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Hi! Sorry, I have been a bit busy! I am currently typing up a reply. smile.gif I have a question though. If Sil is 20 years old, would she have been alive already during the war? I read the introduction and thought that maybe it is the case. But I just want to make sure. smile.gif (The war was ten years ago before the Academy was established. How long has the Academy been around then?)



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This is the second year of the Academy actually being active in the storyline. I'd say it took a few years to plan out and the build so, Sil would most likely be on that line between remembering about the war happening and not due to young age. I know Felic and Soria were born near the very end of the war so they don't really know anything of it except what was taught (which isn't much before history class from last year). Al, on the other hand, is old enough to have participated through much of it as he would have been about 17-19 years of (actual) age when it started. It constitutes for any of his racist thoughts/actions/behavior along with whatever was taught to him by family and mentors.

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Oooh! Thank you for the useful information, Narvix! I was just going to add some minor details (I enjoy building up background along the way) but I want to be consistent. smile.gif

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Sorry guys. I haven't meant to keep things held up. My computer keeps crashing, making it rather difficult to get anything done on it. I might have to save the things I want to keep and wipe my hard drive if this doesn't stop soon sad.gif. Still working on my post in between crashes, but almost done.

Edited by LotusDragon

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I'll post when I have a chance to make something proper. Exams are this week and I'm bogged down by study work. Thankfully, spring break is next Monday.

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Okay, my computer had to be fully wiped, which is why I haven't been on at all. Hopefully it'll be good as new tomorrow, or the day after. If not I'll need a whole new computer.

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I'll post later, like Narvix, it was exam week last week, and the past few days I haven't had any Internet.

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Good luck with your exams guys biggrin.gif. I hope they went well for you. My computer had to be sent in to get fixed and won't be back for another week or so. I'll still check in when my husband lets me use his laptop, but I really miss having my own.

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Okay. Can't make a decent post just yet but I did update student and teacher locations a bit. I'll also be updating posts in the RP thread. Let me know if I've missed any thing, guys.

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A reminder to those who may have forgotten, please post notices here in this OC thread if you believe you'll be taking longer than a day or two in making a post. Due to this huge, gaping lull in activity we're going to start cracking down on the three day grace period.


Otherwise... let's look alive people! The break was probably well-needed by a few of us folks, but we gotta get back in the game now. If you're having issues getting on, Please make posts in this thread so we can acknowledge you're still going to be away.

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I'm doing this because you made Lucky and I push for everyone's activity >_> dry.gif


Assigned Seats for Language!


Silmarwen_| NPC_____-| Agatha/Jolinar-| NPC___-|


Deja_____-| Syasurru__| Luke_______-| NPC___-| _E_f


NPC______| Soria______| Camicar____--| NPC___-| _C_o


NPC______| NPC______-| NPC________-| Devon_-| _E_t


Dain_____-| Mizuki____| NPC________-| Tatsuke-|






That settled, let me move on:


At the Hatchery!





At the Cafeteria!












Raven301, please let me know what room you decide for Isolde to have. You can either enter it into her post as she's selecting her egg or simply tell me here in the OOC thread.


The rest o' ya! You are still able to post responses to our push. Any thoughts, emotions, reactions to who is around them? Any details on how they went about getting to their present locations? There are 20 seats in the Language classroom, enough for every single student we control as a group. NPC labels can be replaced by PCs and the assigned seats are only for this RP day. The next time Language class is in session, you are free to move your character(s) over to another seat!


That is all....

Edited by Narvix

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I'm gonna have to leave, sorry. I've just been too distracted by my uni work. If anyone wants to take over James feel free.

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wait, actually Camicar is going to be in language class. I'm typeing the post right now. I was waiting for someone else to post, but now i forgot what i was waiting for. Sorry.


And Camicar already got his egg.

Edited by na82008

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Sorry to see you leave, Marcus sad.gif do take care and good luck with University!


Na, apologies for the mix up, my last post in the Ooc thread now reflects the fix.


EDIT: Adding an updated list of classes we have covered by teachers controlled in our group.


Teachers needed for:









Culture Studies


World History


Combat: Hand Combat, Archery, Spear/Halberd Training, Swordplay



Literature had a teacher but the controlling member of said teacher hasn't posted in quite some time. So, this class is an iffy.

Edited by Narvix

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I'm here! I'm still just borrowing my husband's laptop until mine returns. They said it would take 2 weeks to fix and send back, but I don't believe them. I will try to get my post done as quickly as I can, but my husband will be wanting his laptop back soon. Good luck at Uni Marcus!

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I'm alive! Music exams are coming up along with several other stuff so it's been a little hectic. School has been getting in the way too. I should be able to start posting again soon.

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I'm alive as well! I apologize for the absence! March has been a really busy month for me. But it's about to end, so... yay! I will make a post in the next 24 hours. smile.gif


Sorry to see Marcus leave. sad.gif I enjoyed his character a lot. Good luck with uni!


//Edit: Argh, I got busy again! D: Though I have read all the replies and have started to think of what to post. Sil's just going to continue interactions until the teacher decides to appear!

Edited by Natevaelle

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while-- School caught up to me and I died a little; also I'm not very sure where to move Kaius. I think I should make another character who would be a little more.. involving with other students //whoops


I'll still be able to teach literature!

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Just adding in that I could make a new teacher to cover Combat of Swordplay, Medical or Gym, should it be necessary, or should anyone want. I really don't mind!

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Here's Mitzuki! Sorry for the inactivity, but I usually stop using my lappy for 3 weeks before my finals. Guess I'm back in the game.

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Got a little caught up in school work. I'll have some free-time once I'm home to post. I'll be pushing a little interaction while we wait on Lotus.

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Will be waiting for Language class to start. Assume that Mizuki is dozing in the meantime.

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