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2010-12-27 -Tree Decorating Event

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just saw one with the angel as the topper, the rocking horse on the angel's head, and then the yellow birdie on IT'S head!!! wtf?

Lol, you're going to love my tree, then. |D





I saw one that had made a little mini tree off to the side with the little pieces of garland and lights, and the bark was the pinecone. It was too cute in addition to everything else! That one got one of my rare high scores. :3

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What does it mean if my voting ticket expires? :/

It appears to mean that you've spent too long on the page, and you can no longer give a rating for that tree.

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I like the simpler trees or those that used a large amount well.


Those that look like rainbow vomit sorry but no 1-2 from me

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Just started voting on the trees again, and apparently I'm feeling more generous then I was last night, lol. If I don't see anything "wrong" with the tree (way too cluttered, random things put everywhere, etc) and the color/pattern doesn't make me cringe, it gets at least a 5, prolly a 6.


That might change as the night wears on, tho.

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Oh! I just saw a '1337' tree xd.png That was just.. epic xd.png That got one of my few 10ns ^^

haha that was mine! I was hoping people would be able to read it! xP Thank you very much for rating it a 10! I'm honored! ^___^

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My tree's showing two items on the side where they'd usually be hidden but now they're not, they're just randomly floating near the tree, now I can't edit it and make it go away! I thought it hide everything on the outside of the tree!


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My tree is a traditional tree, so I'm kinda worried about how it's is doing. As far as rating goes, I think that I may be far too picky/strict. I haven't rated a single tree 10 yet.

That's kinda my thinking. = / But I have given one tree a ten. xd.png

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I came across one where you literally could not see any green from the tree. It looked like the heavens opened up and dropped a dumptruck full of ornaments on it. I'm sorry, but those get a 1 or a 2 from me. I rate mostly on first impression (meaning whether I like it or not) then add points in for effort and creativity, even if I didn't particularly like it.

I saw a few like that. One of them actually had all the ornaments off set in such a way there was one normal looking tree and one full size tree made entirely out of a ornaments.

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I've handed out a couple of tens, but that was earlier in the day... Now it's pass midnight and I've gotten very cynical in my ratings... Highest in the past hour was probably a 7...maybe one 8, with 2-4 being my normal. Been getting an awful lot of loaded trees, and shaped ones that I can't figure out the meaning of. Though that might be from my lack of sleep...


Allowing myself ten more minutes of tree clicking, then I'm off to bed. Will try to be less cynical tomorrow. biggrin.gif

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And I like the blue/silver ones a lot. they look so nice....

Yeah, same here! Blue's my favorite color, so trees with that sort of color scheme get an extra point from me. xd.png

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Aww, I just realized there's an ornament on the side showing that's not supposed to be. Oh well lol. tongue.gif I guess it looks kinda funny.

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I have a question. What if, during these 7 days of voting, some trees are rated and some aren't? I mean, it would be pretty sad if people put in a lot of effort and their trees weren't rated cos they never turned up, right?


Is there a way for all the trees to be rated or have a fair chance of it? For example, a tree can be rated only a certain number of times, say 10 times, and then it doesn't appear anymore so as to give the others a fair chance. Is there something like that? sad.gif

Edited by Hellix

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I've got to be honest guys, I'm really worried that the voting for the trees might not be fair. Based on what I've seen in this thread, it looks like the presentation of trees to users isn't entirely random. It seems like a certain chunk of trees gets shown at one time, because a lot of users will report seeing the same tree in a short span of time. For users whose trees get shown during a later "chunk", that could mean lower scores. Here's a post I made over in the Tree Critique thread expressing my concerns. I "snipped" parts of my post that gave details about my tree, for the sake of anyone who doesn't want to know what anyone else's tree looks like in advance.


Iceheart's comments bring up something that concerns me.


I think the voting system in place for the trees might be flawed. Before the voting started I was under the impression that trees would be presented to users randomly. But from viewing comments in various tree-related threads, I'm beginning to think that's not the case.


For instance, I've seen several occasions when someone would post in the news thread describing a tree they just saw and share their thoughts on it. Then someone else would post saying "I just saw that too" or something to that effect. I think I've seen instances where as many as three or four people all saw the same tree in a short span of time. If the presentation of trees to voters were truly random, this wouldn't happen, would it?


I feel sorta like, any trees that were part of the "first wave" of trees to get shown are at a huge advantage. Take the blue/silver theme for instance. Let's say one of the first blue/silver trees you ever see looks really good to you...very well put together and with nice placement of ornaments. You give it a 7. But then you keep on voting and after a while you've seen dozens of silver/blue trees. So by the time you see your 20th silver/blue tree, you no longer consider it a unique idea and your scoring is not as generous. The 20th silver/blue tree that you see might actually be better than the first one you saw, but because you saw the other one first (and weren't aware of how many other trees were similar to it), it got a higher score, because at the time you thought it was more original, and then later you realized lots of people did something similar.


That's what worries me about my tree. Overall I'm really happy with it and I think I used a lot of good ideas on it. But for every cute/unique thing I did on my tree, there is most likely at least one other person who has done it too. I've seen plenty ~snip~ trees, a handful where the ~snip~...I haven't seen any others where the ~snip~ but evidently caramba (and possibly a few other people) used that too. I also have heard of at least one other person that had ~snip~.


If my tree had been the first tree that anyone saw using any of these ideas, it would likely have gotten a higher score from that voter. But if someone sees my tree after seeing other trees that have done things that are similar, I will likely lose a few points from that person. 


This does not apply to my tree alone, but everyone's tree. For any of us whose trees didn't get shown during the "first wave", our chances of scoring high are getting lower the more trees people see before they see ours.


This could make all the difference in whether someone's tree gets in the Top 200 or not. I'm really worried about this.


What does everyone think about this? If I'm right and the voting isn't entirely random, then I'm so terribly sad that my tree wasn't in the first block of trees that got shown. Not only does it mean that the scores generally might be lower, but trees shown in the first block probably will get more votes total overall, which means that any effects that "downvoters" might have had will be mitigated. If someone whose tree shows up on the first hour receives 50 votes, most of which are generally good, but receives a 1 from someone who is trying to hurt the competition, well that 1 won't really change things too much. But someone whose tree receives only 5 votes towards the end of voting could have their chances squashed by a downvoter.


I'm wondering if the scores up to this point should simply be scratched and voting be restarted with a completely random presentation of trees.

Edited by Renorei

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I was wondering about that myself. Not too long ago, I could have SWORN I'd seen this one tree once already...

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I'm noticing trees with very similar themes on them. I'm not sure if a bunch of people came up with similar ideas or if I am seeing the same ones over and over.


But overall, I am having fun seeing all of the other trees.

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I think I've only given about 3 10/10 so far but my range is usually in the 4-7's. I've only given 1 or 2's to trees that had no decorations at all or tree's that are too full of decorations and don't look very nice. But an overall trend I'm seeing is that most of them are all pretty good.

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I've got to be honest guys, I'm really worried that the voting for the trees might not be fair. Based on what I've seen in this thread, it looks like the presentation of trees to users isn't entirely random. It seems like a certain chunk of trees gets shown at one time, because a lot of users will report seeing the same tree in a short span of time. For users whose trees get shown during a later "chunk", that could mean lower scores. Here's a post I made over in the Tree Critique thread expressing my concerns. I "snipped" parts of my post that gave details about my tree, for the sake of anyone who doesn't want to know what anyone else's tree looks like in advance.




What does everyone think about this? If I'm right and the voting isn't entirely random, then I'm so terribly sad that my tree wasn't in the first block of trees that got shown. Not only does it mean that the scores generally might be lower, but trees shown in the first block probably will get more votes total overall, which means that any effects that "downvoters" might have had will be mitigated. If someone whose tree shows up on the first hour receives 50 votes, most of which are generally good, but receives a 1 from someone who is trying to hurt the competition, well that 1 won't really change things too much. But someone whose tree receives only 5 votes towards the end of voting could have their chances squashed by a downvoter.


I'm wondering if the scores up to this point should simply be scratched and voting be restarted with a completely random presentation of trees.

I don't think trees are being shown in waves. I recently heard one person comment on the gingerbread and nutcracker wedding. I saw the same tree very early on in voting, maybe 12:30 am after voting began. Unless we are still in block one they shouldn't have seen it when they did or I shouldn't have. I think what happens is someone comments on a tree they see and then when other people see the same tree later (or saw it earlier) they make a "I saw that too" comment. For all you know your tree is already being voted on. If the trees are being shown in waves, I think the vote should become random, but I see no need to scratch the results altogether.

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I can confirm that trees are indeed random. Your tree is just as likely to show up now as it is to appear next Friday.


and as I pointed out earlier, unless you saw a tree and didn't vote on it, you won't be given the same tree twice.

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I've got to be honest guys, I'm really worried that the voting for the trees might not be fair. Based on what I've seen in this thread, it looks like the presentation of trees to users isn't entirely random. It seems like a certain chunk of trees gets shown at one time, because a lot of users will report seeing the same tree in a short span of time. For users whose trees get shown during a later "chunk", that could mean lower scores. Here's a post I made over in the Tree Critique thread expressing my concerns. I "snipped" parts of my post that gave details about my tree, for the sake of anyone who doesn't want to know what anyone else's tree looks like in advance.




What does everyone think about this? If I'm right and the voting isn't entirely random, then I'm so terribly sad that my tree wasn't in the first block of trees that got shown. Not only does it mean that the scores generally might be lower, but trees shown in the first block probably will get more votes total overall, which means that any effects that "downvoters" might have had will be mitigated. If someone whose tree shows up on the first hour receives 50 votes, most of which are generally good, but receives a 1 from someone who is trying to hurt the competition, well that 1 won't really change things too much. But someone whose tree receives only 5 votes towards the end of voting could have their chances squashed by a downvoter.


I'm wondering if the scores up to this point should simply be scratched and voting be restarted with a completely random presentation of trees.

Hmm, I don't think that's the way it's working. For example, a few folks mentioned the serpent one early today/last night. And my daughter just saw it a few minutes ago and she's been voting on and off all day.


It probably would be nice to know how many trees were submitted. rolleyes.gif

Hee! I did see my daughter's when I got a chance to vote.



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I've got to be honest guys, I'm really worried that the voting for the trees might not be fair.  Based on what I've seen in this thread, it looks like the presentation of trees to users isn't entirely random.  It seems like a certain chunk of trees gets shown at one time, because a lot of users will report seeing the same tree in a short span of time.  For users whose trees get shown during a later "chunk", that could mean lower scores.  Here's a post I made over in the Tree Critique thread expressing my concerns.  I "snipped" parts of my post that gave details about my tree, for the sake of anyone who doesn't want to know what anyone else's tree looks like in advance. 




What does everyone think about this?  If I'm right and the voting isn't entirely random, then I'm so terribly sad that my tree wasn't in the first block of trees that got shown.  Not only does it mean that the scores generally might be lower, but trees shown in the first block probably will get more votes total overall, which means that any effects that "downvoters" might have had will be mitigated.  If someone whose tree shows up on the first hour receives 50 votes, most of which are generally good, but receives a 1 from someone who is trying to hurt the competition, well that 1 won't really change things too much.  But someone whose tree receives only 5 votes towards the end of voting could have their chances squashed by a downvoter. 


I'm wondering if the scores up to this point should simply be scratched and voting be restarted with a completely random presentation of trees.

Let's look at an example for earlier.


Someone mentioned a peacock they saw and thought it was gorgeous. Another couple of users mentioned seeing that bird one and agreed with the peacock person. A little later down someone posted the bird they saw and thought was gorgeous, and the first person came on only to let us know that wasn't, in fact, the bird they were talking about. Who knows who else saw a different bird? And within that, people were talking about a dragon, seemingly talking about the bird that was posted. This was all within no longer than a 10 minute time span.


Or when voting first opened, I was talking in a private chat and I mentioned one I thought was cool. One user told me that hadn't thought it was that cool and a little bit later another user mentioned they also thought it was cool. I went back for a screenie for those who were confused what we were talking about (majority of the chat, all of us voting). Turns out we'd all seen a different one, but even with a fairly detailed description, two other people thought they had seen it.


My point?


Perception. A lot of trees have similar themes or are doing similar things and when they get described people jump to something they saw that was similar and say they saw it, when, in reality, they saw a different one. But with not quite OVER NINE THOUSAND trees, I think TJ must have it set up randomly in some way for voting to be fair and it's either coincidence that people are seeing the same trees or it's perception and they only think they're seeing the same trees.


I mean, someone posted earlier wanting to show off their tree, since they hadn't submitted it, and a handful of users swear that they saw it and voted on it. However, it looked really similar to quite a few I had seen already and taking into account it hadn't even been submitted in the contest...


But all of this is conjuncture until TJ posts to let us know what he did. :3


EDIT: Lol, irony. ninja.gif 'd by velociraptor.png himself.

Edited by SockPuppet Strangler

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I can confirm that trees are indeed random. Your tree is just as likely to show up now as it is to appear next Friday.


and as I pointed out earlier, unless you saw a tree and didn't vote on it, you won't be given the same tree twice.

Thank Goodness. I am soooo glad to hear this. And I'm sorry for doubting!



@Socky: Thank you for your explanation. That makes sense!

Edited by Renorei

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Yeah, same here! Blue's my favorite color, so trees with that sort of color scheme get an extra point from me. xd.png

I third that. xP Blue's my favourite colour, and I've always preferred silver jewelery over gold. (Also explains why I would be more than happy to get second place in this contest... If I still have a chance despite the lashing my tree's "style"* has been receiving here xd.png).


A lot of the blue/silver trees look beautiful, but even more of them are really similar. If a whole heap of them (or any other colour schemes, really) end up in Top 200, it's going to be hard for TJ to differentiate between the entries and select winners when another person had a reallllly similar tree. Hopefully the public voting isn't going to be that bad though. xP


* When I say "my tree", I mean it in a general term, not specifically my own.

Edited by Vampiric

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Yeah, same here! Blue's my favorite color, so trees with that sort of color scheme get an extra point from me. xd.png

If they're not atrocious, same.

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I can confirm that trees are indeed random. Your tree is just as likely to show up now as it is to appear next Friday.


and as I pointed out earlier, unless you saw a tree and didn't vote on it, you won't be given the same tree twice.

Okay and just to clarify, when you say its random, you do mean that it's random for each individual user, right? In other words, the game won't "randomly" select a certain tree and then present it to multiple users in a short time frame, because it's all completely individually random, correct? Each tree most likely will show up for voting many times throughout the event spread out over the whole voting period?


Sorry for so many questions.

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