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The Forgotten Island

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"Redwing!" said Lydia, she rushed over too her friend and tried too calm her down. "It's ok Redwing, no one's going too hurt you."




Enya wandered through the forest. There was hardly anything here except trees, trees and more trees. Why does life have to be so boring.

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"That is not what she said, she said she wanted you to go away." Sparsus glared at Troulce, "And I have not killed her, she is in the same state I was in a moment ago, with one slight difference." He raised his voice, "I'm dead. You killed me, remember when I was going to kill you? You shredded my mind right there. I died of a shock caused by insanity." He pushed away the creature that ran up to him. He turned to Cerise, "I know but there is nothing I can do to help her get it back." Then he realized he could help Redwing get her body back, "I need to not talk, I need to not do anything that exerts my will over this body, so I apologize for not responding." But Sparsus did one more thing, "You have to take yourself back." He thought as hard as he could.



Redwing heard herself thinking, she told herself to 'take herself back'. She looked at her body, in the doorway, then another door appeared beyond, she went through that door and saw herself again, she turned around, the old herself was gone. She backed away, she didn't want any part of this. She wanted to go back, she backed up farther.


(OOC: Ninja'd ninja.gif , lemme think of something.


EDIT: There.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Troulce turned to Cerise, and growled, I've caused bad things?I've caused bad things? Sparsus had done everything. All I've done is fend off attacks, and remove the obvious dangers. But, since you seem hell-bent on getting us all killed, I apologize. It seems I overestimated how much intelligence other hatchlings could show. Turning back to Sparsus, Troulce messaged him telepathically, that was not the hatchling talking. You caused her to go insane, and broke her mind. She did not know what she was doing. As for me killing you, I did no such thing. I merely escaped from what would have been my death, as you specifically told me it would be. It was your fault entirely that you died. You overexerted yourself, and attempted to go against the will of the others. You may think that you're like a king, since you're so powerful and mystical with your telekinesis. And you are, but there's one thing that you missed: it is the duty of society to overthrow unjust or malevolent rulers. I am not the one destroying you, Sparsus. We all are, but I am merely the messenger.

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Cerise almost blew up at that comment, but remained mostly calm. "Sparsus isn't the threat." She growled. She bowed her head darkly. "Cream was. And you will be too if you don't calm down. You didn't know Cream. We did. He just spared us from what might have been total destruction, and here you are over-reacting." She shook her head in disgust. "You may not have believed what he said, but you will believe me." She almost whispered.

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Redwing finally hit a wall, she could not go back, so she went forward. With what little confidence she had, she grabbed herself, and suddenly she was in her body again. She looked at Troulce, confused, "I'm not insane. It's the presence that's insane. Didn't I tell you to go away?" Her eyes glowed, her voice modulated, "Sorry Redwing, I am not done with him." She said, "You think I find myself a king? Ha! I have done nothing to make myself a king, we are all equal. That's why it wasn't my choice whether or not Cream died. You need to choose, Was I wrong to let her choose? Should I have forced her to live? You know what, I'm going to give you the same choice, choose."


He backed away from Redwing's body slowly, when he got far enough he would need a new place to stay, or he would die.



"He's leaving!" Redwing said happily, but then she understood what was going on, "He wants to die, he wants you to pick whether he lives or not, the only way he can live..." She trailed off.



Sparsus went onto Troulce, he could not actually do anything unless Troulce let him in. "Choose." He thought, "You can be the king and pick my fate, or you can let me decide."

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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((OOC: Ninja'd. Editing. Edit: done. Didn't think of that, did you? tongue.gif ))


Troulce shook his head, and barely stopped himself from completely exploding. I will not believe you, Troulce began, because you are basing your ideas off of speculation. I am basing mine off of fact. I did not know Cream, but I believe in giving hatchlings two chances, most of the time. Killing another hatchling is, as I have said before, unacceptable. That is why I have never meant to kill Sparsus, but you seem to be misunderstanding me. I am sure that you could have talked calmly with Cream, especially if you were to let someone impartial mediate. However, Sparsus did not do such a thing. He killed her without thinking, and almost did the same to the hatchling. If you do not believe this, I do not know what you will. Troulce announced Sparsus' intentions to all the hatchlings. Sparsus wants me to decide, he began, he wants to control me. If I do not let him, I will force him to die. If I let him, I may die myself. Hah, Troulce spat, classic. You want to make me feel as though I am forcing you to do something, when you are actually controlling me. You know what I will pick, and you have pushed me to do so. I will prove you wrong, and show you that I am doing what is right. Troulce walked over to Dabberjack, and asked, what should I do? Let Sparsus in, and have him control me, possibly killing me, or force him out, killing him? It is the people's right to decide. Choose wisely. Troulce allowed Sparsus minor control. Just enough that he wouldn't die during the deliberations, but not enough to influence Troulce's speech.

Edited by Shibadruid

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Moon Puff followed the others back to the cave. He listened to what everyone had to say.


"Sparsus, even if Cream had wanted to die, you should have ignored her. You should have made her change her mind. Even if she refused, you should have just walked away. Who knows, she might have even wanted you to kill her so that all this might happen. From what the others are saying about her, she doesn't seem to like anyone a lot," he quietly told Sparsus. It was possible. Cream could have wanted this to happen to him. He did not wish to speak ill of the dead but he must at least come up with a reason. And this reason was very likely.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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(OOC: ninja.gif But I got it.)


Redwing piped up, "He didn't want to control me." She was afraid, but Sparsus had inspired confidence in her, "He was just staying alive."



Sparsus grabbed Troulces consciousness. He spoke telepathically to Redwing, "Why should the people not choose his fate?"

The mute one sent him a message, "But I should not have, I would have forced her to live, and she was not evil like Cerise says."



Redwing listened to Sparsus, she spoke again, "He wants to know why we don't get to pick what happens to you. I wanted you to leave, you can't anymore, but I wanted you to before, and so did the grey snake thing over there." She pointed at Cerise.



Iktria was tired of swimming, she went to find Dabberjack and walked in on Redwing's speech, "What happened?" She asked. She heard some of what Redwing said, "I wanted you to leave too, though I might change my mind after hearing what's going on." She slithered over next to Dabberjack.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Troulce sighed, and started, I did not want you to decide what would happen to me because I knew that you were against me. I also knew for a fact that, without order, this society would disintegrate. Seeing as I could not find any order in the others, I remained here to counteract Sparsus, who believes whole-heartedly in chaos. However, I understand now that you will not believe without first-hand experience. Therefore, I will let you decide completely my fate. One thing, though. Sparsus, you must promise me that you will not kill me. Troulce paused to lay down on the ground, spreading his paws so that he would look like a sacrifice from above. When this is all over, I just want you to remember: I told you so.

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Cerise gasped in disbelief. "How can you be basing on fact? You have put an illusional wall in front of yourself Troulce! You won't even believe the facts! If you knew Cream, you would have know it was for the better of us. Listen for once in your short life. Sparsus is not evil. You are being delusional. Face it." She was almost puffing. "It can be acceptable to take a life to save others. Now I will tell you once more. Leave him alone." She turned to Sparsus. "If you're really alive, return to your own body, or don't return at all." She stood in between the quarreling two the whole time.

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Moon Puff just sat silently. He liked and admired Troulce. He didn't want him to go but if that was the case... He looked up sharply as Cerise spoke.


"But he could have just sent her off. He didn't need to kill her," he said softly.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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((OOC: Yes! Finally someone who doesn't immediately hate Troulce! xd.png ))

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(OOC: I am going to assume Troulce opened up enough for Sparsus to get in?)


Sparsus took Troulce for a moment, Troulce's eyes glowed and Sparsus spoke through him, "Cream was not evil." He said through Troulce, "And I am dead."

He released Troulce and flew backward, ready to die. He brushed past Redwing and she opened herself to let him in, but he did not take that path. He would die now, truly die. And he rushed back. And ended up in his body, which seemed to be about to take a bite out of a creature, "What?" Was all he could say.



As Sparsus brushed against her and tried to let him back in, he refused. So she grabbed him to follow him to where he went, at least until she couldn't, she was surprised to find that he lived, and apparently, so was he.

"He's alive!" She cried happily, "But he was not expecting to live, boy is he surprised."

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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((OOC: I said, 'just enough to let him live'. He's still waiting for the judgement to be passed.))


Troulce raised his head, and said, hmm, that worked out better than I had expected. Now, Cerise. Listen to me. Troulce got up, and grabbed ahold of her. You will listen to what I have to say. I will go slowly, and prove to you that I am right. First, Troulce raised a paw, and began ticking off numbers on it. You have no evidence to show that Cream would have hurt others. If it turns out that you do, tell me and I shall listen with an open mind. Second: it is never acceptable to take a life to save others, unless you can prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that those others would die. Third: Prove it. Tell me, step by step, without using anything other than facts and deduction, that Sparsus is not evil. Troulce sat down. Neither of us will leave until we reach an agreement.

Edited by Shibadruid

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(OOC: Then he opened himself like a sacrifice, but I can hold off on that/\)

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Redwing spoke up again, "I still have him, he says that that is the same choice he gave Cream, and he chose the same as her, he says that he is apparently still alive though, and he says he was about to eat a white creature when he ended up in his body."

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Troulce raised a claw lazily, and said, but first, may I clarify? I did nothing of the sort to harm Sparsus. On the contrary, I did everything I could to keep him alive. This is not what Sparsus did to Cream.

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Lydia just looked from Cerise, to Moon Puff, to Redwing and then to Troulce. She would let them sort all this out without her. She walked off feeling dazed, everything was happening so fast.

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Redwing saw Lydia walking off, "Hey, wait!" She called and followed her, "Why are you leaving?"

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(OCC: I'm lazy so I could use a two page or so recap)

Edited by guy person

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Stars glanced at Holmar and sighed.


"I'm fine...just a bit...surprised at the latest happenings," she said. If the death of a hatchling had hit her hard, the idea of another killing it made a huge impact.



user posted image

Moon Puff watched nervously as Troulce grabbed Cerise. He hoped that he wouldn't harm her. Troulce could do anything. His acute hearing picked up the sound of an egg cracking at the back of the cave but he deemed it not his problem.



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Small, lazy eyes opened in the darkness. Not that they made much difference, seeing that those eyes were black. The Neotropical liked the darkness. But she decided that more space would be preferable. So she kicked out and surprisingly, her legs shot right through the shell and she accidentally launched herself out of the egg. Slightly shaken, she got up and picked off bits of egg shell off her. Looking around, she realised that she was in a cave...with other hatchlings. She walked towards the front of the cave and stopped, seeing that some seemed to be arguing. Shrugging, she watched as the black hatchling grabbed the shiny one. She sat down. For some reason, she liked it. She didn't know why but she had the sudden feeling that she would really, really like to see them fight.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Alatum was downtrodden. He couldn't find Daralis at all. And so, he began walking back to the cave, even slower than his normall limp. However, on his way, he saw one of the dragons from the cave about to bite another horselike creature with a horn. He ran as fast as his sprained ankle would let him, and when he got close enough he reared and kicked at the small dragon, snorting at it in anger.

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Volter moved next to the Neotropical hatchling. "This is going to take awhile to finish up... I'm Volter by the way."

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Holmar turned to face Stars, and said, I know. I am too. But I guess the world isn't perfect, and we'll just have to look on the bright side. Holmar continued walking along, until he reached the cave. There he saw Troulce and Cerise fighting, but he ignored it. After all, what could he do to stop them? Holmar went over to the food pile, grabbed the last portion of the fox, and brought it back to Stars. Do you want some? Holmar asked.

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