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CPA Duels (OoC/HQ thing) [Almost Always Open]

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Ugghhhh I was dragged to a party today and just got back. It's 11:30 for me and I have to get up at 6 tomorrow, but I'll see if I can finish up the description now that we've decided.

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It's only 8:30 for me... Haha.


Hey Serce, coulds you send me the strategy and everything via PM? My computer is having issues with chatzy and google doc right now, it seems, and a way to look at everything would be fantastic.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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My internet is being dumb (it's slow on minute, lightning fast the next) and I have to go to work tomorrow (it's nearly midnight, 11:45pm here on Thursday...) so I'm going to bed.


I also probably won't be on tomorrow much. Or saturday. or even sunday. or much the rest of the week.... maybe during the night the rest of the week... but if it's going on like this week has been, me going to college the 19th has attracted a lot of "I need to come to your house and hang out for 5hrs straight and we do random stuff!!!!" attention xd.png from like every single one of my good friends (there's like 15... of people who really do care about my life- I didn't realize that until recently...) and then if that happens I won't be on at all that day. But I won't know if that happens until that day...


so moral of that: Don't feel bad if I don't show up xd.png I'll make it up to you all somehow.

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My internet's being terrible too. But hey, I sent the arena. I'll be on tomorrow evening.


Maybe we can use a random-number generator to determine the order or something. I don't know.


Also Pi, may I have a minisprite? Be creative. biggrin.gif (also, I can make stuff transparent. Do you mind if I remove the white background on sprites you've already posted?)

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*points pointedly at my art thread* (tl;dr: Literally do anything as long as you don't say "hey I drew this")


Also I actually have a ton of requests to do?? I'll get to yours at some point probably hopefully

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Sorry, guys. I'll be sitting out for this duel, actually, minus possible random posts; I caught a cold which may be worse then a cold considering nothing is staying down besides water and tea. I'll hopefully be able to remain semi-active. ^^'


Anyways, I'm making the thread now. Thanks for the help, everyone!


EDIT: Which also means a spot is technically open.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Could sub-in the team duel with my Crystal Mage?


Assuming that is ok with the others?



sad.gif Colds are Evil!

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I couldn't eat anything after I got back from a two-week camp. I don't know why. My entire team was pretty much puking up everything they are, too. Get better soon!


Also when's the duel starting? Approximately?

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Of course. You can just randomly have your weapon with you, because this was not in our plans. (I'll be weaker to keep it fair, too.)


Anyways, as soon as everyone grabs their weapon, it'll start.


Also, thanks. And yes, they are evil.

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Yo. Finally decided join instead of stalk.


Question! Though.


Why is blue worse than red? On the ban list thingy, I mean. Red is like, a warning color, but blue is so peaceful. You should have grey, then orange, then red, then black.


Oh, this isn't finished, by the way. (Obviously)


Username: SoiledLove

Nicknames: SL, Soiled

Species: Divine Being (Same as TE)

Looks: Usually, a black haired, black eyed girl with light purple glasses. Tends to either playing with her phone, her DS, sleeping or staring off into space, thinking.

Powers: Creation (more or less the opposite of TE's first ability, usually through drawing something and mentally visualizing it to give it depth), Animation (you know, making things come to life, often out of control or random), False Reality (not what it sounds like. Can turn fake things into real things

Skills: Immortality, Untouchable (cannot be harmed unless you defeat whatever she creates first)

Rank: The Great Creator, The Weird One, Sloth Embodiment

Preferred Weapon: Scythes, kitchenware (mostly knives and scissors), hand held fans

Other: Prefers flight over fight. Asleep most of the time and uses that as an excuse to avoid doing anything. Totally lazy.


What's the difference between skills and powers? Like, one is passive and one is active?


Oh yes, and, TE, no Runa? You usually have her when you go destroyer mode.

Edited by SoiledLove

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Your choice. Now, I'm gonna vanish, so... Any questions will not be answered until later.


EDIT: SL you ninja. Answers are on the next page. xd.png

Edited by seacatsmew

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Unless I can answer some questions of course smile.gif


I'd be happy to give it a shot.


Sea, I'll pop up more arena's later.... I have a huge list of those too I put together last night xd.png just never find time.... *remembers she has to update her dragon listy thing still*


I am also in Eastern Standard Time (cave-time for those who go by that) or EST


I topped xd.png

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Oh, I just noticed SL ninja'd me. o_o


@SL: Because I decided to put down random colors... I'll change that in a moment.


Skills are passive. Powers are basically attacks.


@DH: Exactly. : D


We have more arenas then... Anything, really. xd.png Which is great. Thank you~


Added your timezone up. And yes, you did. xd.png

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Good, good...

Okay I got that. I think I can go about finishing the form... Sometime soon. Maybe. Yeah.


Btw, TE is probably going to challenge me as soon as she sees one of my posts and, also, I claim credit for some of her form and I don't care if she meant to channel my character or not. She stole my character Runa (short white hair tipped with red, red eyes, can make things go boom at will). Technically, I created her as another version of TE, but still.


EDIT: Can I be a referee? I prefer to not actually get involved with things (fights). I, in real life, hate violence, even though I, in school, recently keep being asked if I am a psychopath or not (all I did was tell a scary story, it's not my fault I was laughing uncontrollably when two people cried. Plus, that's more of a sign that you have Sadistic Personality Disorder, not Anti-Social Personality disorder).

Edited by SoiledLove

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I didn't create my hyper phases in Runa's likeness, if that's what you're getting at. I used to watch an anime where a character's hair would go white when she got angry. So technically, no, you can't claim credit for parts of my form. I can stop using Runa if it bothers you. She's not even part of my form, so what part are you claiming?


Also my friends say I have Anti-Social Personality Disorder just cuz I'm on my phone all the time. OH WELL.


And I'm already in a team battle right now, so I think my challenge to you can wait a while.

Edited by Techno_Elf

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People's hair changing colours as part of a superpowered mode is a REALLY common anime trope. And I have a friend who's been going on about explosion powers for years; I can't very well say you're both plagarizing him, can I?


(Also I'm tempted to change my duelsona to my Madoka Magica self insert hmm)

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Ooh. Madoka. I had a friend who recently finished watching it and she was ranting about Kyubey. Loudly.


Anyways, who still has to post in the team battles?

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I want to fight actually... so I've created my weaker form


Username: Marcus Pheonix

Nicknames: (Of username.) MP, Marcus

Species: Star, that takes on the appearance of a phoenix that can take on the appearance of a human

Looks: A human in a nice blue suit, including waistcoat and pocket watch, but I can also manifest two large wings made out of plasma.

Powers: Flight, the ability to set myself on fire.

Skills: Rebirth, and can survive in space (don't need to breathe and immune to temperature)

Rank: Living Star, Ace Attorney, Seacats sensei

Preferred Weapon: Long handled weapons (Spears/double sided sword/bow staff) Revolvers/ Rapiers

Other: I handle all legal situations when it comes to dueling and prefer reffing in my super form.

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@SL: Sure. Added you up.


@TE: Silver, TUM, and Takhesis.


@MP: Added the form!


Okay, now, back to sleep I go.

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Lmao. None of the weapons left suit me. Can't I just not choose one? tongue.gif


Anyway, a post is in the works. Hopefully Silver doesn't ninja me.

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Choose the weapon Silverphoenix will most likely use! Take the axe is my opinion.

Edited by serce2

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I chose the javelin (in the post I'm writing) because the axe sounds heavy. Silver can transform weapons anyway, so it really doesn't matter what is picked.

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Aw, I should've chosen the staff insteaaaaddddd. I just realized that it was seriously Melomancer's ideal weapon, and a way to channel magic better would've been great for me.

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