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if you were to dye/bleach your hair

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I'd love to dye my hair black and have neon green and orange streaks through my side finge. Im an orange freak hehehe.


Either that or I'll go White with Purple

Edited by Kursedfire

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I've been seriously thinking lately about getting some type of highlight, but I don't know what color...

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Pink with a Cyan stripe (yea I'm a guy but it's still gonna be awsum) Edited by Da_Troll

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I've had it black, burgundy and red in the past. If I were to dye it again, I'd probably go for burgundy again, or black, or even try for something like blue... but I hate bleaching my hair to get the right color. My natura colour is dark brown and it still looks kind of orange-y from the last time.

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I use to have very boring ash brown color hair. But I now colored it a dark auburn. At the very ends of my hair I colored it so it faded to blonde. I also have small blonde highlights on my bangs. I love this color and have gotten so many compliments. biggrin.gif

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I died my hair strawberry blonde one summer, and purple for Halloween when I was five. (My hair was pink for a week!) I'd love to get a purple streak, which my parents are fine with but my school dress code won't allow. sad.gif

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I've currently a reddish kind of color -you can see it in the People Behind the Post thread- but normally I've a very average dirty blonde.


I went for platinum blonde once and it made me look terrible. But some people look good with it.

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I'm jealous. My first grey hairs are coming through and they are all over, like 'normal people'. I soo want a single white streak. I bet I could get that to look firetruck red.


But then again, I don't mind looking like I'm going to comic con every day biggrin.gif

I also think having a single white strand is cool. It's rare to happen, and in my highschool I know two teens who naturally have it. One was a guy with shaggy black hair with a strand of white in the front. The other was a girl with light brown hair. Her strand of white is in the back of her head. Funny thing is, they both are close friends and are proud about being "unnormal".

Edited by Drakelina

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My grandma dyed the front bangs I had black (my hair's a dark brown) and nobody noticed. tongue.gif She got electric-blue dye recently for me. xd.png I guess that's next on the list, but it requires some bleaching first *-*

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I have a brown-black colr , so either full black or a extremely dark blue or purple.


Btw, is it just me or does it seem like all the guys in anime who have silver/gray hair always try to be a badass?

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My hair is curly reddish blonde. It used to be quite a bright orange, but it's fading as I get older and more white hair. When I was 19 or so, it started going white at the temples. I blame my father for this as his has been this way as long as I can remember. At first, I would pull it out because there wasn't that much of it.But if I did that now, I'd have bald spots. It could also be hidden depending on where I parted my hair. Now there's just too much of it. So, I have two white streaks =p I've thought about dying them out but I despise the smell of any hair care product so I avoid most of them. Including hair spray.

If nothing else, I'm glad it's going white rather than really gray. My grandmother on my father's side had very dirty gray hair. On my mother's, lovely silvery white hair. But my dad's didn't go full white until he was 70+ so I've a long time of streakiness left to go.

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My own hair colour is dark blonde but I've dyed my hair in different colours. So far I've had black, dark brown, hazelnut, light brown, then dark red and after that it was dark brown with a red glow (because the red was underneath it). Then I bleached it for the first time and it became orange/blonde/golden (because of the red)The second time it was a pretty golden blonde colour and the third time it was quite light blonde. Right now I'm trying to dye it dark red again but it doesn't really stay in my hair. So my hair is now a faded red/orange/pinkish mixture until my hair is repaired enough to properly dye it red.


If I had the guts for it I would dye my hair shocking pink with black streakes xd.png

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I've wanted white hair for a while, but I'm not sure if bleaching it repeatedly would work or not...

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Eh, I don't ever intend to dye my hair. But if I had to, I would dye it rainbow. <3


And I am completely, 100% serious. :| Booyeah.

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I have a brown-black colr , so either full black or a extremely dark blue or purple.


Btw, is it just me or does it seem like all the guys in anime who have silver/gray hair always try to be a badass?

Like Sephiroth and the Kadaj brothers in Final Fantasy? xd.png

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Bright green streeks smile.gif yup, I want that to offset my green hair from the pool water.

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I've dyed my hair sky blue before but right now I have near-white highlights in ash-blonde hair, which I really like. biggrin.gif


My Dad's hair's naturally cool. He was born blond then it turned brown-black, but it still has strands of other colours- red, brown and blond, if you don't count the grey hairs he says Mum gave him. And he has two streaks at the back which are the colour of my hair, a sort of brown-blond. I don't have anything as cool as that, just a very fainy birthmark on my neck we both share.

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I dye my (brown) hair with blonde streaks. I've considered dying the blonde streaks other colors, but never really got around to it. I don't usually go to the salon though, so my highlights are often neglected.

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I have very dark brown hair (I'm Asian) and I like dark colors, so I've dyed it black before, but it's now regained its dark brown tint again. Basically it's black except when the sun hits it-then it gains this chocolate-brown-red sheen.

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I have very dark brown hair (I'm Asian) and I like dark colors, so I've dyed it black before, but it's now regained its dark brown tint again. Basically it's black except when the sun hits it-then it gains this chocolate-brown-red sheen.



I haven't dyed mine black before, though. I've never dyed my hair once. I don't think I would be willing to completely dye my hair a different colour, anyway. I wouldn't mind slight highlights of light brown, though. /boringpersonlol

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Well, i never dyed my hair before, so it's just black, but if i can, i'll give it a nice blue streak smile.gif

Edited by iceclaw935

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