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ok thankyou both~^^ hmm how should i start this... ahh i know! when in doubt, go with a dream sequence~^^ ))


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location- bed, than at school going to his second period class, practical combat.



"brr... FUYU! its cold! hurry it up already!"

the frozen red head boy said to his twin brother as he stood in the snow covered in layers to keep his small frame warm.

the two boys are barely 5 at the time, with their father out on business its their mother is the one watching them for the day. seeing that fuyu wanting to go outside and play in the snow, she allowed them outside to let off their energy so she would not be bothered by them as she does her work as the head of family. despite being blinded from the war, she holds up her duties and takes care of her hyperactive twin boys is a mystery to all.

as fuyu runs around the front of the house sticking his tongue out to collect the snowflakes falling from the sky, seika just stares at his white haired sibling, thinking

'how is he running around like that! its freezing out here!'

what the young boy does not know at the moment is that he and his brother are different.... very different. both of them had no idea what the difference was between a snow demon and a pyro angel. all they knew was that they were siblings, and that was all they cared about.

seika glared at his brother as he around the pure white area, only stopping from time to time to wipe his face from all the snow that was melting on it.

seika watched this for a good amount of time before he started to get a bit irked from being ignored and decided to yell out

"FUUUUYUU!!! its coooold! can we go inside now! i cant feel my toes!"

from the force of his yell seika lost his balance and fell in the snow face first causing him to start sniffling.

hearing his twins cry, fuyu stopped running around in the snow and walked over to his brother side, standing above him. the white haired boy looked down and says as he put his hands on his sides in disappointment.

"you're such a cry baby saki. grow up already!"

as the whimpering boy heard his twins words, he looked up at his brother and said as he sat in the snow feeling his fingers going numb.

"im not a cry baby! you jerk!"

-dream end-


as seika dreams this, he mumbles in his sleep as he huggs his pillow practically squeezing the life out of it.

''im not a baby, you jerk."

still in dream land, seika then starts to talk to his brother more his sleeping face starting to scrunch up in anger a bit

''you're a freak for being able to run around like its summer!''

as seika talks to fuyu in his dream he is suddenly startled when he hears a sudden female voice that did not come from his subconscious.

"seika? what are you talking about... i hate the cold.."

the red head then quickly opens his eyes and ends up seeing his best friend a long red headed pyro angel named kaen standing in his room. the teen stares at her for a second, blinking from time to time unsure of what to say. the girl returns the awkward stares with her own, playing with the tips of her hair a bit in the process. finally, seika then asks the girl as he sits up in bed, taking his hands off the strangled pillow.

"Kaen, what are you doing in my room...more exactly my house...?"

the red head girl stares at the confused fellow pyro angel and answers with a slight chuckle

"your dad asked me to go check on you while he was gone to make sure you made it to the earth dweller school you're supposed to be at right now."

as seika heard the words escape her lips, he suddenly remembered...


he was enrolled their a few days ago, and his first day was supposed to be today..

"great, what a way to make a first impression than to be late on the first day of school..."

he said out loud to himself as he felt like crawling under a rock. a few seconds after, kaen decided to help dig his hole of self lothing and says in a mocking voice

"and all because you decided to sleep in."

after hearing her words, the pyro angel turned his head towards the firey red head and says with a slight glare

"you are so not helping..."

hearing his words the girl laughs a bit and says as she sits next to him on his bed. trying to get him up so he is not even more late for the earth dweller school.

well, you only missed one period, if you hurry im sure you can make it for the second class."

with her words sinking into his brain, seika nods and says as he hops out of bed and runs to his dresser, grabbing a set of clothes pushing kaen out of his room in to process

Alright! but you need to get out!

not expecting to be pushed out like that, the girl yelps a bit but allows the bird brained boy to get himself dressed. how he would manage without her waking him up is beyond her, all she knows is that he better hurry if he wants to make it to second period on time.

about three minutes later, seika runs out of his room and towards the dropping deck, looking at kaen a bit before he makes the plunge, he waves at her and says as he has his wings appear on him and flare up

"see you after school?''

kaen smiled at seika and says as she waves back at him grabbing something from her pocket and throwing it at him.

seika flails a bit with the object but finally grabs it and sees that it is a packed lunch.

''try not to starve to death down there, alright?"

seika smiled at her and nodded putting the lunch in his messanger bag so it would not get lost during his descent.

he then does one last wave as he falls from the air backwards allowing himself to go in free fall.

this was seika's favorite part about flying. feeling the wind in his hair, his heart pumping from the adrenaline taking over his senses. to him this is the best feeling in the world. allowing himself to take in this feeling, he closes his eyes and allows it to fill every fiber of his body. when he felt that he was going to fast, he opens his wings all the way and turns around so the wind would pick him up in the air and float down to his destination.

after about five minutes, seika makes it to the school and lands on top of the building. allowing his wings to rest for a second or two, he then has the fire around them extinguish and hides them from site so he could go about his day without being noticed from the earth dwellers.

when his wings were completely gone, he goes over to a window and sees if there is any people where he is. seeing that it was safe, seika opens the window and jumps inside letting his feet land on the tile floor.

''guess i should head to class''

he says to himself as he takes out his schedule and sees that his next class is Practical combat.




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((This is the schedule btw




Hour 1 (9:00am - 10:00am) - Swordplay

Hour 2 (10:05am - 11:05am) - Spear/Halberd Training

Hour 3 (11:10am - 12:10pm) - Practical Combat


Hour 4 (1:10pm - 2:10pm) - Archery




Hour 1 (9:00am - 10:00am) - Gym

Hour 2 (10:05am - 11:05am) - Mount-riding

Hour 3 (11:10am - 12:10pm) - Climbing




Hour 1 (9:00am - 10:00am) - Magic

Hour 2 (10:05am - 11:05am) - World History

Hour 3 (11:10am - 12:10pm) - History of the Heavens




Hour 1 (9:00am - 10:00am) - Alchemy

Hour 2 (10:05am - 11:05am) - Science

Hour 3 (11:10am - 12:10pm) - Herbology


Hour 4 (1:10pm - 2:10pm) - Medical




Hour 1 (9:00am - 10:00am) - Literature

Hour 2 (10:05am - 11:05am) - Cultural Studies

Hour 3 (11:10am - 12:10pm) - Music


Hour 4 (1:10pm - 2:10pm) - Astronomy










We're on hour 2 on Monday. Or I suppose maybe getting to 3... It's like college. If you have a free period, great. Otherwise go to class. You do not have to be enrolled in ALL classes.))

Edited by Sai

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ahh...alright... ill just have seika have a free period right now.... so is the practical combat class starting right now...? if not ill edit it so he can be in the class with everyone~^^ ))

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[[PC's gonna start soon I guess. Also, all the students will be staying at the Academy so, Seika?, will have his own room and a dragon egg. I suggest reading the first... 5-10 pages in order to see how the process was done by everyone else.]]

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alright so one last question, is the head master a NPC and anyone can play as him? (so i can get my twins set up correctly~^^ ))

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((Headmaster is Professor Gale. He is an NPC and is shamelessly like Dumbledore. Have at it. that also reminds me Kira is suppose to be in pc x_x))


Faze tapped his paws lightly against Chobit's head, "Hey... don't you have a class soon? Uh... Practical combat?" Kira stopped walking. It was definitely a good thing she had overheated at everyone and then retreated inside. She'd forgotten about her class. "Yeah..." she pondered. It would be on the ground floor she knew. She walked along the hallway until she saw the room label and stepped inside. Empty. She was early after all. Kira looked at her hatchling, "Just sit off to the side for class I guess..." Chobit nodded and trotted over to the wall of the classroom, sinking to the floor. Faze hopped off her back and fist pumped, "Go kick butt! Just not as hard as you did that guy five minutes ago" the ferret laughed. Kira rolled her eyes, "He asked for that. Literally" "Still, hope you aren't tired. Gotta be on your toes" he continued, performing a weasel war dance.

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Already he picked up aggression, the angry emotion edged with a fiery hatred. The sensation made Felic balk, his fingers clenching the strap of his bag tightly. He felt ill again, stomach acid and bile rising in his throat. The Empath believed he would lose his breakfast, vision spinning and making the ground appear warped. Inhaling deeply, he ignored the flair of red behind his eyelids and did his best not to let the aggression overtake his own thoughts and feelings. It was a small relief, and a bit helpful, that the person who was so angry was slowly calming down.


When the floor and walls were back to how they should be, Felic tentatively walked down the rest of the hallway. He hesitated at the door, catching sight of the red-headed werewolf and picking up the tail-ends of her small companion's words. The boy stayed silent, lowering his head to avoid any of the three's gazes as he slunk over towards a far corner and sat on the floor.


The ferret(?) was optimistic about something but also firm from concern. The dragon was merely curious, no doubt trying to figure out what everything was. The knowledge of the girl's hatchling being there brought his focus back to his own egg. The sorrowful dragon within had tried scratching its way out a few times before with the only result of growing tired soon after. It didn't worry him though, only made him more hopeful.


[[if there are errors, please let me know and I'll fix them.]]

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((YES GUYS. FAZE IS A WHITE FERRET. user posted image




Kira sat on the spot she stood, which was near the middle of the floor. She could hear Felic enter the room and picked up his scent. She always made sure to get acquainted with new people's scents. It helped to keep track of people later on multiple levels. What was that? Anger? Humans let off a certain scent when angry. "Heh" she breathed quietly. At least she wasn't the only one pissed. Then again, it raised the chances she could avoid further social interaction. She'd already discovered she was bad at that. She glanced up at the clock. Ten minutes until class started. Kira looked down at her hands and played with a small flame. Faze continued to war dance around Chobit, trying to inspire play. The hatchling rested her head on her paws and merely watched.

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[[xd.png Shows up as 3 1/2 for me. I'll edit in Soria's response in a few minutes.]]


Soria looked up upon hearing Nick's voice and waved in greeting. "Yeah! My dragon hatched just a minute ago! I was starting to worry if I had kept the egg warm enough or not!" She tilted her head, glancing back at her new dragon. "Now I just gotta figure out if your a male or female... Can't exactly name you correctly if I get your gender wrong."


The hatchling snorted, picking itself up from where it had fallen and attempting to walk on shaky legs. "Hold on now! You're just out of your egg! I'm sure you've no real strength to walk at the moment." Maybe it was like a newborn foal or gazelle? The babies are always prompted right after birth to get up and walk. It was a kind of necessity when there were creatures that hunted you. Had to make sure you were always ready to start running, right?


Soria scratched her head, lightly lifting the dragon's tail to peer at its backside. Again, the hatchling snorted, squealing unhappily and trying to pull its tail free despite her gentle grasp. "Oh! I'm sorry! Okay!" She let it go and the hatchling snorted for a third time, showing its displeasure.

"Your egg has finally hatched eh?" Nick nodded towards her hatchling as he spoke. "That's great, do you have any name ideas yet?" He set down his bags and closed the door behind Rein as she entered. He had a slight feeling he was forgetting something.


"Don't you have class in a few minutes?" She asked Nick. He could understand her just fine, but anyone who didn't speak cat would only hear a few growls.


"Oh ah yes I should probably get ready for that ah... practical combat." He kneeled down next to his bag and started looking through his things to make sure he had everything. "Do you have it?" Nick asked Soria, looking up.

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(I hope you're happy, Sai. You forced me to go on a google adventure looking at pictures of ferrets, which lead me to Furrets. It made me find a pokemon innuendo and now I have the overwhelming desire to stand on a bus corner and try to get someone's number using only pokemon pickup lines. This happens every time I Google Furrets!)


Tatsuke nodded at Jeth. "Yes. Strategy is the word. Thanking you." He decided to wait until they had found Jeth's hatchling before pointing out that there was a class coming up. It didn't matter to him much, this practical combat class. He didn't want to enter it, hadn't signed up, and if for some odd reason he was in by a mistake, there was no way in heck he was going. Sword fighting was enough violence for him, and practical combat was probably going to teach more physical fighting anyway. Tatsuke, if so forth gone unnoticed, was clearly lacking in the physical department (don't think too deeply into that) and undersized magic instead. However, he wouldn't use his magic aptitude unless someone was in danger. Henceforth his ratty old tome once again concealed beneath his robe and the fact he only brought it out when there was the risk of altercation. "Whatever is happening, we should me making it happening outside of forest. Shaydz may come, and I am sure I am speaking for all when I am saying none of us wanting that."




Sin and Mitch had to hurry to get to the next class. Well, Sin did. Mitch was just thoroughly enjoying the warmth and the ride. Imagine being thrown into life fully cognoscente, only knowing the basics of the grand idea of living. The first time being touched, the first time being referred to as an individual, the first feeling of cloth on your back and the first time having a friend. He was tired from hatching, and Sin's caring hold was so much more tangible now that he was no longer coated by a shell. She didn't babble, either, unlike the other dragons back when he was in The Room. She was just... comforting to him. Even if he looked like he was gonna be a little brat with the way he was sitting, he didn't even once think of playing a trick on her to get away or acting nasty.

She turned a corner, slipped this way and that, before she was finally at the room. She rushed this time because she had been afraid she would find the wrong room or be late. But it looked like it was gonna start, the proctor was present and they looked like they were getting antsy.


(Woulda liked to wait for Tron's reply, but Sin had to get to class.)

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Devon smiled softly when Tatsuke agreed to teach her his language, and when he stumbled on finding the right word to describe the games he was talking about, Devon furrowed her brow in thought. Realizing what he meant, as he laughed it off, she smiled distantly as she remembered her father trying to teach her such games. When Jeth mentioned her race was not important to him, Devon eyed him shrewdly with that ever present grin and said slowly, "Well, when you're right you are right. One's race isn't what's important." Turning her jewel like gaze to Tatsuke, Devon continued, "It's who one is on the inside. However, I did not want it to be a surprise later. I confess I feel like a fish out of water here myself. I think we all feel that way to some degree."


When Jeth sent her his memories of Chip, Devon couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face, and closed her eyes for a moment. Not giving away any of what she was thinking, she reached for Chip's mind. Opening her eyes, Devon met Tatsuke's gaze as she said, "I was never very good with strategy games. My father tried to teach me, and I like them a lot, but... Well, maybe I just need more practice. Yes?" Devon chuckled continuing, "As for the telepathy. Think of it as more speaking only without moving your lips. It might not be easy at first, but if you'd like to try I will create a link."


It only took a moment for Devon to find Chip's mind, so she turned her gaze to Jeth as she said, "Chip is fine. I sense her mind with that of another hatchling, as well as another person. They are safe though. If you want to speak to Chip I have enough of a connection set up, so you can send to her. This connection is more like I'm acting as a switchboard, so it will be private for you."



As Tatsuke mentioned the shades, Devon nodded her head as she said, "Yes. I ran into a batch of them last night while I was traveling here. They are certainly not the most friendly creatures, but the exercise was fun. I have to get inside anyways and set my things down so I can find food. Dried fish rations for the last few weeks is not the most sustaining meal I can think of." Suddenly, Devon remembered she still needed to look at her schedule, and pulled it out of her pack as she explained, "I was allowed to pick most of my classes, but our Wisdom Keepers also had a say, and they made me promise not to look at it until I arrived. We will find out why now... Well I missed Swordplay, but today I still have Archery. I have nothing until... World History, then History of the Heavens... That was Wisdom Keeper Telerro's choice." Devon paused as she chuckled at her next class before she said, "Luckily Science is the only class I have that day. I can see Wisdom Keeper Johanna had her say there. Friday I have Literature, Cultural Studies and Music. What classes do you two have?"





{{Ferrets are utterly adorable biggrin.gif. I'd love to get one, but my husband says no sad.gif. Devon is so nervous xd.png. Shades don't scare her, yet talking to two nice guys... Utterly terrifying hehehe.}}

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(I was going to get a ferret, but the cage was too expensive and in the end I found and fell in love with my cat though a freak accident involving bad directions to Northshore animal league. It was such a freak occurrence that it felt like something was telling me I wasn't supposed to get a ferret, I had to get my cat... still named him 'Tashi' though, like the Japanese word for weasel; 'itachi'.)


He wasn't so sure if he was liking the whole 'other person reading his thoughts' idea, so he hoped the Naga wouldn't find it rude that he started to change his thought process into Nihounese, eliminating any other kind of thought in his head. Pictures, colors, syllables, all gone. Certainly no common language. Most of his rambling thoughts deep in his mind he would like to stay there, because rambling thoughts were freely expressed without offending others and they came as spurs of the moment. What if he thought of something offensive or unkind, then before he could delve into the thought and deem it wrong someone was hurt by it? It was best to avoid the risks all together. No matter how rigid it made thinking and speaking the common tongue. "Please no reading thinking. My small thoughts are mine... not wanting others to know. They is stupid and from no where. What I need you hearing I thinksay in this language... I am sorry if I am disrespect."

Tatsuke glanced to Jeth for a minute, not wanting to dominate the conversation and make his new friend feel like a third wheel. He made sure he allowed for pauses whenever Jeth wanted to jump in. "I am from Nihoun, in Nihoun it is culture of schooling, for we have very little metal and farming land. Best way of sons in Nihoun is learn how trade, learn how fish, learn how rent land. I come from rent landers, honorable family. Elders sign me up for here because smart. They put in many classes! Many many! I am schooling most of time, as says on planning time paper." He reached into his robe and fumbled for his tome, which was doubling as a binder. "Today had Swordplay. Tomorrow Gym. Rest of week I am having no relax time, all classes I am attending." He didn't want to tell them too much about his life, not wanting to know how they would feel if they found out what business the Kahnoda family had been in during the war. Nor would he explain that fathers usually chose for their sons, that the term elder wasn't referring to his grandparents, or anyone from his family. No, those details he kept hidden in the back of his head, under a cloth of foreign wording, in the hopes that they would learn about that in Cultural Studies or because they directly asked instead of by a stumble and spill of too much information.

Edited by Luckyclaw

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((here's hoping you win Sai happy.gif))


"Maybe..." Chip stated with a bit of a mumble. She watched as Zeek tried to carry Jaden with no success. "What if we bring the water here will that work?" She asked eager to help fix this problem.


Chip thought she felt something but as soon as she had felt it hte feeling was gone. She looked around a little confused but when she saw nothing she ignored it again.




Jeth rested his stoney hand against the back of his head. "I haven't heard that one before. But, I do feel wierd being around so many soft people." He said in response to Devon's observation. Jeth had never played a stratagy game before. He didn't think he would be very good at it. However they still sounded interesting. "maybe you two can teach me to play stratagy games as well." He said with another invisiable grin.


Jeth was a little surprised at how telepathy worked it was very similar to his native tongue. "My native language is similer. Although we speak through vibration. You touch the person you want to speak to and vibrate with certain patterns to make words." Jeth beggining to get enthusiastic about meeting this new student. When asked what classes he had Jeth spoke up right away. "I have only four classes. Swordplay, Astronomy, World history and Cultural studies. I got to pick Astronomy myself but the Elders picked the rest of my classes." he stated with a touch of pride. "As for chip you don't have to keep it private I just wanted to know where she is. She keeps going off on her own even though she is still small and soft.


((Rar! You ninjad me Lucky. At least I don't need to edit happy.gif))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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"Your egg has finally hatched eh?" Nick nodded towards her hatchling as he spoke. "That's great, do you have any name ideas yet?" He set down his bags and closed the door behind Rein as she entered. He had a slight feeling he was forgetting something.


"Don't you have class in a few minutes?" She asked Nick. He could understand her just fine, but anyone who didn't speak cat would only hear a few growls.


"Oh ah yes I should probably get ready for that ah... practical combat." He kneeled down next to his bag and started looking through his things to make sure he had everything. "Do you have it?" Nick asked Soria, looking up.

Kira sat on the spot she stood, which was near the middle of the floor. She could hear Felic enter the room and picked up his scent. She always made sure to get acquainted with new people's scents. It helped to keep track of people later on multiple levels. What was that? Anger? Humans let off a certain scent when angry. "Heh" she breathed quietly. At least she wasn't the only one pissed. Then again, it raised the chances she could avoid further social interaction. She'd already discovered she was bad at that. She glanced up at the clock. Ten minutes until class started. Kira looked down at her hands and played with a small flame. Faze continued to war dance around Chobit, trying to inspire play. The hatchling rested her head on her paws and merely watched.

Sin and Mitch had to hurry to get to the next class. Well, Sin did. Mitch was just thoroughly enjoying the warmth and the ride. Imagine being thrown into life fully cognoscente, only knowing the basics of the grand idea of living. The first time being touched, the first time being referred to as an individual, the first feeling of cloth on your back and the first time having a friend. He was tired from hatching, and Sin's caring hold was so much more tangible now that he was no longer coated by a shell. She didn't babble, either, unlike the other dragons back when he was in The Room. She was just... comforting to him. Even if he looked like he was gonna be a little brat with the way he was sitting, he didn't even once think of playing a trick on her to get away or acting nasty.

She turned a corner, slipped this way and that, before she was finally at the room. She rushed this time because she had been afraid she would find the wrong room or be late. But it looked like it was gonna start, the proctor was present and they looked like they were getting antsy.

Felic didn't look up when the girl made a small sound. It seemed like she laughed or something but he ignored it, focusing on his dragon egg. He could feel the ferret's determination as it appeared to dance around the hatched dragon across the room and the hatchling's responding boredom. They were calmer than the anger and the aggression, leaving him to sigh quietly in gratefulness. Within the dark egg that rested in the boy's lap, his unknown companion's sorrow ebbed faintly in soft waves. On a sort of desire and whim, he began to list possible names within his mind, indulging in thoughts of if the hatchling ended up a male or ended up a female. To be honest, he was faintly growing bored and growing more anxious as the minutes ticked by slowly. All he really wanted to do was go back to his bedroom and be away from the other students.


Suddenly, hurried footsteps filled his ears and he looked up on reflex, catching sight of the new arrival. It was Sin. Almost too late, he stopped himself from calling her name and, instead, gave a shy smile in greeting. He could feel her panic and someone else's content. It seemed that Sin's dragon had hatched as well, the source of the content, and rested in her arms. "Sin..." he finally called, voice soft as ever as he trailed off, uncertain of what he was supposed to say now that he had spoken her name. So, she was in this class as well. At least that made one familiar face and put him a little more at ease.



"Nah. I don't have any classes for today actually. My first class is Music and that isn't until Wednesday morning so... I guess I just get to chill out for today and tomorrow. Lucky me, huh?" Soria smiled, glancing over at Nick as he spoke and inquired about her having Practical Combat or not. "As for my dragon's name... I'm not certain. I don't even know if it's male or female yet!" She laughed lightly for a moment, looking over her new companion again and gently brushing her fingertips along the scales of its back. The dragon seemed to purr, closing its green eyes and tilting its head a bit to the side. "Maybe there's a book on how to decipher a dragon's gender when it hatches?"

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((Wait, win what?...


My cat puts his face 2 inches from my keyboard while I type, wondering why I spend so much time hitting the keys. He keeps interrupting my posts as he tries to type himself. And it works. So I have to keep correcting words while he presses keys T^T))


Zeek shook his head, "Can't carry it in our paws. And we have no bucket...." he let go of Jaden and landed on the ground beside him. "Mmm" he hummed, looking at the boy's arm. He could... bite him awake. On the offhand it seemed quite rude. He didn't want to hurt his friend. He turned around and waved his feathered tail on Jaden's face for a breeze and tickle. When he didn't stir, Zeek jumped up and down on his stomach, "WAKE-Y WAKE-Y JA-DIN!!!" he yelled loudly. Jaden sputtered from the lack of air and his eyes fluttered open. "Nnnngh.... what?...." he groaned, rolling onto his side so Zeek fell off. "He's alive!" Zeek bounced around him.

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((ummm....the picture is to participate in a contest is it not?

*re-reads and head desks* Or could be the prize for a contest. *groan* Words have been hating me all week.


Jeth could slap Jaden awake xd.png although I don't guarantee he'll be awake for very long.))


Chip watched as Zeek tried a number of different things to wake Jaden up. First trying to tickle the untamed with his tail which had no success at all. Then came the one that looked like a lot of fun. Jumping up and down on Jaden's stomach, it looked like so much fun but Chip stayed put, she didn't want to accidentally lose her new gift. So she missed out on pouncing on Jaden's stomach which had successfully woken the boy up. Zeek was ecstatic and Chip was very glad that Jaden was ok.


Chip walked up to Jaden's face making sure to stay clear of Zeeks bouncing. "Are you ok? I'm sorry for hitting you with the dream. It was supposed to hit Zeek." She explained to the untamed boy.

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((Yes Jeth, kill Jaden, that'll wake him up lol))


Jaden remained on the ground as he rubbed his head, which now hurt along side his stomach from a long series of jumps from the both of them. Jaden glanced at the approaching hatchling as she spoke, "Yeah, I know, that's why I moved him" he grunted. Children had the most interesting rationale to him. Do something stupid to one person and it's ok, but miss and it's an oops. Mainly because he didn't find that Zeek much deserved it in the first place. The Untamed sat up slowly, groaning as he did so. It took a minute for the area around him to stop spinning. He stood up and brushed the leaves and dirt from his cloths, "So much for that shower" he rolled his eyes. Jaden flinched as Zeek suddenly bounced up at him. The Untamed barely managed to catch the hatchling in his arms without tumbling back over. Zeek put his paws on Jaden's shoulders, "You were playing dead!" he declared. Jaden cocked an eyebrow, the corners of his mouth twitching upward, "Not exactly"

Edited by Sai

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(Sin has emotions that are hard to describe, but I feel everyone would know about if they felt them, which is why I sometimes feel at my wits end with her. Especially when she interacts with just one person.)


When it first registered that Felic was in the class, she smiled at him after his meek smile was apparent to her eyes but she did nothing more. His lack of words was a lack of welcome in her book, at least just as a person she met an hour or so ago. She didn't know him well enough to just blunder over there. But her name was the magic word. "Heya Felic!" That broke her insecurity about having someone who knew her. When you at least knew a face, had a name tied to it, the face assumed the representation of a person. An unfamiliar face was someone of no importance to her, just a shape in the room. Not much more than a coat hanger, and no one needed to feel concerned with coat hangers. She would have been tacit and concerned with her actions if Felic had been in the room and not greeted her.

She naturally gravitated toward him, her unease now confidence. Practical combat was gonna be her thing... especially if it taught her how to fight with her hands. She took a seat(?) beside him, Mitch never shifting from the position he was in. He didn't even make a move to shift out of her arms to give her a break. Not that she minded, though, it wasn't like he was very heavy even if she wasn't an Azel. He had a cool expression in his eyes as he looked at Felic, trying to figure out if this would be an annoying one, like the dragons back at The Room, or a good one, like Sin. He hoped he was one of those quieter ones, or if he talked he at least said relevant things or entertaining things. Not spew stupidity. "I didn't think you of all people would be in here. You don't seem like a violent person, or the kinda guy who would get caught up in a fight of any sort."

Mitch, hearing Sin start to talk, tuned out. Idle prattle, bah. No thanks. The conversation didn't concern him so he felt it was best to look for something else to focus on. Maybe something colorful or... bingo. His black eyes fixed on Felic's egg. He wondered which one of the dragons that one was, if it had even spoken before. He sent no greeting, just simply fixed his gaze on it and waited for any hint as to who it contained. If it was one of the majority, it would be the best idea to keep his mouth shut and just not prompt communication. If he was a cool dragon... then maybe, just maybe, he would have the high honor of communicating with the newborn.

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Slight shifting his arm to avoid bumping Sin on accident as she sat down beside him, Felic listened to what she said. "I'm not. Empaths rarely ever get into fights because such strong or numerous emotions overwhelm us and have a negative effect." The boy continued to speak softly, just a natural speech volume he had. Shaking his head, he frowned and followed Sin's hatchling's gaze to his egg. "I don't want to be in this class but the head caregiver at the orphanage selected it and I've no choice but to attend." He had picked the other four classes and turned in the list; that's when the woman, who oversaw much of the orphanage he was put in, added the Practical Combat class and made some comment about him learning to be a man.


His frown deepened at the brief memory and he wondered, like a few times before, if he'd last at the Academy. He didn't want to go back to the orphanage; the kids had so many wild emotions that constantly made him physically ill. Would the students here be the same way? "Do you think the other students will let their emotions run uncontrolled?" Felic was asking more in the manner about if there would be rampant drama or an environment that was calm a majority of the time.

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"Everyone's feelings overtake you, like that? It must be awful to wait on a long line to the bathroom. I'll try to keep it in mind not to get angry around ya." It was meant to be humorous. Crudely humorous, but hopefully it would calm him down at least a little bit. "I don't see why they'd make you be put in a class you don't want to attend, or just plain have no business being in, but I'm in the same boat for a few classes. My grandpa chose most of my classes and he chose ones that would make Azels look good. No care for culture or hobbies." She pulled some strings in some classes but for the most part it had remained nearly the same. It made no sense to her way of thinking. To her grandfather and the Azazel elders, they must have thought that the only way to finally fit in with everyone else was to assimilate. Insecurity was a trademark of anything ostracized from society, be it a single person or an entire group. They adopted mannerisms hoping that someone would take them in, be their friend. As for Sin, she figured that she was a pretty good example of the common Azel. Poor, lived with family, close-knit group of friends back home, scruffy in tone and hand, proud of her town and proud of herself no matter how humble. What was the point of acting like someone else? There would be no mutual understanding if one side was familiar with a mask.


"I'd assume they'll feel whatever comes to them. In a room like this, though, there's not too much to be emotional over. You'll probably just get people feeling tired from working too hard, determined to get better or frustrated because they ain't doing something right. In a class where there's notes, you just get bored people, interested people and sleeping people." A brief pause to spare the masses from walls of red text. She then scratched the back of her neck before continuing, "If you're thinking about the whole school, I have to guess that it won't be as sleepy as I'm guessing you're hoping. This school was built because of a war, and most of us here have been touched by it somehow. You were in an orphanage, I have friends my age who have missing limbs. There's a whole generation of people who were wiped out in that war. Then put on the fact most of us are teenagers and young adults. The embodiment of drama and hormones. But then again... because of that I wouldn't worry as much. There was a war, most of us are on our toes trying to avoid being the one who starts a fight, and even more are trying to represent their races. It'll balance itself out for the first few weeks, and by the time that craziness sets in we'll all know each other well enough to know who to avoid and who's a cool cat." She finished stately. Mitch realized he was wrong; she did talk a lot. He leaned back further into her arm and gave a long, bored yawn.

Edited by Luckyclaw

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Chip just drew circles in the dirt when Jaden told her that was why he had moved Zeek. Now that Jaden mentioned it like that she felt really guilty about throwing the cloud at him. "I'm sorry Zeek." She said sheepishy with a remorsful chirp. She felt even more guilty about having accepted a present from him immediately afterwords and without anything to give back aside from more dreams. Zeek proclaimed that Jaden was playing dead after leaping into the untamed arms. Climbing on Jayden looked like fun, chip summoned up her cloud again and used it to position herself just a little bit above his head before stepping onto it. As she thought this was fun. "If you weren't playing dead then why were you so sleepy? I don't think I can make sleep with my dreams."

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Jaden stood still to get his bearings as the second hatchling landed on him. A blush crossed Jaden's face as Chip pressed for a more detailed answer. "I'm a...." he paused. Lightweight he thought. It was another weak point of his. Anything that knocked people out in general- chemicals, knocks to the head, and all the more, he was prone to being sensitive to. It was particularly since he had very sensitive, well, senses. Whether smell, hearing, and sight. That made damage easier to land on him in whatever case. It was probably why he was more susceptible to the catnip prank from his friends before. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine" he assured. He wanted to grab his face to hide his blush, but he was still holding Zeek. Zeek titled his head, "It's ok" he grinned. The hatchling wriggled free and landed on the ground with a soft thump.


((Meh someone else do this class. It's hand-to-hand for Practical combat X3))

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[[Okay, I will.]]


Felic listened. It was one of the things he did best and one of those that he preferred to do. When she had finished, he remained silent a moment longer before quietly humming in thought. "The people at the orphanage don't know I'm an Empath; they just think I'm a normal human boy. My kind of blood is rare and I didn't want to be seen as some kind of freak to the other kids." Which ended up happening anyways because he was always sick without a known reason and constantly avoiding everyone. "But... Maybe they've got some truth in what they've said; maybe I do need this class." The boy shrugged faintly, feeling the boredom fall in thick waves from Sin's hatchling.


He was ready to respond to the last portion of what Sin had said but the teacher, an aged man with white hair that sat wildly atop his head and bristled out in a thick bundle from his chin, entered the room at last. "Class! Line up!" Felic bristled inward, absorbing the old man's short temper and assaulted by his disapproval. "Is this all? Just the three?" Such a small class that yielded so much disappointment? The Empath didn't move, gaze stuck on the old man as the teacher stood in the center of the room, hands clasped behind his back. "Very well then! I shall not repeat any part of my lessons for late or absent students. Am I understood?" His eyes flickered between the two, starting at Kira to Sin and then Felic. "I said, line up boy!"


Flinching, Felic finally moved, carefully setting his egg down with his bag and slightly staggering to stand beside Sin. "Now! I will say this once! No pets allowed in this class. If I find any in this classroom next week and thenceforth, I will hand out punishment as I see fit. Understood? Likewise, I will not tolerate any interruptions! This is a class where you learn how to fight! This is not a class where you spend time prattling with friends. Am I clear?" The man paused, hard black eyes narrowed as he examined the three. Suddenly, his demeanor softened and Felic felt the aggression and disapproval simply vanish as quickly as it had appeared. "Welcome, to Practical Combat. My name is Mr. Linole. I will be teaching you various hand-to-hand fighting styles that come from multiple races and cultures. Some lessens will involve fighting with your dragon alongside you so that you may become accustomed to each other's styles in battle and may better work together in a fight. Let's begin, shall we?"


Mr. Linole crouched, spreading his legs to about shoulder-width apart and bending his knees to nearly 90* angles. His back was straight and his arms were held to his waist, fists clenched with palms facing upwards. "Do as I do. I will be showing you the different stances that will be used for the styles you'll learn. These stances are very important as they will provide balance and stability as well as agility and speed."


Felic felt awkward, timidly sliding his left leg out to the side until he believed his feet were placed right. Squatting was more awkward and the boy felt like a giant fool. His head hurt from the aggressive mood Linole had possessed earlier and his vision had only just stopped spinning. Please... Don't let anything set him off...

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Kira watched the old man enter the class. She narrowed her eyes as he barked off orders. She surpressed a growl as she casually got up and walked over to the line. She folded her arms across her chest as she was made to be so close to the others. Chobit bristled in her spot, "He better not be talking about us. I am no pet" she spoke to Kira telepathically. Kira smirked slightly. This was definitely her dragon. Kira glanced up at the teacher as he spoke. Kira lowered herself into the stance and kept it. All the running, climbing, and fighting she did daily made this easier. Hey if I can knock out vampires now, this will be a cake walk she thought proudly to herself.

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