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The Forgotten Island

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(OCC: Sparsus is still a zombie, right?)


"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but Sparsus is a zombie now..." he said while staring at what was happening before him.

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(OOC: No, he got sent back when he tried to kill himself. Sparsus is in the tundra with the psychic unicorn and Alatum. A few things have happened to his abilities and his mind.)


Sparsus felt Redwing let go of him, he would miss her. She was the only one who would ever understand him, he felt bonded with her and he could feel where she was even without trying. Then, a Pegasus kicked him in the stomach, "Ow! What was that for!" He said, "I was going to eat that!" He didn't remember wanting to eat anything, but suddenly he was very hungry, "After I destroy you!" He stopped being hungry and a snow devil appeared next to him, but dissipated quickly, "I'm not going to hurt you, but I'm not always me." He said quickly, "I'm hungry." The hunger came, "I must kill you!" He felt enraged, "I'm sorry." He said to the Pegasus, "Get the unicorn and yourself away from me. I have no idea what I'll do to you, and warn the others." He had not realized it before, but Redwing had somehow been holding his mind together, now it had split into three. And the worst part was that the one in control of his telekinesis was the one that would gladly crush any of the hatchlings.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Cindiri stretched inside her egg, it was getting far too cramped for her. A long crack appeared on the white surface before her and she halted, surprised. Oh no... I broke it, she thought to herself Whats going to happen now? Is there anything out there or...? Tentatively, she broke a small chip off of her egg and peered outside. The colorful brightness of the world outside hit her instantly and she shut her eye against the bright light. At least... It's something. she thought as she made the small hole a bit bigger. As she was trying to make her way out she lost her balance. The egg, with her inside, toppled forward and rolled to the entrance of the cave. When it stopped she climbed out, legs shaking. Eyes still closed she sat awkwardly in the cave beside her egg shell.


(OCC: Yay starting post! Anyway, hello all! ^^)

Edited by Ferven

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(OCC: glad to see your here, Ferven. everyone just ignore my previous post)


"Well... Sparsus turned into a zombie, then tried to kill himself, and now he's back in the tundra, no biggy" he said the last part sarcastically. Dabberjack didn't really know what to do at this point so he just stood there.

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(OOC: No one knows about the zombie part, didn't you read the RP? Sparsus took control of Redwing by accident and then Troulce, then he tried to kill himself, but went back into his body, no one actually knows he was a zombie.)

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(OCC: oh... nope, I didn't read it because I'm lazy. I skimmed it. I didn't catch anything about a zombie or whatever. also forget my previous post)


"well, Sparsus took control of Troulce, then tried to kill himself, then lost control of troulce and apparently is back controlling his body" he said. Dabberjack wasn't really sure what to do so he just stood there.


(OCC: If I messed up again, I swear I'm gonna go insane...)

Edited by guy person

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(Well you missed a lot, did you at least read Shiba's recap? Anyway, that is good enough.)


"Um, ok." Iktria was a little confused, "I think we should just stay out of it, it's none of our business." And she began to slither back to their cave, she spotted a White hatchling just inside the entrance, "Um, hello." She said to it.

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(OCC: yup I read Shiba's recap. but anyway Iktria doesn't need to know everything... it's not like this information is valuable...)


Dabberjack followed Iktria down the cave and stopped by the hatchling as well "Hello" he said

Edited by guy person

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Cindiri slowly opened her eyes and looked at where the voices had come from. There were two blue dragons standing in front of her and they were looking at her. She blinked a few times, still getting used to the light. After a moment of silence she realized that they were the ones who spoke to her and that she had still not replied. "Oh..." She she peeped, finding her voice "hello."

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"My name is Dabberjack, what's yours?" he asked, still looking at the new hatchling

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"I'm... Cindiri" She spoke her name for the first time, the name that she was given when she was still inside her egg. "Nice to meet you Dabbar... Dabberjack!" She smiled, happy to have found a friend.

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"I'm Iktria." Iktria said nicely, but for some reason she didn't like this hatchling. "Why not?" She wondered, "I suppose it's the way she's talking to Dabberjack." She was careful not to let this show and put on her best smile.

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(OCC: T'was expecting that. also Ferven, It's the second day in RP, so your character isn't that much younger than the rest. Just thought you might want to know that.)


"Nice to meet you too" he said kindly. "Well I'd best be going" he said as he waddled off to his secret 'chamber' once he got there he took a fish from his pile and ate.

Edited by guy person

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Cindiri said goodbye to the two nice dragons and watched as they left. When they were out if sight she sighed, letting her eyes wander. I wish they could've stayed a bit longer, she thought to herself, standing up Oh well, time to find something to eat! I'm starving!" Her stomach growled as she walked out of the cave and into the wide world.


(OCC: Thanks, seems like a lot has happened in just a day... You dragons sure do get around haha. )

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Volter knew saying hello to new people is always a great way to make friends... and start conversation. He decided to follow the White Hatchling outside.

"Hello there. I'm Volter, I saw you just hatch."

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Iktria followed Dabberjack to their cave. "Um." She began, "Do you think maybe.." She was worried he would say no, "Maybe we could practice mouth to mouth again?"

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(OCC: seriously? seriously bro? I wasn't expecting that... TROULCE NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! then again... did Troulce come back from the tundra?)


Dabberjack looked at Iktria "Sure" he said with a smile on his face as he waddled over to Iktria, and once again pressed his lips to hers.


(OCC: troulce NOW!)

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The Neotropical stared at Volter icily. Again, she didn't know why, but she didn't want to be friends with him. Did she have a name, anyway? Leaf Scales, perhaps? Yes, that would be her name. She was about to speak when Volter went off to another hatchling. She rolled her eyes and resumed to watch the two hatchlings at the entrance. She felt hungry but she wasn't about to ask anyone for food.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Cindiri was marveling at the forest before her, the leaves were such beautiful shades of green. Now if I can only something to eat... Something like fruit, She could smell something good somewhere But where can I find it? Maybe if I... She was lost deep in thought when she heard someone speak from behind her. "Oh! Uh... Hello?" She turned around and sat down facing the new dragon.


(OCC: Umm... What kinds of plants grow here?)

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Volter looked at her confused, "Yes... hello. Are you troubled about something?

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(OCC: if by what kind of plants grow here you mean, Trees, bushes and that kind of stuff then yeah, otherwise I can't really say...)

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"No," She said with a smile, laughing softly to prove she was indeed fine "I was just thinking and you surprised me, I didn't expect you to come up behind me." Her stomach growled loudly and her face reddened with embarrassment "I-I am hungry... Though." She murmured awkwardly to the dragon.


(OCC: ...Mangos? Blueberries? Actually... I guess I will just make up some random fruit that lives in the forest/tundra/whereverthisis)

Edited by Ferven

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(OCC: Its a cave in a forest on an Island in the far north of a planet.)

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(OCC: Is it cold? Sorry, I'm just trying to get a better idea of what the environment is like, I don't want to make mistakes or anything.)

Edited by Ferven

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