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4 hours ago, KrazyKarp said:

Herd immunity does cost lives, which is an unfortunate fact, but it's also what we've done as a species throughout our entire history because it's effective. It's far more logical to do than wait for a vaccine that may or may not arrive soon, isn't it? I'm not trying to argue - I'm a bit paranoid about coming across like that, so if I do come across like that then I'm sorry! I'm just trying to gather other perspectives on this and to see if I have bad information.



First off, we haven't as a species through our history DELIBERATELY practiced herd immunity. If you consider the Numerous people who have died from plagues and such effective, then sure it's effective (sarcasm). Most of our history people simply didn't practice good hygiene because they didn't know how most illness spread. You have a particular point in history were NO ONE  even bathed. Then the fact is most of what we know medically has been learned in our most Recent history and we are Still learning. 


We are being asked to practice social distancing because we Need Time  to Understand  this Virus so we can develop both vaccines and effective treatments while not overwhelming our healthcare systems and to seriously reduce the Death Toll. Even if we only find effective treatments that alone could seriously reduce the death rate. And to give our scientists the time to figure those treatments and vaccines out. But they are rushing because they know how impatient people are and that likely means inferior products going into the market. People who are dying don't need to be if we do what needs to be done and stop getting impatient.


Herd immunity as it's being discussed is immoral and unethical.  As in, deliberately spreading it to get through this quicker. Herd immunity will happen eventually. But there is NO GOOD  REASON  to deliberately spread a DEADLY disease. 


I wonder how many of those who are spouting open things up and spread it to increase herd immunity, would you still be saying these things you if you knew for a FACT that it would be You  who would be the one who Dies from this virus or Someone you Love?   Really think and imagine you or someone you love dead from this disease. Can you really justify your actions?  Are you REALLY  GOOD with that?  Or is it just you don't care about people not within your limited bubble? Do you not care that others are being put at risk by your actions? is that really acceptable to you, if so you might want to talk with a psychologist about your lack of caring for anyone but yourself.

And before you say I'm young and healthy. People of All Age Groups are being Killed  from this. There hasn't been a single age group that hasn't had a death. From babies to the elderly to those who were Perfectly Healthy. Young and Old, healthy and those with health issues. This virus doesn't CARE  if you are Bored or Stir Crazy. It doesn't care if you need to work to support your family. It doesn't care if you want to go out and be around people. It has a good deal of asymptomatic people who spread it. Being healthy or young will not protect you if you get it and develop a bunch of blood clots that hit your organs. Many have no symptoms up until they develop a Fatal Symptom. Again I ask would you still feel the same if it was Guaranteed that it would be you or someone you care for? 


Also a cough or a sneeze can travel well beyond the recommended 6 feet for social distancing. In under a minute a normal cough or sneeze can travel up to or greater than 12 feet and that is in a controlled setting. And Outdoors with wind can spread it further. That is without a mask. With a mask it still spread from the sides of a mask but reduces the distance.

Source: https://www.wsav.com/news/coronavirus/covid-19-how-far-can-a-cough-really-travel/


Also thank you to those who get to decide to be Selfish  and put others at Risk for DEATH. (Again sarcasm).  



And saying you are safe at the beach is not true in the least. All you have to do is look at Spring Break in my state Florida. Many got sick and died. So that WARPED Logic is not even close to being true or accurate. It is extremely selfish and arrogant and Entitled to think you have the Right to put others at risk just so you can go hang out at the beach. You don't know that those who are asymptomatic won't show up there. Or even those who actually know they are sick will stay away.  It shows a Callous Disregard for the Well Being of those around you. My opinion is it shows a Warped sense of reality and morality. I'm sure a lot of the cases we are seeing now in other areas are from those who traveled to my state because they could.  Just because you can doesn't mean you Should!


The U.S. has the highest Death Date for the Entire World.  You can almost Combine the next 3 countries with the next highest death rates to get to the U.S.'s death rate and you should find that Extremely DisturbingWe are supposed to be Leading the World to be better, not Be the Leader in Deaths Worldwide. And until we can stop this Virus we All  need to do our parts to Protect each other.  And that means sacrificing some Privileges,  because going to hang out at the beach, I hate to break it to you, is a Privilege not a right. I can understand how that might confuse you. Living in the U.S. grants us many Privileges as well as rights. I don't remember it being in the constitution that being able to go to the beach is a Right.

 You might feel you have the right to take that risk and if it was only those who think as you do who would be at risk I'd say have at it, but it's not just You or Those who Think Like You who would be put at risk. It's callous and spoiled.


And I stand by all the adjectives used to describe those who for selfish reasons, would willfully and with callous disregard for the safety and the well being of those they would put at risk.

So don't expect me to take back, or apologize for my low opinions of those who think as you. 🤨,


Also on a different note I am really sick and tired of people who think that there being a pandemic going on makes it ok to release and let their dogs run wild at night. I mean wtf.😤



Edited by AngelsSin

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Ditto to what @AngelsSin said!

Edited by JaneMcAsh

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Applauds Jane McAsh and adds 2 cents.

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8 hours ago, AngelsSin said:

Also thank you to those who get to decide to be Selfish  and put others at Risk for DEATH. (Again sarcasm).  



And saying you are safe at the beach is not true in the least. All you have to do is look at Spring Break in my state Florida. Many got sick and died. So that WARPED Logic is not even close to being true or accurate. It is extremely selfish and arrogant and Entitled to think you have the Right to put others at risk just so you can go hang out at the beach. You don't know that those who are asymptomatic won't show up there. Or even those who actually know they are sick will stay away.  It shows a Callous Disregard for the Well Being of those around you. My opinion is it shows a Warped sense of reality and morality. I'm sure a lot of the cases we are seeing now in other areas are from those who traveled to my state because they could.  Just because you can doesn't mean you Should!


The U.S. has the highest Death Date for the Entire World.  You can almost Combine the next 3 countries with the next highest death rates to get to the U.S.'s death rate and you should find that Extremely DisturbingWe are supposed to be Leading the World to be better, not Be the Leader in Deaths Worldwide. And until we can stop this Virus we All  need to do our parts to Protect each other.  And that means sacrificing some Privileges,  because going to hang out at the beach, I hate to break it to you, is a Privilege not a right. I can understand how that might confuse you. Living in the U.S. grants us many Privileges as well as rights. I don't remember it being in the constitution that being able to go to the beach is a Right.

 You might feel you have the right to take that risk and if it was only those who think as you do who would be at risk I'd say have at it, but it's not just You or Those who Think Like You who would be put at risk. It's callous and spoiled.


And I stand by all the adjectives used to describe those who for selfish reasons, would willfully and with callous disregard for the safety and the well being of those they would put at risk.

So don't expect me to take back, or apologize for my low opinions of those who think as you. 🤨,


Also on a different note I am really sick and tired of people who think that there being a pandemic going on makes it ok to release and let their dogs run wild at night. I mean wtf.😤




Well, even though you didn't address me personally,

I guess I am also in your selfish, arrogant, callous, spoiled, and putting other people's life at risk category.

But those of us who don't see any point in being locked down anymore,

we're in good company,

As of right now 24 states have begun lifting their restrictions,

most notably Colorado,

all retail stores can open,

barber shops, beauty salons, personal trainers at gyms, tattoo parlors are allowed to open.

Realtors can start showing houses again,

doctors, dentist, and veterinarians can start scheduling regular appointments again.

And on Monday, all offices can open, 

with half of their staff to maintain social distancing.



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I do want to point out that AngelsSin's emotional outburst is, well, just emotional. I made it clear I was only looking for other perspectives, other information, and that I wasn't looking for a fight. And then you bring a very nasty attitude to the table, exaggerating what I was saying and taking it to an extreme. I had a whole reply typed up with many quotes of things you said, but ultimately I'm just sick of seeing high-emotion arguments on a topic that's more scientific and logical, and would rather not discuss it with you until your attitude is less nasty. In general, please be more tolerant of other people's thought on this matter.


On that note, I appreciate Kith, Daydreamer09, Raikielia, and Astreya posting information that I wasn't aware of, and discussing this with me calmly and logically. My whole family is on board with less restrictions and more of a herd immunity approach, so it's nice to talk with other people who bring new things to the table. Honestly, people are getting more restless, so I doubt these quarantining measures will be in place for too much longer anyway, at least not in most U.S. states. Certainly not over the summer. But for now, I see more of why it's not as bad of an idea as I originally thought to keep quarantining, so thanks!

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Edited as I overquoted.


6 hours ago, KrazyKarp said:

On that note, I appreciate Kith, Daydreamer09, Raikielia, and Astreya posting information that I wasn't aware of, and discussing this with me calmly and logically. My whole family is on board with less restrictions and more of a herd immunity approach, so it's nice to talk with other people who bring new things to the table. Honestly, people are getting more restless, so I doubt these quarantining measures will be in place for too much longer anyway, at least not in most U.S. states. Certainly not over the summer. But for now, I see more of why it's not as bad of an idea as I originally thought to keep quarantining, so thanks!


You are absolutely right. Incidentally, in the UK, where there are mutterings among Those In Authority (and a few people with a financial interest) about  lifting lockdown, 67% are against, and there was a very interesting quote from the people conducting the latest poll:



“The clamour to ‘reopen the economy’ is largely taking place in Westminster and is not really reflective of wider public sentiment.”



Opposition to reopening restaurants and pubs – and allowing mass gatherings in sports and other stadiums to resume – is even higher. Just 11% of people think the time is right to consider reopening restaurants, while 78% are against. Only 9% believe it would be correct to consider reopening pubs, while 81% are against; 7% say it would be right to allow mass gatherings at sports events or concerts to resume, with 84% against.e.




Also interestingly - our prime minister. who was actually in ITU with Covid for a while, suddenly seems to feel that the restrictions are a damn good idea.

Edited by Fuzzbucket

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1 hour ago, TheScorpionKing said:


Well, even though you didn't address me personally,

I guess I am also in your selfish, arrogant, callous, spoiled, and putting other people's life at risk category.

But those of us who don't see any point in being locked down anymore,

we're in good company,

As of right now 24 states have begun lifting their restrictions,

most notably Colorado,

all retail stores can open,

barber shops, beauty salons, personal trainers at gyms, tattoo parlors are allowed to open.

Realtors can start showing houses again,

doctors, dentist, and veterinarians can start scheduling regular appointments again.

And on Monday, all offices can open, 

with half of their staff to maintain social distancing.



And I am afraid that we will be seeing soaring numbers of infections. I hope I am wrong, but there is really no scientific reason to believe that I am.

The sad thing is that people who don't want to put their lives at risk will be forced to do so in many cases. Some of these states are cutting off unemployment benefits to those who refuse to return to work because of fear of the virus -- regardless of the degree of risk. So even those with pre-existing conditions will have no income unless they risk death by returning to their jobs.


And in spite of the loud voices of those clamoring for their "freedom" the majority of people in every poll I have seen are against reopening things too soon.

Edited by purplehaze

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I can always best talk about the situation in Germany, and here some people appear to be restless, too. As of April 30, three quarters of the Germans want to extend the contact limitation at least until May 10. Interestingly the age group 14-29 agreed most with the lockdown. 22% of the German disapprove of the lockdown, there the majority are in the age group 45-59 years.

Source: https://de.investing.com/news/coronavirus/virustickerumfrage--drei-viertel-der-deutschen-fur-langere-kontaktbeschrankungen-2001158


Still the politicians get under mounting pressure by businesses to ease the lockdown even more. On the other hand, some of the shops that were allowed to open from the last week on found that people still preferred to stay at home and thus they didn't really sell too much anyway. Those people who were allowed to go out rather went to enjoy leisure activities with other people, it seems.


So it is quite possible that the easing of the lockdown won't actually help the self-employed and shops, but on the other hand incite "freedom loving people" to go on leisure activities and thus spread the virus farther.


Edited by Astreya

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It also appears in the news that Germany has seen a rise in COVID cases after lockdown regulations were eased.



Which just supports what several have been saying to @StormBirdRising and @TheScorpionKing: there will be a rise in COVID Cases if US states continue to remove lockdown restrictions. We haven't even started to decline in number of new cases (let alone additional deaths) per day.

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Well about all virologists in Germany warned against the easing of the lockdown, exactly because there will be more contact and thus more fertile ground for SARS-CoV-2.


Unfortunately our biggest and most read tabloid BILD subtly works against any measures to continue the lockdown and even had some articles that were set up to undermine the believability of the virologists. I fear this will backfire very badly.



I just read the articles you linked - they are both from April 28, so they actually can't show the effect of easing the lockdown yet. They write about R0=0.96 there, which was correct at that time, but as of May 3, the R0 given by the RKI is at 0.74 with a 0.95% confidence interval of 0.62-0.89.

Source: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Situationsberichte/2020-05-03-de.pdf?__blob=publicationFile


Edited by Astreya
I can't count to 2 :P

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12 hours ago, AngelsSin said:

Or is it just you don't care about people not within your limited bubble?


I believe this 100%. If it doesn't hurt them or someone they love, it's no big deal.


12 hours ago, AngelsSin said:

I hate to break it to you, is a Privilege not a right.


It's all the same to them. If they can't do absolutely everything they used to, then their rights are being attacked.


3 hours ago, TheScorpionKing said:

begun lifting their restrictions


The problem is that people see that the curve is flattening, so they all think, "oh, good! We can go back to normal!" That's not the case. I do agree that things need to reopen, but it has to be done right. Everyone who can wearing masks(almost anything worn as a mask is better than nothing and wearing them correctly!) would be a big help. But people today are a bunch of wimpy, whiny people who just want to do whatever they want and screw everyone else. Wearing a mask may be uncomfortable or inconvenient, but it's what needs to be done to protect people. The only people who don't wear masks should be the people who absolutely cannot. Children under 10 and people with medical conditions that make it impossible. And I still think the people with medical conditions should have to have an exception note/card/whatever signed by a doctor.


We went to Taco Cabana yesterday for breakfast tacos. They girl at the drive thru window was wearing a mask, but it was under her nose. That doesn't do any good! Masks have to be worn correctly as well!

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I just posted, but I apparently missed a whole page.


2 hours ago, KrazyKarp said:

I'm just sick of seeing high-emotion arguments on a topic that's more scientific and logical,


I didn't really see their post as overly emotional, but okay. There does come a point, though, where it's hard to stay unemotional. People don't listen and I've learned, for the most part, you can't change other people's minds. So when you get the people who absolutely refuse to see anyone else's side but their own, it gets frustrating. If it was anything not super important it wouldn't matter and people could be left to believe whatever they want, but this is important. The people who think "it's no big deal", "it's just the flu", "the flu kills more people!" those are the dangerous ones, because they just want everything to be normal and don't want to do anything to help protect other people.


2 hours ago, purplehaze said:

And in spite of the loud voices of those clamoring for their "freedom" the majority of people in every poll I have seen are against reopening things too soon.


Things like this is where what the majority thinks doesn't really matter, though. It's the people who are loud that get what they want, because leaders don't often seem to have a backbone and give in to the people who make a fuss.

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I'm in agreement with @AngelsSin The post didn't feel emotional, or overly so. It was most definitely less emotional than any of Olympe's posts that contain excessively large and colored/over emphasized font. 

And, even if AngelsSin's words had emotions behind them, it makes them no less logical/rational. Hot tip: it's absolutely possible to be both emotional and rational. People are allowed to get angry/yell and say, explicitly when someone's causing harm to them--as one example. Emotions, also, do not mean that someone is hysterical or behaving hysterically (especially women as "emotional" and "hysterical" are notoriously being applied solely to women in negative connotations).

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20 hours ago, purpledragonclaw said:

This award is only given to those who have died. Olympe hasn't died, so they can't get the award. 

Hush, are you sure? SBR sure said otherwise, and they're always right...

Btw, I'm not out of the gene pool, even if I die. I have offspring! :D 


17 hours ago, KrazyKarp said:

Quarantining for a while is fine, but I’m confused on the benefits of doing it long-term. I could be looking at it wrong, but don’t we need at least one of these two things to happen?

1. People get infected, build up antibodies, herd immunity basically

2. Vaccine


So quarantining isn’t very productive in the long-term, is it? Don’t we need people to get infected and get those antibodies? Which sounds bad, but that seems to be the factual, logical thing. Unless we get a vaccine very soon, that is.

It also makes me confused about celebrating lower case numbers. That’s great, but it’s not permanent. It doesn’t matter if we quarantine for another week or another decade - without a vaccine, it’s pointless. Numbers will shoot back up - a flattened curve is pointless, unless it’s because of herd immunity or a vaccine, the only two cases where a flattened curve is more permanent.


Again, maybe I’m not looking at this correctly? But a lot of what we’re doing now seems to be pointless from what I can tell.

Well, right now, every state that has lockdowns in place is actually playing for time in the hope that the vaccine will be there soon. And there are a lot of pharma firms working on creating such a vaccine.

The alternative of attaining herd ummunity through natural means (letting everyone get infected) is not a viable option IMHO. There are just too many people who'd die, especially in areas where health care is either lacking or not affordable. Plus, we don't really know anything about long-term consequences. Are there any? If so, what are they? Because in quite a few cases of diseases, long-term consequences can be quite dire. Like chicken pox (possibly) resulting in herpes zoster/shingles. Did you know that Ebola, for example, also has long-lasting health effects on survivors? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-Ebola_virus_syndrome (for those interested). Personally, I'd rather not risk doing this to 90% of the (surviving) population.


17 hours ago, RainDear said:

My favorite quote which I saw recently on Facebook shows one: I'm not afraid of catching it. I'm afraid of passing it to someone who isn't strong enough to fight it.

RainDear, your whole post is spot-on. And I especially like this quote. I think I've said something like this before, and multiple times. (I left out the "who isn't strong enough to fight it" part, although it was kind of implied.)


17 hours ago, KrazyKarp said:

A vaccine could possibly be ready in the fall. But it's not guaranteed, is it? And even if that does happen, would the vaccine be ready for mass production? Of course we all hope for a vaccine in the fall (or even sooner!), and hope it will quickly be ready for mass production. But it's something I'm cautiously optimistic about, unless there's an overwhelming amount of evidence that nearly guarantees it (is there? I'm actually not sure about this). Herd immunity does cost lives, which is an unfortunate fact, but it's also what we've done as a species throughout our entire history because it's effective. It's far more logical to do than wait for a vaccine that may or may not arrive soon, isn't it? I'm not trying to argue - I'm a bit paranoid about coming across like that, so if I do come across like that then I'm sorry! I'm just trying to gather other perspectives on this and to see if I have bad information.

I, too, am quite optimistic about a vaccine in the fall - of 2021. Maybe spring, if we're lucky. But most likely not this fall.

We haven't been using herd immunity because it's effective, but because until recently, it was our only option. Period. And it's not really effective in the long run, because the younger people who haven't had it will be able to catch the disease. So, eventually, herd immunity vanishes. Unless more people get sick, which results in more people dying.

The question you have to ask yourself is the following: Would you rather catch the measles - which, in most cases, are harmless, but can be deadly or result in various life-long ailments (loss of hearing) - or would you rather take shots against the measles every 10 or so years (plus several times during your initial immunization) with far, far lower risk of consequences? Personally, I'd take all the shots. I'm not trying to attack you in any way, but I have a bad feeling that you do have bad information. Information spread by people who really want to stop any kind of lockdown or social distancing, closing of non-essential spaces and the like.

16 hours ago, Astreya said:

Let's look at the hospital beds per 1000 people. The US has 2.9, UK 2.8. Germany 8.3, France 6.5, Italy 3.4 and Spain 3.0. That means if you are in the US you'd have 2900 beds for your town of 100 000 people.

2.9 x 100 = 290, not 2900. So, yes, things are even worse.


5 hours ago, TheScorpionKing said:

Well, even though you didn't address me personally,

I guess I am also in your selfish, arrogant, callous, spoiled, and putting other people's life at risk category.

But those of us who don't see any point in being locked down anymore,

we're in good company,

Well, way back when, the Nazis in Germany were in good company. And their most precious teaching about genetics and euthanasia was actually considered cutting edge around the world.

Way back when (and in many areas even today), mysogynists were and are in good company.

Way back when (and, in many places and families even today), people beating the **** out of their children were and are in good company.

Way back when, White people considering Black people below them were in good company.

Way back when, people believing that the Earth is flat were in good company. (And, yes, I'm aware that this is cropping up again. I mean, what the heck?)

Way back when (and, in some areas, even today), people sacrificing other humans were in good company. Oh, wait, isn't that what people "who don't see any point in being locked down any more" are actually willing to do? So, uhm, yes, you're definitely in good company there.


Just because you're in good company doesn't mean you're right.


1 hour ago, ValidEmotions said:

I'm in agreement with @AngelsSin The post didn't feel emotional, or overly so. It was most definitely less emotional than any of Olympe's posts that contain excessively large and colored/over emphasized font. 

Posts? Plural? o_O 

Edited by olympe

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Sorry @olympe The plural is a typo.


(Though the excessive over-emphasis isn't just isolated to this thread, nor a single member who's posted.)

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True. But it seems to be the only thing that gets through to a certain person. At least it seemed to work when fuzzy did it. Thick head is thick... *sighs* And, yes, I was feeling rather snarky when posting it yesterday.

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Oh, I'm not annoyed that you did it xD I fully understand you and Fuzzy's reasonings for doing it. I'm just merely pointing out Karp and Fuzzy's decision to single out AngelsSin's post as "purely emotional" and "not founded much on logic" (unless Fuzzy is responding to a different part of Karp's post but quoted everything for...?) despite the fact that nothing in Angels' post suggested an overly emotional reaction. Especially as compared to other posts that "scream" more.


I hope that makes sense.

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19 hours ago, RainDear said:

My favorite quote which I saw recently on Facebook shows one: I'm not afraid of catching it. I'm afraid of passing it to someone who isn't strong enough to fight it.


I sincerely hope I epitomize the first. That is my goal for myself. I will wear some kind of face covering when I am out and about. I will do my best to follow the other guidelines to the best of my ability. I stay home unless I must go out. I spend time outside in my own yard. I hope no one here dies of this thing.


This is me. This is how I operate. Thank you for posting this and thank you @Lagie for the above. 


For the first time yesterday, I got tired of wearing my mask. My face was sweaty from it, I had to wear it over 5 hours, and I remember thinking "maybe I can take it off for a few minutes and get some air. What harm would it do?" Then I was horrified I'd thought like that. I wear my mask not only for my protection, but for those around me in public. For my family. For my friends. For senior citizens. For the immunocompromised. For people I don't know. For people who  don't like me. I want to help as many as I can to keep them from dying from this disease. I didn't give in to that impulse, but I'll remember how good it felt to wait until I got back home to take it off rather than give in to the temptation to take it off in public. 


I'm locking into the mentality that life will be like this through the end of the year. I'm hoping it won't be, but I'm starting to change how I view life and how I live. If that means being inside for seven more months, so be it. Beating this virus is paramount to me right now.

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30 minutes ago, Lagie said:



i agree with this completely.


and as RainDear, Lagie, and PDC all said, they wear it for others.  i do as well.  i have NO idea if i'm asymptomatic or just don't have it.  this things scares the cr@p out of me, and i wouldn't want to give it to someone either.


friday, i start back at my retail part-time job, where i haven't been in almost two months.  we do curbside pick-up, and since people are buying, the shelves need restocking, and other tasks that need to be done in the store.  my thinking is (and i don't know for certain) that the manager is bringing us back slowly, and making sure everyone working is still healthy.  i figure there's only going to be a handful (6?) of us in the store, and it's a big store, we shouldn't be working in each others spaces.  the manager has masks, gloves, and sanitizer for us.  although we won't be opening to the public for a while, he says.


Edited by trystan
so i don't double-post

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48 minutes ago, ValidEmotions said:

Oh, I'm not annoyed that you did it xD I fully understand you and Fuzzy's reasonings for doing it. I'm just merely pointing out Karp and Fuzzy's decision to single out AngelsSin's post as "purely emotional" and "not founded much on logic" (unless Fuzzy is responding to a different part of Karp's post but quoted everything for...?) despite the fact that nothing in Angels' post suggested an overly emotional reaction. Especially as compared to other posts that "scream" more.


I hope that makes sense.

Since fuzzy also applauded AngelSin's post in question, I doubt she meant to reference the part where it's called an "emotional outburst". For the record, I don't agree with that assessment, either, as it's obviously driven by emotion instead of by reading what is actually said there. While the post in question is not just facts and numbers, it does drive home what achieving herd immunity actually means in terms of personal losses. This, in turn, actually is a logical deduction of well-known facts (like numbers of infections needed, death rate and chance that one of your loved ones will be affected). It just translates facts into something you can relate to. The only part of AngelSin's post that's emotional - and rightfully so! - is the part addressed at a fellow DCer, who is *not* CrazyKarp.

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1 hour ago, ValidEmotions said:

Oh, I'm not annoyed that you did it xD I fully understand you and Fuzzy's reasonings for doing it. I'm just merely pointing out Karp and Fuzzy's decision to single out AngelsSin's post as "purely emotional" and "not founded much on logic" (unless Fuzzy is responding to a different part of Karp's post but quoted everything for...?) despite the fact that nothing in Angels' post suggested an overly emotional reaction. Especially as compared to other posts that "scream" more.


I hope that makes sense.


Fuzzy actually didn't mean it was overemotional and not founded on logic. Fuzzy quoted sloppily and is about to edit. Fuzzy is very sorry but was on the way to VITAL TV... These things are so important in lockdown !


43 minutes ago, Lagie said:



Thank you. May I use it ?


20 minutes ago, purpledragonclaw said:


This is me. This is how I operate. Thank you for posting this and thank you @Lagie for the above. 


For the first time yesterday, I got tired of wearing my mask. My face was sweaty from it, I had to wear it over 5 hours, and I remember thinking "maybe I can take it off for a few minutes and get some air. What harm would it do?" Then I was horrified I'd thought like that. I wear my mask not only for my protection, but for those around me in public. For my family. For my friends. For senior citizens. For the immunocompromised. For people I don't know. For people who  don't like me. I want to help as many as I can to keep them from dying from this disease. I didn't give in to that impulse, but I'll remember how good it felt to wait until I got back home to take it off rather than give in to the temptation to take it off in public. 


I'm locking into the mentality that life will be like this through the end of the year. I'm hoping it won't be, but I'm starting to change how I view life and how I live. If that means being inside for seven more months, so be it. Beating this virus is paramount to me right now.


I'm expecting it to last all year too. And I hope we shall ALL be changing our habits permanently. This could happen again with a new virus at any time.

Edited by Fuzzbucket

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8 minutes ago, Fuzzbucket said:

THnak you. May I use it ?

Sure, though it came from Facebook so credit isn't mine [The Other 98% posted it.].


My mask protects you and hopefully also me (asthma, high blood pressure, kidney disease - I do NOT want to catch this virus).

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I think I have already had it - luckily mildly. But I am still not risking myself - OR crucially, anyone else, by stopping taking precautions.

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2 hours ago, olympe said:

2.9 x 100 = 290, not 2900. So, yes, things are even worse.

Thank you for the correction. I edited my initial post. So things are even a factor 10 worse.



So fast the number of cases can increase when one care home fort he elderly becomes a new cluster of cases:


Daily update for Oberhausen, NRW, Germany:

As of today, Sunday, May 3, 18:00 GMT+2,  my home town (population 211 000) has 75 active cases (all in all there have been 233 people who suffered from Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic including those that have recovered), 157 people have recovered, 9 persons are treated in hospitals, and 1 person sadly died. 148 persons are currently quarantined (including the 9 in hospitals). All in all there have been 5412 Covid-19 tests in Oberhausen so far.


Source: https://www.oberhausen.de/de/index/rathaus/verwaltung/umwelt-gesundheit-und-mobilitat/gesundheit/aktuelle_informationen/informationen_zum_coronavirus/aktuelle_meldungen.php


Edited by Astreya

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