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Dreams You've Had

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Once, I was standing on top of a really tall building in a city, at night and stuff, with lots of lights (which is weird. never been to a city like that.) and I was looking at a place with a road, and there was this HUGE box the size of one of the buildings for like a lamp or something (a huge lamp.) and I think it was like falling over. Idk.


As I read this I realize just how crazy this dream was. It was a long time ago.

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Ah, weird dreams. I've had so many. I had one the night before last...


So I'm not sure how it started out, but there was a truck load(literally, they were being driven round in a truck) of evil white mannequin... things. And me and this guy, partly disguised as them and also in our underwear for some reason, had to stop them. So we detatch ourselves from the truck... for we must stop them.. stop them using the awesome power of COFFEE. I have NO IDEA why coffee was what would stop them, but it was. We went to Starbucks, because it was closer, but we didn't want to. I don't know why we didn't want to, we thought it was going to be really expensive or something. Because when saving your town from mannequin zombies, economy is key!


I have quite a lot of dreams involving monsters and stuff, but it's probably just because I play a lot of computer games. They're usually not creepy or scary but I did have a super creepy one the other day about these... drone people.. things... that were slowly taking over areas and I had to move to one of them and I had hardly any stuff, and I had to go back for some of it... and these creepy things were moving around (they were like slightly grey people in dark blue identical clothes, with blank-looking faces) but if you didn't do anything to upset them, you were fine, albeit creeped out. ...guess who did something to upset them?



Edited by alicia-chan

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I dreamed last night that my mother made me give away a bunch of my BPAL perfumes because she thought I don't wear them often enough (not true!) and they were getting all dried out and stuff. I was pretty annoyed about that.

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When I was little, I had a dream that I had a frying pan on my head and a monster foot came and stepped on me. There was a flood that night...

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When I was little, I remember having recurring dreams of a tornado. It would start out with me in our back yard on a pogo stick. I would jump over the neighbors' fences (which was actually pretty awesome) for no apparent reason...just for fun. |D

Then this huge tornado would come out of nowhere. I would hide inside a large cooking pot, the tornado would wipe everything else out, and it would carry me around while I'm in the pot.

And the whole dream has a strange color to it...like a sepia-tone photo. Now that I think about it, that made it kinda eerie.

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About a month or two ago I had a dream about spiders and stuff.


What had happened was I was sleeping, but I had woken up because I felt something funny on my leg. I looked down, and saw a huge ass spider crawling up my leg! I freaked out, fully awake(or so I thought) and jumped out of bed and pulled the sheets off it so I could fan it out(just in case). The spider was gone, so I went into the kitchen to get some juice, came back to bed and went to sleep. Thing is, I think I had a dream within a dream because when I woke up I didn't feel as though I had woken up in the night, but I hurt like Hell.


I went to ask a buddy of mine the same day and we concluded that I may have sleep walked during the dream(it was very vivid after the spider scare).


One time I had a dream about eating pie. Total 'WTF did I just dream' moment when I woke up the next day.

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About every night I have a strange dream..

Last night, in my dream, I remember riding on a super-crazy roller coaster, then flying in a plane in circles while some people threw hooks connected to ropes up at the plane so they could board by climbing the ropes.. Weird.

Last week I had a dream that I was running around a cruise ship. I ran into the kitchen of the ship and ate some fried fish with my friends and family (who happened to be there). Then I ran over to the wall and drew a picture of a guy with his chin on his hand. After that, I realized I was suddenly at the daycare from my childhood and turned around to hug a friend from way back when. Then I woke up.


I haven't had a nightmare for years, and my dreams usually leave me in a good mood when I wake up. tongue.gif


It bothers me, though, when I dream out my whole day then wake up to find out it hadn't actually happened. Then I have to repeat everything in real life and the day seems like it'll never end.

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I always have weird dreams.


The other night, I had a dream I met Ryan Reynolds (my biggest celebrity crush). He came through my window. He was soooo sweet and funny to me. We were thinking about dating. I think we kissed a few times. I just remember him being extremely sweet. I don't remember all the details.


I guess that's not too weird of a dream, but I wanted to mention it.

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The other night I had a dream that humans had nearly been wiped out, because the sun had exploded. The only way to survive would be to be bitten by a Vampire, and turned into a Bloodborn. Easier said than done


I woke feeling that I needed to burn some copies of Twilight...

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Let's see... When I was like 8, I had a dream that I was at my school and this freaky skeleton started chasing me down the hallways and the school was empty. And somehow, I got away from the skeleton and ended up inside a classroom. Inside, there was a giant ball of tinfoil and a clown (yes, I was scared of clowns back then) was on top of the tinfoil and started to chase me around the school riding on that thing. The tinfoil was about to crush me and then I woke up O_o

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Last night I dreamed I was a Smurf - and not because of the movie. Boomerang TV network has had mini-smurfathons as well as nightly episodes playing all month.

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Last night I dreamed I was a Smurf - and not because of the movie. Boomerang TV network has had mini-smurfathons as well as nightly episodes playing all month.

I had a dream about Smurfs too, the blue creatures that live inside mushroom smurfs. So I was in my backyard and I found a red mushroom. I poked it with a stick and I heard this weird squealing/singing noise and tiny Smurfs popped out of the mushroom and started sniffing me >.<

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Had a dream last night where someone gave me a "pet" raccoon. It was pretty friendly and all, and I don't remember it hurting anyone. But later it was a bit grumpy, and I felt terribly sad that I needed to have it beheaded. Everyone I mentioned it too didn't seem to care that I was upset.



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Well, I sometimes dream of some kind of falling down somewhere ohmy.gif Hasn't happened lately, luckily. That feels really strange! xd.png

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I have to mention this dream I had the other night.


I was hanging out with Harry, Ron, and Hermione from Harry Potter. We were in some sort of weird place, it was sort of like Hogwarts but not really Hogwarts. IDK. Anyway, a lot of weird stuff happened, and I remember eating food at one point. I was very interested in Harry. The problem was, Hermione was interested in him too. So we had to fight over him. At some point, she and Harry were about to do something in front of people... I'm not sure what. Hermione took out something... it was, well, a male part. She had a male part if you know what I mean. I stopped them from going any further. In the end, Harry chose me. I remember we were holding hands, kissing, and at one point I sat in his lap and had something poking at me. xd.png

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I had the weirdest dream last night.



Well. I remember walking down some stairs made of plank, with Will from Pirates of the Carribean next to me. Also this old guy, appearantly Jack Sparrows's father.

Jack wasn't there, just us 3. Im not sure what or who I was... I didn't dare to look down. Meh. We walked to this grave, a big white one. It had a small cement wall around the front area of it, like a tiny one you could step over easily.

The father picked up a... thing with pictures of black; I didn't know. They had red eyes, and there were kids in the background.

He yapped something about letting his sons and daughters die, so he read an inscription with a poem on it. He said he had to die for what he did, so he pulled something out of his ear, and it started bleeding.

Will refused, but the father said he had to die. So we just started throwing rocks at him, until the cement part was filled with blood and dirt. (It really looked like a puddle of dirt...) "This is my blood bath" He took of his jewelery and placed it under the water.

Me and Will went up the stairs again, and it was to the crow's nest. (I don't know how) I asked him what we were going to do now, and he said go to fine Elizabeth Swan from the 3rd movie, where she stayed put on the island with Will's heart.

The crow's nest broke, because of a storm that was happening at the time, Will saved me and we eventually made it to Elizabeth. I had to watch them kiss, but... Mer.


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Last week I had a dream that I was at the seaside with another girl... near my block and I was looking for shells underwater. Found all kinds of strange stuffs there, lul. Then I found a conch with a nail in it. I realized it was a grenade and it started to tinkle, so I figured it was going to explode and we ran and hid behind the market. It exploded and left a huge crater. All the water was gone. My friend also had a grenade and our deviousness made us detonate that one as well. I threw it and ran again. The explosion destroyed a school that was by the market. People were killed. I was like... whoops. ^^;

Annd, in the next days people have been wondering what happened because, strangely, nobody saw us. Investigations, stuffs, police, breaking news, etc. Then I was walking on the street and whistled innocently telling myself that they will never find out or suspect the little-o me. then someone behind me screamed: 'It's written on you!' I turned around and there was that other girl along with 2 boys. Traitor! She told them. It was all... okay. do you have proof it was me? she's a liar! and continued walking.


...then I woke up for a bit.


Fell asleep again and the dream somehow continued with me realizing I was dreaming and trying to change appearance so I don't get caught by the police. heh. It was fun.

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I've been bombarded by Minecraft-related dreams recently.

There was the dream where I was IN Minecraft. I mean, IN it. So I was walking around at night, got chased down by monsters, Creepers, and the like, and died a gruesome death.

What fun!

That's the only one I remember that was weird...

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When I was 4, I had a dream that my daddy turned into the hulk. (I had just watched da movie) xd.png

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Well, I sometimes dream of some kind of falling down somewhere ohmy.gif Hasn't happened lately, luckily. That feels really strange! xd.png

Oh yeah, those dreams where your falling, and then you jump in real life? I've had a few of those.


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Oh I had another dream were I was running around school in only underwear and a blanket wrapped around me. So embarassing. xd.png

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Use the edit button, don't double post (please)

is that minimodding? I don't know so please don't warn me

Well I just remembered that once I had a dream there was a bunch of elephants and gorillas and orange blobs trying to knock down my house. So yeah.

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