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Everyone says that Nagrand is really pretty. :< *falls over* I wanna go theerre.

it is pretty, though I prefer the sky in shadowmoon and netherstorm.

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Yep, I only recently started to get a hold of that quest on my latest dk on Medivh. Blaaarrr hate that quest. tongue.gif


Nagrand is the BEST biggrin.gif Well, use to be, until I started questing in Deepholm and Uldum... Man questing gets so much better in Cata.

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Nagrand stopped being my favourite zone pretty much as soon as I got to Northrend and out of Borean Tundra (which I dislike) :/


Zul'drak is possibly my favourite zone, although I think I am alone on that one..

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I have introduced my little brother to the joys of Warcraft.

And my dad, but he doesn't seem to understand how email works, let alone Warcraft : P

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I have introduced my little brother to the joys of Warcraft.

And my dad, but he doesn't seem to understand how email works, let alone Warcraft : P

"Ha ha! A reference to Rocky! I get it! This game is great!"


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Blizzard is trying to make the game appealing to more then just the "hard core" gamer, and I can't blame them. WoW is a fun game, and there's a ton of money out there for youngin' playing. If WoW only really appealed to hard core raiders, then a lot of people would leave and stop playing, as it's really no fun to play with elitist who yell at you over vent or /p when you make a mistake. I've had people tell me at the end of runs that my DPS sucked and they leave the party, and that stuff hurts my feelings. I wanna have fun, not have people tell me I suck, which makes me 1) not have any fun and 2) makes me want to quit playing.


So, I can see why they're doing that. I don't think it really affects the "hard core raider" as no body is forcing you to duel spec.

I only read the first two pages of this thread but I like what you said!


Its not just young ones that are not hard core players, I am turning 50 in 3 months, I played Everquest for 8 years and never got a toon over 62. I have been playing WOW since Feb and and my main is now 65. I don't do pvp or raids, I play for fun and to connect with family and friends who also play.


I should say my 23 year old son plays but he is a die hard pvp player and so I never actually see him. Just get to chat through the real friends link.


The collectors edition Cata was my Christmas gift, Merry Christmas everyone.

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Really, I don't see what's so great about Warcraft. I do understand the perspective of the great RPG's and the Malevolent creature's, but, really, I do not understand

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Personally, I like the multiplayer aspect. You can play the game with anyone you want, and do the reverse with those you don't.


It's also oddly satisfying. Not entirely sure why.


Speaking of which, I may not be on WoW much for the next few days...


yay for artsy stuff!

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Not really sure about the conversation going on right now, but I have to say that I love WoW. Me and my cousins started a few years back and now my whole family plays it. It's kind of funny when I accidentally run into one of them. Even my grandparents are into it.

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Ohai Jadefang.


My, what large teeth I have.





Edited by Lythiaren

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I used to play WoW. I had a night elf hunter, it was awesomness. Until I had to pay the 3 months fee. My brother used to play and paid for it, then he quit so then I quit cause I didn't have a job and couldn't pay...

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lol, I think you misread.


The spider Jadefang is pretty much unreachable by most people unless a certain randomized daily is available. Nelfs, however, can get up onto the ledge without needing to be punted off a rock with quest dynamite, by dying under the ledge and getting up in wisp form. Nobody's confirmed whether the spectral gryphon works in there, so the only people who even try going after her are nelfs, mostly hunters because she's tamable.


I got up there on my cowdruid and killed her. She dropped a Tiny Shale Spider. :D

Edited by Lythiaren

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Ohai, I'd like to make a totally off-topic PSA to all the whiners I'm getting in heroics lately. But since I can't do that, I'll have to post it here.


Get this in your heads: Healing does not work the same way it did at 80! We don't heal for more than we did at 80 now at 85. We heal for the same amount in 333-346 blues. Our cast times are slower. We're backtracked at the moment.


Healers can not keep the entire group topped off if you dps keep taking damage. I can not spare you a heal when the tank is getting hammered to the ground.


I'll throw you a heal when I can, trust me, I'd rather you not die. But a healer's success relies SO MUCH on the group. People aren't comprehending that.


If you pull like a goddamn maniac, not CCing anything and pulling multiple trash packs at once, you will wipe.


If you don't CC anything, you will wipe.


If you CC things, pull one pack at a time, watch for pats, interrupt crap, and use all of your tools to keep yourself alive, we won't wipe. I assure you. I'll even keep you topped off, because I can spare the mana.


There are trash packs that are hard on a healer if you do CC, imagine what'll happen if you DON'T. Trash in H HoO comes to mind.


Mana is a resource now. Like rage, energy and focus, we have to manage it well to reach our fullest potential. We can't spam heals anymore. We won't have to spam heals if you CC.


DPS, tanks, do EVERYTHING YOU CAN to keep yourselves alive! Pots, CDs, buffs. I had a hunter in one heroic that actually bandaged himself, and then ran over to bandage me. Most bosses aren't DPS races anymore. I don't think there's even any enrages in heroic bosses. Healer's mana is the real enrage timer. Do everything you can to deserve it, like my awesome hunter friend. I'll take your 6k~ dps any day, if it means the run is smooth.


Don't stand in the goddamn voidzones. The only fire that's good to stand in is Deathwing's, because it nets you an achievement.


I'm not optimized for healing. My gear is reforged and gemmed for haste and mastery, both of which are bad stats for resto. And yet I find healing heroics pathetically easy if the DPS and tanks do their job well. Likewise, it's horrid healing if they don't.


If anything, in a good group, dpsing is harder than healing. We have to watch out for sparkly void zones, AND interrupt cast times. And to interrupt those, I have to cancel my spell, thus lowering my dps! Gasp! Dpsing is easy, and yet in a good group it's harder than healing.

Edited by Rendivaunci

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Ohai, I'd like to make a totally off-topic PSA to all the whiners I'm getting in heroics lately. But since I can't do that, I'll have to post it here.


Get this in your heads: Healing does not work the same way it did at 80! We don't heal for more than we did at 80 now at 85. We heal for the same amount in 333-346 blues. Our cast times are slower. We're backtracked at the moment.


Healers can not keep the entire group topped off if you dps keep taking damage. I can not spare you a heal when the tank is getting hammered to the ground.


I'll throw you a heal when I can, trust me, I'd rather you not die. But a healer's success relies SO MUCH on the group. People aren't comprehending that.


If you pull like a goddamn maniac, not CCing anything and pulling multiple trash packs at once, you will wipe.


If you don't CC anything, you will wipe.


If you CC things, pull one pack at a time, watch for pats, interrupt crap, and use all of your tools to keep yourself alive, we won't wipe. I assure you. I'll even keep you topped off, because I can spare the mana.


There are trash packs that are hard on a healer if you do CC, imagine what'll happen if you DON'T. Trash in H HoO comes to mind.


Mana is a resource now. Like rage, energy and focus, we have to manage it well to reach our fullest potential. We can't spam heals anymore. We won't have to spam heals if you CC.


DPS, tanks, do EVERYTHING YOU CAN to keep yourselves alive! Pots, CDs, buffs. I had a hunter in one heroic that actually bandaged himself, and then ran over to bandage me. Most bosses aren't DPS races anymore. I don't think there's even any enrages in heroic bosses. Healer's mana is the real enrage timer. Do everything you can to deserve it, like my awesome hunter friend. I'll take your 6k~ dps any day, if it means the run is smooth.


Don't stand in the goddamn voidzones. The only fire that's good to stand in is Deathwing's, because it nets you an achievement.


I'm not optimized for healing. My gear is reforged and gemmed for haste and mastery, both of which are bad stats for resto. And yet I find healing heroics pathetically easy if the DPS and tanks do their job well. Likewise, it's horrid healing if they don't.


If anything, in a good group, dpsing is harder than healing. We have to watch out for sparkly void zones, AND interrupt cast times. And to interrupt those, I have to cancel my spell, thus lowering my dps! Gasp! Dpsing is easy, and yet in a good group it's harder than healing.

and if nothing else, creky can tank too!

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Dear all DPS ever:


Stop staring at Recount, you facerolling morons.





Edited by Lythiaren

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I like you. You can sum up what I mean without fifteen minutes worth of post writing.


Also, Creky would be easier to keep up than this Frost specced dk I ran with. I though Blizz idiot-proofed dks by making only one tanking spec?

Edited by Rendivaunci

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Just gave a guildie a gift. He's now playing with it.

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Sleudafish absolutely loves the drake. Also loves how I don't sit right because of the bug...


He needs to race change to worgen. Then it'll be like, "Hey, I'm a human. But BAM! Now I'm an anthropomorphic wolf! Now I'm a bear, a cat, a sea lion, a bird, a lazor chicken, even a tree! But now I'm a DRAGON too!"

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Well, I ended up not leveling my Hunter to 80 to do the Cataclysm content. I just wasn't having much fun with her.


I AM having fun with my Night Elf Druid though, as well as my Worgen Warlock. I also made a Blood Elf Mage and a Goblin Shaman, and I haven't played with the two Horde yet.


I've been running my Druid through the Cata content over in Darkshore, didn't realize my Worgen would ultimately end up over there, so I made her go all the way to Ironforge. I HATE doing the same stuff twice with more than one character. I like variety. laugh.gif

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Totally guilty of staring at recount, I even put it right next to my threat meter so I can keep an eye on both!


Also, has levelling been sped up in old Azeroth, because I got Cata for Christmas and my brand new Worgen Warrior is already 34..


Also my opinion of the zones I've done so far is good, Darkshore and Stonetalon are definitely much improved. Ashenvale was probably improved as well but I only got to do a few of the quests before moving on to Stonetalon so I'm not really sure. Currently in Southern Barrens because I've done Desolace on every character before this one, I think I'll move on to Dustwallow Marsh pretty soon though

Edited by Slim12

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