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This journal is for day before yesterday.


Thundance, Fifth of Eleven Moon, 4635 P.D.


Dear Journal,


Aaargh! I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to write for several days; I stayed up all night waiting for the other four eggs to hatch on Tydance, and taking care of them all day. Then, right when I was about to get some much-needed sleep, Kazaniri informed me that I was supposed to be on the dawn patrol! So I pretty much spent Wairdance sleeping, today I had some fights to break up, and now I've finally managed to get back to you.


Autumn Aardvark, Fall Ferret (the two strange hatchlings), and Kasshoku (our new ochredrake) hatched in the early morning hours of Wairdance; Reikori hatched in the afternoon of the same day. Kavruna has shown her bossy side, ordering the younger hatchlings around; Kasshoku (or Kass, as we've started calling him) doesn't seem to mind much, and Reikori appears to idolize her, although Aardvark and Ferret generally cheerfully disregard her demands and do as they will. This has led to minor violence on Kavruna's part, but thankfully other dragons were around to stop it. I'll get to that in a minute, though.


When I got back from the dawn patrol, I barely remembered to get something to eat before going to sleep; when I woke up, the night patrol was coming back, and I had an enormous headache, so I went back to sleep. Oi.


So then I woke up before the dawn patrol came back today, and I decided to go out flying, you know, clear my head a little and get some fresh air. No sooner do I get back, than I hear snarling and shrieking from the nursery. I ran in to see Aunt Mania and her children, Pranae and Fywey, holding a squirming and spitting Kavruna, and Noon working on healing the scratches on Ferret and Aardvark. Kass was standing protectively in front of the golden-orange hatchlings, while Reikori was staring, wide-eyed, and Szabaru watched from a shadowy corner of the cave. We're still trying to figure out exactly what happened; Kavruna is staying under guard in the Guardian's Cave, Kass just grunts when asked about it, Reikori is too upset to talk, I'm afraid to even go near Szabaru, and Aardvark and Ferret are too busy chattering to eachother. I hope we can get to the bottom of this, and stop it from happening again. Come back soon, Mama; I know you'd know what to do!


I haven't seen Early Fall or Graysheart around; Matangia's been asleep the whole day, and Ope-Ku is off spending time with his mate, Ariciare. Honestly, I don't know what he sees in that bad-tempered frill. I hope the gray and fall seasonal are getting along all right, if they're even anywhere near eachother; tensions are running high enough right now, even overshadowing the joy of the hatchlings growing their wings (except for Reikori; that one's a late bloomer).


Dawn is doing what she can to help Midsummer, but he's slowly sinking deeper into depression. My heart goes out to Marcavalo and their children; I hope against hope we can do something about Midsummer's depression.


I heard a rumor that Kazaniri is recruiting for a special squad; so far, she's only got Opposable Thumbs, Grayswit, and Janguru Denrei (our resident neotropical), but their numbers are slowly growing.


Anyway, Journal, I need to go for the night. I've decided that it would be a good idea to send the hatchlings out on patrol, one at a time; I've already sent out Kass, Ferret, and Reikori. I think as long as Kavruna gets good supervision, she should be alright.


Urgh... I don't feel like listing the patrols right now...


Good night, Journal!



Edited by Carnivorous M.

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Dear Journal,


Ohmegee! I can't believe what just happened today! I.. I.. I'm now a full grown dragon! Look at me. Look at me! Oh, wait. I forgot you can't. Hehe.. OMG! I just grew up! I'm still SOOOOO excited! Momma finally revealed to me the surprise under the white sheet. It's what I have guessed- a pumpkin. My very own pumpkin! It's really pretty with intricate patterns carved out. Momma did a good job with it, I must say. She told me to go inside and tell her what I thought of it. Of course I said it was awesome! It was slightly bigger than most pumpkin homes I've seen and much MUCH better! I LOVE MOMMA!


Other than my great happiness for my mature-ness today, I'm also quite happy for the newest member of our family, a pretty purple egg. She said it's an Eternal Dragon and not an Etincelle one, like all of us are. "Though she/he may be different, treat her/him like you how you would treat our clan members. She/He's one of us now." she said. Wonder why? Surely she doesn't think we would bully the poor thing. The egg's a beautiful one, I bet the dragon would be too.


Oh oh oh! Remember that tiny egg momma got 2 days ago? The pygmy one, that's it! Well, it's almost hatched! There's a big gaping hole in it's shell. Well, not really big for me but big for the dragon inside. I wanted to look inside the egg but Momma says to never do that, it scares the dragon and it'll be scarred forever. Especially on pygmy dragons. I resisted the temptation. Anyway, it's too tiny to take a peek inside. It'll hatch soon anyway, so I'll be seeing the dragon in a short while. The other pygmy egg, on the other hand, hasn't had a single crack. I'm guessing it's shy.


GUESS WHAT JOURNAL? Sister is staying! Momma said she loved her too much, so yeah. She named her Creux Accueil! I nicknamed her Accu, isn't it cute? We're going to be the best of friends, I predict! I'm SOOOO HAPPY!


Maybe I should start talking about the other dragons now, enough of the eggs and hatchlings. Acqui is awake now, he's just dug himself out of his grave. A bit late for him to wake up. Anywho, I know because I saw him. How I love my little pumpkin patch, but it's beside the spot where Acqui's gravestone is. I have to admit, I'm still afraid of him. Momma said not to be, he's still the same dragon he was before. Problem is, I've never seen him before he turned into a zombie. But he's nice and funny, I think. Much like Bien but.. er.. dead and got wits in him.


Jum'l, Ca and Chevy are off hunting tonight. I think Ceur is going going too, but I'm not sure. I admire Ceur, she makes us females look good. Anyway, that leaves Lier, Ciel and Les to guard the cave. Marti still hasn't come home back to the cave. She's always like that, away for some days to hunt. I miss her so much when she goes away; at least when she returns, she brings home lotsa food. Usually they're for the hatchlings.


Oh! I have to go now. Vel's calling me. Maybe to help her with Pur? Guess I'll have to see for myself.


Until next time, journal!


~Citrouille Cheri

Edited by KazeMunster

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Dear Journal!


10 minutes ago I was in AP...I was thinking "I'm just a frill,who will pick up me?"...Buuut someone picked me up...I found a new owner..Woot?...Miracle...I was so happy...But,I didn't know hat they will do with me...They take in front of big dragon...I was scared...That big dragon has a BIG teeth...He bite me...OMG..I'm so tiered...I'm gonna sleep for a little...When I wake up..My new owner hug me..I was so happy..I become a vampire...I hope that other eggs will have owner like me!


~Little Vampire egg

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Another one from day before yesterday.


Feydance, Sixth of Eleven Moon, 4635 P.D.


Dear Journal,


I'm a bit worried about Reikori. The pink hatchling is tiny, and doesn't look anywhere close to gendering, even though it's only a little younger than the others, who are very close to maturing. I also found out what happened yesterday.

Kavruna is one of those dragons who needs to have some control over her surroundings, including other dragons. All day, Aardvark and Ferret had cheerfully disregarded her and done their own thing. Finally, at mealtime, one of them stole her food and started to play with it, ignoring her requests for them to give it back; eventually, she snapped, and attacked the two golden-orange dragons. Thankfully, there were dragons around to stop them. Kavruna has apologized to the Pumpkin Twins, as they have been affectionately nicknamed, and they have apologized to her.


I also have more happy news: Nankaro has returned! He got here in the wee hours of the morning, accompanied by a familiar guardian. It was the guardian hatchling who had been stolen on Hallow's Eve, now an adult! After escaping from the mortally wounded wolf, far from our territory, he had wandered about, surviving on his own. Wonder of wonders, he managed to support himself to adulthood, and gave himself a name: Wecao. (It's pronounced Vih-chow.) Fez, Val, and Rafasda (who we now call Rafe for short) all greeted him enthusiastically, happy to see their nestmate. Szabaru slipped out for a moment or two, said hello to his old friend politely but distantly, and then returned to the nursery. Honestly, I don't know how he could be so cold! It was a miracle that either of them... er, survived, much less found eachother again! We asked Wecao to stay with us, but he said that he had gotten too used to living alone, sleeping under the stars. He's staying for a day or two, though.


Speaking of Szabaru, I got a shock today; walking by him, I noticed that his eyes were once again the glowing blue color of a magi, instead of the soulless black of a zombie! I asked Vaidade about it, and she said she's teaching him about illusion magic, so he can at least just pass for a frozen hatchling. Illusions or no, the little freak still creeps me out. I wish Vaidade would see him for the horrible creature that he is, instead of the magi hatchling who died that night. Ugh.


Kass has grown to huge proportions for an ochredrake; we may have to move him out of the nursery before he even fully matures! I've also seen him around talking with Dojou, our female ochredrake. I wonder... hm. Nevermind.


Aardvark and Ferret went missing today; they came back late, both struggling to carry huge pumpkins! We helped to carve them out, and all of us got a tasty treat out of it; the two of them are now curled up, sound asleep, in their respective pumpkin shells.


Midsummer hasn't gotten any worse; that I am thankful for. Unfortunately, he hasn't gotten any better, either. We can only do what we can and hope for the best.


I miss Mama; she's been gone longer than this before, but not often, and we need her leadership over here. Kavruna, Kass, Reikori and the Pumpkin Twins have never even seen her! Papa tries to act normal, but I can see that he's lonely; Fezore misses her too. Every night, the three of us curl up together, wishing she was back here.


I haven't seen much of Carnie; for the past few days, she's been locked up in her room or her corner of the magic workshop all the time. She has dark circles under her eyes, and whenever I try to talk to her she just grunts in acknowledgement and goes back to work, shooing me away.


Well, I'm going out hunting tonight, so I'll talk to you tomorrow, Journal!




Here's one for the next day.


Suradance, Seventh of Eleven Moon, 4635 P.D.


Dear Journal,


Mama's back! After practically getting smothered by Papa, Fezore and me, we introduced her to the dragons that were new-born eggs when she left. She got along well with the Pumpkin Twins and Reikori, gave Kavruna a serious talk, and spent a few hours of mostly companionable silence with Kass. She seems so much more happy and alive; the hunted look she had worn since Hallow's Eve was gone, and she played with the hatchlings with a bounce in her step. I wonder where she goes; she never tells us, and we've learned not to ask.


The next thing she did was to get together with the other impromptu leaders of our cave and plan out the patrols. They greeted her and welcomed her back as though she had never left.


I'm wondering where Szabaru will stay; we only have a few warm, comfortable places to sleep in the nursery, just enough for the number of hatchlings we normally have (we barely managed that one time when we had nine hatchlings and five eggs at once!). Disturbing as the little creature is, I can't help but feel guilty when I go into the nursery and find him lying there, shivering, even though he doesn't sleep. I'll have to talk to the Council. Doesn't that have a nice ring to it? The Council. We don't actually have an official council, but I privately call our little ring of leaders the Council.


Wecao was met companionably by the dragons who knew him as a hatchling, and those who hadn't met him but had heard of his disappearance on Hallow's Eve, and he appeared to appreciate the warmth, food and comfort provided by the cave. However, I've notice that he seems a bit twitchy and claustrophobic, and goes outside as much as possible, and stays in one of the mountain rooms with natural sunlight and a large window. I have a feeling he'll be moving on soon. I will miss him; he has a great sense of humor, and he's very good with the hatchlings.


I haven't seen Carnie today, and I'm a little worried. I told Mama about her strange behavior lately, and she went straight to Carnie's study, looking concerned, and stayed there for several hours. I wish I knew what was going on...


Well, I really must go now; I'm off for a walk with my mate, Hantomei, and we'll be leaving our son, Aramie, with his mate, Grayswit, and daughter, Graysheart. Bye bye now, Journal!





Edited by Carnivorous M.

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Our two Pumpkins grew up, each one choosing the largest, nicest pumpkins out of the patch to carve out and live in. As we cannot provide these gourds all year 'round, each one shall be enchanted to not rot, and regrow any parts cut from it. Obviously, the spell will be cast AFTER they are carved.


It's less than two months until Christmas, yet there are already lists so newer Scrollkeepers can get eggs from older Christmas Dragons. Dragonic is going to ask one of the Yulebuck Brothers if they would mind giving up one of their offspring for her mate, XKyubiX. I think it's a sweet gesture.


In a darker note, the investigation into the Necromancer who took away five of our members continues. I have been looking over the accounts my mate gave, and I think that the Necromancer may be of the same species as our caregiver, Dragonic. An Ursa Changling. This would explain why he was able to kill five dragons, and injure two others. Cloud and Blizzaga still have yet to talk... But I think what they will say will only confirm my suspitions.


Well, I must be going. I need to go talk to a drake about an egg.


Shiro Saki

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Dear Journal,


Heya! I'm writing from the inside of my pumpkin. It's cozy in here, and roomy too! Accu grew up today, she looks just like me! Since we didn't expect her to be staying here forever and ever, we didn't have time to actually plant a pumpkin for her. But luckily, Scini felt nice today, and enchanted her pumpkin. She made a tiny little gourd triple in size for Accu to live in. It's quite shocking actually, Scini doesn't usually use her magic, only when we really need it. 'Tis a shame though, she's really talented. Anyway, I helped Accu carve out her pumpkin, it looks pretty nice now. I'm proud (hehe)!


Momma looked at us admiringly. She was a bit shocked too. We asked her what's with the face and she told us we were a bit bigger than normal pumpkin dragons. Good for us, we must be healthy then!


The little geode hatchling matured today, her wings finally appeared. They're heavy and hard like the rest of her body, but it sure is pretty. Obviously in the Top 5 most beautiful wings dragon ever. Oh yeah, she's female! We named her Joli Joyau, such a pretty and sophisticated name! We're going to call her by her first name, Joli. So.. that leaves us with three eggs left. All of them have big gaping holes already; well, not so big for the two pygmies though. I'm excited to see what they would hatch into!


Hooray! Marti returned today! She brought loads of food for all of us, as always. She was quite surprised to see me, Accu and Pur too. At first she was like 'Where's my little hatchlings, hmm? Where's the two adorable pumpkins and that 'lil stripey one?' We were giggling! After awhile, she noticed 3 new dragons watching her with laughing eyes and finally realized who we were. Marti hugged us one at a time with her pretty cyan wings/limbs, since we were quite big now.


Momma has pretty big news today too. She said she's expecting a cheese egg; how interesting!


Oof! Must go now, Marti's calling me and Accu.


'Til next time, journal!


~Citrouille Cheri

Edited by KazeMunster

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We have done it. With the reaction time of a cobra, Dragonic snagged a Vampire egg from the abandoned pile. It is a caveborn, which is somewhat rare, and newely bitten. In fact, before we got back, I saw the two rapidly closing holes where the sire bit into the shell... That still creeps me out.


The hatchlings and adults avoid the egg like the plague. We're going to have to make it a custom area, perhaps a dungeon under the Castle. I'll ask the Stones and Geodes to get right to work on that. The others who do not know the reasoning... They ask me why we brought it in the Cave. I cannot answer them.


The rest of the Founding Four, Vergil, Zaahir, Dante, and Shizune are the only ones that know besides Dragonic and myself. Tonight, I plan on going up to the Necropolis Waterfall and speak with the Vampire Coven there. I'll ask their advice, and see if they have any scrolls to teach the youngster about his race.


Shiro Saki

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Dear Journal,

Well, It's offical. I'm gonna be one dead dragon pretty soon. Our Master (Owner) Just got two more vamps from the AP. There close to hatching and they freak me out already. I saw a picture what a vampire 1st stage hatchling looks like and it looks dead... blink.gif I really hope my Master doesent freeze it right when it hatches. She said no but will let them grow up. And What!?!?! Become killers!? *sigh* dry.gif The master said that when theres new eggs the Guardian dragons have to guard them from the Vampires. They can pretect themselves, they have shields!

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I just returned from the coven of Wild Vampires who saved my mate on All Hallow's Eve. I told their Elder (that's what they call the oldest, strongest of them) that we had aquired one egg of their race, and requested that he give us some much needed information.


"That I can do, my friend. As this will be the first fledgeling of your coven, it will be your strongest, and grow into a powerful Elder in time." We were sitting about a hundred yards from the Waterfall that held our lost members, on a moonlit hill made mostly of hard rock. To my right was a cliff, worn that way from the rushing river.


"When the child first hatches, it will appear dead during the day. The first night after it has hatched, though, it will strike out at anything with a heartbeat. I suggest you sedate a large predator, and leave it near the fledgeling. The stronger it's first meal is, the stronger it will grow." I nodded, feeling a bit nauseated. I am a herbivore, so just the thought of a dragon drinking the blood of another creature made me sick. We had to make sure it was strong, though... In case Lucian and Gabriella ever escaped.


"When it shows it's gender, it'll be a quiet thing. At that time, give it all of the scrolls I am giving to you now. That will teach it the things it needs to know about our race." I looked up to the waning moon, nodding that I understood.


"When it grows into a full adult, you need to keep mortals away from it during the day... Vampires, when awoken during the day, are very violent. Also, the first thing he'll want to do is to bite an egg... That is how we reproduce. After that, it will take another month before he has created enough venom to bite again." Below, the three female members of the Elder's coven played in the moonlight, pale scales glimmering. It was odd how different the colorations were for females and males of that race.


"He will need to feed every night, unless he finds a strong donor. Then, it'll be every three nights."


We spoke of more normal things after that, and eventually he said that the sun would soon rise. I asked him if he had seen the Necromancer after that night. He replied: "He wanders the shadows of the night as if he was one of us. I often see him by the waterfall, and when I approtch him, he dissapears into black mist, chuckling."


So he still hangs around. I'll ponder more on this later, for now, I am tired.


Shiro Saki

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To the Journal of Greypatch;


There has been quite a bit of drama lately in our little valley. If the whole thing about the Vampire wasn't enough...


Quite a few new eggs have been laid recently as well. We follow the strict breeding rules given to us in order to quell the population, but even so, we have seen some very interesting things...and as a Storm Dragon I have the curious fate to hear everything upon the wind.


A new Pink hatchling has grown up. Her name is Arcana of Emeralda...as the name suggests, she comes from the clan that has a Magi for a sire.


Magnus does not know of her existence. His Magi daughter Firestorm is her mother, and her father is the Pink male Emery of Viola (I am STILL getting used to the idea of MALE pinks...it seems they are fully capable of reproduction after all and that they are not mutants).


Magnus is very biased; save for any Frill dragons that may come from his mate's side, only Magi dragons are allowed to exist in his name and inherit his power. That fool would have perhaps killed his own grand-daughter. Arcana had to be hidden until she was old enough to fly, and by then, to leave Magnus's domain to live with her father.


Other than her surname, she also has demonstrated a very good magical proficiency and intelligence. It should prove to be useful to the clan, especially if her mother is allowed to be one of the Elite Guards.


Cassopia has also had an egg recently. Also a Pink, by Azerath Lyu. She surely found a life mate quite fast...her older sister Amara seems to be jealous of the fact. Still, there are plenty of wandering males. Oh, to be young again.


Anyway, I must not linger upon this manuscript. I do have a duty. But I do find it enjoyable to relay my news to SOMETHING.



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Dear Journal,


There has been some bad news. The Winged Wolf, at Dead Lizard and Poke It With A Stick's request, was keeping an eye on an egg of theirs that was released to the cave for someone else to adopt. She kept an eye on it as well she could but could do nothing when she found out that it was not being cared for. Some days later she was forced to tell Dead Lizard and Poke It With A Stick that the egg had died without ever even beginning to be ready to hatch. Poke It is furious with himself though really there was nothing he could have done for the egg either. Lizard mourns for the egg but is more philosophical about it. She says it will not stop her from breeding with Poke It With A Stick in the future and she will continue to wish for happy, healthy progeny.


We have two hatchlings on the very of growing up. One, a female frill and Caveborn has already taken a liking to Vendan and calls him uncle. The other is an albino like Spectral and it is believed that she will be a mate to him.


I have heard that the Winged Wolf is actively seeking two more White dragons, like myself and my daughter. It will be nice to have the help dealing with the needs of the cave.


On another topic, i have heard that another vampire dragon may be coming to our cave soon to join the female of that kind that already resides with us.


I think most of the dragons, save perhaps Aquana and Aquanas who are of the type that was bitten by the female not long ago and who i still think are likely the culprits that abandoned the egg to be taken by another, have reconciled themselves and are less wary after hearing her vow to never bite an egg that is not Caveborn. That she would rather not sire an egg whose parents might mourn for it.


It went a long way towards making peace. Aquana seems to be coming around bit by bit though Aquanas has vowed in turn to not breed so long as Sunstone remains in the cave. She was saddened, i believe, at the strife she has caused but has said that she shall not leave and can only say that she is sorry for the trouble caused. She is not alone however. The Valentine sisters have befriended her as well as many of the frozen hatchlings among us. Even Water Walker Texas Ranger, despite Aquanas and Aquana's opinion which is strange enough as each type of hatchling usually takes up the opinions of the adults of their kind in the cave.


I suppose that is all i shall write for now. I do know why there are times when i feel i must write but it helps to clear my mind and that is welcome. So much easier than talking to others which i find i am not as comfortable doing. I am much more a confidant, i suppose, than a confider.




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Unrest in the Clan, mostly centered around the Nursery. The Vampire egg has a huge hole in it. The females that cooed and giggled at the Pumpkin hatchlings are now avoiding the nursery, whispering in the background. I can hear them, even as I write.


Fayted ordered that she be the one that raises it, and I don't blame her. The other Guardians would likely smash the egg to try and protect the others. The only one that dare goes near it besides us is Shizune, our dark Silver. When Fayted leaves to eat or rest, she curls her serpentine body around it, whispering to the baby inside.


Perhapse she feels some companionship with it. Either way, I am grateful.


I wish I knew what to do... I have not felt this useless since the Lagmonster and Datamonster attacks.


Shiro Saki

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To Whom It May Concern,


Something has entered our cave… something terrible, unnatural… undead.


I suppose I must start at the beginning. Several weeks ago, our world encountered a shift. Strange eggs started to appear in the Cave, strange dragons were being sighted. There had been signs of this coming for over a fortnight, not to mention stories from older dragons, so it hardly came as a surprise, but the events were still quite odd. It turns out that unfamiliar species of dragons often pass through and leave eggs during human holidays, and this was the human holiday of All Hallow’s Eve. Two of the eggs ended up in our cave: Two orange ones that hatched into pumpkin dragons, pleasant, pygmy-sized fellows that were gladly welcomed. However, we heard other rumours, of dragons killed and brought back from the dead, and of blood-drinking dragons that bite eggs and turn them into their own kind. I had never seen either of these, even though I hunt at night, and they certainly did not enter our cave, but I was assured that this is a real phenomenon. It has been almost a fortnight since All Hallow’s Eve, so I assumed that these creatures would not affect us.

Until today.

Tonight, when Mom entered, I could immediately tell that something was wrong—I could smell it. When she walked in, she was carrying an egg, which was what was giving off the rotting smell, looking excited. She walked over to where the other two eggs in our cave-- a balloon dragon egg and an autumn egg—are and set it down beside them. I followed her and carefully touched the egg. It was cold, and dead. I knew that it was a vampire egg. I tried to remove it from the cave under the guise of going out to hunt, but Mom knew what I was doing and protested. I reluctantly put the egg back. She has made it clear that none will remove it, and guards it even as I write this. Therefore, it appears that, for now, we have a vampire in the cave.


Wesley Black

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Dear Journal


It's been a while. Gold Flight has made the chicken pen and Space Feathers, the chicken, is now living in there. My owner got three more eggs two hatched and Purple Beuty is caring for them. Winged Transparrency and Army Sheild had their first egg. Our owner gave it to her mom who just started a scroll. Night Feathers, the vampire, is doing well with us. He even helps me gaurd the cave at night. Speaking of wich a human was trespassing in our territory. And he was not allowed entry by our owner. He was caring a torch with him and a big bag. It was obvious he was planning on stealing an egg. Night Feathers and I chased him off. It was very funny. Night Feathers snuck up on him and using the moons light made his fangs gleam. The human started running the opposite way. Then I chased him out of the territory with streams of fire. I don't think he'll ever come back. But on our way back we saw imprints in the ground of the monsters that have been roaming near the cave. And I can't tell indivisual dragon prints apart, but I'm pretty sure there was more dragon prints in the ground then there should be with our clan size. But fortunetly our owner is getting some more fighting dragons, I just hope we get enough in time. Oh and tomarrow we are on the search for a turckey or five. Cya.


Black Sail

CB Black Female

of the Feathers Clan

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Thundance, Twelfth of Eleven Moon, 4635 P.D.


Dear Journal,


Goodness, we have a lot to catch up on! I haven't gotten a chance to fill you in in almost a week! I'll start with the important things.


Reikori grew up on Muldance; she is a small, nervous, fragile thing, and I worry about her sometimes. But with our supportive cave, I'm sure she'll do alright. Her nestmates were relieved when she made it to adulthood.


On the same day, Early Fall, Aunt Mania, Dojou Ryuu, Wildeyes, and Mama all laid eggs.


I noticed Kavruna, Valpicerx, Fezore, Reikori and the Pumpkin Twins all gave Kass a nudge and a wink passing by.


Wildeyes and Strange Heart each spent a few hours at a time nuzzling their egg; it was especially funny to see Strange Heart, a huge earth dragon, curled around a tiny purple dorsal egg.


I noticed Aunt Mania's thoughtful expression as she protectively held her new balloon egg. I feel for her; it must be hard having to worry about the wolves or some other danger returning to take another of her children.


Early Fall and Nankaro, as first-time parents, have been fussing over their guardian egg, tucking it in, making sure it has extra bedding, things like that. I know it's natural to worry (don't even ask about raising Aramie!), but it's still a bit embarrassing.


To tell you the truth, I feel a bit overwhelmed; to go from being an only child, to having not one but two younger siblings born in the space of a few weeks...


Hold on, I have to go; I'll finish filling you in later. Bye!



Edited by Carnivorous M.

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Dear Journal,


Just a quick note, for the most part. The rumors were true. The Winged Wolf brought another Vampire egg here today from the caves. Sunstone is quite happy that there shall be another of her kind among us soon. And the Winged Wolf has sworn to Aquana and Aquanas that this time the egg bitten was definitely not a Water Walker egg.


It is a caveborn egg and she is refusing to tell us what sort of egg it used to be. That is all right, however, at least for me. We have no need of more trouble. After all, even if it were not caveborn, it still was not our Vampire biting the egg to sire another.


In other news, the Winged Wolf is still trying hard to find caveborn hatchlings of my own breed. I wish her all the success in the world though so far it has not been going as well as she could have liked.


That is all for now. More when more happens.




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To Whom It May Concern,


Not much to report today. The vampire egg is still here, and Mom still guards it obsessively, although she seems impatient for it to hatch. Since it seems that it is here to stay, I am currently researching the vampire dragons, so that we will be prepared when it hatches. So far, we have moved it into a far corner of the cave, away from the other eggs and hatchlings, and when Mom isn’t around to guard it, no one goes near it. When Thelonious woke up this morning and I explained the situation, he reluctantly volunteered to care for the egg and the hatchling once it hatches, and has gone over to the corner to attempt to warm the egg a couple of times today. His revulsion is obvious, and I cannot help but commend his determination. He is surely a better dragon than me, because I wasn’t able to approach the egg myself. I have therefore decided leave him to his task and concentrate on my own. I have to admit, though, that I’m not looking forward to when this egg hatches.




Wesley Black

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Dear Journal,


UGH. It's been quite a while since I've opened you, dear friend. Momma was gone for quite a while, but she's back now. I've been really worried and didn't even bother to write. Anyway, since I'm the only one who isn't lazy enough to write a journal, I get to say the news.


Winter is coming up pretty quickly. There isn't any snow falling yet, but the air outside is pretty cold. Only the strong dragons who can adapt real quick to their environment are able to hunt outside. Momma told me and Accu to move out of the garden and in the main cave. She even forced Acqui out of his grave! Guess we'll be sleeping with him tonight. It's gonna be real creepy. Fortunately though, Acqui is smart and sensitive; he knew we would be scared so he decided to sleep at the far far FAR end of the cave, where not much of us go to.


Momma managed to save some eggs before the temperature became unbearable. We have a new pygmy egg, cave born too. We also have a green striped egg, a new friend for Pur.


Some of the older eggs hatched too. The Albino and the Water Horse hatched just recently. Momma's hoping for a male Albino; for Hale's mate. Speaking of Hale, she just grew her wings! It makes me smile to see a hatchling that hatched or matured. I remember when I was once like that as well.


But poor Touji, never will get a chance to grow. Momma froze her just today. The idea, to me, is horrible. At least she'll be cute and adorable forever and ever. Amen.


Agh. Must go. Accu is begging me to play Hide-and-Seek. What's good about the cave is that there are many small rooms and niches.


Anyway, until next time, journal!


~Citrouille Cheri











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The Vampire hatched and gendered Male rather quickly. Dragonic named him almost as soon as she set eyes on him, a smirk on her lips. "We shall call him... Genesis the Elder." Whenever a new breed enters our community, she gives them a name that means something to her. I've yet to discover the meaning of this name, but she will tell me in time.


As ordered, I left a large mountain lion in the dungeon in our Castle, where our Coven will live in the future. That night, I had Helio cast an invisibility spell over me, and I stayed down there. The hatchling that previously appeared dead was quite alive, a deep grey with shining fangs in it's mouth.


The lion, a bold male that had managed to give me a good few slashes, was knocked out in the corner, a small wound on his flank. The hatchling stumbled around, blindly, until it stopped, head pointed at the lying form. Quicker than the eye could see, it darted across the cobblestone, latching onto the lion's neck...


I left swiftly, feeling my stomack lurch. The next morning, the lion was gone, and the hatchling was back in the nest, curled up under some fluff and feathers.


Tonight I'll stay up again, to show the little one it's new home, and show it the secret passage to the area where it'll hunt. Also, I'll be setting up the shelves where the ancient tomes the wild Vampire coven donated will be resting. When it becomes an adult, I shall have to grab an egg to have it bite. It would be dangerous to have it as our only protection against the Zombies.


Shiro Saki

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Dear Journal,


Not much has happened since I last wrote. Everyone's wounds from the 31st have healed nicely. The two golden eggs SeaChel found have turned out to be small, pumpkin-loving dragons, only slightly bigger than the Pygmies.


Rorenth has been allowed to stay in the cave once again, as our victory on the 31st has brought about a feeling of oneness throughout the cave. I only hope it lasts and Rorenth won't try to usurp my mate's command again. He now has a mate of his own, the daughter of Traegon and Warrlia, Trilla. I'm a bit concerned by this, though, because of the fact that Traegon and Warrila are Rorenth's two closest followers. I hope this joining isn't an alliance of sorts.


In other news, the Pygmies are multiplying like rabbits. I've brought this up with SeaChel, but she seems to be quite fond of the pipsqueaks so I don't think she'll be giving them any breeding restrictions any time soon...oh well. Annoying as they can be, all together they were a strong fighting force for us on the 31st. Perhaps I should stop complaining about them as much as I have been...maybe.


~Sesina Songflight

Black Female, Leader of the Songflight Clan

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Dear Journal,


Momma is, to simply say, 'uber happy'. As of now, we have two hatchlings and 4 eggs, all of which we admire and love. I mentioned the two hatchies in my previous entry, the albino hasn't grown hi wings yet but the water horse has. He's male, so Momma named him 'Azur Etalon', which we nicknamed 'Azur'. The green striped egg I also mentioned before now has a diagonal crack across the egg, which people call a full crack. Momma also got a new red striped egg, a new pygmy egg and, everybody's center of interest, a cheese egg. We, especially Momma, were excited to see it. The thing is peculiar, very very peculiar.


The temperature outside is dropping fast. The forest outside our cave is coniferous, and we live in the taiga biome. It's cold here as it is, but bearable. It's our first time to experience winter, all of us. Even Momma; but she heard that our zone is real cold when it snows. Only Jum'l, Cai and Lier to hunt because of their special thingies. Lier prefers to stay and guard the cave but desperate times call for desperate measures. Sel also volunteered to hunt for fish since sea water never freezes. Momma ordered us to store food for the winter as a precaution, so we wouldn't starve or we wouldn't freeze if we go hunting.


Marti went out again to hunt, she won't be back until.. was it 4 days? Can't remember. This is one of her short hunts, since she normally goes out for 2 weeks. Everybody told her to go for that long only unless she wants to die of the cold. Marti is smart at least and agreed. Scini enchanted Marti just in case it starts to snow before she gets back. She said it would help her cope with the temperature.


Les is enjoying his last days of autumn then he'll be hibernating. He doesn't like the cold and he doesn't like the thought of having a winter seasonal dragon in the cave as well.


Well, to summarize my entry, winter is making life hectic for us Etincelles. Hopefully, we'll survive.


~Citrouille Cheri

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Dear Journal,


It has been a long time since I have written. Our cave is growing larger, and stronger, every day. The Split dragons will be welcoming a new hatchling into their small army in a few days and Musketeer will hopefully have a mate soon. Our third Vampire has hatched dead and our owner is now collecting hatchlings to cast a spell on them to make them stay hatchlings. Since I have not written in awhile, here is what happened last month:


Our owner had brought home four eggs on the human holiday Halloween. Three of the eggs looked like Gold Dragon eggs, but when we asked what they were all she said was ''I'm not telling you, it is a surprise!'' She then skipped away happily and we all looked at one other confused.


About an hour later our owner appeared again. She was covered in dust and her hair was all messed up, but she had a big smile on her face. At the same moment we saw her, a thick cloud of rotting flesh filled our cave up. I now understood why she was all messed up: she had fought a battle in the AP with other dragon owners and just managed to grab that decomposing egg. We all watched, carefully, as she walked over to the corner where the three golden eggs were and placed the Vampire egg next to them. Lazuli came out from hiding and kept watch of the Vampire egg.


Later that evening, I walked over to the eggs and picked up the Vampire egg and headed outside. I planned to place the egg in the AP because everyone seemed to want this rancid egg and I did not want another blood sucking creature hanging around. Well, just when I was nearing the AP my owner was standing there. She had heard me and the other dragons planning 'Operation: Vampire' was not happy. I handed the egg over and she marched me back to the cave. When we got to the cave she put the egg back where it was and I saw it had a few signs of cracking.


Well I here the other dragons coming in from hunting, and I don't want them to see my journal! I'll write in here soon!


~ Mustard Pot

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To Whom It May Concern,


The egg has hatched early. It actually hatched yesterday, during the night, but I have been so busy that I only now have time to sit down and write. It turns out that the warmth from Thelonious’s body actually incubated the egg, making it hatch prematurely. I was aware that red dragons are able to do this, but I didn’t know that it could happen unintentionally. Thelonious apologised, but has continued to care for the hatchling, as he will not be able to make it grow up earlier. Vampire dragon hatchlings come out of the egg gray and still, appearing dead, and in fact last year, when these creatures first appeared, many thought that the hatchlings were dead and disposed of the bodies. However, while they are technically dead, once they gender, they awake in the night and are as conscious as any dragon. Therefore, we are busy putting measures in place for when it genders and wakes up.

We still have much to do.




Wesley Black

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Well, this is my first entry in the thing Shiro calls a journal. I suppose I should introduce myself, then. I am Genesis the Elder, first Vampire of the Valley of the Stars. Last night, I finally matured. It was about time. I've realized that for all his talk of goodwill and acceptance, he truely is afraid of me. Hn.


Last night I wandered outside the castle where I grew up, finding myself drawn by some force to a hilltop near the northern edge of our territory. When I arrived, I saw a man, dressed in black, speaking with some members of my race. To state the obvious, I was surprised. Shiro never told me there was another Coven near my own.


"Take you and your black arts with you. You've caused enough damage." I heard the Elder, a large male, hiss between his fangs. The human smirked under his hood, and dissapeared. Not wanting to intrude, I left as well.


Soon after that, I came upon a cave that was piled high with eggs. Nobody was there, and some primal part of me wished to bite one of the eggs. Needless to say, I agreed. Taking a purple with no dragon-scent, I bit it, and took it back to my lair. I feel I should give Shiro more reason to fear me... And how else but by creating more Vampires?


I am keeping my egg with me, as I sleep. Goodnight.


Genesis the Elder,

First Vampire of the Valley of the Stars

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Dear journal,

All of the vampires have grown up and there not so bad as I thought. I thought they were going to be attacking us but they just giggled and they said they like to bite the eggs. Not full grown dragons. rolleyes.gif Nibble nibble but a grey egg but he killed it by accident. Vampire kisses (Female Vampire) but an egg and it's another vampire. There nit so bad when you think about it but the first vampire "Seeking eggs" is a little...scary. He's the leader of the vampire clan and he's really violent when others don't liston to him.

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