also in a position to take over for him, someone charismatic. I think I know just the man, all he needs is my usual remedy, since we are working as equals, I can retain the right to contact my people alone. Trust me it is for your best interest that you don't meet any of these people, if you are not aware of how to deal with them properly you will find yourself very dead very quickly. The power of the commoner is not to be underestimated, so if you please, leave all the intel strictly to me, of course I will still report everything to you personally."

"She's a clever little witch isn't she. Using the same tactic you used on her."

"However, it's too late in the game to apply it properly, she is already second in command so no matter what if anything goes sour its her responsibility. I just need to sit back and let her run things."

"Now as for watching over the construction, I would gladly do so, it will keep me near the location of information as well as in an ideal spot to make my commands. One more thing, if I am to sully the NDK we are going to need a lot of cash. These people don't do anything for free, if you want it done right then you need to pay up, I imagine that between the two of us we should be able to manage just enough for your little propaganda campaign."

"So, once we are at the end of things what is it you aim for?"

"Malice, I want a firestorm."

A chill went down Malice's back and Gelltor picked up on the shock of his dragon.

"That will require me to burn down the entire city just to get the pillar right? And then the forest to keep it going. If things get out of hand we could end up burning down this side of the kingdom. Not to mention the dragons using water abilities and other storm dragons amongst the NDK."

"I am aware. During that time I want you to pick off every storm, water and whatever dragon you can. I want absolutely no way of putting out the fires. I will have to evacuate the city with my connections to keep people from saving their houses."

"Let's assume this works and we now have a flaming tornado ravaging the city in the middle of a fight with the NDK. What then?"

"We toss em in of course, along with Drac once he has done what I need him to do, and then once all the NDK and whoever amongst the Dragon Knights of Hyro don't work for me are dead we kill off Katelyn and take power. Once all that has settled down we make this a decent place to live and expand expand expand."

"Don't push yourself, if you over reach your grasp we are both dead."

Gelltor gave a mental nod and shoed Malice away.

"Right then sir, ready get things underway. I will do a quick check up, and then start making the necessary appointments. If you will excuse me."

Gelltor bowed curtly and left the corral to begin his work.


((no time for edit right now will edit next chance I get. Apalogies to all))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((Welcome Mystic, those are two very interesting characters you bring us smile.gif . Mind if I pull Alexander into the action right away? What language do you normally speak then, if English isn't your first? I'm from Belgium, Flemish speaking here.))



Listening to his suggestion of planting someone to support Drac, Katelyn thought hard. This could prove a dangerous situation. What if Gelltor was planning on actually taking over the NDK himself by using a puppet as their leader? But then again, he didn't usually leave his puppets alive, so was the risk truly that big? Dealing with Gelltor would prove to be a difficult and complicated matter, something to tread carefully about. Giving a nod, Katelyn replied to him.


"They are your people, I trust you to do the right things to make sure the NDK will not gain the upperhand. Not now, not ever. I expect you to report to me at least three times a day. As for the money, I'll see what I can get." A sudden mental prod of Sleet made her tune in to his thoughts.


Katelyn, something is up with Malice. He just looked as if a dagger lodged itself in his throat.

Keep track of him.


Before Gelltor could leave her hearing distance, she called out to him. Her voice stern and leaving nothing to the imagination.


"Gelltor, one more thing. I require you to inform me of each and every action you plan to take. If something happens I am not aware of and I track your hand in it, I will have to take measurements. And you know I now have the authority to do so." Keeping her eyes on his back until he was out of sight, Katelyn let out a held breath. She needed help to deal with him. Someone she could trust to remain on her side. But who in this whole place could she trust still? The position of second in command made it easier to order people to help her, but it made it more difficult to trust them. Moving out of the corral, she made her way back to the main buildings.


Gelltor is up to something and I don't think I will be able to keep control over him.

Wouldn't it be safer to have him out of the way? He is someone who will stick a knife in your back when you least expect it.

I can't have him executed without good reason. Besides, we need his inside information. No, we need someone we can trust on our side.

You know someone?


Many of the Force jump to Gelltor's words.

Fear for death. We need someone who isn't afraid of the man.

It's easier to find a pig that can fly.

Thanks for the assistance.


Suddenly a name popped up in her mind.


What about that elf guy? Alexander.

He's an elf. You really think we can trust him?

He has proven to be loyal to Hyro.

Taja had proven so as well.

We need someone, Sleet. Do you know anyone better for the task?

You want protection.

With Gelltor, there is no protection good enough. But yes, I want some kind of barrier between him and me.

Just don't trust the elf too much. After all, his sister skipped sides and twins are often alike in a lot.

I know and I won't.


Katelyn headed over to Sleet herself, finding the dragon scratching his side against the stable building. Grabbing the attention of another servant, she ordered the woman to find her the best private quarters with hot plumbing and space for a dragon which were still available. The conversation she wished to have with the elf, was not a conversation to be held in public. And especially not with all kinds of ears around which would report to Gelltor. Going inside the stables, she grabbed all of her and Sleet's belongings and bound them on his back. Leaning against his side, she waited until the servant would come back.




After the woman had showed her the quarters, she dismissed her and checked out the small building. It was located right next to the main building, like all private quarters with room for a dragon. There was a large stable with room for two dragons and equipment with a large double door leading to the living quarters for the knight. In these living quarters was also a door giving entrance to the main building and one door leading outside. As she had requested, there was a bath in one of the corners and the whole thing looked reasonable enough. Leading Sleet inside, she unpacked everything from him. Leaving the big double doors between stables and living quarters open, she examined the few things inside. A sound behind her made her turn and she grinned upon seeing Sleet's head and neck poked through the doors and into the room.


Not shabby at all.

Enjoying yourself, are you?

A spacious room all for myself, not to be shared with any of the other nitwitted dragons.

Don't get too comfortable, you know how quickly things can change here.


The ice dragon let out a hissing growl, his acknowledgement of the recent happenings.

Edited by BlackScorpion7

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(No problem. Just let me do an introductory post, and then on the second one he'll answer your call. I want to wait to be accepted before posting tongue.gif.


And I am from Argentina, so my main language would be Spanish. You're from Belgium? Nice! I visited your country about three years ago more or less... I went to Brussels and Brugge (I think that's the original name o_O, we call it 'Brujas' in Spanish) and loved both cities ^^


Guys, mind if I ask some questions about the RP? I've been reading the last pages, but where are the NDK right now exactly? Also, Katelyn is sort of a high ranked official, right?


That's all!)

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((Sure thing, I'll be waiting.))


((The NDK are hiding out somewhere near the coast at their second meeting place, after Drac busted free of prison. As to Katelyn, well she used to be just a pawn without any authority. She has no magical powers or anything, but together with her ice dragon Sleet, they are maybe the best trackers around. When Taja - the one who was originaly second-in-command - decided to turn sides, she got turned into a puppet of Hyro. And thanks to the sneaky censorkip.gif***ly actions of Gelltor, Katelyn suddenly found herself being promoted to second-in-command. But that's happened very recently, RP-timeline wise maybe just an hour or so ago.))


((Original name is indeed Brugge, but most of our city names get translated to whatever language you use. Mostly though English or French. I'm from around Antwerp myself. And I'd love to learn Spanish. Go to the Canary Island almost every single year for a week of holidays, but I don't get further than ordering water and coffee >.<))

Edited by BlackScorpion7

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(Taja turned sides? And I thought that Solara was going to be the only one who did taht D=. Oh well.


*restrains herself from posting* even though I received PM's from Kja and DS... I want to have their explicit aproval first! And I need to stop spamming with OOC's...


Also, I want to pretend that Solara's betrayal hasn't reached the NDK's ears yet. Like it happened... about three or four RP days or so... if that is possible.


ejasdklczx /end of spam)

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Drac mulled over what Bramble said, wondering if there was some way he could reach the Blackthorn: he doubted Bramble would help. The black had been decidedly unhelpful on locations or sizes... but an aerial force of highly trained dragons could make or break a battle, especially an important one. Maybe he could be convinced later.

Drac sighed and climbed up into a tall tree, hanging by his legs from the highest branch that would support his weight as he mulled the situation over. After a while of flying about talking to people Night came up to him and hovered upside-down, even though Drac's eyes were closed.

"What are you doing?" The skywing asked, amusement in his voice.

"Thinking, why, what does it look like?" Drac asked in response, trying to mask his annoyance at being interrupted.

"It looks like you're hanging upside-down in a tree, un-nerving all of your little followers. You are officially the worst leader of anything ever."

"Don't you think I know that." Drac snapped back, making Night recoil in surprise. Drac sent a wordless feeling of apology to the hatchling. "Anyway, hanging upside down stimulates blood-flow around the brain. Logic follows that it helps thought. Plus, it's fun."

"I can't decide if I like you best when you're more or less lucid. Don't forget you were in the middle of a speech."

"It would be easier if you could differentiate between the two more often." As he sent the thought to Night he swung himself off the branch by his legs, flipping to land on the same mound he had used before and using a small amount of magic to slow his descent enough to land properly. "Children, class is called back to order." Drac called verbally, deciding to stick with his condescending theme.

"As I was saying before, we need allies. I've a contact in the elven flotilla, and he has organised a meeting for us. As very few of you will know, the elfin are in fact a water-based people, most of them living their lives on the elven flotilla out in the ocean. They gained their reputation as forest creatures because they need vast forest plantations to supply the wood. It's constantly moving, and therefore impossible to find without inside assistance. At night, I will send up the signal and a contingent will be sent to bring us to the flotilla. It will also make us highly visible to Hyro's forces, so we need to be ready. Pack anything heavy or precious to you onto Bramble, who will be following us and in the air. The horses will be coming with us, so something with magic will have to be set up with them. Go pack."

"You'll need to amass large portions of your combat magic for when Hyro's forces get here, and try and hide it so they can't sense it, but enough that you can rip through six guardians with one spell. You can do that." It was a statement to Bramble, not a question: he would have to do that.


((Also, Mystic, you should know I enjoy messing with stereotypes: Elves are water creatures, goblins are magical power-houses and Dwarves are ice golems.))

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(Water creatures? Nice!


But does that mean that we are not taking the human with pointy ears figure of an elf? Because if so, I may change my characters races!


Well, long and dramatic intro is long and dramatic. I don't do drama D:, so I hope it's good. And apologies for all the grammar mistakes I surely made n.nu)



“Who knows what they will do with the power? Our family is safe… there is a balance…”


“Yes, our family, but what about the other people? Damn it Alex, the balance you speak about doesn’t exist!”


The sky was pitch black, and the full moon shone brightly high above the ground between a thousand twinkling stars. The wind zoomed under the wings of two gigantic dragons –a crimson red pair chasing an electric blue one- and as soon as the female rider finished talking, the male hurried his dark steed towards the other one.


It was then that the two beasts crashed in mid-air, causing a thundering sound that would be heard from miles around. But they weren’t afraid of being found: their flight had taken them high above a line of mountains, and in the horizon the only thing their eyes could see were the dense tree tops of the wood below.


For months Solara had been thinking of rebelling against the Dark Lord Hyro, and after carefully tracing a complicated plan of escape, she had made her way out of the fortress she lived in. She used the excuse of going on a raid through the mountains… to then hopefully disappear without leaving a single trace, but she encountered a little obstacle in her way…


It was her brother, the soldier Alexander, who knew about the duel taking place inside her sister and wanted to stop her from committing a stupid act at all costs. Now the twins were fighting against each other for the first time in their lives. The battle had begun earlier on the ground, and both riders showed scars now.


As the fangs of the Vampire dragon sank into the Thunder’s hard scales, a cry of pain could be heard. That scream startled the young male, and he instantly ordered his steed to release his prey. “Don’t make me do this…" Alex whispered, a stab of sorrow piercing his chest as he saw his little sister cover her own neck with one hand. Her dragon was bleeding, and he knew the elf rider felt that pain as her own.


“You won’t have to” the female replied. And with a roar, half filled of fury and half of pain, her dragoness shot a powerful bolt of lightning at the other pair. It was fast, they were at a short distance and distracted, so blocking it hadn’t been an option. Both teams knew the other one perfectly, weaknesses and strengths, and were equal in power. And Solara knew well that he was going to hesitate before hurting her further, so she used that hesitation in her favour.


As man and Vampire fell, slamming hard against the ground, woman and Thunder followed, landing clumsily besides the fallen ones. As her dragon breathed heavily and tried to catch her breath again, Solara watched Alexander with severe eyes. “I am sorry, brother. But I can’t keep on living like this… not after seeing how thing truly are…”


“You are making a mistake.” He answered in a growl from the ground, besides his dragon who had already drifted into unconsciousness.


She sighed and shook her head slowly, taking her hands off the blue dragon’s scales. She had casted a quick spell in order to stop the bleeding, but didn’t had time to properly heal the wound as they needed to flee urgently. Solara had seen the Night Glory Drake flying away from them, probably to go and alert other imperial soldiers about what was going on. “Then next time we meet… we will be enemies.”


“No…” He breathed. “We already are.” In that night, those were Alex’s last words for Solara. He later remembered vaguely how the pair had flown away… but then everything became dark.


The next morning, just when the sun started to come out of the horizon and menaced with burning Lord’s scales, his fellow’s soldiers would follow Alexander’s pet and find the fallen pair. With their aid they would soon reach the capital, and the words of Solara’s betrayal would surely soon reach Hyro’s ears… and hopefully remain secret to all except from the highest ranked Soldier Knights, at least at the beginning.



Land there… Asuka, we already left them behind enough.


And the Thunder complied, immediately angling her wings towards the cave her rider had spotted. She half landed there, scales and claws scratching the stony ground and making a screeching noise. The elf jumped down from her companion’s back, and hurried to check the wound in her neck. Did he…


Bit to turn me? No. To kill? Neither. He just wanted to stop us… just like Alex… the dragoness growled, as she felt the elf’s soft skin against her cold scales. Upon an order from her soulmate, the neck began to heal slowly… And how is your wou…


It’s fine. Don’t worry. After at least giving her mount a bit of relief, she tended to her own wounds. A deep cut across her belly, where his brother’s long spear had sliced the skin, was the only one to worry about. She had little energy left and needed it to place a sealing spell in the cave’s entrance, to prevent anyone from attacking them while resting, so closing the cut entirely wasn’t an option. Besides, she had already healed it enough so she would not bleed to dead…


After doing so, she wrapped her belly tightly with a clean set of bandages she was carrying in her bag. Solara then crawled besides Asuka, who covered her with a massive wing, and they were soon asleep.

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Gelltor waved dismissively at Katelyn.

"Yes, sir."

He was thoroughly enjoying using sir for her, it was obvious that she had not liked taking the position so he decided that, just for a little fun, he would remind her of it every chance he got. He checked up on construction before heading out to town. On his way out a servant intercepted him.

"This had better be the best news in the world or something really imperative."

"Gelltor, I just came back from my duties in the halls, this morning I spotted Alexander being carried in on a stretcher his sister was not with him. I am also aware that she supposedly went out on a raid alone."

Gelltor paused and pondered, this was interesting news indeed.

"What do you think Malice?"

Malice scratched his chin in thought before concluding.

"Sounds like a spat if you ask me. Solara never really seemed to like doing what she was bidden to do here, possibly a desertion."

"This may prove problematic with my mission if it turns out to be true, pass on your theory to Sleet so that Katelyn will be informed will you, I have to make an appearance to some unsavory characters."

"Master Gelltor?"

"Good work, return to your duties I will make arrangements for your compensation. Oh and if you find out anything else I will toss in a bonus."

"Thank you sir."

The servant immediately left to get back to his duties; Malice reported the news to Sleet and Gelltor, while disguised, met with his most influential contacts to discuss the propaganda and a spy being planted into the NDK.




Once Rio and Matthew returned to the camp Drac called together a second session. Rio listened halfheartedly not really enjoying being referred to as a child. Once he was done she spoke to Matthew.

"Does he really have to call us children? I mean would it kill him to act like we are more then just tools for his little revenge plot?"

She huffed her frustration and continued to rant.

"I mean, it’s not like we lost because we wanted too. Hyro's soldiers are simply more experienced then us. Not to mention some of his more skilled soldiers like Taja or Alex. I mean it’s just not fair to ask what he is asking of us, not all of us are wizardly geniuses!"

She rambled on in that direction for a bit having totally forgotten about the part where they were to meet with elves.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Two days have passed- two suns and two moons had crossed the sky since Solara left Hyro’s side for good. The battle, the wounds, the lose of blood but most of all the amount of energy and magic Alexander had used during the relatively short but hard combat, had worn the elf out. After falling in that mountain clearing, he woke up when the rays of sun started piercing Lord Scarlet’s scales… but luckily, they were soon rescued.


The man had slept two days after that, something fortunate for his healers. They wouldn’t have been able to make him rest for so much time otherwise: the elf hated to be indoors, and was generally unable to remain still too long. Then that same morning, just before he woke up, they took him to the healing wing one last time. He opened his eyes there, and quickly dismissed all the ones who were working on his scars.


Alexander then saw what the little encounter with her sister had left to him: three long cuts that went from his left shoulder to the opposite base of the back, made by one of Solara’s favourite weapons. “Those damned claws” The male growled while he got dressed, just after they had finished bandaging the cuts. Now that he was out of peril, he wouldn’t allow anyone to touch those wounds again. A warrior must carry his or hers scars with pride, and by standing and overcoming the pain should become stronger. That was an old lesson he had learned long ago…


About an hour later, he was standing near the main dragon stables. He was leaning against a stone wall and besides a gigantic tent that looked almost like a dome… a dome made of black and hard leather. Inside it was laying a Vampire dragon, hidden from the mortal rays of sun, just in the middle of a meal. And resting in front of said construction, body fully stretched on the floor, was a female Hellfire Wyvern. I hate livestock.


You have to eat. Swallow that, and we will go hunting this night.


Gah, I know. But it’s just that… all those smells are driving me insane… Malena, why don’t you bring a kid to me?


With pleasure! The female joined the conversation, opening one eye lazily. A boy? Or a girl? I am watching a particular chubby one that looks tasty! Some kids were playing near the named group, and they of course ignored the conversation both reptiles were having. But luckily for them, Alex was there to keep the dragons at bay. Not that they were talking seriously, though… they just loved to bother the elf.


You touch one kid, and I swear Malena… I’ll order your servants to stop polishing your scales, and you will end up looking like a dusty and dirty feral dragon. Alex said, knowing the dragoness’s greater weakness: her vanity.


That was low.




Solara and Asuka didn’t had time to sleep or rest like the other two. Just hours after the fight started, the first one was awakened by a series of high pitched squeals: a little drake was screaming right on the cave’s entrance, being unable to break the spell of protection her owner had created. “Oh, Hikari! You found us my dear!” The woman said and smiled, rushing to the Day Glory and giving her entrance. They had been separated during the battle, but it seemed like the little one was able to follow her beloved owner.


With no time to loose, Solara packed her belongings, which were a bag containing a few bandages and ointments made from flowers and other types of herbs, her claws, a bow and arrows and her sword. There was also a big package strapped over Asuka’s back: it contained the dragonesse’s armour and the rider’s clothes.


She changed her bandages before leaving, and decided to wear a mail under her clothes. As Alex, Solara didn’t bothered to heal completely the cut on her belly… she had been taught the same than the other one, after all. You should be wearing your armour. Asuka told her in a disapproving tone of voice.


I don’t know how long we will be travelling… and that thing is uncomfortable…


But it protects you.


You should wear your armour too, then.


I have scales.


And I have a mail.


Oh. Whatever.


It was a cloudy day, and they were soon on the sky flying high above the clouds so as to be hidden from watchers on the ground. Not that there were many people on the mountains, though, but being careful was always good. What to do now? The rider had been secretly tracing the NDK’s hideout, and believed that they could be reuniting somewhere near the coast. But where exactly was a mystery for them…

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As Drac had called a meeting once again, Matthew had to agree with Rio. He was older than Drac, so in age he couldn't exactly call everybody children. And as to maturity, well their 'leader' had certainly proven how mature he was with just skipping out on his own meeting. True, he was probably the strongest of them all. Hell, Matthew didn't even have a single magical power inside his whole body. His only strength was, in fact, his strength. But the gods knew he lacked heavily in technique should he come to stand face to face with a trained warrior. Looking around the gathered NDK, he decided he could use a sparring partner. Someone to train with while they both could enhance their strength and techniques. But who? Hearing the note about the elves, he narrowed his eyes slightly while continuing to listen. Elves? Besides those few who got caught up in this mess, would the other elves truly leave their safe homes to mingle in the affairs of others? Matthew was doubtful about it. But what else could he do, but just follow? As Drac ended his 'speech', Matthew turned to look at Rio again and inclined his head to where her stuff had been dropped.


"Need another hand bundling it all together for the travel? Seems like we won't get any time to recuperate and get some strength back. I seriously hope Drac knows what he's doing. Because if he is thinking about sending us into battle without time to recuperate from our time in prison, he's badly mistaken. We'll lose." Besides him, Questra furiously flapped her wings and hovered in the air for a moment, before landing not too graciously on Matthew's shoulders.


"Damn girl, you're getting too heavy for this!"

I don't like the idea of floating on water. These are land legs, these legs of mine.

I know, Questra. But we don't have a choice, do we? But don't worry, I'll keep you safe.


Grabbing her of his shoulder, as her hooves were hurting him, Matthew held the little horse hatchling under one arm and scratched between the two tiny horns on her head. Looking back at Rio, he shrugged and grinned.


"She's not a fan of water."




After having checked her quarters, Katelyn followed up the repairs, watched practice trainings and listened to Gelltor's reports. When she was sure Gelltor wasn't around the castle, she held up a servant. The man cowered slightly, despite the fact Katelyn was about the same height as him. But ever since she had become the official second-in-command, many of the people around had started acting different towards her. Trying to neglect the fact the man acted as if she was to be feared, she ordered him.


"Find me Alexander Nightshade and let him come to my quarters within the half hour." Dismissing the man, Katelyn turned and walked back to her private quarters. It was already more or less decorated to her own liking. One screen kept the bathing area out of sight, while another screen did the same for the bed. Both were at the far side of the entrance door and the rest of the room now resembled more an office than living quarters. The only piece of luxury in it, was a comfortable chair next to the always open doors to the stable. Sleet was laying inside the stable, with his head and neck poking out of the stable doors to the outside, basking in the sun. As Katelyn approached, he opened one eye lazily.


Found the elf yet?

Letting a servant seek for him.

Ah, the ease of being in charge. Still planning on trusting him?

I need someone to guard my back. You know someone trustworthy, let me know.

Oooh, snappy.

I'm just fed up with these mind tricks Gelltor is trying to play on me.

Keep hanging in there, soon he might come to the conclusion he can't influence you.

I certainly hope so.


Entering the small building, she spotted the letter under her door. Picking it up and opening it, she let out a curse. Money. She was going to need to have a small chat with Hyro in regards to fundings. What a pleasant idea. Dropping the letter on her desk, she decided to deal with it later. First the elf and only then the money. Walking back inside the stable, she grabbed one of the brushes and started grooming Sleet, something she often did to calm down while waiting for Alexander to show up. The ice dragon for sure didn't mind.

Edited by BlackScorpion7

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((Btw, Drac isn't actually as young as he acts; he just inherited a healthy dose of the Stormwind crazies.))

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(Oh D= I think I confused you guys, sorry… I was narrating in past, like the fight between my characters took place two days before the actual time line of the RP… two days before Katelyn was ascended to be second in command. Then as En mentioned Alexander being carried, I thought I had to justify that xd.png. But I didn’t mean to make you jump in time…


I’ll edit this later with my actual post. I have to flee now!)


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