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Raia went to her shift at Caribou. There was nothing really hard about working at a coffee place, it just got really busy. However, she could always think of designs for characters. She had that thought process always in the back of her mind.

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Damien smiled as she wheeled herself around before he then began to walk Giovanni around the small park that was behind the hospital. Grinning as he looked around keeping an eye on things.

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Asami gently rolled over to a little garden they had set up. She saw a big bright pink and red flower. She leaned in and smelled of it. It smelled almost good enough to eat. She smiled. A breeze made her shiver slightly.

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After Giovanni had done his business Damien began to walk over towards her while holding the leash. He then smiled to her once more before he then saw her shiver. Leaning down he then handed her his jacket before speaking, " Breakfast will be served in a little while so you'll need to be in your room."

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A few hours later, Alex was speeding off to the hospital. He rushed inside to the front desk. "miss, could you please give me the room number of Asami. He knew last name wouldn't be needed since her name was uncommon. He waited impatiently as the lady behind the desk scanned the computer database. She spoke, "room 212. She is outside in the courtyard at the moment." Alex thanked her before running off to the outdoor lounge. He quickly spotted her in a wheelchair. Rushing to her he called out, "Asami!!" He knelt beside her and put the locks in in her wheelchair so she couldn't move.

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Asami quickly covered herself. "thank you" she nodded to him. Turning as she heard someone call out her name, she saw it was Alex. She quickly flared with anger. She tried escaping but he Locked the wheels. She growled. "get away !! Don't hurt me again ok just go!!" She inhaled and could smell the beer in his breathe.

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Damien nodded his head to her as he then looked up as he heard someone calling her name. Frowning he then spoke, " Do you know him?" He then saw the man lock the wheels on her chair before he then spoke, " I doubt that your really welcome here." With that he then bent down and unlocked the wheels on her chair before moving her chair away abit.

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Asami answered, "unfortunately..." She looked away from Alex. She had a tight grip on her chair. Her breathing increased.

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(It's morning right?)


Isabella woke up tiredly, has had bruises all over the place from where her dad beat her yesterday, he was drunk so she didn't blame him. Wincing, she got up and tied her blonde hair in a pony-tail, them put some cover-up (the only makeup item she could afford.) on her visible bruises, resisting the urge to put some on a pimple on her nose, it was a stubborn pimple and refused to go away, Isabella had even named it Bob.

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Alex rolled his eyes at the man, "listen pal, I just wanna talk to her." He grabbed the wheelchair,stopping him from pulling back any further. he knelt down to,asamis level. "Hey now listen to me ok, what happened earlier was a mistake ok?" He swayed a little as he was still buzzed. "let's go back to my house and forget all of this happened" a devilish from creeped on his face.

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Damien rolled his eyes as he then spoke, " She said for you to leave her alone." Hearing the rest he then shook his head as he then spoke, " Look she can't leave the hospital for a few days because of her injuries." With that he then turned and lifted her out of the chair before he walked inside. Setting her on her bed he then unleashed Giovani before he then spoke, " So how do you know that jerk?"

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Alex growled and followed them to her hospital room. Staggering down the hall, he finally made it. He banged on the door then let himself in. "L-listen Missy! You have it all wrong ok! You tell this guy to back off or else." He went over to her, grabbing her arm firmly. "c'mon, you're coming with me. You don't need this medical shi**."

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Damien looked up at him before he then spoke, " She said for you to leave you alone." Seeing him grab her arm he stepped in front of her bed before he then slapped the hand away before he then spoke, " She was hit by a car. She is not leaving. If you take her away it will end up killing her."

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Alex smirked at the man. "And who are you, her boyfriend? She'll be fine, I'm taking her home now." He yanked the IV from her as well as the breathing tubes.

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Damien looked to him before he then spoke, " Yeah I am. Now get out of here." With that he then saw the tubes being pulled before he then bumped the male out of the way while Giovanni ran to the man barking. Smirking he then spoke, " Sic him." While his dog leaped up at Alex, Damien reached down for his knife and drew it out.

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Alex groaned as the impact of the dog knocked him down. He began punching and kicking at the dog as he fought to get up. "You must want to go to jail! You attacked me!!"

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Damien just smirked as he moved forward and set a booted foot on the male. He then spoke, " Try me. My Uncle is the Judge, my father is the sheriff, and my mother is a lawyer. Besides you were trying to kidnap my girlfriend and you were punching and kicking a trained K-9 dog which is also a big no no."

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Alexs eyes widened. "you are one psycho." He groaned and stood. "I'm going to talk to her and there is nothing you can do about it. I don't care what your relationship is with her not who your family is!" With that he staggered out into the hall, exiting the hospital as if nothing happened.

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Damien just shook his head before putting the knife away. He then turned, " Good dog." With that he then smiled as Giovanni spun around before Damien gave him a treat. Closing the door he then spoke, " You okay Asami?"

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Asami was in shock at Alex's behavior. She found herself in pain as he yanked tubes and needles from her. Luckily she had Damien there to protect her. Her heart raced as she looked over at him and nodded her head yes.

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Damien nodded his head as he looked to her before he then spoke, " I will call a nurse in to put the tubes in if they are needed." With that he then ran a hand through her hair as he hit the red button on the remote by her bed to call a nurse in.

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Damien nodded his head as he then spoke, " Yes I did. He was a jerk and wouldn't let us go in. Then he barges in here and tries to take you away knowing that you could be hurt." He then shook his head once more before he then sat on the side of her bed, " Giovanni helped me though."

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