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Entry 2: Converted


Its been three weeks. There's been so much happening, I barely remember who I was before. I still don't much remember who I am, but I'm not sure I care to. Creorluna is my family. They feed me, shelter me, comfort me, and...punish me when I do wrong. Why would I need to remember anything else?


Well, I do wish I remembered...something. I am not sure where I know Tesky from. I know I know him, but nothing's clicking. He's so familiar. We've been training together most of this time, supervised by Alabi every day.


Tesky still turns his nose up at him, but Alabi isn't actually so bad. And I can kind of tell that Tesky is starting to realize that. His snarky comments are more forced though more frequent.


Today was monumental for us both.


I was lightly sleeping, still chained like last week. They promised they'd let me off the leash after a few more days. When you want something, it seems like its an eternity before you get it.


I woke to the sound of foot steps. It was Alabi. He gave me a stoic grin and shoved some protection gear at me. "Morning Mary Sunshine. Wake that lazy bones up for me, would you?"


I glanced over at Tesky. Mornings never were his best time. Only one way to get him up for sure.




"Hold your tongue, Tesky." Alabi commanded in a sharp voice but his green eyes belied how amused he was. After all, watching Tesky trying to rub the watery slime I'd slipped in his gaping mouth was very entertaining. I caught his eye and he gave me an amused head shake.


"So what do we owe the pleasure?" Tesky grumbled after finally deciding his mouth was clean enough. "Before the freakin sunrise. Really." He murmured under his breath. The mirth faded for Alabi's eyes subtly.


"I have a mission today. And I want you two to tag along." He replied decidedly.


"And just why would we want to do that?" Tesky answered, trying to be dignified but failing; his muzzle had a earthworm inching across it.


"Because, you need some experience in the field before I'm going to let you two go off on your own. Izdati wants you in the field by next week." Something crossed his face. Bitterness? Anxiety?


"What are we doing?" I asked. His stare lost rest of whatever warmth it had and suddenly his face seemed sinister. It was...petrifying how fast he could do that. Even Tesky bulked a little.


Just as suddenly, he calmed down again, his face at ease. But the smile didn't reach his eyes. "One of our...generals went missing in the field two days ago. It's our job to find him, possibly restrain him, and bring him back. We do not have orders to kill, only maim a little."


Our first mission! Can you believe it?






Entry 2: Zero


I don't get this guy. Not at all. He's the leader of Creor, yet he always asks for assignments with me and Angel. That's right, I said asks. I overheard him bickering with Izdati himself over whether or not he would get to work with us today. It's not like he doesn't already have his brother; he has to keep coming back over and over again.


As we wandered aimlessly searching the whole freaking world, I placated myself with staring at the back of his head, hoping if I did so hard enough, it would burn a hole through that hollow shell of his. No such luck. He made us run around with him well past noon, in hot forged battle armor none the less. Finally, as the sun started getting really bad in the gorge, he took us down a river, where we were revived by the cool waters and then we continued our search. I must have seen 300 fish and 30 deer and even a freakin bear, but no signs of another dragon.


Yet, somehow, Alabi still seemed convinced we were headed the right way. No matter how many times I questioned him about it, he couldn't give me a much better answer than that he just knows. I don't go off of pure faith. Maybe if he told me how he knows, but I get nothing from him. Nothing at all.


In fact, he's been unnaturally quiet and moody, soley focused on the mission. Part of me is really enjoying the silence but another part...well god forbid me...I miss him. His cold shoulder routine finally got my nerves frayed. I stop in the middle of the path right in front of Angel, barring him from just trampling me to get through.


"Tesky?!" Angel hisses. I ignore her and turn my attention to him.


"Look, we aren't going any further until you tell us what's going on, Alabi. What the heck is wrong with you for starters? You're acting like your--" Then it dawned on me. Hello there, Captain Obvious. He's usually around bugging Angel but we haven't seen him in three days. The general Alabi mentioned we are looking for has been missing for three days. "Holy crap, it's him isn't it? The one we're missing."


Alabi shot me a glare that would have made said elder Creor impressed. "Yes. Do I have to paint a big red sign in order for you to know?"


"Zero? Seriously? Alabi! You really think he ditched?" Angel asked.


"No, no freakin way. The only thing he needs to be happy is being somewhere where he can spill as much blood as he wants. That's Creorluna. No, he's in trouble." That explained everything. Alabi seemed to both be dragging his feet and eager to get moving. It was easy to tell their relationship was strained at best. I'd guessed right that first day about how jacked up it really was.


Zero was definitely a weird one. Undeniably good, but weird. He was always nearby Alabi, but Alabi tended to give him the cold shoulder. Of course, many of the other dragons did the same. They were out for themselves, only stepping in when Izdati ordered. But Zero never seemed to care about what anyone thought. He just sort of did his own thing. Even though Zero was cold, I got the sense that he really did care what his brother thought of him.


Alabi's odd behavior continued throughout the rest of the day. He really didn't seem to want to stop, not even as he himself took gulping breaths and his tail dragged across the ragged earth like it weighed a ton. I couldn't help but wonder...Was Alabi as cold toward his brother as he seemed on the surface?


Finally we were forced to stop as it got pitch black in the ravine. only a sliver of half-shadowed moon peaked down on us, not near enough to really see the dirt beneath my claws. Angel hates the dark. It reminds her too much of the breaking I think.


Normally, on missions Alabi is quick to accomidate the much smaller hatchling. Angel was passed out from exhaustion yet Alabi's bright eyes were fixed on the clouds and he shifted impaciently. I could trace his chain of thought. He was regretting he brought us. Blacks are famous for their ability to see in the dark. It must be a major inconvinence to be landed with two dragons who can't see fewmets out here.


Good. I hope he takes this into account and stops dragging us over Gaea's green earth. I'm tired of his moodiness and his dumb jokes. His insistance to follow us everywhere.


I guess it's up to me to start a fire. Luckily, I'm not completely defenseless. Just hit a growth spurt in fact. I quickly light a few twigs and drop some big logs on them. Should take a while to burn. One of them was pretty wet and sends up golden smoke into the air.


I turn as I become sure that the fire is set to find Alabi is gone. But Angel's curled up so tightly around me there's no way I can follow.


I resign to my fate as a teddy bear and drift off into Morphus' relm.






Entry 2: Abandoned


I turn back at the campsite, unsurprised to see both hatchlings still fast asleep. Some might call it a tad irresponsible on my part, leaving them both behind alone to build their own fire and fend for themselves. I beg to differ in this case; I've been just here the whole time.


It's hard, being around those two. Yet I keep being drawn back, reminded of simpler days. I don't remember much from before, but anything can be better than now. I only remember certain things about my father, the hue of his skin, the timber of his voice, the thick build and bright intelligible eyes. I'm not even sure that is how he really looks or if I'm just manufacturing some image in my head, based on all of the times Mom declared Zero looked just like him.


Ace Staramber was a story we'd heard more than a father. He was the perfect soldier, leader of the Creors. He did many great things for our clan. He was amazing...blah blah blah. But in my mind, killing didn't make you much of a hero. It's never made me feel very heroic, especially not the way Creorluna does it. We never give anyone a chance. Not a one.


But I do see my dad as a hero, for the very reason most chide him. He died for a good cause. Dad was killed by Izdati, for becoming an individual. Because of Mom.


Mom...there's a topic I remember much clearer. They really didn't know what to do with her. She had ruined one of their best and brightest, but she was raising us. They couldn't get rid of her, but they couldn't stand keeping her around.


That day I oddly have problems remembering. I think Zero reshaped them a little to protect me. I remember lights and roars and running and blood...so much blood. I think our mother is dead.


For years after that day, Zero was all that was important in my mind. He was my brother and while he never seemed to care for anything else, I hadn't a doubt he cared for me. But something broke in Zero I think, that day Mom died. I just kept realizing how much different he was, how cruel and irrational. He wasn't afraid to fight with me and the others all the time.


I don't know just when it happened, but we grew apart. Or rather I grew apart and Zero angrily clung on like a peeved off rat. I want to hate him. I want to despise him at the core of ever cell in my body. I want him cut from my life forever, a bad figment of my imagination. Just a blotch of my past, an unsightly mess.


But I don't. The moment he disappeared, I volunteered to go out and find him. I almost took off before My Father caught me in a web of electricity, chiding me for my foolishness. For once, he was the one who insisted I bring Angel and Tesky, much to my dismay. I should just leave them, leave them here now and continue my search.


But again, I do nothing. It's as if my muscles are frozen, tensed as half of them fights for one end and the half...... I don't know. I just don't know anymore. What am I even doing here, out hunting the brother I should be glad is gone? I should be cheering, praising the lord that he's finally out of my life.


But again, I'm not. Why the Hell do I feel so God Damn helpless all of the time? Like a freakin' droid, simply doing whatever others have pressed into my worn and broken psyche? Still, if anyone ever learned of my torn mind, I would be history. What I'm doing now, all this complex thinking. It's not something I'm supposed to be doing, am I? What's going on; who's the enemy; what did they do to deserve it? It shouldn't matter to me. My job is not to question. The five Ws are not supposed to be in my vocabulary.


But yet they are and I am....I'm a creature being controlled by someone else. I've known that all of my life, ever since those faint memories of blood and screaming. And I've never cared before. This dark demon is controlling me, and I really haven't cared one way or another. But lately there's been those moments, looking down there at Tesky and Angel in particular, where I wonder if there isn't some place else I should be. Someone else I should be...


My forelimbs are seized up, cramped from staying locked in one position too long. It all feels like a sick metaphor for my life as I work through the pain to become mobile again. The moon is half way across the sky...past midnight. By the degree of light, I'd say only an hour, at most two. I can't stay here, locked in indecision. I either need to leave now and quit wasting time or stay put.


I look down at my shattered lance, the same one I'd broken trying to scale a tree a few years back. Trying to follow my brother, as it were. I was always trying to be more like him; regardless of how much I hate him, I'm still always trying to be like him. Especially now. I want to leave, to charge blindly into a fight I might not be ready for or even be enough for.


I gaze downward, once more at the two sleeping by the fireside. I want to be like them, more than anything I've ever wanted before.


Just like that, my mind is made up. Though not tired at the moment, I climb down the great peak and curl up around the fire and my friends.




Edited by Pinkie

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I grew my wings today.


Who am I? I'm Turrents. The waterhorse hatchling. I'm female, we discovered that today.


The other hatchlings all have journals too, but they haven't written anything yet. There's an albino and a daydream-neither have wings or genders. There's also a guardian egg with a big crack across it, but no hole yet.


Well, I need to go...Diamond, my caretaker, wants me.





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Well, here we go! The hatchling`s journal!


Dear Journal,


All the adults are so excited! Arya, our caretaker, is too. One of the mint eggs is cracking, and Lord of the Shadow and Morgana the Fay are excited. They have adopted the mint eggs as their own after caring for them for a week.


But Mommy and Daddy are excited too, and so are my grandparents. I wish I wasn`t an only hatchling, though.


I hope my grandparent`s newest egg hatches soon, it would be sad if I saw it die. Well, we`re still a great big dysfunctional family!



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Journal entry number 3~


I've actually not seen Darkangel happier than this for the last couple of weeks. She couldn't believe her luck, catching both a 'yulebuck' (as Yrena tells us) and a 'Snow angel'. We've also taken in an abandoned waterhorse hatchling. Hopefully he or she will stay (it's a little early to tell) and add to our numbers.

Later today, Jace, one of our black dragons, started flirting with another dragon, angering his mate, Clary. I don't know why I'm writing about this, but it makes me giggle. They're still having a catfight now.

Other than that, we can hardly wait to see what the new eggs will hatch into! Yrena told us that they'd smell like christmas, but the rest of us found that preposterous. How could one dragon smell like a human holiday?

Some of the hatchlings and the frozen ones were smitten with the eggs, saying that they were cute and smelled like peppermint/evergreen. I could tell that some of their parents desperately wanted to smash them, in order to stop their children from quarreling so.

Well, I have to go guard again. Darkangel's going off to the cave.


Silvertail, A Guardian Dragon.

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Nen Wahmenitu--Water Walker, one of the first four in the Clan


A New Beginning


Dear Journal,


Well, today's a big day. I must go find the others and we'll set off immediately to establish our new clan. My name's Nen Wahmenitu, Nen for short. The other 3 that are traveling with me are Kouki, Allete and Celerina, we plan to create a clan...no a family with all of us in it as well as new comers we shall have later on.


It's been 5 hours now and we're still searching for a place which will be suitable for the clan's home. Kouki and I are primarily in charge being the first to come up with the idea together. Even though he's of a different breed, I still see him as my brother, just like he does with me. Kouki and Allete are flying above to look for a good place, as Celerina is running on land as she is a whiptail and perfect for the job, while I take the rivers to seek out a place.


Finally! Kouki and Allete came back to find Celerina and I when we were resting for a bit. They've found the perfect place, near a small mountain range called the Peaks of Sozuai. We went there immediately and found that they were right. There was a small mountain range and a large river coming down from there as well a beautiful meadow surrounding the area with a few hills here are there. We went to work instantly, as Allete and Celerina went hunting for food and other supplies, Kouki and I starting building dens and looking for caves in the mountains.


It's close to midnight. All the others are fast asleep, but for some reason I just can't sleep...I'm lying on the river looking up at the moon, thinking back of the day's events. I should get some rest though, after all starting tomorrow we'll be taking others into our new clan.



Edited by Silverdragon~

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Today is truly a wonderful day.


I am Thirdson. Three for short. A winged, male albino hatchling.


I grew my wings and gender just today, the day that the guardian egg hatched, the day Kelka-the daydream-grew her wings and gender, the day Turrents became a beautiful full-grown dragon.


Kelka...This is love I feel for her. I cannot deny it. She is beautiful, kind, lovely. I wish to forever be with her, but I must wait until adulthood to tell her. I do not think she knows yet.


To be on the giving side of unrequited love, it is a painful experience. My words cannot deny that, lest I would be writing a lie.


Is today truly a wonderful day? A wonderful day, pining for my love, wishing to be heard over the noise and squabbles of the cave?


What is a wonderful day?



Edited by Diamond

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My mint hatchling`s journal.


Dear journal,


I just hatched today. The hole in my egg had been open for a day or so already, so I could see the cave. But when I hatched, I was surprised. All I had done was turn around so that I could nap.


Now, I have an adopted family. The two guardian dragons Lord of the Shadow and Morgana the Fay welcomed me as their adopted child. I feel special now, really. There is another guardian, Lady Eagle, and her hatchling. He was happy to see me!


Flight of War and Erados, the two daydreams, simply took my hatching in stride. They`re too busy taking care of their children. LoreMist, the kind Earth dragon, is worried about her newest egg. It might die! I`m supposed to watch the two remaining eggs, so I`d better get back to that.


See you!

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This is strange. Diamond just renamed Turrents to Equus Tainted Love, Love for short. She says it's for a breeding project. Weird.


She's also named the Guardian hatchling. It's called Kaifan. Weird how she named it before even letting it gender...Diamond says it's a reference to a comic. Some Guardian with a name like that.


We also have a new egg! Diamond says it's an Ochredrake, which would be the first drake in the cave. Wingcloud, of course, interprets this as an omen of incoming doom.


Ah, yes. Our child! She turned out female! Her name is Kelka. Thirdson, the albino hatchling, seems to have a crush on her. It makes sense, really. They're the only gendered hatchlings in the same cave.


Kelka hasn't returned Three's affection, though, at least not how I can see. She's very quiet and shy. I suppose it's natural.


Anyway, I need to go. Diamond is screaming at the Ochredrake to hatch and I need to get her to come back to her senses.


One last thing to leave you with...Why do Guardian hatchlings stay with their eggs?



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This is from my daydream dragon Flight of War`s POV.


Dear journal,


Just a few moments ago my sibling hatched out! Though it has no gender yet, I`ll call it her. Just for fun. Anyway, Mum and Dad are overjoyed, and Eragon, my son, is interested. He is curious about her.


I`m thinking about the new eggs, a daydream and albino. Or at least that`s what we think it is. Lady Eagle and I are sitting outside the cave, talking. Lord of the Shadow and Morgana the Fay are keeping their distance from the eggs, since Arya gave away the mint egg and hatchling that they had adopted.


And Arya gave those two away for an uppity yulebuck egg that may not survive!


Flight of War

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Dear Journal,


The Yulebucks hatched and Mother is thinking up names for it. The paper, now called Ezekiel, has gained wings! Mother is so excited for it. I also can't wait to see what they become!


~Rune Urifero

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Dear Journal,


My daughter hatched a few hours ago. She's very cute, and curious too. She loves to play with Errie, the Sweetling, and Festive, a Yulebuck hatchling. She often bats at the vines of Herb, her father. Festive is quite a generous young dragon. He even offered to share his food to me. Master is very attached to him, so he shrouded him in a magical fog to keep him safe. My daughter is intrigued by the fog, and she doesn't understand why she can't walk through it. She has also met Fuscho, the Pink who is almost always in the nursery. I'm now teaching her what it means to be a Snow Angel.


Master says he will give us each a present tomorrow in honor of Christmas, which is my favorite time of year. He also hopes to bring home more Christmas dragons tomorrow. I cannot wait to meet them.


-- Gold Snowfall

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December 24th, 2010

I just hatched out of my egg today!

Wow, I never knew the world outside my egg was so huge.

Lots of people come to visit me, they don't hurt me, only look at me for a few seconds then leave.

It's kinda creepy, but i don't mind, it makes me feel popular.

Soruc says tomorrow's Christmas.

She says that she will bring home some new eggs that will eventually hatch, and I can play with them once they do!

I'm the only hatchling in the cave, and it's sorta lonely.

Sometimes I try and fly, but that crazy Cralus always gets in the way and I crash into him.

I heard i'm also named Awesome Angel cuffs.


What a life.


--- Awesome Angel Cuffs, the S1 Snow Angel hatchling



Nuther' journal.


December 24th, 2010


I hatched out of my egg just now.

I felt like something was preventing me from getting out earlier, but It's gone now.

The weather's nice; a snowstorm and coldness outside.

I like it like that.

There's also this other Hatchling, Angel.

She can turn into Handcuffs, weird.

Besides me, she's the only other Hatchling in the cave.

She refuses to play with me because the wants to lick her scales, she acts like a cat.

It's dumb.

No matter how many times she grooms herself, she'll still look like some ugly lizard mutant thing from mars, wherever that is.


When I grow my wings and get stronger i'll try to use an ice spell on her and freeze her.

I know she's going to be a girl, because her type of dragon is always female, according to Soruc.

She thinks that she's the boss of me because she's older by like what, a day?

I wanna kick her.

That's what i'm going to do.

After I finish writing in here of course.

Okay, so that little brat Angel is trying to look at what i'm writing at here.

I blew a puff of steam in her face, and she cried and ran away.



She told me it's Christmas tomorrow and that Santa won't give me any presents.



Load of smelly tuna.

Sorry, I have to go now.

Angel is trying to shove me away from my journal!

She's going to be my new personal punching bag.



--- Icicle, S1 Ice hatchie.

Edited by Soruc The Dragon

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Dear Journal,


Sorry I'm writing yet another journal entry so soon, but Ezekiel has grown up! Mother is really proud of it, but only a bit sad of it because she said it's unbreedable. I feel bad for the paper.


~Rune Urifero


P.S. That dead autumn egg is still dead.

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This is from the perspective of Flight of War`s baby sibling.


Dear Journal,


Today I am bored. Mom and Dad are out hunting, and I`m under my big brother`s eye. My cousin Eragon is whiling away the hours, flying and practice fighting. I wish I was a guardian, not a daydream. We don`t have very good fighting instincts, I wish we did.


But I AM part earth dragon. Maybe I`ll have powers that way? Oh, Mommy came back!


Bye, journal!

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Dear Journal,


New eggs to take care of! Mother says they're new releases, and I can finally see that Yulebuck Mother has been blabbering about these past days. Looks really pretty right now! I'm really bored though, Mother has been watching those eggs since yesterday! Oh, well, I should help her.


~Rune Urifero

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Well, today is different it seems.


Not only is today the day every frozen hatchling runs around like a crazy dragon, but today seems to be madness in the neighboring cave where our caretaker gets other dragons. Why? Well today's a holiday from the looks of the eggs. I've taken the time to get out with to assess the situation myself along with our caretaker. She's already gotten the allotted amount of eggs that was posted on the sign. Yet still she insists on watching, and occasionally helping. I hope Guardian Ryuu is alright with all the chaos we left him in charge of. Perhaps I should have stayed and let him come. Though he did say I'd be easier to keep track of than him and wanted me along.


Anyhow, our caretaker says she'll decorate the tree once everything settles a bit and she can actually get to it. That I found funny. It's chaos in our cave! But that's what the holidays tend to do to restless frozen hatchlings. Especially all the black hatchlings we've got, most of them don't get along at all.


Frozen Black Guardian Zail.


Out To Supervise Caretaker, be back when possible.

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Dear Journal,


I've forgotten to tell you, we have a tree! We already have three sacks of these weird stuff, Mother calls it ornaments. She says every year humans decorate pine trees with ornaments such as the stuff we have in our tree. She also says there's a tree decorating contest going around; no wonder there's the smell of pine everywhere! Also, the Yulebucks have finally grown up! Mother is happy about that. She says that the new eggs will soon hatch, but I don't see any changes or cracking or something like that in the egg though... I should be watching them though. I think I expect to write a journal entry tomorrow. I think.


~Rune Urifero

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Dear Journal,

Christmas has come and gone. It was quick, but wonderful. Master gave me a painting of a snowflake, and I love it. It is very intricate. He has brought new Christmas eggs home, and they are beautiful. I cannot wait until they hatch. My daughter shall grow up soon. Master says he put her in an "ER." Although I am not sure what an "ER" is, it sounds like it will help her mature. To my delight, he also has a Christmas tree. He has spent the past few days decorating it. I must stop now, though. Errie is coming near with the cupcakes Master gave him for Christmas. I love him, but he can be such a slob when it comes to sweets.


-- Gold Snowfall

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Things are better... kinda...


All the frozens are still raining chaos, literally... more on that in a bit once the Magis figure it out. But other than that, out caretaker has presently been locked in a section of the cave with the tree. We're trying to get her out though, no thanks to Shadow Darias and Durza's Shadow who are (once again to everyone's displeasure) fighting. That fighting caused part of a cave-shelf (which would be a ledge to you who don't know) to collapse and trap our caretaker. The Guardians are short one (me) but they are trying to get the work of the Stones and Geodes to move the cave-shelf pieces away enough seeing as not many other dragon dares to do such a thing... something about preserving the cave or something like that. You'd think they would put that aside when our caretaker is the one trapped!


Anyhow, as to why I write this, Guardian Ryuu said keeping a record would be better than not having anyone/thing to go back on.


That's all for now,

Guardian Zail the Frozen Black

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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I feel like I'm over-run with hatchlings again! There is a grand total of 4 hatchlings and 2 eggs to look after, and I'm practically doing it all myself! Purple Diamond Thorn is trying to keep order amongst the older dragons. Exspecially when Saiph is away. Usually, no one says boo to another with Saiph around, but as soon as he leaves all hell breakes loose. Most of it is because Sparkling Sea Foam's attitude has gotten worse ever since he tried breeding and didn't produce an egg. I have no idea why that would put him in a bad mood, you'd think he'd be happy about not having to look after a screaming hatchling. I have my own egg to look after now too. I can't wait till it hatches! I bet it'll be a girl! Oh, Saiph also brought in a Vampire egg, and it's been extreamly difficult to keep it safe. Most of the other dragons want it gone because of the smell. The poor thing does look dead at the moment, but Saiph checked in on it and said that it was normal and to keep it away from the other hatchlings. I have mixed feeling about it. I want to keep it safe, but on the other hand, it's a danger to the other hatchlings and my egg. Ugh...I feel stressed. I try to keep things easy for me, but when nobody helps me with the hatchlings, it can get very tiring. I've even had to build a sort of, rock wall in the corner so I can keep a better eye on the hatchlings. It's worked so far, but once they grow wings, that's the end of it. Oh, I need to go, Ribbon In The Wind has her tail stuck under a stone. I wonder if I'll ever have time to myself again....

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Dear journal:


I had thought that Eileanan Iasgaich and I were the perfect pair. But, it seems that I was wrong. When we tried to mate for a second time, not a single egg was produced. Now it seems as though she's started to avoid me. I can only hope that this dry spell will not last much longer. She remains as sweet natured as ever, but I can tell that her attitude towards me is on the verge of souring.


There is, however, some good news. An Ceann Lar Arcana and Dun Tomaidh finally decided that they like each other. They now have a daughter, who has yet to be named.


Also, we seem to have a small tree in the cave. I've no idea how it got here, but I must admit that the smell coming from the needles is lovely.


Uibhist a Deas Arcana

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Dear Journal,


Happy New Year! Loud sounds are coming off outside the cave; Mother says it's called firecrackers and everyone plays with them. She's done her New Year's breeding to celebrate the new year's. Mother is also excited! She said she found a Thuwed. I don't know what a Thuwed is, (even though Mother explained that it's a special lineage of sorts) but I'm happy for her.


The new hatchlings have grown up and they seem really attracted to our new tree. "Maybe it's the power of Christmas?" Mother suggests.


Anyway, I should be watching the eggs.


~Rune Urifero

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Dear journal,


There are about 11 adults in the cave now, and Arya has submitted descriptions for them. Mysticflight and Wind-Warrior are away like always. The other adults say to keep my distance from them and not let them near the eggs.


Eomer of the Rohirim is pacing around by the forest. He is sad, I know. But nobody knows why.


My adoptive mother Seira Mist is playing with the other two hatchlings. I am tasked with watching the eggs, since I`m close to growing up.


See you later!



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January 6, 2011;

Away from darkness, away from light. Never before had something here been this right.

It's not long until I've been in the clan for one year. I'm not the afraid little hatchling I was back then. I've grown in many ways as the year passed by. I'm no longer scared to say what I think and no longer ashamed of what I do. I act the way I want since I dare to show who I am.

The night was young and the whole clan was outside in the darkness; as well as some of the other dragons who enjoyed the moonlight.

“I'm pleased to see some confidence in you at last.” I turned to Pasech as soon as I heard him in the shadows behind me. “And I'm also pleased to see that you finally know how to act in the darkness.”

I couldn't come up with a single thing to say, so I just stood there and stared at him.

“Don't say anything; you're surprised to hear that from me...”

“You got that right...” I said slowly.

“He's just too proud to tell you the truth, my dear Eaxedy.” I watched Nelivani as she slowly came closer side by side with Curse.

“Nelivani!” somehow I got the feeling that Pasech blushed underneath his calm outside when both Curse and Nelivani smiled when they saw his reaction.

Curse slowly came one step after another closer to me.

“Our Pasech here...” she said with a single nod towards Pasech. “... Thinks of you as his very own daughter... But as Nelivani already said, he's too proud to tell you that.”

This time I was the one that blushed and watched Pasech until I turned my eyes towards Curse again.

“That's... Cute...” I said in a whisper to make sure that she was the only one who heard me.

Slowly I turned to Pasech and took the few steps it was left to him. He appeared to still be embarrassed that his “secret” was out. I stopped in front of him and watched deep into his eyes.

“Thank you, Pasech...” I said with the same soft voice that Nelivani and her mother used quite often. “I appreciate it, since I don’t know who my real parents are...”

I turned away from him again, but I only managed to take a few couples of steps until I turned towards him again and rushed up to him. He seemed surprised when I sat down in front of him with my head resting against his neck. I closed my eyes when I felt his paw touch my leg and his head resting against my neck as well.

“Thank you... For everything... Father...” I whispered when I knew that I dared to say the word I had wished to call him since the first day I met him.

“My sweet Eaxedy... My daughter...” I couldn't stop myself from smiling when I heard his whisper.

I didn't even care that both Curse and Nelivani watched us; and that almost every dragon from our big family watched us as well. The happiness I felt inside kept everything else out. Pasech was the one and only I cared about that very moment.

I am a vampire. I am the vampire Eaxedy; I'm daughter of the night.



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Dear journal,


I was frozen a few days ago. Arya froze three other hatchlings (ungendered) too that day. We talked, and I convinced them to form a "clan" with me. Morgana the Black is my deputy, which leaves Merydin and Parva Stella.


The adults all scoffed at us, until my grandfather on both sides (I`m inbred) told them to leave us to it. He`s been watching our progress, and I could tell he was proud then my clan and I dragged our first kill into the cave.


Morgana is coming to report to me, I`d better go talk to her.


Leader of the Ice Hatchlings clan,


Tiny Sentinel of the Clouds

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