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Give your dragon a journal!

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1 Crazy Swirls hatchling

1 Mysterious hatchling


Everything is going well. With the help of Rain-Forest I only take care of the hatchlings now. So I gave her a journal and told her to write about the eggs on it. Well, Nothing much is happening right now. Bye!


~Guardian of the Young, frozen female magi hatchling, the Keeper of the hatchlings


1 Heavy egg

1 Sunsong egg

1 Day Glory egg

1 Fogged egg (vine)


Well, the eggs are doing good and the sunsong should hatch in an hour. The fogged egg is a neglected experiment. There isn't much to write about so, Bye!


~Little Rain-Forest Keeper, frozen ungendered neotropical hatchling, the Keeper of the eggs

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June 9, evening


Dear journal.

I think I've just fully understood what this book attempts to say. It's written in some human language which kept me from getting some words right, but I get it now! It tells about long-distance transferring of small items or even living creatures if you are very good. So excited to show others... but tomorrow. Pherete and Haijitaa have already gone to sleep after the hunting, and I am getting tired too.

The book was left there intentionally for sure, and that is what unnerves me about it though. What if something goes wrong? I have to be really careful.

Of other news... I have no idea what's going on with Vapofabis and Mariel, but I am going to find out sooner or later. I'm not that primitive to think he would be cheating on me - maybe Majalomve or Inglokve would be concerned about that, not me. He has been my mate since the very beginning of this clan, after all. Though, something strange is between them. He cares for her and they spend all the time talking quietly. Why? If only I knew. He knows very well what she has done, and he knows how good Zaraya was - and is - as a leader.


Ysfien, a magi dragonness, the main magician of Thoiris



June 9, evening


From now, I will write a report like this every Thursday, just so everybody knows about the important events.

The clan's doing quite well, no major bad things happened.

Mariel has been stripped of her title, but you already know. I am the archess again, and I will do my best to always be. Thank you so much for your support, especially Ysfien and Wexeth. Mariel was injured seriously; she is now under the supervision of the healers and I apologize to her. It was necessary. Despite her wounds, she has been arrested and her fate is yet to be decided.

Since there are more whites, we found the source of the recurring disease (most likely the stream in the forest some of us drank from).

We haven't heard anything about the vampires; after all, we have now sixteen hours of light and it's dark just for the remaining eight. I suppose they have moved further from us while they are more fragile.

Ysfien has found some book with new spells and reported that she will be explaining them to other mages tomorrow - Dakkeleis, Haijitaa, Pherete and Upheyen are to be prepared around 1 PM.

Next summoning: probably the 13th June, we do not know for sure.

New members since June 2nd: Bringing Back The Balls To Rock, Taine, Edessaph, Awelh, Raite, Sinaon, Wonin, Viffe, Dayhaw, Dwaune


Zaraya, a whiptail dragonness, the current archess of Thoiris


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June 10, evening


Nest status: two pink hatchlings (one named Nyaf), a white hatchling, a dark myst pygmy egg, a green striped egg, a pink egg, a sun egg.

We had to pick a third and fourth nestkeeper today. Jawya increased the nest's capacity which was certainly a good thing, but more eggs means more hatchlings and I wouldn't handle that. So, the new keepers are Parnanta and Eonah, two of the whites.

Also, Mariel is sort of recovered now. Her punishment will be decided tomorrow. Personally I wish this whole thing would end... we're stretching the drama too far.


Vapofabis, a spring seasonal dragon, the nestkeeper of Thoiris



June 10?, I have no clue what time it is


As may be guessed from the date, I've been held inside for the whole day again. The only way I can tell the date is the calendar on the wall, and reading human script is hard for me.

There's not really much to write about. Just wanted to say that I'm still in here and alive. How surprising.

And I wanna see Mariel again... I know it sounds pathetic. She is not dead though, I'm almost sure. Even when she was a hatchling, she could live on her own and even support me - so why should it be different?

Me... Naive. What have I become.


Aceon, an alt black dragon


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THIS IS MADNESS! I am going nuts! Now instead of going to the main cave to look for eggs I have to go in the Alpines, the Coast, the Desert, the Forest, the Jungle and the Volcano. Guardian asked me how I was doing when I brought in some eggs. I wanted to explode with rage, but instead I told her that I was just fine. Bye.


~Xzyla, female white dragon, second healer

Edited by fruitcupz

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Dear Journal,


Yes, this is another journal entry about Mesora Alunaya.


Once again she has dared to tease me. The moment she caught a glimpse of me writing in this journal she sauntered over to my side and smirked, claiming that it was so demeaning for someone of my stature to write in a journal.


Why does she taunt me so? She knows that I've always been in love with her, ever since I first saw her hatch from her egg when I was just a young thing. Yet she holds it over my head and uses it to her advantage. She makes me do her favors, complete any chore or task she wishes me to. And what do I do? I obey her, because I am rewarded every time with a small smile, and that is worth a thousand years of toil.


But even after we bred our first egg together, she treats me like I'm nothing special. I'm the father of her unborn child, and yet she acts as if we are nothing more than siblings. She flutters off to her nest, where she lingers by our egg, and her eyes glaze over as if she is remembering something. Then she snaps back into foolish-girl mode and sits there, judging me through her glinting eyes.


I can't believe I ever feel under her spell. I gave her the one thing she wanted- an egg of her own to care for. She's always been fond of the little ones- it was never me she was after, but an egg instead.


Now I've given her what she has always wanted, and she's won again. So many times I vow to myself never to be swayed by her seductive ways...but then she glides past, glances at me for a heartbeat, and I find myself falling again. I convince myself that she'll learn, and that she loves me.


Yet I know she doesn't, and she never will, and I am just a forlorn soul in love...and it's too late to take it back, too late to say "no" to her. It's too late to fix my mistakes...oh, what have I done?


~ Otachsu Mikoata

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June 12, evening


Nest status: a white hatchling, a dark myst pygmy hatchling, a green striped hatchling, a pink egg, a white egg, a vine egg, a day glory egg.

Mariel was judged yesterday. Zaraya was originally going to banish her from the clan's territories, but I objected. She could fight one vampire, maybe two, but about twenty? No way. Actually, nobody wanted her to die; death penalty is generally for cases of killing members of your own clan. As far as I know, nobody died during her reign. So, she has been allowed to stay in Thoiris territories, with the restriction that she can't enter the main cave.

Wait, what... there's some mess at the entrance. Have to go.


Vapofabis, a spring seasonal dragon, the first nestkeeper of Thoiris



June 12, evening


Journal, I haven't written for a while; there simply was no time to sit and write. First we were travelling, and now I was too shocked and busy seeking for other vampires to help me out.

Well, Orlageddon was captured by Thoiris. We were searching for the vampire clan again since the whole area to the west seemed to be uninhabited. Though, we met a magi dragon in the forest and he overpowered us. I managed to run away, but I have no idea what might happen to her - and the vampires still won't help me!! Maybe Bela or Smalaine would, but they're away. I have yet to ask Wladen, but I doubt he'd be different from others.


Dragula, a frozen vampire hatchling, the companion of Orlageddon



June 12, night


Nothing special again. Until this afternoon.

I was just lying on the floor - what would you do here, anyway - when the humans came in with a smaller cage. Inside, there was a gold hatchling, clawing and biting at the bars. I snarled at the humans as I knew how the little one felt - after all, I have been in exactly the same situation years ago -, however, that was all I could do. As soon as they left me and the hatchling alone, I sent friendly telepathic messages to comfort it, and eventually we started to talk. The hatchling had been stolen from the wild like me, except it knew its parents and wanted them back. We made a plan to let it escape when the humans come to feed it tomorrow; we'll see how that will work. It's quite simple, really, just try and get out when they open the cage. Even if it does not succeed, at least it was something to prevent me (and the hatchling) from getting crazy. All wild dragons would go mad if they were held captive for a long time, without getting outside every now and then.


Aceon, an alt black dragon


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June 12, evening.


HEY?!? *flips through journal* I don't write like this! Since when have I cared about that dumb snob (Divine Handcuffs of Rivendell) thought? Yes, I did lose control and bite a Canopy egg and I was upset, but I am certainly not a pathetic crying moron as portayed here.




Huh? I never wrote a jounal entry on this date?




It looks as if I have been discovered. I don't see why they're so upset. It's, like, just a couple of fake journal entries. Like oh my gosh they should loosen up!!

Then again, what can I expect from a couple of mud blooded half breeds?


~Divine Handcuffs of Rivendell, a CB female canopy


Divine the Awesome and Most Beautiful Creature in Existence here again.


Drasphenine wants my blood. Must hide.



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Dear Journal,


My, my, it has been already years and I haven't even posted one journal entry during that time. Yes, it is still me, but I've grown a bit wiser. Not much have happened today during the years... except for a heck lot of new species and even newer, new areas where Master can get eggs. My dear Orange Raikou can use Teleport, a thing used to give other masters eggs. It's all too a strange technique, but if it's used to grow our clans, then fine by me.


I've seen dead eggs in Master's cave, now... It's been caused by the stupid vampires (Dear Dragon God, let Master bite no more eggs...), but it's still almost a miracle to see a death in the cave.


However, division is slowly appearing amongst Master's cave. Who is causing this? I am suspecting that dear Linkero is doing this. Just because his species doesn't appear very many times in Master's cave doesn't mean he can cause mischief while not being found out! As always, the rest of the dragons think it's ME that's causing this. Yup, I'm still blamed for the evils caused in Master's cave.


That water-youth Last Dragon Standing doesn't blame me for it. Thanks a lot. smile.gif I appreciate it. I wish you can convince the adults the same way...


Speaking of youths, I've been trying to look after the... well, not dead eggs. The harvest nest is placed near the center, where it's a bit warmer, since it probably needs more warmth (the healers won't tell me) than most eggs. The magi egg is located where the other magi dragons are. Many of the magi dragons there don't trust me, so I won't be able to go in.


...Looking at the text above makes me realize something... I've been blabbering too much. Time to do some work with the harvest.


-Ninja of Midnight

Black Dragon

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June 14, evening


Nest status: green striped hatchling, pink hatchling, white hatchling, water walker hatchling, two white eggs, bluna egg, Thoiris.

Thoiris... has come. I can't believe he or she is here now, here among the eggs. Icethin, Maghatti and Thaderne truly deserve a reward. Jawya and Parnanta will take a good care of him or her.

As excited as I am, there are also other news. While Upheyen was hunting, he faced Orlageddon and managed to capture her; there was a young vampire with her, but he ran away. She is held in the cave now and will be judged tomorrow. Why are there still judgements...


Vapofabis, a spring seasonal dragon, the first nestkeeper of Thoiris clan


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Dear Journal,


In the past two days, nothing much has happened. The harvest has now hatched and it is quite fond of me. Thanks, little harvest. I hope you won't grow to hate me, though, like the majority in Master's cave. Also, the little magi hatched. The magi is being proctored by Orange Raikou for some early Teleport/magics training. That's good.


Master has brought home more eggs in our cave. Let's see... two nocturnes, one ochredrake, one of those newer eggs and a sun egg. An excellent new addition for our cave, I suppose.


I mentioned division in my last journal entry. Yesterday, I managed to get in the gold's area near midnight and heard Linkero discussing things with the other rares. The conversation went like this,


"...and we must have division because of her," Linkero finished.


"Her?" Rowan exclaimed. "She may be the most evil one in the cave, but surely, she could not have done a lot of damage."


Konogo nodded in agreement as Rowan argued with Linkero. "Crysis, the oldest one in the cave, says that she might have changed," Konogo added.


In annoyance, Linkero replied to Konogo, "Why do you always back up with what the elders say? The older ones might have lied."


Howaito appeared to them with narrowed, suspicious eyes. "Crysis and I don't lie. At least, not very much. Linkero, you know that, too, being one of the eldest rares here. And tell me, why is this division necessary because of Ninja?"


Linkero did not speak. Then, he spoke, "To differentiate us from the peacemakers and the destroyers, Howaito." He spoke in a formal tone, a tone used with all healers, nestkeepers, and leaders.


Howaito still had narrowed eyes. "If you say Ninja destroys, then you are actually saying that all black dragons destroy," Howaito said, then flew away to the healers' den.




And then they talked more about division.


I still can't believe after all of these years, Howaito was actually defending me. After sickness erupted into a hatchling, I felt blamed. I still can't believe it.


...Ah. Some of the dragons are telling me to go and help raise the eggs. Time to help them, I suppose.


-Ninja of Midnight

Black Dragon

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"Unknowing always harms the known..."


What that means I cannot say, but I can make a proper excuse for my absence in keeping records recently. I was spying this time on Darkshadow himself. Oddly enough, he didn't mind having a black frozen 'join' his cause. I of course only did that to get information and I certainly gained more from that than just waiting for something else to happen like Ryuu wanted. The small quote I mentioned at the top was what Darkshadow said to me when I offered to help get a few eggs (it was all I could do at the moment) and hasn't told me what that means yet.

So after I grabbed seven eggs (with help from the odd colored pygmies) I was allowed to watch them with the mints for a few days to 'prove myself' to them. Everyone at 'Outcast Caves' know of my plan and didn't hesitate to make it even more believable which, I'll admit, did worry me a little when one of the mints was attacked by Shadow Darias and Leander Nightwatch- two of my closest clan members.

After a good while doing other tasks, I apparently gained enough trust to be Darkshadow's personal 'frozen' which made no sense to me. Others in Darkshadow's caves have said I gained his trust too quickly and advised against allowing me in. He didn't seem to think that way since he took me to see someone he called special. I was scared white when I saw who it was!

I'd stumbled my way into a plan that lead me to DH!! She almost gave me away from the shocked look on her face but after a few seconds she seemed to realize I was here without being captured. The poor dragon seemed confused after that, but I'm sending this back with hopes that our members will be able to do something about this. I'm also writing this so everyone knows, as of right now, Shadenights will be continuing my record keeping as it has become too dangerous to do so myself. Once I figure out how to get out of this rut I put myself in, I will continue. Promise. Right now I have to go, hopefully this gets back safely.


~Frozen Black Guardian

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Dear Journal


I can't believe I finally found you, I've lost you for so long. So status of the cave. Coal Fire and Glowing Embers are still the leaders of the cave. They have so many children there's a whole army of them. And we have a whole army of vampires too who prefer to stay in their dark cave that Chee keeps a door on with a lock but the vampires don't seem to mind.


We have a lot of hatchlings at the moment. And Purple Bueaty and all the pinks are going crazy over them. I'm so glad that my cave is so far from the nursery even if it means being closer to the front of the cave where there is less protection.


Chee, my owner, has been taking good care of us. Whenever she comes everyone in the cave gets so excited. She helps settle disputes and keeps everyone in line, and keeps the vampires from attacking everyone. If the nebula hatchling turns out to be an alt then our cave will have it's very first Gold dragon. I'm hoping that if it's a male it'll be my mate.


That's all for now

Black Sail Feathers, CB Black dragon of Chee's scroll

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June 16, morning


Weekly report, thank you for paying attention.

Again, we have been doing great this week, no real bad events. Even more than that - Thoiris has come! I recommend nobody but Vapofabis, Jawya, Parnanta and Eonah come near the nest for now. They know what they are doing, and they will treat the Guardian as he or she deserves.

Mariel has been judged. We intended to banish her form the territories, but we realized (with the help of Vapofabis) that her deed was not bad enough to be punished with almost certain death, so we made a compromise. She will be allowed to stay in the territories, but she can no longer enter the main cave, the arche's cave or the dwelling caves of other members.

Orlageddon has been captured and judged. In case you still do not know her (mainly the far-living dragons), Orlageddon is a half human, half demon who was kindly given shelter here, only to betray the clan and befriend the vampires. She is responsible for killing several dragon eggs, which is one of the worst acts one is capable of - intentionally killing the defenseless young. After a time of arguing, we decided for this: leave her for the ones whose eggs she has killed, which includes Weijia, Quiia, Ezgar, Valatai and Rahagem, among some others. I hate watching living beings suffer, but this is the best we can do.

The nest's capacity has been increased, which means it can hold up to six eggs (we choose not to overcrowd it at the moment), and the hatchlings' place has been also enlarged and bordered with a fence. As said before, there are two new nestkeepers, Parnanta and Eonah.

Kaksu has written some more descriptions (for Wexeth, Vapofabis, herself and me).

Just so you know, the daydreams are still member of the Thoiris clan, contrary to a popular thought. All they did was move from the main cave and create their own nest. The pygmies, however, are a clan on their own, but they share our nest for protection. I hope I didn't confuse you.

Next summoning: 28th June

New members since June 9: Naphe, Alisei, Jaywen Somnium, Ephisse, Nawile, Xirama


Zaraya, a whiptail dragonness, the archess of Thoiris clan


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Dear Journal,


Master has gained two more eggs, a green and a gray. The harvest has gained wings at last and has been named Ukinaa Harvest. It is an odd name, but Master says she named the harvest because of naming it after her dragon parents. Ukinaa has gained wings, so she is in the training room with the Great Eater. She says it is very hard to teach Ukinaa, but it's most likely because this is her first student.


Oh, I haven't explained about this teaching thing yet. Every egg received is pretty much already a student, but it is only until it becomes a hatchling that it receives a proctor. It is taught to do things a dragon of the egg's species can do, especially things like a magi's Teleport and a vampire's Bite. This is a new feature brought up by Caryn after not seeing her species after a few months. Caryn felt extremely sad for this, so she started to teach younger frills her techniques she learned as a hatchling. Crysis eventually saw this, after a few weeks, despite being secret. Crysis, with Caryn's permission, started the Teaching Group For Dragons' Benefits, using an unused corner of the cave as a teaching place. After seeing results with a few of the pinks, (Be Quince Flower, Pink Maed, and Jackin) dragons started accepting the idea of teaching dragons. It hasn't been fully accepted yet, especially with the rares and stripes since we see only a few of those, but whatever. You can't please everyone.


Master is doing these... things. She calls them 'summoning.' I asked what it was, and she replied with, "It's to get a new egg for the cave." Honestly, though, I don't want to see another foreign egg in our cave again. If Master wants them, fine, but if it lays a paw on the blacks' sleeping area, I'll probably go crazy. Luckily, she's only failing so far. She only done it twice in her whole life, so maybe there won't be any successes with this summon thing.


And you're probably wondering... What is Linkero doing? He's still talking amongst the rares. He is so persistent... I wonder if Crysis have noticed. He probably knows, but it's probably from Howaito, not seeing it. Here, I managed to hear another conversation before I slept for the day. (And I managed to get everything on ink! Hahaha)


Linkero walked into the teaching area (The teaching area is empty at night). The rest of the rares eventually appeared.


"Greetings for the second day of division," Linkero greeted the others.


"Indeed," Thunderous Fiery murmured. And then the whole room echoed with, "Indeed."


"We shouldn't blame this on Ninja, Linkero!" Rowan argued, after a while.


Linkero's paws stomped. "Rowan of Mom, why do always argue with your elders?" Linkero growled angrily.


"Rowan does have a point," Thunderous Fiery replied. "Midnight Ninja hasn't done anything, at least not to damage our cave. Crysis says, after causing destruction, she has become the nestkeeper. She hasn't 'eaten' the eggs or killed any hatchlings. In fact, she hasn't killed anything, just meat to feed the hungry ones in our cave."


Linkero glared at Thunderous Fiery, but did not speak. After a while, he spoke to the rest of the rares hearing this. "We are dividing this cave in case destruction awaits us."


"Good idea," Lava Toes commented. "What're going to name the two sides, though?"


"Good and evil," Linkero replied.


And then he glared at me, noticing me trying to listen to their conversation and chased me out.


Good and evil? This is indeed interesting.


...I have to take care of the youngsters now...


-Ninja of Midnight

Black Dragon

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June 16, night


It's me again. Just wanted to say that... I am free! Free at last!...

...Well, relatively free, but away from these humans anyway.

This afternoon, another human arrived here. She was female and small for an adult, but that didn't mean she would be shy.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" she knocked the door. When my keepers did not answer, she added: "I have heard about dragon abuse in here! And let me in, you have lights on, morons!"

My keepers eventually decided to open the door for her. That was when I saw her for the first time. They all held a conversation, pretending to be polite, and then she began.

"So, let's stop this. Shall I see your dragon keeper license, please?" she asked with a smile. All my keepers said, "Well..."

"None? That will make things harder, then. First of all, where did you get these two dragons? Can you show me their cards? Do you know where they come from? Do you have proper information about the breeds?"

All she got was one card. Reading it, she frowned.

"There is slight inbreeding at mother's side. Anyway, the black one's card?"

"I think we lost it..."

"Oh, that's nice too. So let's continue - how do you treat them? How often do they get out of that cage? What do you feed to them, and how often? Do you even realize that dragons are sentient beings and they need their privacy? Do they have a chance to get their scales cleaned? Yes? They don't look like that. What about the gold's lacerated wing?" she bugged them. I was starting to like this human.

"You can't answer, right?"

She was right, of course.

"Let's make a deal, then," she continued. "You will leave the dragons to me. I will care about them and be their friend, and public won't know about the way you treat the poor dragons. You know, people like this sort of stories."

After these words, she walked to the gold's cage and sat by it for a while. I figured out that they were talking telepathically. Then she did the same with me. We had a conversation long enough for me to tell her my story.

And, as you see, she took me. She said she had a dragon clan where I could live. It does not sound that bad, but I'm still concerned what awaits me. We've just come, and I'm writing this while the human informs others about our arrival.


Aceon, an alt black dragon (nonexistent yet, and the human is my friend, Fanthesi, who requested to be in his story.)


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Dear Journal,


It's been a few years since I've written in this journal. That's a good sign since I only write here when a dragon is ill or dying.


Three eggs have been killed by the lethal bite of a vampire's lately. There is no real cure for healing a vampire bite except to stop biting your eggs. Which is what Master usually does. Except for this time, so I asked her why. She says that "It's a different matter this time." I didn't ask her more questions about that. I didn't want to bother her too much.


This morning, the new sunrise hatchling got ill for a few hours. With a few herbs and Master's light fog to prevent too many nourishment from strangers, we managed to heal that sunrise hatchling. As I write, that hatchling is still under the fog. It is not needed since the hatchling is alright, but Master is doing the right thing since hatchlings can get ill again. Knowing Master's mannerisms, she will remove the fog in a few hours' time.


This is totally not what Master told me to do with this journal, (hence why she called it the medical journal when she gave it to me) but division is starting. Linkero is starting it with the rest of the metallics and trios. I had to stop their conversation on the first day of discourse, but I'm pretty sure they talked yesterday. From what I could hear, they're blaming it on Midnight Ninja. Again. Do I have to say, "She's only suspected of murder." Sigh. These dragons. Sometimes I don't know what to do with them.



White Dragon & First Healer

Edited by MisaTange

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Dear Journal,


War has broken out between the metallics and the trios. Thanks to Linkero, the rest of the dragons are now taking sides because of it. Metallics - supporters of division, trios - the dragons that do not support division. Ukinaa, the sunrise and the magi hatchling are afraid.


It must have been yesterday's discourse. What were they talking about yesterday? Darn it, I wish I have eavesdropped... Howaito and the other healers have too much work on their hands with all these wounded dragons. The neutral dragons (such as myself) and the youngsters are trying to help out the healers by grabbing herbs. Thank the Dragon God our cave is near the main cave so we can go outside and inside without wasting much time. Anyway, we're doing good work, but it seems like it's not enough.


I really don't know what to do at this point. Dragon God, please save us!


-Ninja of Midnight

Black Dragon

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Dear Journal,


A sunset hatchling, nocturne, and a gray is born during this madness. Master brought a couple of green-colored and gray eggs... which will probably be born during this little war. Heck, even the hatchlings are taking sides saying "*some dragon's name here* said it was the right thing to do!" If this keeps up, every dragon in Master's cave will become murderers.


The only thing good coming out of this is that my third baby (not taken away, that is) turned into an adult. I managed to make him not change sides, but I'm lucky to have changed Orange Midnight's mind.


Help us, Dragon God.


-Ninja of Midnight

Black Dragon




Dear Journal,


Apologies for the late entry, but our cave is in a war. A war that's dividing our cave. A war that Linkero probably wanted. I am currently helping the healers into healing wounded dragons, and it looks like I've got only a bit of free time on my hands. I'm using this free time to write an entry.


Despite the healers' efforts, it is impossible to heal all of the dragons' wounds. In fact, even the healers are healing only a certain side's dragons. Healing Yin is not taking sides though. Excellent work, Yin.


I tried to convince them that violence isn't the answer. The speech went like this,


Fellow dragons, hatchlings,

Do you really want war?

Do you really want separation?

Even after years of oneness,

you wish to be separated?

Years of oneness,

and you make these poor hatchlings afraid of their own kind?

You even make scoffing, hated dragons,

be afraid, scared,

thanks to this war.

I'm telling you,

take a look back to the past,

when we were one.

Take a look back to the past,

with Crysis and me.

Here's a question for all of you

as you look back to the past:

Do you really want to be separated after all those years?


By the looks of their faces, the effect was somewhat successful. Some dragons are unsure, some are helping the other side... and some are still fighting. This cuts down the work a bit, but this needs to be stopped.



First Healer

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Unfortunately for me, I have been badly wounded during the fight. Though I am strong enough to walk and fly, I cannot take control of the clan. We are sick. We are wounded. We are hungry. We are weak. We ask the help of Tortuk, the Mirsapia God. We're praying for Tortuk's spirits: Laeinel, (mirsapia dragon of hope) Nadi, (mirsapia dragon of power) and Kyhunqua (mirsapia dragon of healing). Those are the spirits we need the most. We won't survive without them: but they are weak, too. My clan will die unless the lone dragon, Gnuken, saves us. Gnuken has to be out there...somewhere in Mirsapia.



That's all I can say, so for now:



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Dear Journal,


It is Master's birthday. She said she was a year older (I really don't understand these years) and asks for nothing but peace. Looking at each other and remembering Howaito's speech that he gave yesterday, two sides shook claws. But with every agreement comes a little bit of sacrifice, and in this case, division has succeeded. Linkero had the 'honor' into naming the two sides. He was a bit more unbiased with the names. He named his side 'Hikaru' and the others 'Kage.' I don't understand those names, but Master said Hikaru meant light and Kage meant shadow. He is naming the sides 'good' and 'evil,' but in a code... strange how Master knows the code though. Did Linkero tell her the code?


Everyone is sleeping after the celebration, but a few of the eggs have turned into hatchlings. Then, Master got some more eggs after the celebration faded.


...I will sleep now, though


-Ninja of Midnight

Black Dragon

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Nest status: A Geode egg, child of Namaxorc and Nemerin, a Deep Sea dragon egg, An Ochredrake egg, a whiptail egg, and a magi egg who is the unborn child of Fernoth Merna and that odd magi dragon, Fedexs Lame Magic Mailman Cuffs (We call him Fedex). The hatchlings include Iotitnane (a purple dorsal hatchling who is female), Semondac (Male grey hatchling), a currently unnamed female Terrae, an unnamed female split hatchling, and Im FLOOFIER than you are cuffs (female pillow hatchling). The geode egg is close to hatching; its parents are very anxious.


Drasphenine has since calmed down from the diary fiasco, but he still shoots murderous glances at Divine. Fylarian let her off in about 5 minutes when he discovered the pages. Divine was warned by Durppie to refrain from doing so again, and to try not to push people's/dragon's buttons.


Now that the rather silly matter has passed--- Gotta go! Ainuri is trying to vaporize Dirzen for intruding in her den. He is currently latched on to her head, and I can hear her ranting all the way from here.







Ahh, he's gone. Wretched creature. He bit me in multiple places, my head fin, tail, etc. I was simply minding my own, business, looking at some magic items Durppie had given me. In the middle of my inspection, Dirzen burst into my den uninvited and started throwing mud at me. I ran after him, then he flew behind me and tried to steal a sapphire orb that seemed to have an inner radiance. I could tell it had strong magic, but I had yet to ferret out its secrets.

So anyways, I started firing spells at him and demanding that he give it back.

At some point, I caught up to him and prepared to pin him down with magic. He jumped on my head before I could do that, and covered my eyes. The stupid animal even had the audacity to bite me several times. He only stopped when Levarias came and bribed him with brownies. Bless her for getting Dirzen away from my vicinity.


I'm going to start placing magic barriers around the entrance to my den. While I'm at it, I may as well booby trap the misfit pygmy's nest. It would be too good for him.


Ainuri, a Female magi dragon

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June 21, evening


Nest status: a purple dorsal egg, two white eggs, a spring egg, a tan ridgewing egg, a nebula egg, two hellfire hatchlings, a white hatchling, a spring hatchling, a purple dorsal hatchling, a balloon hatchling, a waterhorse hatchling.

Journal, sorry for not writing lately. We were too busy this week because of the celebration. Which, you ask? A month ago, our clan had its first anniversary; however, the celebration had to be delayed because of Mariel. Yesterday, everyone was somehow involved in the preparation; the blacks and reds hunted (they must have devastated the local wildlife), canopies and pinks gathered fruit and mushrooms, hatchlings decorated the main cave under mine and Jawya's supervision, whites kept an eye on everyone to make sure nobody got injured in the chaos, and of course, Zaraya had the biggest workload of us all. Even Orlageddon got involved, under permanent guard of Seyeme and Haizepa. There was no way she could ruin anything.

At 10 a.m. this morning, the celebration started. Everyone, except for the water dragons, gathered in and around the main cave, decorated with flowers and kindly provided parts of Weijia's 'humble' hoard. When the dragons stopped rushing, talking and making noise, Zaraya, with Zarrena sitting by her side, had a speech.

"Dear fellow members of Thoiris," she started. She looked wonderful, so full of energy even despite the difficult day behind her. "Of course you all know the reason we are all here today. Our clan is one year old now, thanks to you. We survived very tough moments, but thanks to you, we made it to this day.

As you all know, this clan started with me, Wexeth, Vapofabis and Ysfien. I was a young hatchling who had to raise three other dragons. And see where we are now? We are over two hundred strong, and our name is famous. I would like to thank these three for always staying by my side. Often unnoticed, Wexeth, along wih Emissii, is the one responsible for the growth of our population, bringing in unwanted eggs of other clans. Vapofabis and his daughter, Jawya, are the ones who care for our future, the young. And Ysfien is the main mage, the mentor of all these with magic abilities."

The cave echoed a huge applause. After a while, Zaraya continued.

"Kiitora and her vampires caused us trouble any way they could. We went through attacks by other clans, but each time, our clan proved its power the best possible way. With this, I would like to honor our great fighters, the black and red dragons. They have ended many lives, but saved more."

Again, we applauded.

"Of course, defence is also necessary. Without our often forgotten vine dragons, our cave would be nothing but a cold lump of rock, and if there were no whites, it would end the same way. I would also like to honor Naqiff, better known as Naff, who was the healer before we even saw a white egg, and he was in no way worse than our whites."

Naff stood up, trying to calm down the noise his name aroused.

"And, as you all know... Thoiris, our guardian, the one whose statuette is kept, has finally been reborn. He is now among us. Thanks to Icethin, Maghatti and Thaderne.

There will always be wars, there will always be traitors," she glanced towards Orlageddon who sat in a corner with a hateful glare fixed on her face, "and evil minds. We can always overcome them. Be strong."

Then she finished, bowing and coming down to eat with us. We spent the whole afternoon there, eating the food we prepared the previous day and talking, some drakes sang for a while. The hatchlings became bored after a while so I kept entertaining them the whole time, but it was great anyway.


Vapofabis, a spring seasonal dragon, the nestkeeper of Thoiris


Edited by Orlageddon

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Dear journal,


I peaked through my little orange egg to see the sun gleaming through. I had to look away, I couldn't really see that well. When I got my small claws through the small hole I began to chip away at the egg. When I could fit my head out of the egg I saw 5 large dragons waiting to greet me. Well there was one small dragon that looked like the same species as me. I sunk back into my shell afraid of all of the bigger dragons. Suddenly one of the bigger dragons picked the egg up. I didn't know what to expect so I hung on tight. The dragon flipped the egg over so the hole was on the bottom. I fell out of my egg. I wasen't very happy. I looked up at the dragon to see a dragon that looked and smelled like cheese holding my egg. I growled at the cheese dragon but it seemed to chuckle at me. Then the small orange dragon stood beind me. I jumped back as the 5 dragons surrounded me. I left like I was gonna pee but I held it in. Suddenly a call came from the left and all of the dragons leaped for it. They all passed me and went to an ugly looking dragon. It stood on two feet and held dragon food in it's hands. What kind of dragon can that be. All of the dragons snickered at me for saying that. I don't think thats a dragon? What could it be, I though. The thing walked past the dragons and kneeled down beside me with a handful of dragon food. It said somthing but I couldn't understand. All I did was grab some food and started eating away.


~unnamed hatchling

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To everything that understands...


I have received no word from Zail since he appointed me to take over his records. His spies are still going strong, though I can't help but think that it is in his memory. He's in a problem right now that no one is sure how to fix, or so they've told me. I'm keeping this separate log but will supply Head Guardian Ryuu with everything he needs in this, Zail may pick up where I've left off once he gets back.


More eggs and hatchlings have been pouring in faster and faster as new ones hatch. Our Outcast Caves has it's hands full with preparation of war and caring for these hatchings. Even though my fellow frozens have reported seeing Zail a while ago there, now more recent times he has not been seen taking care of any eggs from Darkshadow. One can only wander where he may be.


As for our caves, war has been sent on notice from one mint. Darkshadow has upped his due-date to tomorrow, which not only worries us but causes concern for every dragon who once lived united in these networks. We long for those days back, if only Darkshadow may understand.


This is all I can give until one spy reports, I wish to give you more later.


~Shadenights of Frozen Clan, covering for Black Guardian

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Dear egg shell


I’m just scribbling this on the inside of my shell because I am still an egg! I wish I could hatch; it’s getting pretty stuffy in here. I wish the others knew I was claustrophobic. This thing is very cramped. I hate tight spaces. Anyway, there’s not much to write about. I am an egg, after all. Let’s see- a summary of my day would be…I rolled. I bounced. Someone walked by me. Someone else walked by me. Ooh, surprise! Someone walked by me! Shocker! Um, someone changed my bedding. Gee, there are a lot of ‘someones’ in this cave, now aren’t there? Well, that’s basically it. I’m pretty bored and pretty unimpressed with cave life. There’s lots of drama and action to get in on out there, I’m certain, but I’m just a hunk of developing life in a useless shell. Aren’t eggs for eating? No, wait, that’s chicken eggs. Thank goodness we have a random chicken roaming around the cave to pop out some breakfast. Wait. I’m an egg. I can’t eat breakfast! WTF?


~ Egg


Dear egg shell (again)


My claws hurt. Wanna know why? I don't exactly have some fancy-dancy pencils and pens to write with, so i have to scratch out my "journal" entry with my little talons. Bummer. Ooh, i heard some chatter outside- pretty muffled- but someone was saying I was a Swallowed Tail. I was like "Wha...?" So I'm not an egg? I had it all wrong all along! i'm a...tail? That someone...ate? Ew. Am i in the stomach right now, being digested? Hmm. Never knew stomachs were egg shaped. Maybe i misunderstood them. Swallowed Tail? Where's the rest of me? I have a head, though! Ugh. I don't know. I don't really care, either. All I know is that I am really, really bored. Hey, don't get me wrong- I'm not too bad off. Oh, yeah. I get to laze around, sitting in here and eavesdropping. But they don't exactly include Chess in this egg/stomach. Whichever I'm in. I hope I'm a dragon, not a tail that's been eaten. Gross. I wonder if i was the tail of a girl or a boy?


~ Swallowed Tail

Dear egg shell (again again)


I broke a nail! Er, actually, a claw. Did that sound convincing? Did you imagine some high-pitched squeal saying that? Maybe I'm a girl then. Or maybe I'm a guy. I wouldn't know. I don't even know if I have a gender. Do tails have genders? (see previous egg entry). Whatever.


~ Thing


Dear egg shell (again again AGAIN)


I really need a more creative way to begin my egg entries. "dear egg shell..." puh! As if my egg shell is really lsitening! What if it's not even an egg shell? what if i'm just, ya know, the lining of a stomach? And I'm a wriggly little tail? With claws...and eyes...and feet...and a tail of my own. Forget it. I am definitely not a tail. So what was up with that whole "Swallowed Tail" thing? Wait. Maybe I'm deaf. That's not what they said. They said I'm a Swallowtail! Sounds similar, huh? Say, isn't that a kind of bird?


~ Bird, I Think

Dear egg shell (ENOUGH with the 'again's!)




~ I don't know what I am

Edited by glamoursea2

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