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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((can we say that Lisa was there but not there, sorry, parents were breathing down my back couldn't sneak on... xd.png))

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((It has a sense of organization, I keep everything separated but I can take the time to add a Table of Contents. And I don't mean you to bend on the Mandalorians, I am just saying for all intense and purposes she is a Mandalorian and that's how I'll put her in the character it's for those who have limited knowledge of Star Wars, we're not here to teach them rather we are here to entertain them... And you're not wasting my time... I have nothing else to do until the others post so...))


((Yeah, Lisa can be. Until you can get on she can just be the silent stalker...))

Edited by Danniphantom

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The young Stalker looked at his master then outside at the expanse of greenery. He nodded his head, but didn't say anything, only continued to look outside. "I sense that I am needed to... complete your bidding my master. What is it you wish of me?" He gazed at his master now through the dark portals of his helmet, clutching one of his fists as the anticipation swelled inside of him. "Is it a Jedi?"

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((You don't need to change the color of the dialog just putting the quotes is sufficient.))


"Dantooine is a beautiful place I admit, but the sights of Corosaunt are much better." Marcus said. ~Hold on my friend, we are on our way.~ He thought.




"Tell me then, where are, what is it's historic significance?" Shantaar asked without even turning around.

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((i thought it was spelled "Coruscant" but i can be wrong...))


"I think I've been there before but I don't really remember," Jade said in reply as she scratched her head a bit while thinking. Then she shrugged and said, "No matter. I'd like to see it again, though I doubt it has changed much." She had stopped walking while she was talking since she didn't know where Mark had parked his ship.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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((And your right I didn't know how to spell it so I was improvising))


Marcus walked to docking bay 3 where is his small dagger craft was docked. It was called a dagger craft because of it's thin sleek shape and the speed at which it moves it is almost like a dagger. It was named Steel, which was humorous because Marcus liked to be called Flint.

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((I like to color my text. Makes it easy for me to read and tell the difference between regular text and speech text.))


Dark Star looked down at the ground for a brief moment then back outside the large glass window, at the scenery just outside of the base. "We're on Yavin 4, one of the three moons that is capable of taking inhabitants. The Empire had it in its clutches for many years until the the Rebels took it and held it even during the Battle for Yavin. There were also many other battles that were held here during the Galactic Civil War, but what does this have to do with what you need me for, master?" His fist unclenched and under the helmet, his jaw tightened and then loosened.

Edited by zakku_uchiha

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((parked, docked, same diff kinda and k))


Jade followed Flint to the docking bay where his ship, Steel, was docked. She giggled silently at the name, knowing that Marcus liked to be called Flint. When she had herself composed again, she waited patiently for him to lower the plank so that she could get in. She didn't think that she has ever flown in Flint's ship before but she could be wrong. I really need to start remembering things, she thought to herself as she looked around the docking bay in case there was a threat.

Edited by SkySong278

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"Nothing, just a little history lesson. I intelligence of jedi moving to Coruscant. They have an important piece of," He pause. "History." He said finding the word. I want it back here in one piece completely undamaged." He said.




Instead of a gangplank the cockpit opened and the ship lowered allowing one to pull themselves up and into the ship. He helped Jade strap in and when they were all set he sat down and got ready to fly. The landing gear closed and they were hovering. Flint locked in the coordinates but didn't put it on auto pilot. He got the OK from the engineers in the docking bay. He smiled and looked back at the others. "Hold on to your lunch." He said before punching it. The ship burst forward with incredible speed before turning 90 degrees upright and launching into space. Marcus laughed assuming the others would going crazy. Marcus was always a crazy flyer. He was the craziest of any other pilot in the entire Jedi Order, one would remember flying with him.


((GTG I'll be back on tomorrow after school))

Edited by Danniphantom

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Dark Star made a quick bow and then exited the chamber. His face stretching into a sinister grin under the helmet. He now had a chance to prove his prowess to the empire and his loyalty to his master. By both eliminating the jedi and returning with the information his master seeked. Making his way to his private transport vehicle, it was only moments later they had ascended into the depths of space and rocketing through its darkness at lightspeed.


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Jade nodded a silent thanks to Flint as he helped her get strapped in. She then held onto the armrests just as he said his warning and she was pressed back into the seat as he crazily flew out of the docking bay. Oh yeah now I remember flying with him, she thought to herself dryly as she looked out the window. Her mental radar was going off a little bit as it picked up something but since she wasn't sure exactly what it was, she ignored it. If it got higher than it was now, she would warn Flint but for now she would be quiet about it.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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((Mandalorian is a race. xd.png Can't be a Miraluka if you're a Mandalorian. Mandalorians can't hear the force. >.> <.<. Sweet, a madalorian chick! DOn't see many fo those. o_o ))

((mandalorian is a race, but also a group as many mandalorians aren't human. Also, it is possible for mandalorians to hear the force, some do, it's rare but they do. It comes from children being born of a mandalorian and aruetii most often.


Need to point this out cause it's important for my character that I just applied with



Also, feel free to ask questions I'm willing to offer help.))

Edited by jaina

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(( Since when? Lol.)) ((Kalo is about to take off in his bounty hunter ship, you could probably jump in.))


Kalo walked slowly up the ramp, every step clanking. He took hold of the retracting bar and looked out to dantooine. He spotted a girl nearby.(Oh yeah, merryier. ))

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((thanks Penguin))

Lisa walkd forward towards Kalo, word had i that he had just returned, she wanted to go somewhere, anywhere to take her miind off her parents.

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Kalo, started back down the landing ramp, crossing his arms and watching her as she came forward. "ANother Jedi? I think i've had my fill of'em by now." He muttered. "Oi." He shouted at the girl.

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((yay! got approved, here's my character, anyone want to interact?


Name: Eria Kusanagi Yureka

Age: 25

Gender: female

Race: Human mostly, specifically Mandalorian. She does have... a rather odd unknown blood in her veins.

Class: Jedi

Cause: Good, but somewhat neutral.

Rank: Master


Personality: Eria Kusanagi Ceilo is a complex individual to say the least. She Stands as one of the youngest and most powerful masters of the Jedi, but often shirks her duties as a master in order to pursue things of her own interest. She takes grief for this on occasion, but she is more then willing to stand for what she believes is right against the other masters. She's willful and more than a bit headstrong, but she doesn't head straight into situations without thinking things out. She's incredibly analytical when it comes to dissecting someone's motive's or their fighting style and methods. Often times, she goes forth to settle things the rest of the Jedi rarely will touch, believing that if the Jedi wish to have the ability to interfere with people's lives as they wish, they have to be involved as much as possible if they wish to have the right to step in.



user posted image


Clothing: The above, though for travel she often wears a set of silver and black Jedi robes.


Armour: Eria wears a beskar/cortosis armor over her robe that protects her hands and forearms, shoulders, chest and back, shins, and thigh.


Weapons: In addition to her lightsabers, she wields two beskads when she wears her armor for backup weapons.


Lightsaber Color: Silver-white with black swirls in the blade. She wields two dual-phase lightsabers.


Force abilities:

~Light Transfer




~Force Push/Pull

*She does wield some additional powers, but these are her main.


Short History: A force wielding Mandalorian child, Eria was orphaned at the age of four by a clan war and was picked up by passing Jedi to be taken back to be tested. As she grew older, Eria mastered ability after ability at a rate rarely seen in a youngling. Growing older, two powers manifested themselves that set her apart from most Jedi even more. These powers were Light Transfer and Shatterpoint. She often destroyed objects through concentration and testing, having discovered these abilities on her own by either touching a transparisteel pane or by attempting to heal a pet she had found and kept in her dorm till it fell sick and died. She was granted the rank of master at 23 and has proved to be more of a headache in some cases for other masters than anyone had expected. Still she often had insightful thoughts on subjects along with strategies for dealing with problems and has found her niche within the Jedi of her age.


Other: N/A))

Edited by jaina

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((Might I join? I love the Star Wars movies and a few of the games and I have a strange addiction to Hans Solo... If this isn't alright I can change it with a say so ^^


Name- Khan Segaro

Age- 31

Gender- Male

Race- Human

Class- Pirate/Smuggler

Cause- Kinda intermediate, explained in history

Rank- Professional Pilot


Personality: He's a bit arrogant, hard headed, seemingly even a little cold hearted and only cares for credits. But he does have some kindness in him and isn't not so bad if you get to know him.


Appearance: Link


Clothing: Seen above


Armour: None


Weapons: A Blaster Pistol


Lightsaber Color: None


Forece abilities: None


Short History: Khan chose his name because he was an orphan and practically raised himself. He grew up and started learning tricks and stealing since he could remember, but also had morals and a few standards. He owns(becoming his in a 'fair' card game) a small ship that he can use and control himself without help, but has rooms in its sides of hidden compartments for smuggling. He works for whoever pays him to whether it's transporting people, weapons, or other things, but he will not work for a Sith. He also has a few enemies and one or two bounty hunters looking for him because of them.


Other: Here is a picture of his ship, the Ponderer - Link

Edited by i_luv_animalz

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((your picture for the ship isn't working luv))

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Dark Star's craft hovered over the planet of destination, his pilot pondering where there was an appropriate place to land. Sighing irritably, the pilot just decided to land on one of the private docking bays near the edge of the large city. As the pilot descended the craft through the atmosphere, Dark Star prepared himself for his mission. Taking a pair of dark colored jedi robes and a hood to match, he covered his armor and used the face mask, that was specifically attached to the outfit, to cover his helmed head and to further cover his identity.


Once the ship had ported and Dark Star was given access to leave, he immediately left the craft and didn't wait to watch it ascend back into the sky. He had business to attend to and a mission to achieve. However, a few jedi heads and the addition of their sabers to his collection, seemed to fit his interest better than anything else at the moment. Clenching his clawed fists, he let the ends of the sleeves to drop and cover his hands, giving him his hidden identity as Jedi Master Starwalker.

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A small personal speeder shot across the sky lanes of Coruscant towards the main spaceport of the planet. When it arrived, the person who climbed out was a young woman in her mid twenties, pure, snowy white hair contrasting sharply with the dark black and silver robes she wore. It was obvious what she was; a Jedi.


Eria Kusanagi Yureka calmly walked the halls of the star port, extending the reach of her force senses for anyone that might be a threat. She occasionally felt peaks of passions from occasional people but nothing major. She continued to patrol about the building before setting down in a tapcaf for lunch. It was a curiosity for her that so few people really cared to see a Jedi out and about. Sadly, the Jedi were so very isolated, but she also doubted that many people realized just what she was.

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Kalo turned back nto his ship, closing the landing dock and lifting off the ground. He took off for coruscant.


The view on coruscant was magnificent, but polluted. smoke rose into the sky, dotted all over the planet. He dropped in to the spaceport, ignoring docking regulations and exiting his ship. He walked into the inner halls of the spaceport, surrounded by guards. "Sir, you've broken docking ruglations." Kalo lifted his pistol and shot the blaster from the guard's hand. they backed off. SUddenly, he shot one in the foot, another in the knee, and the last in the arm.


((Kalo would interact. He's got about no clue what to do on coruscant.

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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((Jaina: Hmm, that's odd, the link works fine on my computer. And please call me Animalz or Sorrel, too many people do and I almost didn't know you where speaking to me xd.png If he gets approved I'll find someway for him to interact with Eria ^^


EDIT: There, now you don't have to click on a link to see it happy.gif))

Edited by i_luv_animalz

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Dark star felt a commotion occuring and turned to see someone being slightly aggressive with the guards. It didn't bother him that much, but the fact that it would only attract more guards did bother him. However, the feeling was pushed aside when he felt a strong presence in the force nearby. He looked around and found that it was a young female. A coy smile spread across his hidden lips, but he subdued his own presence or atleast made it weaker. He didn't want to be discovered quite yet. It would only make locating his objective that much more difficult.

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