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2010-12-27 -Tree Decorating Event

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Here's a question: now that we've been rating trees a bit, how would you vote on your own? I think I'd give mine about an 8. It's "pretty" and "artistic," but not overly inspired or clever. Still, I like looking at it. smile.gif

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Here's a question: now that we've been rating trees a bit, how would you vote on your own? I think I'd give mine about an 8. It's "pretty" and "artistic," but not overly inspired or clever. Still, I like looking at it. smile.gif

Hm... that's a good quesition. I think I would give myself a 5 xd.png Before the voting-contest I loved my tree, I still do, but now when I see how awesome some people's trees are, then I have changed my mind tongue.gif

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Here's a question: now that we've been rating trees a bit, how would you vote on your own? I think I'd give mine about an 8. It's "pretty" and "artistic," but not overly inspired or clever. Still, I like looking at it. smile.gif

Think I'd probably give my tree a 5, maybe a 6 lol I'm never happy with my work, doesn't matter what is it. Decorating a tree, writting, drawing it all has something I could fix or do differently in my opinion -though many people tell me otherwise lol- but as one person once told me


"We are most critical of ourselves"


Which I find applies to me 99.9% of the time -laughs-


I'm so sick of some of these repetitive-looking trees..=.=

I hate how there's lack of at least average motor skills. Is the empty space between the ornament/dragon's leg/deco and the tree invisible to them or something?

It really bugs me that there's so many that just don't seem to really care. It looks like someone shot the dragons in midair, what with the big gaping holes.

It was funny at first but I keep seeing so many decorations being suffocated.

Careless katamari trees always make me want to set them aflame and the same with bad silver-gold overlapping that I'm pretty sure would cause seizures.

It's so depressing that I've been giving out so many 1-5's.

I've been giving out the occasional 6's to some nice trees.

I think at least ten 7's to nice trees with 1 or 2 things that made me smile.

Under five 8's to nice trees with little/big creative ideas that I would've loved to have done.

Only one 9 to a witch hat tree with a face, the eyes were awesome!:D Would've gotten a 10 if only the gold dragon topper weren't just sitting on the green present. Now that I think about it, it could have also been the Grinch's face. Huh.

The single ten that I gave out belonged to the dragon made out of the tree. Might of been slightly spontaneous on my part, but I was very impressed upon first sight. Tree dragon!

Blah, I need some fresh trees!


edit:raevela, probably only 6. Asking for a 7 is probably pushing it though.>< I took time on it but compared to the trees that I liked, it's not as creative.

Part of me agrees with you on the repetitive part, but the other half of me says ouch mainly because some of what you said felt a little harsh to me o.O But that's just me, I could be missing something you're trying to point out

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If I could rate myself, I'd probably give it an 8. I think I did a rather tasteful, festive looking tree. I hope others feel the same and not just think it's boring or overly common or just... lame..... ;~;


I don't even know how many I've voted on. I've been doing it off and on all day. My poor eyes... blink.gif

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I get really nit-picky when I see some of the trees. If it was a glitch, then I can understand why some trees are so messy but I doubt that there's that many glitch trees. It's a contest, I was hoping to see people taking a little time to make sure that there isn't at least big noticeable gaps. I was so excited on the first day of rating but it's slightly disappointing sometimes.

Who wouldn't want their tree to be beautiful but a lot of trees look like they were done with shaky hands or something.

They're free to do what they want with their trees of course. I probably just felt a little rant-ish. Please, no one feel offended. It's just my personal opinion.


edit: Excuse the edit, I might be slightly obsessed with font colors. <.<

Edited by geminigrl016

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Some trees I look at and think 'that's not bad'... then the rest of it loads... xd.png

I lol'ed. laugh.giflaugh.gif


I've started not noticing ornaments that were accidentally left behind in the visible area... but wow, I just can't overlook antigravity garlands. blink.gif What magical power is holding you up so far from the tree, fluffy garland? And why?

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I get really nit-picky when I see some of the trees. If it was a glitch, then I can understand why some trees are so messy but I doubt that there's that many glitch trees. It's a contest, I was hoping to see people taking a little time to make sure that there isn't at least big noticeable gaps. I was so excited on the first day of rating but it's slightly disappointing sometimes.

Who wouldn't want their tree to be beautiful but a lot of trees look like they were done with shaky hands or something.

They're free to do what they want with their trees of course. I probably just felt a little rant-ish. Please, no one feel offended. It's just my personal opinion.


edit: Excuse the edit, I might be slightly obsessed with font colors. <.<

Haha, everyone rate all the trees they see depending on their own taste so I don't actually think there are any truly ugly trees...well, except for the lazy people who submitted blank trees. To me, some of the decor hanging off the trees all askew looked to me like the decorator got abducted by aliens kicking and screaming halfway thru decorating their tree. LMAO

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Haha, everyone rate all the trees they see depending on their own taste so I don't actually think there are any truly ugly trees...well, except for the lazy people who submitted blank trees. To me, some of the decor hanging off the trees all askew looked to me like the decorator got abducted by aliens kicking and screaming halfway thru decorating their tree. LMAO

LOL Thanks for the funny imagery. I do think I should just go to bed and start afresh tomorrow. smile.gif


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Some trees I look at and think 'that's not bad'... then the rest of it loads... xd.png

And then there's those trees where you see the first few ornaments, with large gaping holes, and wait for the rest to load - until you have to realize that the tree is fully loaded as it is. tongue.gif

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I'm only a few trees in to the voting, and I'm actually kinda feeling better about my tree now xd.png Although if I came across it normally I'd still only give it a 7, but some of the trees I've seen... Man. *snickers*


The antigravity garland thing made me laugh xd.png

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I get really nit-picky when I see some of the trees. If it was a glitch, then I can understand why some trees are so messy but I doubt that there's that many glitch trees. It's a contest, I was hoping to see people taking a little time to make sure that there isn't at least big noticeable gaps. I was so excited on the first day of rating but it's slightly disappointing sometimes.

Who wouldn't want their tree to be beautiful but a lot of trees look like they were done with shaky hands or something.

They're free to do what they want with their trees of course. I probably just felt a little rant-ish. Please, no one feel offended. It's just my personal opinion.

That's pretty much how I feel, actually. I mean, can't the people, dunno, double- and triple-check if their tree looks fine in the preview page, and then adjust things that are completely off? :|

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I didn't even KNOW that there was a preview page, but mine turned out alright o.O


But to an extent, I disagree with the gold silver ornament overlapping comment. I placed those ornaments on overlap purposefully (and basically decorated with my browser on 500% zoom). I love the contrast that Gold/Silver offers and it actually looks quite beautiful if the rest of the tree is nice.


Then again, suffering from severe cases of DC OCD, I actually redesigned my tree after the reset glitch was fixed. I also visualised what it looked like before creating it.


And I wouldn't choose another design of my tree for my tree even if I could change it.


That being said, my list of pet hates:

1) Ornament overload

2) Blank tree

3) The same tree, over and OVER again

4) Floating random ornaments PARTICULARLY tinsel

5) Tinsel. Particularly when it's strangling not only the dragon and hawk, but also the design.

6) Blinky lights. (At first I loved them, but it got old. quickly)

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When I submitted my tree it was well... as it was when I sent it in but when I went to go look at it again after two days after I submitted it, it changed not at all how I decorated it.... Should I be worried? O.o

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-sneaks back onto the board-

I probably didn't word the overlapping part right. I meant the badly done gold-silver overlap. I used overlapping myself and mine didn't make me feel like I was looking at 3D.

*cough* I really should shut down the comp now. Stupid addiction.

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When I submitted my tree it was well... as it was when I sent it in but when I went to go look at it again after two days after I submitted it, it changed not at all how I decorated it.... Should I be worried? O.o



there was a glitch that occured at the beginning of submitting, where the trees reverted back to the way they looked the day before you could submit them. if you didnt go back and fix the tree when the glitch was repaired, then your tree was entered in as its glitched state.


TJ added a whole nother day to decorating so you could fix it if you needed to

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I just saw a tree face that used DC for the eyes, that was nice. Got a ten from me. biggrin.gif

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So we're allowed to post our trees nao in Site discussion?


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there was a glitch that occured at the beginning of submitting, where the trees reverted back to the way they looked the day before you could submit them. if you didnt go back and fix the tree when the glitch was repaired, then your tree was entered in as its glitched state.


TJ added a whole nother day to decorating so you could fix it if you needed to



Well all hope has faded now... maybe next year xd.png

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So we're allowed to post our trees nao in Site discussion?


Even if that's the case, I'm not going to show my tree until the contest is over.

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I'm seeing gold everywhere, and it starts to make me blind xd.png

Seriously, are there people who thought "most beautiful tree" = "tree with the most ornaments"? We could start a new contest based on "which tree harbours the most ornaments so that we can't even see the tree anymore". I'm slightly sick now.


Best rating I gave until now is a 8 - I so love color gradation on trees, wish I did it with mine sad.gif

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TJs original post says that each user will only be allowed to vote on each tree once. However, seeing as people are saying they are seeing the same tree more than once, I think there is a glitch. I personally haven't noticed any doubled trees, but I may just not be remembering well. Hopefully if it is glitched, TJ will fix it.

Someone was sure she had the same tree twice as she had just seen one from a family member and "knew it was the same one" - and when her ?niece? took a look she pointed out a couple of TINY differences....


I tried checking with screenshots and I THINK I have decided they just look VERY VERY much alike. Not surprising rally - how many permutations of those ornaments are there ? (Now if I hit that dragon one again, I will eat my words....)


And I'm sure TJ has a way to make sure that the votes work out fair. Don't we all trust the guy ??? I know I do smile.gif

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Most of the trees look awful because they are overloaded with ornaments or they combine too many colors. sad.gif


So far, I voted for dozens of trees but the only ones that deserve more than 7 are those that use one of the following combination of colors:

  • gold and red
  • silver and blue
  • silver and gold
I didn't like any trees using more than two dominant colors, except for one or two exceptions displaying a rainbow effect. There was also an interesting attempt at a gold and green combination but it didn't look as good as the gold and red combinations, probably because there weren't too many green ornaments and because it is better to combine two warm colors than a warm and a cold color.


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But to an extent, I disagree with the gold silver ornament overlapping comment. I placed those ornaments on overlap purposefully (and basically decorated with my browser on 500% zoom). I love the contrast that Gold/Silver offers and it actually looks quite beautiful if the rest of the tree is nice.


Honestly, the gold/silver dragon/bird/star overlapping makes my eyes hurt if the only visible part of the thing in the background are a few pixels of one border. The only thing that's worse is siad gold/silver overlapping with these pearly beads on top. xd.png

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