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The Academy OOC

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xd.png Soria would continue playing along with her own quips and lightly grasping Dain's chin as she spoke if he hadn't turned away as soon as he was finished addressing my little witch haha.

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Dont really wish to double post, but its been almost three days since the last post, lets go guys!

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Patience Frod. I'm sure people are stuck with homework or bad weather. Or both. I'll make a post when I'm home in an hour though.

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I'd post, but i realized it's kinda hard to extend something that happens in such a short period of time to 4 lines with Lorf's personality. Right now I'm making another character, but it is hard to come up with a new race. Hopefully i'll be finished soon and i'll be able to send it lucky's way.

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Well, I put up what came to mind. We should get this flirting banter done with so everyone can move forward again.

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I'll post tomorrow as well. I'm just too tired to write it tonight I had a long day today getting things ready to go to Florida on the 11th.

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This unpacking thing's more annoying than anticipated. I'm gonna have to wait for an opportunity to have the only laptop in the house for a few hours. Hopefully this will be tomorrow. When I make a post, we'll be drawing Science to an end so we can move along.

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I think Myst is more amused by events than anything else. The lazy dragon that she is, sunning herself on the windowsill while Beriiel is trying to get some teaching done. xd.png

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I'm really sorry for abandoning this, school's been hectic at late. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused or anything :l

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It's kay, May. I myself am having issues with getting to a computer because of a move.


Tak, you wanna end class or should I go back and ring the bell?

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Forsaken rider, could you elaborate a bit for me. Is Dain specifically saying that he could seduce James's race? Or is he speaking on broader terms. If the former, is he simply boasting that he could seduce the entirety of the snow wight race?

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He is talking on broader terms. More or less saying that if what he was told is that vampires can seduce anyone male or female, than his race must be easier to seduce. It is a type of insult.

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Of course, of course. I will post a reply in due time, for now the gummy bears at the supermarket are calling and alas I must adhere to their request.

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As far as ending class goes - I think I'll wait for any other students to respond to Dain's last bout of comments before closing class.


Though feel free to ring bell if that takes too long lol.

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I'll leave the period ending to you for now, if I see an issue I'll ring it myself.


Okay, I don't think I'll have many issues with computer access anymore. On nights when my mother is home I won't be able to get on, but most of the time she works, is in school, or just plain goes out. Also, we're setting up my computer as soon as she had a free day so we can unpack some boxes and make room. I may go AWOL for a day or two, but hopefully never longer than that.

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this is a question thats been bugging me for some time, are we allowed to reference things that could not possibly be in the world of the academy? such as a song or an anime?

Edited by na82008

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Of course. I do it all the time. I usually just change it to fit the world, or lightly reference it. For example, if you've read his posts closely you'll notice that Tatsuke likes Pokemon, or something vastly similar to it. He doesn't watch TV because TV doesn't exist, but 'Pokemon' is a story that's popular in his homeland right now.


So you wouldn't have someone watching TV, it would just be translated to a story or a book. Songs are songs, I know that I couldn't write my own songs if I wanted someone to sing.

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Heyas mates! Guess I'm back from a two-week long hiatus. Expect me to post by tomorrow. Aaand my birthday just passed by two days ago, so I'm officially 14.

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I'll see if I can get another post up as soon as possible once the bell rings uwu


There's not much to the situation that Kaius cares to respond to.

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