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• The Plagued Earth •

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Kurai struggled, sweat pouring off his face. He was pushing his third egg to the pile, and he was exhausted.

"Hey, are you hungry?"

Kurai turned around to see Aysu and the Hatchling he'd fought with something tasty-looking. Looking at it, he was reminded of his hunger. That food? Maybe it's yummy! I'll have to try! First, I'll find the red hatchling, and we'll try this "food"! "Coming!" Kurai yelled. He looked around and quickly spotted the hatchling. "Follow me! Food at the Pool! Hurry!!" Kurai exclaimed happily. Not waiting, he hurried to the pool.


"Aysu, food? This food? This yummy? This stop Ow in my tummy?" Kurai asked excitedly as he skidded to a stop at the pool. Sitting, he distanced himself from the hatchling somewhat and waited for Aysu's reply.

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Sierra gasped for air, as the squishing and being thrown had knocked all the air out of her. She winced as her back hit the ground after rolling off the side of the wall. She probably had a bruise there. Seeing Aerix try to get up, she ran as fast as she could at him, claws outstretched When her claws met his side, she dug them in before climbing onto his back and biting him. She dug in her back leg claws to help her stay on, and clawed his back with her arm claws.

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Struggling to get up, Aerix noticed Sierra running up towards him. Though she was not moving quickly, a sign of her depleting health, the Bleeding Moon was too weak and exhausted to throw himself out of the way. He yowled in agony as she dug his claws into him, and could feel the blood trickling down his back, resembling the preexisting red spots on the surface. He could not remember being in such pain before, and briefly, very briefly, regretted not taking Medea along with him. The thought left his mind as quickly as it had entered. He didn’t need her help, he would win a fight against anyone by himself!


"Get off of me, you annoying pest!" he yelled, fury taking over him. Using some of the last ounces of energy he had, he began violently shaking his back from side to side in an attempt to loosen her grip. Although the wyvern seemed determined to hold on, the fatigue of both dragons allowed Aerix the upper hand. Giving one last push, he aggressively swayed until her claws began letting go, and fell backwards, slamming her to the ground. As he struggled to breathe air, he flopped himself upright and threw himself on top of Sierra, his heart pounding. He knew that she couldn’t get up with his weight nearly crushing her, and that she would soon lose consciousness as long as he laid on her. "...Give…give me the antidote…or…or I...WILL END YOU!..." he sputtered out. If I die, I'm taking her with me...


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Clem could hear people yelling at one another, but she did her best to ignore it. After all, the cave was pretty loud right now. Why should she focus on just two people yelling at one another?

"Yeah!" Clem beamed happily. "I'll race ya there! Don't you underestimate me, Michiru. My round tummy ain't got nothing on me!" With that said, Clem shot away from Michiru and began running towards the entrance. She probably wasn't going to win this race. Clem really wasn't that fast. Her claws were very sharp, but her legs were small and stubby. She'd be eating Michiru's dust.

Edited by Doctortear

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((Wow, its been awhile since I done a telepathy post. Not like Spira can yell her lungs out right now, but she CAN yell her mind out.))


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Spira waited and listened in on the conversation and sounds to gauge what was happening. With the battle apparently getting more and more fierce if she didn't do anything quick they'd have someone dead in their cave! Why wasn't anyone stopping them! Was it really always this way without Favian to guide them? "Could I really make a difference in the fight if I were to interfere..? I'd just get in the way. I could just wait and let someone else clean up the mess, its not like those two really mattered to me after all. I hardly know them or even like them." Spira scrunched her eyes in frustration. "No no, thats absolutely wrong, what am I thinking! How could I even think that! Favian would-" Spira's eyes lit up with a realization. "But as for me I…" Memories of her childhood flashed through her mind, particularly the times she spend with Mint and Sera over the two years. Before she could ponder any further about the situation, she heard an ultimatum being cried out by Aerix.


There was no time to think about her actions or well being, she had to act now! Ignoring the pain and aches that was shuddering throughout her body, Spira winced and even yelped a bit in order to stand up and turn towards them. She was about to yell out but Spira quickly changed to telepathy when she remembered that it was Sierra she was dealing with. <Sierra! Aerix! Both of you CUT IT OUT NOW! I don't care for your petty squabble, but at least use your heads for once! AERIX, you should know better! You could've asked someone like, oh, I DUNNO, Lineheart! If you haven't noticed, she's an expert in HERBS! Which for your info, can heal all kinds of poisons. Sometimes, it pays not being a loner and to just ask for help for once instead of bullying children! And YOU! SIERRA! Stop picking fights with everyone all the time for the smallest things, it can get pretty problematic you know. Whatever Aerix did to you DROP IT. Whats in the past, IS IN THE PAST. Don't go off bearing stupid grudges that'll only get you KILLED. What were you thinking going against a mature hatchling like Aerix! Don't you understand how precious life is! You better because our friends like Mint and Sera won't ever get to know the joy of living again!>


She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Her body trembled with pain so Spira, feeling like she's made her aggressive points known, sat back down and continued her telepathic transmission in a more calmer, but tired tone. <So… Why don't you just end your fight… Now. Aerix, just ask Lineheart for the herbs that'll help with your poison… And Sierra… Please know that I'm getting angry at you… Only because I care. That I don't want to see another dead dragon again. Not another dragon in our community in that state, ever again. Please… I want you to drop it. Okay..?>


Spira hoped that her outburst was enough to stop the fighting. But now that the rush of adrenaline from her body had left her and she had time to review what she had said in all its rash glory Spira realized anyone of the things said could backfire right at her face. Like Sierra's attitude getting fired up even further or Aerix getting ticked off and coming after her instead. Spira's face paled at the thought and silently kicked herself mentally that perhaps she could've been more civil. But how? Get up in their faces and tell them that? Well… She wouldn't even be able to get halfway to them with out crying in pain.


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Michiru's face registered a stunned surprise that soon turned into a mischievous grin that broke into playful laughter. "I have NO idea what you're talking about miss fluffle butt!" "I have no idea how I came up with that name, but I sure am glad that things are going back to normal. All that's left is to find her mother. For some reason even I'm starting to feel like she's not coming back. Maybe… Maybe I should go look for her myself. But then again..." She slithered after her friend and was able to get slightly ahead of her. Michiru turned her head and couldn't help but snicker jokingly, "Fluffle butt." With that she slithered as fast as she could towards the entrance. "But then again, who'll look after Clem if I leave!"


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Wearily, the magi nodded his head in a yes. "Twice, thrice, many times or even shorter as long as you've gotten the hang of the said portion of soul to your understanding." As before, magical beams shot out and a display of oddities took place from strange cubes with varying dots on each of its sides being thrown about to souls of the dead suddenly appearing and disappearing. Sweat was falling down the magi's forehead and the shield's protective barriers were beginning to flicker as a sign that they were weakening. He didn't have much stamina left to continue holding up the barriers AND continue talking. It was absurd for him to being talking in the first place, since it often ended up like this no matter what kind of restraints he put on himself. He hoped that the grey dragon will notice the signs and that what ever she wanted to hear out of him next would be her last question. Perhaps this was also the opportunity to tell someone the reason why he had awoken as well...

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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The sudden sound of Spira yelling telepathically nearly frightened Aerix to death, his heart struggling to function normally. He shot a glare at her with his remaining energy, irate at her words directed towards him. Within himself, however, he could not argue with her insults, no matter how much he hated them. He cursed himself for not asking Lineheart instead of wasting his time with Sierra. But that she had the nerve to call him a loner and a bully? If he hadn't been in his severely weakened state, he might have ran over and fought her, too. Unfortunately, he would have still been limited in his fighting ability, as he lacked his poisonous barb. This remembrance made him wonder what he could do, his mind considering the possibilities.


You don't know who I am... he retorted, rolling off of the wyvern and onto the cave floor. He began wiping the dust and sand off of himself, though the blood rushing down his back would take longer to remove. He searched for the Pink, and eventually spotted her moving eggs around. She's sure not doing anything important... Lineheart? he called out telepathically, hoping she would be of use, Do you have herbs that heal poison? It's important that I have some. He did not move from where he was, as his physical capability was possibly the most limited it ever was.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Aysu watched as the Lurker came over slowly, almost cautiously if she were to hazard a guess. Though why the Lurker has to be cautious of her when she asked if the newborn was hungry, she had not a clue. Either way she would show this feisty hatchling that there was nothing to fear from her and that she was friendly to boot! So once the Lurker started to stalk even closer, Aysu gave a happy chirping sound and used her head to nudge one of the fish towards the hatchling. That was one universal sign of being friendly, nudging food at someone!


It was at this time that Kurai came bounding over, all excitement and questions! With her flippers she'd pull herself a little more on the ground so that her front half was out of the water. This making it much easier to nuzzle the little Black hatchling in front of her with a sort of 'cooing' sound. "Yep, fish is food! Fish is yummy and will make ow in tummy go away," she'd say as she used one fin to nudge the final fish over to Kurai.


Well, not really the final fish. Her tail tightened slightly around it's prize as she thought about the younger water hatchling, wondering why it was not here with them yet. Maybe it did not want to be up here or it was scared? Aysu would only give the hatchling a few more moments before going in search to make sure that the other was alright and give the other hatchling the fish. Maybe she could even convince the Seawyrm to surface if she was really scared? Aysu's mentality always was in the mindset that things would be alright if she was in a pod, a group, so maybe the Seawyrm would be the same way.


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Medea could not help but think that somehow she got the better end of the deal here. Learning how to use poison tail barbs sounded a lot easier than what Aerix was going to have to learn. Unless there was more in the switch that they had to deal with? She did notice that she was a great deal slower in her flying than was normal, but she tried to play it off as the odd addition on her tail throwing her balance off. Though somehow she knew this could not truly be it. 'I will deal with it when I pick a fight with some hatchling. Perhaps I will find that supposed 'Gem' to fight or even Skylene,' she mused to herself briefly.


For now she would just see if she could gain as much information from this Magi as possible. Not only on what happened to Aerix and herself, but on whatever this hatchling was doing or wanted to speak of. Medea was not a stupid hatchling. She did not know what the Magi was doing, but she knew he was doing it and that she could somewhat relate it to her weather abilities. Yet it seemed to be so much more than that. "Hmm, well doing that will not be much of a hardship. I am sure there will be some hatchlings that are itching to fight me or ones that I can get to fight me somehow," she said as she gave the Magi an amused grin while she stood, moving like she was readying to leave before stopping and turning back around. She could tell something was straining the Magi and she had an idea what it was if the little light show with his speaking was anything to go by. Yet she was not nice enough to leave or let Rakushun rest. "Why did you do it? I do not know you and if I am to trust then Aerix does not know you either. Mischief is all fun but when done to me..well, it just pisses me off. You do understand, right?" She'd pause for a moment before adding in as she sits, "Of course I cannot do anything to you. This I understand as I am no fool. I do admire that, I must admit. Playing it out in such a way so no one may touch you in the caution that they might be stuck the way you changed them. Very smart. Still though, why?"

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Lineheart nodded at Terra distractedly. Things seemed to be falling apart around her. Everything was insane without Favian. Someone needed to do something. But she didn't know what to do. Favian always did all the work, someone needed to go find him. No, no. She would do something. She had to fix this. She snapped awake.

"Everybody stop what you're doing!" She yelled.

"I need all the new hatchlings over there." She pointed to near where the eggs were, most of them had been toppled, "And picking up those eggs."

"Those of you who are a day old or more, I need someone fast to go find more mature hatchlings to go hunt." she noticed Aysu was fishing, "Aysu, you can keep doing that. We need as much food as we can get. I need one of you to gather leaves for any who don't eat meat. Anyone left can help the new hatchlings pick up the eggs and make them comfortable. Aside from the new hatchlings and Aysu, I want you to check with me before you go off and do any of these things, I don't want people on duplicate assignments. There's very few of us as it is."

She looked nervously at Aerix and Sierra of to the side.

"And stay out of Aerix's way." She added, more to herself than anyone else.

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Terra nodded vigirously and scrambled off. She scurried to some toppled eggs in the middle of the cave. She gripped one of them in her paws, struggling to lift it up into position. The surface of the egg felt slippery and smooth, making it harder for her to hold onto them. She started on the other eggs and began working from there, gentle, but fast-paced.


Straightening the last egg into a neat pile, Terra sighed and rubbed a bead of sweat from her forehead. She dusted off her developing scales and crawled into a corner. She curled up into a ball and released another sigh, closing her eyes.

Maybe a little nap would do her good... maybe, it would renew her strength.

She closed her eyes and dozed off, snoring quietly. She just hoped no one would make out her dark mottled green shape in the corner of the cave.

Edited by Kitkat10

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The small hatchling stirred in its egg. It had been a long time since he'd been born. Many things had happened in the world outside, few of which he remembered. But he knew a few things: there were friends out there, he wanted to meet them, and he was coming out of the his safe-place soon. In fact, right now.


Before now he'd been able to hear the things outside. Talking? He was pretty sure they were talking. They were out there, talking to each other, being friends. He wanted friends. He was going to meet them. He kicked at his egg, creating a small crack. He was delighted. He was going to get out there and meet friends! He tried to wrestle himself out of the shell, making his egg rock but otherwise not doing much. He pushed with his newborn limbs and broke the shell, creating a gaping hole before him. The hatchling fell out on his belly, into the new world.

Edited by Coryn02

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The Cavern Lurker hatchling flicked her tongue out as the blue creature in the pool let out a sound and pushed one of the things towards her. Then it was distracted by the black creature that she had tried to fight with earlier, seemingly giving it the other shiny thing.


Lowering her head and examining the thing, she tried to think about what it was exactly. It had eyes, that much she knew; they were staring at her blankly, which was slightly unnerving. The scent was appetizing, and, after a second of thought, instinct took over.


Scooping the thing up in her mouth, teeth barely grazing its scales, the hatchling straightened up, clawed hands pulled close to her chest and belly. Flipping her head up, she widened her jaws and the thing slide down her throat easily. It felt rather satisfying as it disappeared from her mouth and she licked her lips, its scales having left a slimy flavor over her teeth.


Lowering herself back to the ground, she tilted her head and stared at the blue creature. The thing that she had just put into her mouth had tasted good, much better than the shells of the shapes. It made her feel comfortable, and she wanted a little more of it.


Just one, maybe. The thing was...yummy, and I think I would like one more. Just one though; while good, I feel....full. The thing wasn't tiny, so, if I got a second one, it wouldn't be tiny. Just one.


Sniffing and flicking her tongue out, the Cavern Lurker hatchling took a step towards the blue creature, eyes wide and head lowered. Swishing her tail on the ground, she hoped that the creature understood what she wanted. If it didn't, then she'd just go and find some herself.


Really, I could just go find one right now. It's probably in the water, since I haven't seen any around the shapes. However, the creature found them first, so they could get some faster. Doing it myself may not be better, while waiting a few moments for one has a better effect for myself.

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After recovering her breath Sierra got up and glared at Spira. "You think I picked a fight with him? Ha! He oh-so-nicely tackled me when I was trying to apologize to someone! I try to do something nice, and dragons come from all over the place to STOP ME!" She said rather loudly. Taking a breath, she sat down and continued a little more calmly. "If I could, I would give my life to one of those dead dragons you were talking about. My life doesn't matter. Everyone ignores me most of the time anyway."

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"Fluffle butt?" Clem echoed as she chased after her friend. "Who are you calling fluffle butt? You're a slimy snake! That's what you are! Slithering around everywhere, just like a snake!"

And I'm not fluffy. I'm just... big boned. Clem squinted her eyes as the sunlight began beaming into the birth cave. It was hard for her to see where she was going. If she ran into a tree or something, she wouldn't be surprised. The scent of morning dew and blades of glass filled Clem's nostrils.

"Keep, running, snake!" Clem called as they neared the outside. Michiru was ahead of her now, but Clem didn't care. The race was getting her mind off of her mother. She needed to have some fun and not think of her beloved parent. She'd had time for mourning later. For now, she had something else to do.

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The Black Marrow opened his eyes and glared at the sky; he wished he hadn't woken up. He rubbed his scarlet eyes, yawning as he did so. Rico found the sound of the river to be very soothing, and as an added bonus, it was fairly close to his cave. The dragon steadily stood up, stretched, then headed down the large limestone boulder, back to where his turkey was. As Rico peered into the crystal clear water, he saw his reflection. He stared at himself for a few moments, but not quite sure why. Was his beak crooked from the way he slept the night before? Perhaps it was how red his eyes looked from all the crying he had done.


Rico sniffled as the memories of that day resurfaced. He couldn't understand at the time why Lucifer was so against being his mate, even with his explination. But now that Rico had let it sink in, it became clear to him. Rico knew that Lucifer liked him, but he just isn't ready for a relationship right now.


Rico plunged his head into the freezing water, retrieving his swollen bird.

”I've got to make things right with Lucifer,” he mumbled through his teeth.

"If I can't, I don't know if I could live without him”, he said reluctantly. Rico hated to be pessimistic, but it was the truth. Rico loved Lucy, and he wanted him more than ever, but he would be willing to wait, even if it meant waiting a few years.

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Sunder poked his head out of his little alcove, sniffling his nose as he heard voices drifting on the breeze.


Someone must be fighting at the cave, he thought, lowering his head back down onto his paws. It seems that's all that happens, isn't it? Fighting and anger and...and pain. I'm glad I left...I belong out here, away from everyone else. I was tired of watching everyone else play and fight and all those silly things...


Though, in the back of his mind, he was already missing the companionship of Clementine. He wondered if she even realized that he was gone.


Probably not...I bet she's playing with that mean blue dragon who keeps calling me a creep...whatever that means. I hope she has a good time. I don't want to see her get hurt or yelled at. She was nice to me.


Sunder-Eye sighed and looked out at the slowly-fading sunlight. The sky was painting itself in those vibrant hues again, and he couldn't seem to find anything but peace and serenity in his heart when he looked upon them.


I wish I was that pretty...Then maybe I would have lots of friends, and no one would hate me.


He looked at his tail, bringing the spaded tip in front of his nose and looking it over.


"I'm just...ugly."


His clawed fingers reached up to meet the hard, unfeeling, knotted flesh of his bad eye, anger beginning to swell in his heart.


Why? Why don't I have anyone to watch over me? Why don't I have pretty scales and strong senses?


The anger turned to sadness and bitterness, which then began to roil into jealousy.


Why don't I have those things that everyone else has? It's not fair! I want a mommy! I want to be pretty! I want-


He let out a snarl and slammed his fist on the side of the rotting log, shaking loose flakes of bark from the inside and showering it on his head.




His frustration built into a searing heat that began to billow from his nose as smoke. He could taste it on his tongue, and with a small hiccup, he let loose a small spray of sparks from his maw. He ground his teeth and snorted, more smoke puffing from his nose.


I want someone to care...Why doesn't anyone care?


The smoke stopped drifting from his nose as he laid back down, body shaking from the rush of anger and the adrenaline that had come with it. His eye looked to the setting sun above the treetops, sighing heavily as his angst bubbled in his chest like a restless river.


"I don't...understand."

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Rien recounted the events that had happened last night, as she observed Glas holding himself back. "He must be very distracted. He hasn't even responded to my question yet." "Um… If you can't heal my burns thats fine. Do you uh… Do you two need some alone time?" Although she didn't know the "special" meaning that could be applied to those words, Rien did notice that Glas had a certain… How could she put it? That he had a sort of "aura" of kindness towards Alvi? She wasn't sure what it was, but something told her that it wasn't something that she could understand or something she could interfere with. "If you can.. um… How do I say this… If you can help her out of her- that is, my paranoia- I mean- that is… Rien sighed, she was getting no where with this. Taking a deep breath she tried to say what was on her mind in one go without stopping to think if she was being right or wrong. "Can you take care of Alvi and help her become un-paranoid which originally came from me?" Flustered at the realization of how her sentence came out, Rien continued, "And- do you think I should still be here? Do you think anyone is worried about us back home? Ah! I know my Mommy is."

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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((Lineheart post, yo! We'll see how these go. Feel free to correct me if I mess up her personality ^^' ))


Seeing Terra scurry off and sort the eggs in a frenzy of energy, Lineheart sighed.

The new hatchlings have too much energy for their own good. At least she's tired herself out, but the others...

The Pink nudged an egg with her toes, the moss bed skidding across the sandy rock. She inhaled, puffing up her cheeks in mock frustration. She exhaled slowly, the breath rushing from her lungs. Her head snapped around to look at Aerix, his sudden telepathic contact surprising her. She narrowed her eyes infinitesimally and answered his queries aloud. "No, I don't. For one, I haven't had time to collect any new herbs." She glanced at Sierra, the green hatchling's shouting disturbing her fragile patience. "For another, herbs won't help that wound. You've let it go too long for anything I can fix up to help. You need an antidote or a real healer." She tossed her head, her acrid tone leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. She was fed up with this nonsense, and a few minutes more would have her in a fit.

Her ice blue eyes scanned the cave, taking inventory of the hatchlings and eggs scattered around.

I'll have to deal with Sierra. This stunt can't be left unpunished.

her gaze stopped at the entrance to the cave, the arching rock darkened by an unfamiliar form. A lean, pale, emaciated figure stood there, an oddly bewildered expression on its haunted face. Lineheart started, and stared.

"Aerix, who is that?" She hissed. Her feet brought her forwards unasked. She turned, eyes wild, to face the Bleeding Moon. "Why are they staring at everyone like that?"




Wobble stared, panic rising in his chest. "Ah-h, erm" he stuttered, slipping quickly through the water to stop by his friend's side. "Uugh-" his words spluttered out unbidden, his thoughts interrupted by the oily, viscous substance slithering through the water.

Gooey tendrils of slime trailed through the currents left by his frantic movements. Spotting them, the Waterhorse scooted away frantically. "This- eugh, oh god, this is so gross!" He squeezed his eyes shut. "D-did you, like, sneeze really hard?" He cracked open an eyelid carefully, not daring to look at the burbling mass of goo. He kicked out a flipper, sending a wave crashing over the disturbing substance. The water pulled strings of ooze down into the undercurrents, the oily muck swirling through the starlight waves.

Wobble gagged silently, the stench of decay and sickness clinging to his nostril."I- hughg- I don't think that's (oh god the smell) this can't be natural"




The hatchling dragged its cargo through the dirt and leaves of the forest floor, their claws scrabbling for purchase on the slippery ground. One set of jaws tore at the fur of the dead weasel, tufts of oily hair adhering to the head's moist tongue. Alarms for fatigue and rest were sent hurriedly between their shared consciousness, and as one their limbs slowed. They stopped, panting in their exhaustion, in the cloying sweetness of a meadow. Lazy bees hovered setadedly through the warm morning air, stopping to rest on the bowed petals of a few shriveled flowers.

The hatchlings glared with glittering eyes at the insects, the unmistakable scents of the oncoming fall they knew as an inevitability defied by the sluggardy creatures. It wasn't right, they knew. Fall and disaster and the coldness of frost were coming. Everyone had to be prepared, even the carapace-swathed minutiae of the forests. Righteous anger and indignation rose in their chest, and a head snapped out to grap the hide of the weasel. They stormed off, serpentine tail lashing in the dust in an embodiment of their fury at the supreme indignity and irresponsibility of the bees. A few faltering steps into their departure banished all thought of bees and dignity from the hatchling's minds.

Sharp eyes peered out at the forest, picking up the scents and sounds they new so well. Claws paced over familiar ground. They breathed in the musty scent of bark and grass. With a snort and a jerk of their heads, the hatchling stopped again.

Something sharp and foreign and strange tinged the air, reminiscent of the animal the hatchling had faced that morning. Chirping, the hatchling slithered off with renewed energy. They would find someone like them, they were sure of it! The trail left by the strange, indefinable smell was fresh, and so its owner (or owners, the hatchling's thoughts allowed) would have to be nearby. Red eyes scoured the sparse shrubs.

Another trill of triumph bugled forth from the hatchling. They had seen spatters of purple scales through the thinning leaves, and the warbling sounds of strange conversation carried on the breeze. The lindwurm, weasel still clamped firmly in one set of jaws, crashed through the bushes with shining eyes.


((I don't even know what happened here. I'll... I'll just go :c ))



Glas blinked slowly, Rien's voice slowly dispersing his thoughts. He shook his head slowly. "Sorry, Rien. I- I do not know what came over me. I can heal your burns, or- " he looked down at his paws. "Or try to." He looked up slowly, tired eyes trailing along. "Yes, I will. I can promise you that I will do my best to help her." His voice quieted, and he looked at the still form of the Alt Black. "Whatever that help may entail." He sucked in a breath, and took a cursory look at Rien's tangled, burned vines. "H-here.. " he muttered. Squeezing his eyes shut, he channeled energy through his claws. A warm, faint, tingling sensation traveled through his arms. He shivered, his brow wrinkling.

This- this does not feel right. Ma-magic is not like this.

He opened his eyes slowly. "I- think that should have worked. I do... I do not really know for sure.. " His voice trailed off, and he looked nervously at Alvi. "If you would not mind, Rien, do you think you could check on the Birth Cave? You mother is probably worried for you, and everyone else is too I am sure." He paused, and shuffled his feet. "Also, it might not be best if you're here when Alvira wakes up." He looked down at the Vine sheepishly. "You probably thought of this already, but she won't be very pleased with me. I don't want her hurting you."

Edited by Ayesthine

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"I just touched a fish!" Kirk said, disgust filling his visage as he scrunched up his nose. "Just one slimy fish, and then this come off. Yuck!" Kirk desperately tried to wipe the sticky goo off of his appendages and into the murky water. Kirk stuck out his tongue and made a variety of strange noises as the slime oozed off his body.

"Aah, is this stuff even normal?" Kirk asked, repulsed. "What was on that fish? Slobber?"


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"So let me get this straight. You were, literally, a piece of moss, my moss bed to be exact, for two years straight?"


"You know everything I have felt, thought, saw, heard, smelled, tasted, and believed?"


"Don't you think that's a bit creepy?"

"You slept on me for two years."

Favian stopped moving and turned to face Moss. The Golden Wyvern blinked happily at the Purple, her tail swishing back and forth. He opened his mouth, closed it, turned around, did a circle, turned back to her, opened his mouth again, closed it once more, and then turned away.

"Cat got your tongue?" Moss inquired with a blink.

Favian gave a stone cold glare over to Moss. The supernatural being merely grinned in reply.

"You know, you can really be a pain in my-" Favian stopped talking mid-sentence. His head spun to the side and his nostrils flared open and close. Worried, Moss sniffed the air also. She smelled nothing. Frowning, Moss turned to Favian and looked at him exquisitely.

"What are you-" Moss stopped. Her head turned sharply to the left as she saw a flash of gray scales dance between the trees. Someone was here, and they only meant trouble. Baring her teeth, Moss pushed Favian aside, ignoring his yelp of protest. A low growl rumbled in her throat as her eyes followed what she thought was the path of the creature. Lowering herself into a hunter's crouch, she began to stalk forward. Her paws moved slowly as she moved forward, her olive eyes gleamed with anticipation. She stopped as she heard the rustling of leaves. She waited silently and listened intently. The noise, it was getting louder, and louder. After what seemed to be an eternity a light purple shape burst of the bushes gleefully. Moss sprung forward, her large paws throwing the creature to the ground and her massive weight holding the hatchling down.

"I've got you know," Moss hissed at the hatchling underneath her claws as she glared at them with her hateful green eyes. "You gray rat!"

Edited by Doctortear

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(Restarting Lou)


Lou the bronze tinsel looked around the cave. She wondered if there were any foods stuff around that she could eat. She was hungry and the larger dragons scared her. She figured that if she looked well fed and acted tough enough, they wouldn't hurt her. It never crossed her mind to try to make friends. All that went through that head was impulsiveness to act first and think later. It all had to do with survival.

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Aerix rolled his eyes and conspicuously huffed, upset with Lineheart's response. He didn't know what information he had expected to garner from such a question, and cursed him again for actually listening to Spira. Neither of them could even help...…how could I have been so foolish as to actually ask for help? I don't need help, I can do things myself just fine! He whipped his tail against the solid ground in frustration; it seemed nothing had been going his way as of late. A serious morale boost was soon to be needed, even if his physical state continued to deteriorate. Maybe I should just finish the job and kill that irritating dragon... he thought, his eyes focusing on the bloody and ailing Sierra beside him, ...that would certainly be a lot of fun.

There was little time to contemplate murder, however, as the Pink's question brought the Bleeding Moon back to immediate reality. He swung his head over towards the mouth of the cave, a seemingly anxious dragon emerging into the shade of the cavern, its sickly appearance complimenting a bewildered countenance. The Vampire was of no trouble for Aerix to recognize, who knew practically every dragon’s name aside from those half-day-old hatchlings. "Bathory is her name," he spoke, having regained enough breath for suitable talk, "And for her staring, maybe she hasn't been here for quite some time, judging by her expression. Or she’s just revolted by you all." He grinned, pleased with his jabbing remark.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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(As of now, Demetrio's comments are purely in his mind, since he has not yet spoken. He also has not named himself. It'll probably happen once he meets another dragon, though.)


The hatchling was now out of his egg; it was time to figure out where his friends were. But first, he should probably figure out where they would be in this new world. The dragon opened his eyes, to be confronted by the sights before him.


Wow, the world is a lot bigger than I thought it would be, the newborn mused, glancing around the cave at the space.


He tried standing up, but fell down again, the moss lacking a firm hold on the ground. He gripped the rock beneath himself and stood. He took a cautious step and began walking.


Okay, I can move. Good. But what are these things?


The hatchling prodded one of the eggs before him. It was bigger than he was, that's for sure. It had some weird green stuff around it. But why? What was its purpose?


His thought was cut short when he was aware of something behind him.


Ooh, what's that? Maybe it'll be friends with me!


He turned around quickly and tried to pounce on his own tail, only for it to slip out beneath him.


Huh? Where'd you go? I just want to be your friend!


He tried to find it again, but it was behind him no matter how much he turned around.

Edited by Coryn02

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Sunder-Eye paced back and forth in the dimly-lit log he called home, unsure of what to do with himself. He just needed to keep moving...yeah, that's it. The pacing was making him feel better. It made his mind stop running so fast, and slow to the pace of his padding feet on the drying grasses beneath him. A low grumble was forming in his throat; a sound more of agitation and unrest than anything else. His feet fell with soft thumps and his tail swished energetically as he walked back and forth, his little heart thudding in his chest with anxiety of an unknown origin. He felt more strongly about the fact that nobody cared than he did about anything else that had happened in the past couple of days. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, and a sour feeling in his gut. His heart felt heavy, as if it wanted to drop right out of his chest. He felt the urge to just sit down and cry, but something within him told him that without anyone to care, why bother with crying? Why bother with anything that didn't involve surviving?


Sunder turned his eyes to the sky, where the sun was nestled beyond the trees. The spade on his tail finally came to rest on the matted mass of grasses that was his bed high in the coils of the vine-ensnared log. His eye narrowed as he looked at the sky, turning into a bitter scowl. No more did he feel peace when thinking of its colors. In the end, all it begat was a cold and lonely darkness at the end of the day that brought about the stirring of dangerous creatures. Somewhere, his heart still felt that flutter of innocent joy at seeing the colors, but until he could find himself some sort of happiness or warmth, those colors would mean nothing but the onset of deepest shadow. Turning his back on the sun, as if to spite it, he flicked his tail and tossed some of the grasses up against the holes that its light shone through. With a few moments of circling, he finally laid himself down and closed his eye, making a mental note to create a new eye patch when he awoke. Until the sun rose above the trees once more, he would drift off into an agitated slumber, dreams plagued with the unfulfilled desire for friends and the warmth of a caring being.

Edited by kronosdragon

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Kurai sniffed at the fish eagerly, then gulped it down in two bites. It was soft, and delicious. Kurai wanted to bounce around happily at the taste. It was so good! So delicious! I wonder if Aysu will give me more? Aysu hopped closer to Aysu and opened his mouth to speak. Suddenly, something caught in Kurai's throat. Kurai lurched forward, clawing at his neck, and titled backward, then forward, and into the pool! Kurai struggled to get back up, but thanks to the thing in his throat, he couldn't focus. Water poured into his lungs, and he sunk, faster and faster, to the bottom of the pool. Can't... breathe... Chest hurts, neck hurts, whole body hurts. Why... this happening...? Kurai's eyes started to close about halfway to the bottom. No... Need air, Need air now...! Need to go up, not down!! Kurai thrashed, but it was no use. Slowly, painfully, for what seemed like an eternity, he sunk, eyes shut and body relaxing. This... can't be it... Aysu, HELP ME!! Kurai screamed in his thoughts.


((OOC: No, he is not using telepathy.))

Edited by Lilac_Lily

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The Cavern Lurker hatchling raised her head as the other creature messed with the shiny thing and would have just ignored it if it's behavior hadn't became completely different. Blinking quickly and flicking her tongue out, she watched as the creature seemed to struggle, and then fell into the pool.


Startled and slightly shocked, the hatchling stayed still for a second and then slowly stalked towards the edge of the pool, turning her head sideways and staring with one eye straight down into the water. The creature was down there, drifting slowly. Swishing her tail behind her, the Cavern Lurker hatchling glanced at the blue creature before looking back at the sinking creature.


Something's not right. I don't think that was supposed to happen...


She continued to stare at the other creature, wondering if she was supposed to do something. She supposed that diving into the pool wasn't impossible for her, but...something was telling her that going into the water without being prepared was not a good idea.


And the fact that the black creature still had not gotten to the surface yet seemed to mean that water was not very friendly.

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Aysu had watched discreetly, as much as she could anyways, as the Lurker ate the fish. Needless to say that she was thrilled that the Lurker was eating and the hatchling seemed alright with the food choice. There was not much else that Aysu could give the hatchlings other than fish. Well, she could give them that green stuff on the bottom, but last Aysu tried it..well she was not pleased with the taste it left in her mouth. The Lurker stepping closer and the added posture had Aysu finally lifting her head from Kurai, confused as she was not sure what the posturing meant. Friendly, that was a given. More food perhaps or was the hatchling wondering if she could come closer? "It's alright," she said if in fact the other wanted to know if it was alright to move closer.


More would have been said, maybe even her offering the other fish she held and yet Kurai's struggle quickly got her attention. The splash sounding very loud to her as Aysu's mind raced for a moment on what she should do. It was the Lurker moving over to look down at the sinking newborn and then at her was most likely the only thing that snapped her out of the panic.


A sharp worried thrill filled the air as she used her fins to shove herself back into the Birthing-Pool, tail helping her efforts after she had let go of the fish she had clutched to for so long. Once back in there was no time wasted as she dove under the water and dived directly to the sinking Kurai. Maneuvering herself so that she could be under the Black hatchling, letting him feel hopefully that she was there and to stop struggling. If he kept up then she was not sure how to get him back up quickly without another water hatchling holding him still.


((Okay, plan for Rita was killed. However I have worked it where she can help! Can't go fast anyways with Kurai on Aysu's back so Rita should be able to keep up either way.))

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Kurai felt Aysu beneath him, but hurt to much to do anything. His lungs burned. His body burned. His throat had something weird in it. He was slipping away, and couldn't do anything about it.

What... is 'Death'? What does it mean to be dead? Am I dying? Will I die, and never return? Kurai thought, giving up hope; It seemed like the surface was an eternity of pain away. What will the little red hatchling do without me...? What about Aysu? Will I ever see her again? And all those other hatchlings in the cave I haven't met! I can't die just yet! But... It looks like I don't have much choice, unless Aysu swims a bit faster. I'm... Uhh...


Kurai stopped his thought and concentrated. A word popped up in his mind, and he had no clue what it meant. What does it mean... to 'drown'...? Is that what I'm doing? In water, can't breathe, whole body's burning? Probably. But, why did I fall in? Because something got caught in my throat. Why did something get caught in my throat? All I did was eat some fish. Fish are slippery, a little slimy, but not hard like what's in my throat... Kurai slipped away even further. He cried in his mind. He was really confused, sad, and felt like he could burst any second. In his mind, he wailed. Aysu, please, save me... Please! I can't take this anymore!!

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