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The Unlikely

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Roxy looked down at the small child with a rather bemused look. She did love children, and past all the smart aleckness, and the tough outer shell she wore, she had a motherly instinct. "Being a wolf, is something quite lovely." Thinking for a few moments, she went on. "I don't know what it is like to not be a wolf, so it would be a bit hard to explain differences." Chuckling, she began to answer the small girl's next question. "I do not have any pack mates. I've never met another of my kind. As for the fur part, well, let's say, some days are better than others. Luckily I can most often opt out of that part by shifting to my human form." Her free arm rubbed against her gun. I should put this away somewhere. "Hunting is quite hard around here. Occasionally, I can find a mouse, but that's the most I've seen." Her brow furrowed on approach to the other person. Roxy had allowed the girl to lead her, as she knew that she probably knew better than she did where to go and so on. "Who's this?" She asked the girl, squatting so she was nearly level with Pooch.

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Navi came out from under Roxanne's hood and turned human. "I feel so much better... Just a little while in wisp and I'm good to go~" Navi was actually smiling a little. "I don't want to sleep in human form..."

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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((Isn't Zeke supposed to be talking to Sharvani or something?))

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(((Zeke acknowledged her but stuff got crazy)))


Zee glanced up and called to Pooch, "Oi, Tell they new girl to come see me!", he yelled to her as they entered the trailer. He went back to reading after that.

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Roxy looked at Navi, slinging her arm around her shoulders. "I can relate... Sort of."

Edited by RavenWolf1010

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Navi took a step back so she could have room to shift. "Good... Hems obviously caught up with his stuff... I guess I'll start taking care of everyone... Food and aid." Navi gathered up a few cans and set out to make a fire.

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Ethan looked over at Zeke who was sitting in his chair working on some stuff. If there was anything else to do he would probably give them the order right away, no need to bother him. he went over to Luck, noticing her tired state after making the illusion around the place


"I guess illusions take a lot out of you." It was clear that he was bored right now without much going on around right now. he couldn't exactly have any fun jinxing stuff because some sort of accident right now would be bad.

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Luck sighed. " The illusions, yeah but if I'm just opening a dimention, it's pretty ok." She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. "I could put you in a differant dimention now to pass the time if you want." She offered. It was not cool to be around a bord Ethan. "As long as you promise not to cause too much destrution. If you do, I'll get kiked out of whatever place I send you to."

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"Can we not open up any dimensions for fun? My dimension I was pulled from is fragile, and I'd rather not risk you interfering with it..." Navi called. She had now started a fire, rather happy about it. "I need something sharp..." She waved a can around. She didn't have a can opener on her.

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"Here." Carisa said, offering her walking stick to Navi. The bottom end would be sharp enough to puncture the can. She walked into the trailer and frowned at Zeke. If anyone needed food it was him.


The twins smiled and arranged themselves on either side of Luck.

"Send us. We promise to be good!" They said with expressions that said they intended to be everything but.


((Short. Sorry.))

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Navi easily opened the can after two stabs and began to rotate it around. They all needed to relax and eat... Navi was starting to feel dizzy.

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Roxy passed the can along. She was used to having to fast, and her canine form was well adjusted to such conditions.



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Kriino took the can from Raven gratefully and scooped out a little food. He hadn't had breakfast, after all. Licking his fingers, he passed the can on.


((Short. D:))

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"I would die before trusting you two to keep your promises." Luck stated." Send you to another dimention and Its only a matter of time before you start a world war over a tray of sushi." She turned away from Ethan to look at the twins." Besides, don't you have a new pet you can play with?" She smiled. Pet refering to Ethan. It had been to long since the three boys had run around reeking havok and spreading chaos that she had to fix.

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Navi got to work on a second can and sampled it as soon as it was open. She was dying of hunger a little bit. She passed that one too.

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"Oh please don't encourage them Luck, I am NOT their pet. If anything they should be worshiping me for giving whatever they decide to do a higher chance of actually happening." He was serious about the pet part, although now that he though of it the worshiping part wouldn't be too bad either. His coin was currently going form knuckle to knuckle endlessly at a rapid pace, with all of the practice he had his fingers were not making any mistakes. When one of the cans of food got to him he took a bit of the food but not too much, offering the can to Luck when he was done.

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When the can reached Roxy, she stood. Her position had changed from around the middle of the small circle, to the end. Carrying it over to Navi, she spoke with a stern tone. "Eat, you can have my share." Grabbing another can from the bag, she looked for Zeke, eventually spotting him. Carrying the can over, she dropped it in his hand. "I grabbed enough so everyone could have at least one can of their own, and split the rest. I want you to have my portion." Without another word, she walked away, taking up a spot beside Navi. "I can get more." She said to her. "There's more there, you saw, right? And we still have the reservation to search."

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Navi's sight spun a little, and she kept eating. She was exhausted. "I know... We should ration ourselves. We got lucky. That store wasn't booby trapped for fun. And the reservation is far off... Who knows if we'll even get there in time for us to have resources left over."

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"You do know that Hoang can just turning into you, right?" She smiled and rolled her eyes. When the can was offered to her she simply passed it to the twins, Luck honestly wasn't hungry. She had a small stomach and she had eaten just before Zeke brought Ethan back to life. " I'm going to go try and practice Powers again. So if you need me, you'll have look really hard cause I'm not sure where I'll be." She smiled sort of awkwardly and left to find a quiet place.


( is it ok if I make another character? And, just curious, what kind of food is in the can? Beans, tomatos, diced potatoes, salsa, pears, pizza sauce?)

Edited by elpdraws

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((I'd say whatever you were really in the mood for. But let's say fruits and veggies.))


Roxy looked to the east, where the shop was, as well as the reservation further off. "Well the Indians could do it, I think we sure can. They were hunters, and look at us, we have powers! There are many animals lurking here, I smell them. We just have to learn to hunt in the desert."

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Navi stiffened. "They aren't just Indians. They are a tribe. That's like saying every white person looks and acts the same. Doesn't matter if you're Scottish, Irish, English, anything. Do not refer to Native Americans as Indians." Navi snorted. She was tired of that. Like Inuits, Navajo, and Sami were all the same. "I am not 100% sure what tribe they are, I believe Navajo, but they may be something else. And they may have adapted to their land, or may not want to teach us. We shouldn't rely on mooching off them. We should help them too."


(Yup, I didn't really know what was in the cans. Food is food. xd.png)

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