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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((A lot of things in Star Wars is impossible and if you don't want me to rant on the rules, then follow them. Also, I'm not ranting, I'm defending my opinion and what you're saying is illogical. You don't want it because you don't like it and that it doesn't make since in the real world. In Star Wars, there was a guy that had a CLEAR lightsaber. Well, in the books that is.


For your convenience, however, I'll change it to amber... or maybe magma, but saying that a black lightsaber is illogical... bah! The 'crystal' is what makes the color, not the laser. In actuallity, it's not even a laser or even plasma for that matter. It's energy focused into a point and given a length based on power input (aka the amount of Force Energy put into the crystal). Now, I'll go edit so you'll stop fussing. It's just getting aggrivating and it would only lead to a pointless fight.))


((Edit: Edited sheet. Is now an amber colored lightsaber. I'll just have him get a darksaber later.))

Edited by zakku_uchiha

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((Despite the fact the Star Wars is more advanced than modern times they still have to follow the laws of physics. If you ever see a lightsaber you'll notice it gives out a glow. So there can't be a black lightsaber because there is no color black in the light spectrum, black is an absence of light or color. And I don't care about the books, they weren't written by George Lucas so it really doesn't apply here.))

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((Yes, but George Lucas has a strict policy on people using the Star Wars universe. He monitors all works and gives the say so on the books, movies, and television show. By relating any of your stuff to the outer sources, I have the ability to use them as well. It's not logical, but if you read one of my posts, you would have noticed that I stated: "If you want me to be technical, it's actually a white blade with a black core, but overall it's a black lightsaber." The glow is white and the core is black. You're trying to win an argument that I have both knowledge and experience over you in.


The lightsaber was in both the show and in the game, both directed and written by George Lucas. You said it and I'm responding. So, if it was in the game, then that means that George Lucas says it's real.))

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((Well in this universe it's not. And seeing as I'm the creator of this thread what I say goes... got a problem you can take it up with me, or you can just deal with it...))

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((You see, and that's where you lost. This is a Star Wars RP. We're not in 'this universe.' What happens here, happens here. I won that one and you know I did. Hence why you said; "I'm the creator of this thread what I say goes..." You're the creator of the story, not the Star Wars universe.


Whatever, your arguments are lame and your reasoning is childish. For someone who knows what they're talking about, you sure don't know what you're talking about at all.))

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((Um I would like to join, but can I has a purple light saber? (Asking due to drama) I will post chara sheet if this is okay))

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((Okay, there is one error I noticed with your 'rule' on posting. If this is semi-lit, there is a five sentence minimum requirement no matter what. Literate requires around two complete paragraphs, if I remember correctly.


Next thing I'd like to say is, I've been playing a lot of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and The Force Unleashed II. So, I'm in a phase where I have a Star Wars fandom. Simply, I'm joining.


Name - Known as Dark Star

Age - 19

Gender - Male

Race - Mandalorian

Class - Sith Stalker Elite

Cause - Bad

Rank - unknown


Personality: Dark Star is ruthless in a fight, but only does what needs to be done. Nothing more, nothing less.


Appearance: Dark Star (yes, I know it's Starkiller. I like the armor, though.


Clothing: Wears Sith robes over his armor on all occasions.


Armour: In the pic.


Weapons: Duel wields lightsabers.


Lightsaber Color: One is amber while the other is red.


Force Abilities:

- Force Lightning

- Force Push

- Force Grip

- Force Invisibility

- Force Jump

- Force Speed

- Destroy Mind

- Lightsaber Throw


Short History:

Dark Star was taken when he was rather young due to a rather strong pull in the Force. Despite his brutal and rigid training, he didn't grow up as corrupt as most of the others and even wavers at times when he thinks of his cause. Dark Star is a Dark Jedi that was trained secretly, away from the Sith Lord and most of his full capabilities are a mystery to those he meets.


Other: Dark Star was so prominent with the force, that even at a young age, he was skilled with duel wielding.


M'kay, I think that is it for now. I promise I'll edit in my remaining abilities in a minute, I just got to remember which ones I want. Thanks for your time.))


((Edit: Finished. Hope it gets approved.))

(( *Ahem* In fact, your star wars physics need a check. Mandalorians are not force-compatible. And don't even try to argue, i know EVERYTHING ABOUT STARWARS. )) (( Zakku, let it go. I fhte thread gets shut down, then it will. It won't do any of us any good to continue a constant arguement. TAke it to pm. ))

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((zakku_uchiha, do not argue with the OP. It is their plot to control and if they say no this-or-this or that-or-that then that is their decision, whether you agree with physics/possibilty/ect. or not. They have complete control over what they will or will not allow in their plots.


danniphantom, every RP post needs 4 sentences at least if it is in the other RP or DC RP sections. If you want to allow less then that this can be moved to freeform, but you must adhere to that policy as long as you are in this section. Also, please try to avoid double posting unless it is completely necessary. Next time you are having problems with an RPer arguing about your decision for your plot though report it and don't argue back. It doesn't help anything to fan the flame~))

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"Okay," Jade in reply before uncrossing her arms. "Oh and this is Kalo," she added as she introduced the bounty hunter to him. "He poked me while I was meditating in the enclave."

"Lies. Pure lies. I did not." Kalo said defensively. "Why are there so many Jedi 'Masters' around here. Do none of you know of jedi weaponmasters and peacekeepers?"


(( AGreed, Dashi. ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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(( *Ahem* In fact, your star wars physics need a check. Mandalorians are not force-compatible. And don't even try to argue, i know EVERYTHING ABOUT STARWARS. )) (( Zakku, let it go. I fhte thread gets shut down, then it will. It won't do any of us any good to continue a constant arguement. TAke it to pm. ))

((One more quick note, if you see an arguement PenguinOfPwn, report, don't try to split them up yourself. In most likelihood that will only get you entangled in the arguement. Breaking these sorts of things up is my job.


And please, call me Dash, not Dashi. Dashi explodes the world~))

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((Just like dividing by zero..... Apologies, i didn't think it was worthy to report. Just a mere squabble, i thought. ))

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((Well I told him my hair is a bird so his argument is invalid... But I don't care, outside this thread George Lucas can allow black lightsabers to exist all he wants, but on this thread it is my universe so what I say goes, and I say black lightsabers are impossible. Simple as that...


Only problem with at least 4 sentances is that when interacting with other characters posting 4 sentences can get hard to write without being redundant, especially because if you do much else than talk to them and make your character do something it's kind of godmodding because you need to allow the other person to respond before you can do much else... So usually I try to keep the one liners to a minimum if one can help it (i.e. when talking to someone else.) When your rping on your own that's a different story, but because of the limited amount of action going on currently there isn't much TO post...))


((Anyway PoP back to the rp))


"We have those but not many here in this wing of the Enclave. The Weaponmasters are usually in the training area helping young ones construct their own lightsabers. And the Peacekeepers are doing just that, keeping peace here on Dantooine. Many estate owners get rowdy and have feuds between other estate owners. So we send out the Peacekeepers to settle the feuds if they can." Marcus said.

Edited by Danniphantom

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((@PenguinOfPwn: Best to catch them while they are squabbles actually so they don't escalate, which this did. When it gets to the point users are attacking each other instead of the arguement it has gone too far and that happened here.


@Danniphantom: No need to further defend your arguement. This spat is over and if I see any further arguing on the matter there will be consequences. As for the four sentence minimum, no matter your personal feelings on the matter that is how the RP section works. Just like the members of this RP are subject to how you want your plot run, you are subject to the rules of the RP section as a whole. Your RP is not exempt from the four sentence rule.))

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((Well, I can say that I'm really disappointed and it still bothers me of the reason why color is such an issue, but I'll end my charade and accept the fact. I will also take this time to apologize, even though I found your PM rather rude and immature, for my behavior.


I'm terribly sorry that I continued to rant when I should have just accepted your terms and went on casually. Please accept my apology and the fact that I too was immature. I hope to work it out with you and eventually become your friend.))

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"Whatever," Jade said in reply to Kalo's defensive statements. She then listened to all that Marcus said and just nodded in agreement. She then started to walk ahead of her companions, knowing that they would catch up if they wanted to. Or at least she thought that they would. She wouldn't stop to wait for them, though and would just keep on going.

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Kalo smirked under his helmet. He realized none of the jedi had seen his actual face. He wasn't to keen on having to do so. He followed the Jedi girl.


( Cue someone asking him to. xd.png ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Marcus followed bored. ~I need to find a friend. She was somewhere in nearby... Last time I remember at least...~ He thought to himself.

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((Umm, did you not see my apology or are you just ignoring it? Anyway, since I was approved regardless, I'm going to start now.))


Dark Star sat in his corridor, meditating and focusing his energy into the crystals of his lightsabers. The long day and been rather uneventful and the end wasn't even close yet. Once the time had elapsed and he was finished for the day, he grabbed his reconstructed lightsabers and started down the corridors of the base. His master needed him, he could sense it.

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(( Danni, make a post with some connection that other characters can connect to, not something that can;t be reeacted to. It's just anooying. Not to be rude. ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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((Mandalorian is a race. xd.png Can't be a Miraluka if you're a Mandalorian. Mandalorians can't hear the force. >.> <.<. Sweet, a madalorian chick! DOn't see many fo those. o_o ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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((Oh no they're not. Mandalorians are a group of people. The original Mandos were called Taung, but by the fall of the Empire, they were all gone. That being said, it is possible for a Mando to be force-sensitive, but rarely, if ever, are they trained in the force. In fact, Boba and Jango were human. Here's the wiki on it [link]. Sorry, vod, but I really like my Mandos.))

Edited by Sanguine Roku

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(( :0...... I <3 You. SO very much. Yeah, i love mandolorians, i never knew that. Thanks. smile.gif I suppose I am a human then... I would totally accept you. Im asking danni if i can be second in command.))

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((Yes you may... I do need people to look over bios when I can't...))


((First off Sanguine... Get rid of the bullets they aren't necessary. Second clean up the bio a bit, double space all the categories affiliation... Third I don't need your username... I can see it by looking at the information on the side of your post... fourth you don't have all the information. Look at the bio format on the first page and use that for your bios (So edit this one to accommodate for my format) fifth, your characters name is Kit yet you say Mirdala in the history. Sixth, I know that you may say that Mandalorian people are just a group, but for all intense and purposes let's call them a race so those who don't know as much about star wars can understand it better.))


((Edit your bio to meet the required points above and you'll be accepted.))


((Continuing the rp.))


"You guys do realize there are no major cities on Dantooine? There aren't any cities anywhere on Dantooine, but there are some nice large farming settlements that can be considered cities. If you want you can come with me to Corosaunt. I need to find a friend there anyway." He said.


((And for Zakku...))


Shantaar stood in his throne room looking out the window at the expanse of the forests of Yavin 4. "Do you know where we are, my apprentice?" He asked sensing Dark walk into the room.

Edited by Danniphantom

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((Alright, I was willing to clean up my profile (as I must have muffed and grabbed the wrong one) but I won't bend on Mandalorians, they are a people, not a race, and changing the fact won't teach people otherwise. Thank you for taking the time to look, and forgive me for wasting your time[my fault on the bio layout, but the first page is very cluttered]))

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Jade sighed when she heard what Mark said. "Oops I guess I got confused," she said in reply. In reply to his offer she nodded and then said, "Sure. I need to get away from here anyway and see some other scenery."

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