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The Unlikely

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One of the Eons chasing Ethan's group stood out from the rest. It's torso seemed shorted than that of the other Eons. IT was also about a foot taller than the tallest normal one. It's dull, metallic skin was dotted with large sacs of gelatinous material that sloshed when it moved. Its long arms held no weapons and it's long legs propelled it faster than the rest. When Ethan's tampering caused the tunnel to collapse on the group, the sacs on it's body began to pulse with a dim blue light. The rubble around it seemed to shift slightly in midair, missing the sprinting Eon completely. It's strange, black eyes focused on the group running. It was going to catch them and the Baas would be pleased. After all, that is why it was created.


Zeke was growing impatient. The enemy was moving in, the dust was leaving, and his team was no where to be seen. He listened to what Navi had to say and nodded, "I feel it too. I promise, as soon as we get on the road we can have our little chat", he said with a tight smile. He shoved the bottle in her hand and pushed her backwards into the portal. He laughed and followed after her. The rip vanished as quickly as it had appeared.


The Zeke dressed in military attire and a gree patches sewn on both shoulders and breast pocket. He took one look around, shoulded his nasty looking future rifle, and sprinted towards the sound of shouting.


Military Zeke found himself at the mouth of a tunnel left from the fall of Sanctuary, the past versions of his friends sprinting towards him. He snapped open a portal and leveled his rifle at the freak chasing them. He opened fire, tiny shards of colorful light spun towards the disproportionate Eon. The sacs on it's body began to glow again and, by impossible odds, a chunk of ceiling landed in front of it. Successfully behind cover, every one of Military Zeke's rounds missed. He cursed and bit his lip. This was it. He slung the rifle strap off his back and looked at the worn gun. This gun has saved him so many times since he got it a few days from the current time. IT was covered in war paint designs and had tick marks on the stock. A kind of old school score keeping he stared after the last of the Heroes had either been killed or captured. Zeke's hand shot out and caught Ethan with one hand, "Now don't argue with me", he said, forcing the gun into Ethan's hands, "Keep them safe with this, god knows it has kept me safe. Oh, and tell your Zeke to get up north as fast as he can. Everything is up to the guardians now", he said. He gave Ethan a swift kick to the backside, "NOW GET MOVING, SOLIDER!", he shouted, his command echoing through the tunnel. Zeke watched his team make it through the portal and shut it behind them. His old ears picked up a series of high pitched whines coming from behind him. He recognized that sound of course. That was the sound of dracon beams priming to be fired. He turned to face the line of six Eons with their guns leveled on him. He slowly raised his hands and placed them on his head. He smiled and closed his eyes, thinking of earth before these rats moved in. The Firing squad pulled their triggers.









Three days later

Zeke struggled to stay awake as the dashboard clock switched to 2 a.m. He let go of the wheel for a moment to run his tired eyes. Out the front windshield was the desert turned silver by the light of their moon. Headlights were a no no. They almost got picked off a few hours into the first day of their trip by a passing scout ship. IT had easily spotted their truck and opened fire. Ethan kept them from burning in a magnificent vehicle fire until Zeke transported them away from the danger. He looked over at Navi in the passenger seat. He reached out and touched her leg, "Hey"


Time froze. Conversation stopped. The car stopped. Everything froze in space except for Zeke and Navi. He sighed and let go of the wheel to rub his face, "Sorry its taken so long to talk to you. As you know it's bee hectic", he said, his exhaustion creeping into his voice, "What was this about being watched?"


the conversation was happening in a separate timeline from the others. To them, it was only a slight hiccup in the time stream. A sudden awareness of how slow time really moves

Edited by padfoot

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Pooch watched the dust waver in the horizon, kicked up in thick, choking clouds behind the teams' creaky truck. She huffed in boredom, kicking her feet against the back window of the ancient pickup as it bumped and rattled across the desert. Trailing her fingers against the star-dotted sky, she turned to watch the other guardians, each of them sitting miserably in the back of the truck, Ethans' gun glinting faintly in the dark.

She smiled at Luck who, ironically enough, had been the one unlucky enough to get the seat next to Wyrm. "Do ya have any idea of where we're even going?" She asked, giggling as Wyrm let out a yawn, settling his massive shaggy head onto Lucks' lap.

Edited by ChildeRolande

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Navi sighed. "I... I feel something. Attached to me. And it feels me too. Its hurting. I'm hurting. Zeke... it's scared. And it makes me afraid too. I've been so suspicious and... I don't know if its the Eons messing with me, or my powers making me paranoid. All I know is that I'm scared and confused, and in the dark about all of this. And over the past few days I just..." She looked out the slowly passing window. "Zeke, I have pieces of memories returning. And I don't know if they are real or not. I need you to help me with them, because I think I could tap in to the Eon's... I think the Eons... have someone similar to me. And if that's true, they have someone similar to you too. I need you to help me figure out some things... and it might be awkward."

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Ethan was sitting in the truck, not too far from Luck, with the strap of the rifle hanging over his shoulder. He had it on since they started driving, not getting around to taking it off yet, or not wanting too. How much experience did he have with a gun? Next to none. Although he could be expected to get a bunch of lucky shots. One thing he had yet to ask was whether Military Zeke was still alive in some other time line.


He stopped thinking about that, going through his list of things that he had placed charms on. The attack from that scout ship was harsh. His coin was slipping between his fingers as he listened to the conversations going on around him. "All I know is that we're going North and that we need to get there fast."

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Zeke was silent as Navi spoke, telling about her fears and suspicions. Her hypothesis was confirming his own, "There are others like us. Eon's that have been changed to have our powers. A kinda fight fire with fire attitude. I don't know how they did it but I was fighting a time traveler like me...well he could throw firebombs and was much more unstable but still like me. And still dangerous", he said, his face growing serous, "What do you need me to do?"

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"Just answer a few questions, so I can try to discern some of the memories. I just... it might get a little invasive?" She ran a hand through her hair. "Since... you are a time traveller both forwards and backwards... doesn't that mean you know... who you'll... end up with?" She looked out the window so her expression couldn't be a factor in his answer. "And if so... is it... me?"

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Zeke began to choke on the water he was drinking when Navi finished her question. It was surprising to say the least. He punched himself in the chest to coax the water from his windpipe, "Well that's more Carissa's department. I can only see what I have personally witnessed", he said. He looked at Navi and his face softened. She was attractive and thinking back to the time they first met, he never really thought about it. He cleared his throat, "Well Um", he started, "the truth is yes...if things were different. Since we have to rid the world of these things I don't think so. I'm a time traveler Navi, I have too much to worry about with the stability of the time stream and judging by that, I don't think I can be in a stable relationship". He felt bad, he really did. Navi was great but he couldn't be hers as long as the world was being destroyed. He looked at The Guide next to him apologetically...


And returned the time stream to it's normal flow. He gave NAvi a weak smile and listened to the other Heroes talking in the back of the truck. He sighed, none of them wanted this. Most of them were still teenagers after all, not even done with high school. Hell even Pooch, Even with her ability to survive, is only about nine. He refocused on the desert ahead and slammed on the breaks. The truck slid to a stop and collided with the pine tree that suddenly appeared in front of them. The airbags went off and made Zeke bite his tongue. He groaned and opened the door to fall out onto the sand. Only it wasn't sand. Instead he landed on a soft bed of pine needles. Clearly confused, he rose to his feet and looked in the cabin of the truck, "Navi? Are you alright?", he asked, glancing into the back of the truck where everyone else was sitting, "Everyone still breathing?".

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"Then that... thing like me has a weakness. You didn't kill that one like you did you?" She asked, now having to watch her words. "...I sure hope not. She was awfully fond of him then. I wasn't trying to look for a relationship, just trying to sort the memories." She thought harder, pursing her lips a bit. "I think... they are training them. Or they were... now the one like me is... drugged. She's in a dormant position. Helpless. Floating. I think they have her in suspended animation."


When she looked up she saw a tree, and realized he hadn't been listening to a word. She had other things to worry about as she went right through the window, landing about four feet in front of the truck. She had skidded, and now had sand burn all along her side. Her head had been hit, and she was out cold.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Pooch let out a yelp as the truck slammed into something hard, sending she and Wyrm scrambling to a painful stop against the back window of the truck. Her enormous best friend was now settled on top of her, his heavy paws shoved uncomfortably against her cheek. Wyrm howled melodramatically, bellowing loudly enough to wake the dead. "Aw hush" Pooch muttered, shoving his paws away from her face.

Kicking her dirty feet through the tangle of fur and limbs, she wiggled them in answer to Zekes' concerned questioning. She could smell blood.

Furrowing her brow in concern, she scooted from beneath Wyrm, poking her head from beneath the dogs' enormous, furry chest.

"Oi" she said, poking a clawed finger in Zekes' direction "Ya got red on ya."

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Ethan was slammed against the side of the truck after they crashed. The rifle could have killed him in the impact but the strap moved around his shoulder, saving him from the potentially fatal impact. He got up with a groan, noticing that he had dropped his coin in the impact. He placed another charm on himself just as he spotted his coin not too far form his place of impact.

"I'm good," Ethan said, looking around at the group as he placed charms back on everyone. Navi wasn't with the group although he wasn't concerned with that at the moment.

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Username: claw

Name: Namina "Mina" Waltz

Rebellion Name: The Imposter

Age: 27

Period: In the middle of showering. Awkward.

Gender: female

Personality: Mina is known for her snarky comments and abrasive personality. She has the tendency to piss people off the moment she opens her mouth. It's hard for her to tell when to be serious and when not to, so she usually is a goof all the time.

Appearance: Tall, roughly six-foot-two, with raven black hair down to her waist. She always keeps it braided. Bright green eyes, sun kissed skin with tank-top tan lines, and a tattoo that looks like This on her right shoulder.

Power: As her name states, she can impersonate anyone and anything anytime she wants. This can be powers all well, although they aren't to the same degree as their original wielders.

Job withen the Rebellion: Stealth, scouting, spy work, combat, really anything she's needed for.

Other: ))

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(((Accepted. How would you like to come in? the team just got in a wreck on the edge of the forest up north)))


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Zeke touched his chin and held his fingers up to the light. He spit a good amount off blood out of his mouth. His tongue was fine, just cut across the top. Most of the blood was coming from his broken nose. He pinched the bridged and twisted it back into place with a sicking crack. He gritted his teeth and wiggled his nose to make sure everything was in order. It hurt like hell and he will probably be stuck with a crooked nose for the rest of his life. He did a quick head count and realized Navi hadn't responded. Zeke ran around to the passenger side and noticed the busted windshield. He followed the path and saw Navi sprawled on the ground. He ran forwards and dropped to one knee. He felt her pulse frantically. He prayed that she wasn't dead. After all, he couldn't bring her back if she was. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the pulse of blood in her jugular. She was out cold though. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms.


Walking back to the others, he knew they couldn't stay here long. Only a day or so. It may not have been a nice comfortable trailer but it was something, "Alright, We need to set up camp and wait till morning", he said, his voice horse with exhaustion. He propped Navi up against the truck, "Guess here works", he muttered. The light tree cover would shield them from threats in the air. They all needed the rest. There was a lot of walking to do. He would talk to everyone once they got food going.

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(Wait, so this is accepting still? Woot.jpeg!)


Username: SUP3RSPAWN3R

Name: Carter Anderson

Rebellion Name: The Reality Bender

Age: 21

Period: As he was getting into his car. (I think I dropped my keys...)

Gender: Male

Personality: He likes to talk a lot, and this usually speeds up during fights, rattling off an indiscriminate barrage of verbal jabs. He gets bored rather quickly.

Appearance: He likes to wear loose fitting clothes, and his usual dress is his zip-up hoodie, which he keeps unzipped most of the time and a pair of blue jeans. He wears a grey undershirt to match his hoodie.

Power: Able to bend reality at will, the world is his sandbox. He can generate objects, change the weather, and more by sheer force of will.

Job in the Rebellion: Support, he can provide food, water, shelter, weapons, or other supplies.

Other: Not much.


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(((Ight Start with where your picked up and Alternate Zeke will get Carter)))

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Carter put down the phone. Well, he had nothing to do. So he might as well go. Walking outside, he reached into his pocket, fumbling for his keys. Well of course he left them inside. As he walked back into the house, he turned around. Something was off, none of the usual insect chirps or dog howls. Just quiet. "Well, either time is about to collapse, or it's just a quiet night." He muttered, grabbing the small ring of keys and walking to the car. Holding out his hand, he pressed the little "unlock" square.


(Now Zeke, do your thing!)

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A deep rumble could be heard for miles as a vast shadow passed over Carter's house. Overhead, a massive, silver structure blocked out the night sky. The Star ship seemed to stretch for miles in either direction. Carter's neighbors exited their houses to gaze up at the invaders. A long series of dull flashes could be seen coming from the underbelly of the ship. Seconds later, wide, torpedo shaped objects could be seen plummeting towards earth. One of these pods crushed Carter's car as soon as the unlock tone sounded. A small explosion and a blinding flash of light and the side of the pod burst open. A squad of three Eon stepped from the pod. One of them pointed it's gun at Carter and yelled something to the other in their strange, screechy language. The three moved in to restrain the man.


A teenage Zeke dressed in a red t shirt lept from a portal into Carter's living room, "We need to get out of her! The Invasion-", he was alone, "****", he cursed. He ripped open the front door and saw his standing there with his keys in his hands. He saw the Eon's closing in. They saw him too and immediately reacted with violence. Zeke closed the short distance between himself and Carter, colliding with his back in a flying tackle. He moved them both in space and when they landed, they were back in Carter's house, "Lets go, they will be here any second", he said, hauling the man to his feet and heading for the back door, "My name is Ezekiel Warr. I'm a time traveler. And I'm here to save you", he said as they headed for the back door, "Do you know somewhere safe we can talk?"


(((not my best intro I know but thats what happens when you type half asleep and then during a lecture. Just keep the ball rolling and A recap will come)))



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God, nothing was harder than washing hair that came past your waist. It was even harder to wash all the shampoo out. Mina belted the lyrics of "Let it Be" in a disturbingly accurate Paul McCartney voice. Impersonstions was a hobby of hers. Not five minutes laster did she turn off the shower and wring her hair out. A towel wrapped tightly around herself, she resumed her humming. Mina stood in front of the mirror, coming out her wet and tangled hair with a brush. Just a normal day, starting with a well-deserved shower.

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Carter looked around, and with quite possibly the best "WTF?" face he had ever used, pointed at the ship. "Time traveler? Isn't that thing supposed to be bigger on the INSIDE? And a place to talk, well... I guess follow me to the basement, lucky for us my paranoid parents turned into into some sort of ****ing bomb shelter." He sprinted down the hallway, throwing open the basement door and jogging down the stairs.

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Teen Zeke laughed sarcastically, "Oh, never heard that one before", he said rolling his eyes. When Carter said something about his parents basement and ran off to show him, Zeke displaced himself to the lower floor and met him at the stairs, "Yeah yeah, your "secure" basement he said, putting air quotes around "secure" with his fingers, "But it only gives us a few minutes before they cut the door down so I'll talk fast.


earlier that day, not too far away


The same Zeke dressed in a purple button up dropped his bike in the front yard of Namina Waltz's home and ran to the front door. He pounded on the wood, "Mina! Open up we need to talk!", he shouted. Zeke waited a total of eight seconds before making the door move four inches to the left and tip forward. He was in the house and walking towards the sound of running water before the door slammed against the front porch with a loud bang. He pounded on Mina's bathroom door, "Oi! Crisis is about to happen! We need to talk", he yelled. He was usually a bit more subtle with recruiting but with the absence of updates from his oldest self and the frantic writing his Alpha self was doing, he was guessing it was getting close to Zero Hour. What ever that was. He was going to wait another eight second before rearranging the mass of her bathroom door so it could fit in a deck of cards


"There is this group. The things you just saw that broke your car and tried to shoot at you. They are Eons. AKA the bad guys. They will be through that door and down here in...", he checked his watch, "two and a half minutes. There is an alternate version of myself from the future that is fighting the war these aliens started. I am here to grab you because you in the future is dead. If I get you now then you can't die then. Don't try to understand you cant. ANYWAY! We all lived in the underground city called Sanctuary. Some censorkip.gif happened and now Sanctuary is gone and the Heroes of Earth are on the run. Looking for some crashed Eon ship that is suppose to help end the war completely.", he stopped to take a breath. "Long story short, your dead, they need you and I have to go pick up...", he paused to read a name in his book, "..Namina Waltz after this so it would really help if you just nod so we can move on"

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