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Isabella sighed as she hung up her uniform, she was tired and wasn't even close to being done for the night yet.

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Raia looked at the girl in the hospital bed. She didn't even recognize her, but she felt it important to stay by her, to make sure she was ok. Call it protective instinct if you want, but Raia felt as though she needed to stay there.


(Maybe you could... I dunno, be at work?)

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Mkay, I guess. xd.png


Ronnie steps into the small coffee shop he had a gig at. He held his guitar case in his hand, and as he walks in, he looks around. Almost no people were there. He took out his guitar and began playing a few songs. He hated it. He wished that he had a gig at a bar, instead. He could play much more interesting songs.

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Isabella walked into the coffee shop, nodding to the musician, (Ronnie) she yawned into her hand waking to the back and pulling on the apron.

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(Where should I jump in? Also I think I'm gonna make her sister.)


Full Birth Name: Anne Sylenta

Nickname/Preferred name: Sy

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Birthday: January 17

Appearance: Blonde hair, brown eyes, wears t-shirts and jeans/shorts, stands at 5' 10" tall.

Race: White

Family Members: Ardara Camria, who she took care of.

Relationships: Her husband (Looking for someone to play him.)

Children: expecting(a little girl.)

Pets: Mia

Pet Pictures: Mia

Housing Unit: medium sized cabin

Housing Unit Location: near a mountain

House Pic: Genral idea of house

Job: Petsmart

Personality: Sweet outgoing and snappy. She will go insane if you do something wrong unless if you're just learnig, but if you've learned 3 times you better run.

History: Her parents abandoned her along with her sister. She never told anyone, so she took care of her sister and one of her friends let her live at their house.

Life Goals: I've succeeded them.

Character Picture: Sy



Edited by kingcobra2018

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Damien squeezed her hand once more before he then walked into the ambulance as she was lifted into it. He then spoke, " The paramedics will take great care of you." With that he then looked down into her face gently before he then spoke, "I'm Damien." He then ran a hand through her hair to help keep her calm as she was secured onto the stretcher before the ambulance took off headed to the hospital.

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Asami shifted towards him, her vision clearer as she could make out four clear figures. Two were paramedics by the uniform, one was Damien, and one was a female and didn't recognize. She looked up at Damien, her heart racing in shock still. "I'm Asami."



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Damien looked to her before he then spoke, " Nice to meet you though I wish it would have been when you weren't getting hit by a car." Shaking his head he then looked up as the ambulance began to take off towards the hospital.

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(are Damien and Raia in the ambulance or outside it?)


Asami felt a needle inject her. The fluid burned as it swept through her bloodstream. She squeezed Damiens hand gently one more time, not knowing if he would be there when she awoke. Within seconds, Asami suddenly felt drowsy. She closed her eyes and was out like a light. They had put her to sleep so they could operate.

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Damien looked to her as she squeezed his hand and seeing the worry in her eyes he then spoke, " I will be right beside you when you wake up Asami." With that he then brought his free hand to her hair and running his fingers through it to sooth her so that she would be calm while they rode to the hospital.

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She fell asleep, soothed by his words. When she awoke, she was in a white room. She looked around to see xrays on the wall of her shoulder. She saw all the broken bones shattered. The one next to it was of her shoulder with a needle holding the none in place. She blinked her eyes and looked down at herself. She was in a hospital gown. Her shoulder was wrapped in bandages. She rested her head back down on the pillows as she thought about all of todays events. She tried keeping her breathing even as she didn't want to panic or freak out.

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Raia stepped up to the girl who'd been hit. "How are you feeling? Wait, no, that's a pointless question. You're probably feeling horrible, you just got hit by a car! What I meant to say, is, do you need anything?" Raiados asked.

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Ardara grabbed her phone and dialed her sisters number. "Hello?" She heard her sister ask. "Hey it's me!" "Oh, what's up?" Sy asked. "Nothing much. You?" "Like always." "I have some news that I haven't told you." "What?" Ardara asked. "I'm pregnant." She blurted out and started crying. "I've kept it from you until now. She's due next week." "it's alright. That's great!" "I know but I need help if you could come over that would be great." "On my way."

Edited by kingcobra2018

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Ronnie looks up from his guitar and sees a woman who had just walked in. She nodded at him, and he nodded back. As she continued walking, she put on an apron. He realized she worked there. He played the last song and packed up his guitar.

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(King that green is really hard to read.)


Damien looked to her as he noticed her waking up. Moving to her he then spoke, " You have been out of it for a while. I had a friend bring my vehicle up here as well as my little boy." With that he then pointed to the chair where his puppy was sleeping at on his back one foot kicking out as he slept. Looking back to her he then spoke," The doctors were able to fix your shoulder but you will be here for a while to let it heal some before they can put a cast on your arm."

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Yea Im guessing it's night. That it it's been one very long day lol jk it's night.


Asami felt a lot better. The pain was bearable. She looked over at the girl. Not wanting much, she replied, "could I get some water?" She then looked at Damien and his dog. He was still with her. She smiled until hearing that she would be stuck here a couple of days. But it had to be done. She nodded her head as she listened to him. "I bet you're tired.. You don't have to stay here. I can imagine you wanna go home and rest. But thank you for helping me." She didn't want to be alone but she didn't want her guests to sleep in hospital chairs.


(note to self: never. Ever. Perform surgery in yourself... >.< I don't think I'll be walking anytime soon. Lol

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Raia heard the girl's request. "Sure, I'll get some water." She walked over to the sink, and filled a disposable plastic up with water. She brought it back to the girl. Then she sat down in a hospital chair, which was actually pretty comfortable.


(Oh no! What happened?)

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After getting money from the propreitor, he walks over to the woman behind the counter. "Can I have a latte?" Ronnie mumbles, pushing his hair back with his hand.

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"Sure." Isabella smiled, "Large or small or?" She asked her hands hovering over the cups.

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Ronnie smirks. "Large, please." He had a nice quiet night to himself in his apartment. A large coffee wouldn't hurt anyone.

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