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Eragon (semi-lit)

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(( *shakes hand* A few miles off yeah. ))

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((I don't know....I'm confused on where people are.))

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Kanya would just lower her head a little when she felt her rider's hand on her back, but she would try not to snap a little at the foolishness of just wanting to 'test' out the magic. She loved her rider dearly, but she would treat her rider something akin to her own hatchling and this meant trying to teach her what to do or not to do within Clara's somewhat new world. A yawn would slip out as Kanya thought to herself and was somewhat surprised to feel her fatigue that seemed to creep up on the small dragon. "I will only go to sleep once I know it is safe enough to do so when you are here my rider. This place is open to anyone and I feel it is not wise to let both of use let our guards down. You go on to sleep my dear and I shall rest until the sun rises once more.", Kanya replied with a small purring like quality to her tone of voice, but her voice seemed to become tense near the end and her head would look out to the distance. Something did not feel right, but she was not yet sure what this feeling could mean and yet she knew enough not to go ignoring her instincts.


At the sound of Clara's words she would shift a little where she was laying so that she could stand without getting her wings caught up under her feet. A small growl could be heard deep in her chest as she would not take her eyes off from the distance and yet she knew that they would have to leave quickly if they wanted to avoid whatever was coming. Hearing that her rider was up and ready to leave the coming danger would be the only reason Kanya would let her gaze move away from the distance. Yet as soon as she was upon her rider's back and placed in a way that would not cause her rider discomfort nor pain, did her gaze once more look out to the distance. "It would seem that we will need to move quickly away from this place Clara, but make sure you leave nothing behind. As soon as we make it far enough you shall rest.", Kanya said and the last part was said in a somewhat motherly fashion as she did not want her rider to over work herself. The attempt at casting magic must have drained her a lot and her connection to her rider could tell her this also, but she could not send her own energy to her rider at this time. When she knew it was safe for both of them then she would do so, but doing it now would cause Kanya to fall asleep and that was something that was not needed at this time.




Karo would narrow her eyes as her grip on the bow and arrow tightened at their words and at Ketu's words, but she would show no signs of wanted to run away and she would not do so knowing that Ketu was just in as much danger as she was at the time. Running would only cause her friend and her own people to be put in danger if these urgals were allowed to roam about. So without much hesitation she would release the already pulled and aimed arrow to the wolf who had yet to move. True to her aim, the arrow would sink into the wolf's skull and killing the poor creature quickly and without pain. Karo would quickly sling her bow back so that it would once more rest across her back before she would unsheathe her sword and hold it loosely in her right hand.


"I cannot run or hide my friend and I am not new to this bloodshed. I am saddened by it yes, but it is something I was trained for when it came time to protect my home and people.", she replied mentally to Ketu as she moved quickly to block an over headed swing from the urgal that was aimed at her dragon. Legs would spread out a little so that she would not be pushed over from the strength that was being put down on her sword and after only a second she would reach down with her left, that had been holding the flat of her sword to help keep the sword and scythe from coming down on her shoulder, to grab a small dagger she kept with her at all times not matter what she was doing or where she was at. Knowing that she would not be able to keep on blocking with her sword with only one had, Kanya would jump back a little so that she scythe would come down and stab harmlessly in the ground while the urgal was gaining back his balance from the quick move.


Seeing as it would not be her chance to cause the urgal some harm, she would move quickly back towards him while stepping on where the pole and blade meet on the scythe so that he would not be able to pull it up. Slashing her dagger to the creature's face and effectively cutting across one eye before the urgal let go of his weapon and moving back while holding the wounded eye that he would surly lose his sight from. Karo would pause now as she glanced back to her friend to see how he was doing as she knew there was one more wolf to be taken care of and she only hoped that no harm has came to her friend by the wolf.


((Before I forget...the sword is somewhat like Arya's, but Karo's is a bit longer and the hit is white with blue wood. Here is Arya's so all you need to do is think of it as longer and the coloring. Dagger is well....any basic dagger with a blue handle and white blade. =p))

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raven ran from branch to branch, on the trees, until she reached the forest, she jumped down to the ground, and put her hat on, tucking her silver hair, and pointed ears under it to hide them. she ran off to enjoy the new morning, after the rain had left it more alive, then they had bin before. she laughed as she cashed the birds that flew in front of her, leading her deeper in to the forest.


( sorry if I spell stuff wrong I have Dyslexia.




dys·lex·i·a [diss léksee ə]


impaired ability to understand written language: a learning disorder marked by a severe difficulty in recognizing and understanding written language, leading to spelling and writing problems. It is not caused by low intelligence or brain damage. )


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((and....I have no clue what to do for anyone.... *random- my bird is trying to make a break for it.))

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Clara nodded to her friend and looked off in the distance she heard snarling and fighting. Even with human ears that was not hard to hear, "I think there is a fight going on back there." She picked up Kanya gentely and started to back up, there was nothing left in the camp area she had. "Soon we can fly when we want," she smiled to Kanya and kissed the top of her head before she turned and started to run slowly from the camp site. It only took a while before Clara and Kanya made it to the open field with large green grass, "if we make it to the other side tonight we can rest." Clara's voice didn't even sound out of breath or tierd but her energy showed less promise of her not passing out. She turned her back a bit and swiftly placed Kanya in the small carrier on her back that only let Kanya sit or lay down comfortably. "You can still move dear one," she said showing Kanya a bit with her hands. "See it doesn't cover you at all; just think of it as a small bed."


Clara looked back at the woods and sighed inwardly it was going to be harder for them to protect one another from others but at least they were moving away from danger and not to it. Up ahead was the mountains and off to the side more woods that would lead to the Varden and many other fates that her and Kanya were not ready to face. "Let's head out then huh?" Clara started to walk forward into the deep grass and took out her long dagger and held it swiftly at her side so that nothing could come out on her side without getting stuck first. "Tell me more about the dragons Kanya. Are your breeds able to talk to one another...like can you connect your mind to another one right now like we are able to? Or is that only with me?" She was determined not to get spooked as the sun started to get lower and vision started to fade.


The wolf had been staring at the fight most of the time and when Ketu jumped down the the ground to fight it off it whimpered and laid down. Ketu ran over to his rider and quickly launched himself at the urgal that was now defensely and let out an almost roar, he was getting better. Even at a young age he looked deadly and able to kill. "What do you want!" His voice was linking to the urgal and it was full of hostility and protection towards his rider. The urgal thrashed under Ketu's strong grip but even as a young dragon he was stronger than most, "answer me and I might spare you!" He lowered his head and snarled once more.


The urgal let out a loud grunt and placed his hand on the dragon's head before telling him what was going on. Snarling Ketu finally bit the urgal's hand and let go of him, the urgal stood up quickly while gripping one of his eyes, then started to mumble something in the ancient language. "Go! Before death takes you into it's shadows were you belong!" Ketu flared out his emerald green wings and snaked his neck into a threatening curve his teeth shined like tiny and dangerous perals. The urgal looked at him then at Karo before backing up into the woods slowly and turning around, the wolf whined and followed which was followed by loud yelping. Ketu let his eyes stare off into the distance only about 30 minutes longer making sure nothing was going to hurt his beloved rider before he turned around. Quickly he rubbed his head against her leg like a cat and let out a purring sound before sniffing her over worry was meddled on his thoughts. "He almost got you. Oh if he had hurt you I would have sent him back to the king with only bones as proof of my uncontrolable rage." He growled as he looked into her eyes fire sparking in his.

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((.....I forgot about that in the book, well well then that could work for the nice guys later. ....tunnel is what I'm talking about, or was....or am...))


Draith turned around quickly when she noticed that Zailik had preformed the same spell she had a few moments ago. "Well, that's half surprising. How long have you kept that dormant? Surely you could have protected yourself at our first encounter if you would have remember." She said to Zailik with a slightly mocking tone. "It is a little dark in here for you isn't it? Lets see if I can fix that." Draith turned back around in the narrow tunnel raised both hands. At a whisper from Draith the tunnel lit up partly in a flourish revealing a series of small orbs floating in the middle of the close ceiling. Draith staggered a moment before resting her hand on the wall to her right for support. "Don't even ask if I'm alright." She said sternly to Zailik before walking again.



Zailik nearly fell when Draith turned around. The tunnel wasn't that wide and wouldn't allow to men to walk side-by-side even when it did occasionally get slightly wider. When the shade spoke Zailik wasn't really sure of what to say. "How'd you know I forgot about this? And why am I asking that? Well anyway, I doubt I would have been able to even cast a spell before yours got to me....I was still learning before my teacher got called off on duty....then I learned you were here so I left." Zailik decided to add that information before Draith asked about it. She shouldn't have known that. He thought, stepping back a little more when Draith turned around again. He watched her for a moment before shielding his eyes from the light. "What the! Whoa!" Zailik yelled noticing that Draith had lit the tunnel up at least twenty feet ahead of them as well as behind them. He then noticed that she seemed drained and was about to ask if he could help but stopped when it was clear the shade didn't want any. Zailik decided to change the subject for both his benefit and Draith's. "So where exactly are we going after we get out of here?"


((ok I write waaaay to much......it's grown since last summer....which was a while ago dry.gif but still, it's grown a little too much...))

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(well sinder... raven is in the forest at the base of the spine..*I think*.. and Emily is in the varden camp having a weard dream)

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(( *shrugs* One of them can meet up with Clara or Karo if you want to. Karo and Ketu just got out of a fight; Clara and Kanya are walking closer to the mountains between the Spine and the Varden. ))

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[Hey, anyone want to be Holly’s Rider? [Holly is my new dragon; full name’s Holly’s Minuet. [Yes, I know, it’s extremely random.]]]


Holly rocked in her egg and let out a faint squeal of anger. She knew hardly anyone would hear her, but it was rather satisfying to screech her fatigue to the world. I wonder what it’s like in the world. I’ve never been there, she thought bitterly. She tried to move around in the cramped space that was her egg but found she was unable to. She let out a snarl, low and menacing. She gave up after a moment. What was the point? I have to wait for my Rider anyways. Holly hissed again. Holly’s Minuet was a stupid name, she mused. Actually, she didn’t know how she had gotten it, but it was her name. And of course, she would snap at anyone that called her Holly’s Minuet. When she finally extracted herself from her little box that was supposed to be her egg.

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((so.....anyone want to tell me what's going on around where Eragon is? .....so I can get some idea of what is going on here, and maybe post for him.))

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((Nah you kidding? It's fine. I've lost track...obviously....and I still haven't caught up. *goes to sift through page(s)* When I find it, I'll either edit this (if no one's posted) or post for him....))

((um....well seems the last place eragon left off was leaning on Saphira....then raven came and now it's gone (can't remember what gender) so...we'll do this))


Eragon sighed blinking at the light from the sun. He was still a little tired but not so much that it would stop him from having a good time. He smiled when Saphira spoke to him. Good morning to you too. He thought to her. "Well it is a nice day right now isn't it?" He asked no one in particular while stretching.


((sad....hmph that'll have to do....and I'm off to go somewhere....not sure where, I might be back))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Saphira nodded and observed the rising sun. " Before, he died. He...taught me legends among us dragons. Forgotten by every race except us. He said the rising sun brought a golden dragon, who defeats the night and shines down upon the earth in triumph." The words had brought pain as she remembered the time she had spent with her mentor.

Edited by Saphira BrightScales

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Eragon smiled sadly as he listened to what Saphira had to say. He helped us both and everyone else...he surely was the golden dragon who is worth remembering in that tale. He patted Sahpira gently, watching the sun rise. I'm proud to have met him, I'm sure you are too. Eragon sighed remembering his teachings with both the golden dragon and his rider.



((.....yeah that is all I can think of.....someone should kick me out for this post))

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(sorry hollyleaf I'm zefer's *I think that’s how you spell it* rider.... so I can't be yours)


raven ran farther into the forest then she had ever gone before. she burst out into a field, and rolled down a hill laughing her head off, as she rolled down on the wet grass. she got to her feet and saw someone running over the grass toward the other side, thinking that it was one of the varden going out on a walk, she ran after them "hay wait up" she yelled as she sped over the grass, faster then any human could.


Emily wandered through the camp to eragons tent, to thank them.

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((and I don't think I'm allowed considering what I play here.....))

((huh, the village of Eastcroft isn't on the map we have.....or any map that I can find...back book, bad bad book for lying!))

Draith sighed as she walked down a small incline. She'd slowed her walking pace so Zailik could catch up but even then he still lagged behind considerably. "Is out of here a good enough answer Zailik? Truly though, I'm not sure yet. It depends on what is going on when we get out of here." She was in a better mood now then before but still wasn't up for the twenty questions Zailik could have. "One thing though for sure is that I have to pick up a package before we get too far." Draith looked up to check to orbs that were floating along as the pair walked. "Why do you ask so many question Zailik?" She decided to ask a few questions of her own before this boy continued to question her.



Zailik stumbled down the incline and realized afterward that it was an incline he stumbled on. "Alright....could've told me about that. I was busy listening and not paying attention....perhaps I should've done both." He chuckled a bit glancing at Draith to see her reaction. He did notice she seemed in a better mood right now. "Just a warning that there's another question and to answer yours, I don't know really. Ok the question, do you know anyone who might be willing to keep up my training at all? The few that taught me said I'd do best if it was kept up...when the head teacher left the others decided I was on my own and it's been that way for a week..." Zailik sighed picking his pace up to match Draith's. "Not to complain but maybe you could slow down a little more....I'm walking as fast as I can now." He added emphasis to the word 'little' and added another glance but this time up at the floating orbs overhead. "You're sure you're alright after that spell?"


(( blink.gif thank you preview for showing me how much maroon and red is in this post....ah well hopefully it will spread out a little more so you don't have them layered so much.))

((Eastcroft where are you on this map!?))

((not even on a very blown up map does that exist....well then I'll go by what the book says when I get to that point....if i get to that point.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kanya made herself comfy in the small carrier and even emitted a soft purring sound to try and get her rider's mind off the distance sound of fighting while she lifted slightly on her hind legs to nuzzle and lick her cheek. "That we can and when I can fly with you upon my back then we can go anywhere that you wish to go. Be it far away and across the ocean or to travel this land to your hearts content.", she said with a smile in her voice and she looked across the field to make sure nothing stood out. Tilting her head slightly when she saw nothing yet she could still hear the distant sound of the fighting that was fading off and she guessed the fight was coming to an end.


The same thoughts came to her mind as she kept glancing back behind them and then to their surroundings as if something was going to jump out and attack her rider right then and there. Though the question made her pause in the search of their surroundings as Kanya glanced to Clara with her head tilted slightly. It was something she had not thought about and it would seem something she was not born to know the knowledge of. Yet there was no reason why she could not test it out right then, but what if she attracted the attention of the wrong dragon. "Aw, well I am not sure my dear, but I can always try and see if I can connect with another dragon's mind if you wish. Yet I know I can talk to other dragons, but I am not sure just how long a distance I can be from them or really how to connect when I cannot see the one I want to talk to. Yet for you I will be able to talk to no matter where you and I are.", Kanya relied happily and once more she would start to scan their surroundings.




Karo still held her sword in hand as these two creatures ran away, but her guard would not be let down until they were well away from this area and until she had told one of the elders of them being in their forest. Yet that would not stop her from bending down so that she would be almost face to face with Ketu so that she could place the dagger on the ground to be cleaned later. With her now free hand she would rub along her dragon's spine to try and calm him down, but also to try and do the same for herself and it worked as her grip on her sword would loosened slightly. "You did well my friend and the weapon may have been close, but it would have never hit me. I am more worried about you my friend...are you hurt?", she said with slight humor, but also worry about him mixed in her tone. She could not see any wounds, but there was always the chance that she had just overlooked it. "I would have done the same if they had hurt you, but do not worry about it as nothing happened. I would not want to put yourself at risk ever just because I was wounded in a fight and anyways wounds happen in a fight. It is something I have become used to and it is not something that should be avenged.", Karo said as she stood once more to look to their surroundings once more.


There was nothing that seemed out of place now and so she knew it would be save to start heading to their village. She did not want to leave her people to long when there was danger roaming around in their homeland and while some would wonder why she even cared to protect the very same people whom ridiculed her, but she would only smile and just think of the few elders who treated her like their own kin. "We must hurry back and warn my people about this danger.", Karo said as she looked down to her dragon to make sure he was alright with this idea.

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